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Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery


Our School Uniform

There is a compulsory school uniform which we expect children to wear from entry into our Nursery.

For Health and Safety requirements as well as maintaining high standards of tidiness, children are required to have long hair tied back and to avoid extreme haircuts which are not appropriate for school.


All items of clothing worn are permitted either with or without the school logo. Shoes should be black with grey, navy or white socks. School trousers can be grey, navy or black, but not jeans or leggings. The only jewellery permitted in school are studs for pierced ears and watches, which need to be removed for PE lessons or not worn on these days. 




  • Navy sweatshirts, jumpers or cardigans 
  • Navy or grey skirts or pinafores
  • Grey, navy or black trousers
  • White shirt, blouse or polo top
  • Navy, white or grey tights or socks
  • Plain dark outdoor school shoes
  • Wellington boots


  • Navy sweatshirts, jumpers or cardigans
  • Blue and white checked (gingham) school dress
  • Navy or grey skirts or pinafores
  • Grey, navy or black trousers/shorts (not sports shorts with branded logos)
  • White shirt, blouse or polo top
  • Navy, white or grey socks
  • Plain dark outdoor school shoes
  • Wellington boots


PE Kit (all year)


  • White plain t-shirt
  • Navy shorts
  • Trainers
  • Blue tracksuit and warm clothing for winter

School Uniform, Book Bags and PE Bags can be purchased online via or click on the link below.
