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Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery


Welcome to Nursery

Welcome to nursery. Your class teacher is Mrs Flack and Mrs Norman and Miss Lloyd are your teaching assistants. 

We aim to fill each day with fun and engaging activities. We learn best by playing with our friends and using a range of different resources across our indoor and outdoor classrooms. The areas we have on offer include creative, shape and numbers, the natural world, construction, role play, literacy and sensory play e.g. sand and water. We also have lots of opportunities to develop our communication skills, for example through singing, reading stories, rhymes, playing instruments and dancing. Some of these activities take place outside or in the hall and the forest school in our outdoor area.


Children will be taking part in PE sessions this term and will be encouraged to independently get themselves dressed and undressed,


As we enter our final term in nursery, We will continue to offer a stimulating learning environment with plentiful opportunities which will challenge and support children to extend their learning. we will be working hard to ensure every child has a smooth transition to reception and the children will have opportunities of visiting the reception class.


Above all we want the children to enjoy their last term in nursery and leave us with a love of learning.


Please make use of your Tapestry account to view your child's learning regularly or see below for weekly updates.



Nursery Class Curriculum Overviews

Nursery Reading Spines 

New to Nursery power point 2024

Week beginning 1st July 2024

What a wonderful time we had on our sports day. We managed to avoid the rain! We took part in a sprint race, a balancing race and an obstacle race that our parents joined in with. We had great fun!

Week beginning 24th June 2024

This week in nursery, we had a wonderful treat. Wild Science came to visit and Callum bought some wonderful animals and insects to show us. We were able to touch them if we wanted to and we learnt lots of facts about them. Callum bought, a gecko, millipede, gerbil, rabbit, snake and frog.

Week beginning 17th June 2024

This week in nursery we have been reading the story Pirates Love Underpants. We designed our own underpants, played a game to find the matching underpants and watched and learnt a song from the NSPCC learning about our private parts and how to help keep ourselves safe.

Week beginning 10th June 2024

This week in nursery we have been cutting out jelly fish to go with our topic of Under the Sea. The children worked very hard to cut the long tentacles and attach them to the head. 

Week beginning 3rd June 2024

This week in nursery, we completed the Beanbag Challenge. We had to balance beanbags on different parts of our body. We had to walk a certain number of steps forwards and backwards too. We had to throw and catch the beanbags and even had to try and clap before we caught it. This was a challenge!

Week beginning 20th May 2024

This week we have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk in Nursery. Linked to this, we made our own prints with leaves by painting them and printing them onto paper, and by making leaf rubbings with crayons.

Week beginning 13th May 2024

This week we read the story Oliver’s Vegetables. We then sorted fruit and vegetables into separate baskets naming each as we put into the basket. We said we didn’t have many vegetables and suggested what else could go in. The children had the opportunity to draw different vegetables and also to cut potatoes to make chips during CIL.

Week beginning 6th May 2024

This week Nursery have been reading 'The Tiny Seed' by Eric Carle. We planted our own tiny seeds that we hope will grow into big, tall sunflowers! We filled out pots with compost and watered the seeds independently. We are excited to watch them grow.

Week beginning 29th April 2024

This week in Nursery we have been learning all about frogs. The children had the chance to paint the life cycle of a frog. Starting with frog spawn, next a tadpole, then a young frog and finally into an adult frog. They did really well at capturing the likeness of all of the different stages of a frog's lifecycle. 

Week beginning 22nd April 2024

For Earth Day today we completed some different fun activities in forest school. We collected dandelions and used them to try and dye some play dough yellow. It worked a little bit but not as well as we hoped! The children had fun making stick cakes with the play dough when it was finished. We also tried painting with mud as well as having our usual CIL time in the forest area.

Week beginning 15th April 2024

This week Nursery have been strengthening their finger muscles by doing dough disco activities - manipulating the dough to music - patting squeezing, pinching, rolling and poking the play dough. This is to make our wrists, hand and fingers strong ready for writing.
When we’d finished working to music we manipulated the play dough to make a person.

Week beginning 18th March 2024

This week Mrs Spendlove brought her two chickens into visit Nursery. We talked about different animals that lay eggs and the children asked questions about the hens. We visited them outside and the children were able to stroke them if they chose to. Well done for being so gentle Nursery! Bessie and Goldie loved visiting you.

Week beginning 11th March 2024

We have been thinking about people who help us this week, linked to our nursery rhyme: Miss Polly had a Dolly. We watched a video from Mrs Spendlove’s friend, Dr Izzy. Dr Izzy told us a bit about her job as a doctor who works with children, and then we thought of some questions to ask her. We played doctors together during CIL time, using bandages and slings to make each other feel better!

Week beginning 4th March 2024

This week we have been learning the nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty. During maths today we spoke about inside, behind, in front and in between. We used eggs and a basket to act out the positional language.

Week beginning 26th February 2024

This week we have been thinking about the number 6. The children in Nursery played a game where we had to build a bear. We had to roll the dice to see which number we had and found the relevant piece of the bear. The children played really well, just needing support with some of the numeral recognition.

Week beginning 12th February 2024

This week we have been thinking about Lent. We tasted pancakes, make pancake faces, made four and water pancakes so that we could have pancake races. We discussed why Christian observe Lent and what it means to them.

Week Beginning Monday 5th February 2024

This week we have been learning about Lunar New Year. We have read the story of the great race and engaged in many Lunar New Year Activities.

Week Beginning Monday 29th January 2024

This week in forest school, Nursery worked in our outdoor area completing some different activities. They hammered a leaf onto a piece of fabric to make a print, used clay to make small animals and minibeasts and completed CIL outside (they were very busy doing lots of digging!).

Week Beginning Monday 22nd January 2024

This week in Nursery we have been thinking about warm colours. We talked about what colours you might see in a fire 🔥. We named red and yellow and mixed the colours together to make orange. We all had the opportunity to explore mixing independently. Some children chose to make collages using warm colours in choosing time.

Week Beginning Monday 15th January 2024

This week in forest school we were busy making a den! We all collected the biggest sticks that we could find and leaned them again the largest stick. We all worked together and felt very proud of our finished den.

Week Beginning Monday 8th January 2024

This week we had our first chilly forest school session of the year. Nursery enjoyed having their CIL in the forest area today, using the rope swing, learning about different kinds of birds, exploring the mud and ice and making bird feeders with apples and seeds.

Autumn Term 2023

Week Beginning Monday 11th December 2023

This week Nursery performed their Christmas production: 'We're going on a baby hunt'. They all did very well and the Nursery team are so proud of them!

Week Beginning Monday 4th December 2023

This week Nursery used the bikes to practise their gross motor skills of pedalling, manoeuvring around our friends, manipulating the stepper and scooter. We had a really good try, using perseverance and determination.

Week Beginning Monday 27th November 2023

This week we are thinking about Advent and we looked at how and why advent us celebrated.
We looked at pictures of advent wreaths and what the candles represented on the wreath.
We then designed our own wreaths using paper plates, tissue paper, pom poms and card for the candles.
The children did very well and spent time on them.

Week Beginning Monday 20th November 2023

This week the whole of nursery went to our forest area for the first time. We discussed the forest area rules and made sure we were wearing puddle suits and wellies. Some children completed an activity making bird feeders using cheerios and pipe cleaners. We had a lovely time!

Week Beginning Monday 13th November 2023

As part of our Diwali learning, nursery have been making their own Rangoli patterns on the interactive whiteboard. We talked about how Rangoli patterns are symmetrical which means they have to be the same on both sides.

Week Beginning Monday 6th November 2023

This week in forest school we had a lovely time exploring the forest area with our friends from Reception. Children were free to play in the woods and gather different natural resources in baskets. We found lots of different kinds of mushrooms, leaves and berries. 

Week Beginning Monday 30th October 2023

In Nursery this week, we have been practising our counting. Children have been representing numbers using different resources and practising number recognition starting with number 1. We also looked at recognising the number that represents how old we are.

Week Beginning Monday 16th October 2023

Today we were very lucky to have a visit from Miss MacDonald, a Reception parent, who talked to us about her role as a children’s nurse at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
She talked to us about her job looking after children and showed us some of the equipment and resources she uses. We were then allowed to play with these things during CIL. Nurse MacDonald's visit has really inspired our children. Thank you from all of us.

Week Beginning Monday 9th October 2023


This week we have been celebrating World Mental Health Day - or 'Hello Yellow' day. Children came to school dressed in yellow. We made hearts and letters for a display using yellow resources. We read books about kindness and positive behaviour and then we learned all about Zones of Regulation. These are new areas in our classroom that support us to think about how we are feeling, understand those feelings and to learn strategies that aid us in regulating our emotions and behaviours. All of these things can help our overall mental health. 

Week Beginning Monday 2nd October

This week in Nursery we have been talking about houses. We worked outside in the construction area to build houses. We talked about needing walls, doors and a roof.
We could use any construction resources but the children chose small building bricks and stickle bricks.

Some of the children continued this during choosing time and made an amazing town out of different resources.

Week Beginning Monday 25th September


This week Nursery worked on their gross motor skills. They had a lovely time using the bikes on the KS1 playground. 

Week beginning 18th September 2023

This week in forest school we investigated apples! We sung a song about apples falling off an apple tree, and explored the insides of apples using tweezers and magnifying glasses. During CIL we printed with the apples to make paintings.

Week beginning 11th September 2023

This week Nursery have been settling into their classroom. We have been busy making friends and exploring our indoor and outdoor resources!

Summer Term 2023

Week beginning 10th July 2023

This week in nursery we played a matching game about what you find at the seaside. We looked at many pictures of things you do when you are at the beach. We also spoke about the importance of water safety. We found the differences between 2 beach pictures and looked at pictures of a beach from yesteryear. 

Week beginning 3rd July 2023

This week in nursery we learnt about road safety and using our scooters safely on the pavements. We learnt how to cross the road, waiting patiently for the cars to stop, how to manoeuvre our scooters safely around obstacles and the importance of wearing helmets. We had lots of fun!

Week beginning 26th June 2023

This week in nursery we had a visit from Wild Science. They bought animals for us the look at, stroke and hold. These animals included a gecko, a breaded dragon, a guinea pig, a millipede and a snake. We had a wonderful morning.

Week beginning 19th June 2023

This week in nursery, we have been looking at the story Pirates Love Underpants. We looked at all the different designs and then made our own.

Week beginning 12th June 2023

This week in nursery we have been thinking about jellyfish. One of our activities was to practise our cutting skills and cut out jelly fish. We all tried really hard and what a wonderful display we made.

Week beginning 5th June 2023

We had great fun in nursery this week. We explored the rollers and made very big pictures to develop our large gross motor skills.

Week beginning 22nd May 2023

This week in nursery we have been ordering by height. We used beanstalks to do this as we were reading the story Jaspers Beanstalk.

Week beginning 15th May 2023

We went on a shape hunt this week for one of our maths lessons. We found many 2D shapes both inside and outside in the nursery garden. We made a tally chart when we found a shape. If we saw a shape that wasn't on the piece of paper we drew it on ourselves. We had so much fun and found lots of shapes.

Week beginning 8th May 2023

We have had a fun week learning about frogs. We have watched a video about the life cycle of the frog, watching the frog lay her eggs and how the frog is formed. We made life cycles of frogs using our cutting and sequencing skills. We also painted pictures of the life cycle, thinking about the different stages, thinking about the colours and size to make the different representations of the life cycle.

Week beginning 1st May 2023

This week in nursery we have been getting ready for the coronation. We have made bookmarks of King Charles and Queen Camilla, the Grenadier Guards and the union jack flag. We also made crowns, bunting and flags to fly and take home.

Week beginning 24th April 2023

Continuing our growth topic, we have been looking at baby animals. We looked at  many different animal babies and paired them with their mum, learning some new vocabulary. We focused on chicks and ducklings, looking at the differences between their beaks and feet. We cut out the different pieces of the chick and then used our fingers to push the split pins through the paper to attach the different parts. We were very pleased with the results.

Week beginning 17th April 2023

We are thinking about growing this half term and to introduce the topic we bought in photographs of when we were babies. We discussed the differences of what we looked like and all the things we couldn't do then but we can now.

Spring Term

Week beginning 27th March 2023

This week in nursery we have been thinking about Easter. We have read the Easter story, designed Easter eggs and made stain glass windows in the shape of a cross. We were all given the opportunity of tasting a Hot Cross Bun and finally we made Easter nests using chocolate, rice krispies and mini eggs.

Week beginning 20th March 2023

We have continued our topic of nursery rhymes, this week it is Incy Wincy Spider. We made spiders on paper plates using black handprints and 8 fingers. Once they had dried we made holes around the plate and weaved the white wool to represent the web. We now have spiders in their webs. 

Week beginning 13th March 2023

in Forest School this week, we looked for signs of spring. We then painted or drew flowers that we found on our spring walk.

Week beginning 6th March 2023

This week in nursery we have been learning about Humpty Dumpty. We made a large Humpty Dumpty looking at the shape of the wall, his body and his arms and legs. We sang a counting song about Humpty Dumpty and then did some maths work. We had to find the matching numerals to put Humpty back together again.

Week beginning 27th February 2023

In nursery this week, we celebrated World Book Day. We all dressed up as characters from nursery rhymes or our favourite book. All children dressed up and we had a variety of different costumes. We made a display on our classroom door of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The children had to colour in a star and then cut it out and place it on our display. We had lots of fun!

Week beginning 20th February 2023

This week in nursery we have been thinking about Lent. We have made pancakes and had pancake races. We tried pancakes with lemon and sugar and we made pancake faces using different textures.

Week beginning 6th February 2023

We have been exploring our new construction area. We have lots of different natural materials and the children are being very imaginative. They have made cakes, with sprinkles and icing, An ice cream shop, selling lots of different flavours and Roblox.


Week beginning 30th January 2023

We have been thinking about cold colours in nursery this week. We thought about which colours made us feel cold and the first one we thought of was white - because of snow! We also discussed the colours blue and green and then made our own pictures using the different shades of blue, green and white.

Week beginning 23rd January 2023

This week in nursery we have been celebrating the Lunar New Year. We read the story about the great race and ran our own races in the playground. We made lanterns and celebrated the Year of the Rabbit, by making some rabbits. We finished off the week by playing the drums and cymbals to Chinese music and performing the Dragon dance.

Week beginning 16th January 2023

We have been looking at the story Brown Bear Brown Bear this week. We talked about the different colours of the animals. One of the activities we did was to use the words 'big' and 'small' to describe size. We each had to collect a big bear and a small bear, we then had to find a middle sized bear and order them. We were all really good at this!

Week beginning 9th January 2023

This term we are thinking about colours. We have started by reading the story Elmer. For our activities about Elmer we acted out the story, sequenced the story, went on a colour hunt and played a matching game, dressing the teddy in a coloured outfit.

Autumn Term

Week beginning 12th December 2022

This week in nursery we made Christingles. We learnt what all the different elements represent. 

Red ribbon - blood of Jesus, Candle - light,  Four cocktail sticks - the four seasons and the Orange represent the world.



We have added a video to Tapestry for home learning - please log in to your account to view it.

Once you have been out in the snow, you could also spend some time looking at photos on Tapestry with your child and talking about  what they have been learning this term.

Week beginning 5th December 2022

This week in nursery we celebrated Hanukkah and watched a video and read a story about a little girl Hettie that celebrates Hanukkah. We looked at the different artefacts and discussed what they are used for.

Week beginning 28th November

This week in nursery we have been making repeating patterns. We looked at candy canes and how the colour changes and repeats using red and white.

Week beginning 21st November 2022

This week in nursery we have been thinking about Being Kind. We wore odd socks and looked at activities about a good friend and not being a good friend.

Week beginning 14th November 2022

This week in nursery, we have been thinking about Children in Need. We had a visit from Sporting Futures and we took part in a PE session. We were placed in 4 groups and we had to collect as many pieces of treasure as we could and put it into a small hoop. We then had to balance a beanbag on different parts of our body. These included our head, back, shoulder and tummy. We had lots of fun...

Week beginning 7th November 2022

This week we have been thinking about Remembrance. We all had the opportunity of making a poppy wreath and we watched a beautiful video about being thankful for the armed forces. We took part in a minutes silence too.

Week beginning 31st October 2022

This week in nursery we have been celebrating Diwali. At first we read the story about Rama and Sita. During the week we have taken part in many activities such as, making Diva lamps using clay and decorated with sequins. We made Rangoli patterns using chalk and a drawing programme on the interactive whiteboard. We learnt a Diwali song and watched a video about a little girl celebrating Diwali.

Week beginning 17th October 2022

We have been thinking about Black History Month and looked at the story Handa's Surprise! We discussed all the different African animals and fruit that were in the story and talked about Handa and her friend and where she lives and how different it is to where we live. We also had a try at signing the song The Little Birds. We had to concentrate very hard and copy the actions. We then had the opportunity of playing a selection of African instruments, including djembe drums.

Week beginning 10th October 2022

This week in nursery we have been thinking about autumn. We did some conker rolling, using autumn colours. Learnt lots of autumn songs, made spider webs, made handprint autumn trees and painted leaves to print with them.

Week beginning 3rd October 2022

This week in nursery we have been thinking about the houses we live in. We then completed activities about houses and homes. One of these activities was to construct a house. The children could either work with a friend or complete it alone.

Week beginning 26th September 2022

This week in nursery we have been reading the story Owl Babies. We looked at the different size owls. sequenced the story and then drew some pictures of the owls. 

Week beginning 19th September 2022

In nursery this week, we have been counting the candles on the birthday cakes. We had to name the numeral on the cake and then add the correct number of candles to the cake.

Week beginning 12th September 2022

This week in nursery we made glitter bottles. We used water, sprinkles and lots of glittery objects. These bottles will help us if we are

feeling sad or angry or we just want to watch the glitter float in the water. We have displayed them and whenever we want to we can use them to help us feel calm.

Week beginning 5th September 2022

This is our first full week in nursery. The children have been exploring many different areas both inside and outside in the nursery garden. The children have settled in well and are beginning to make friends and taking part in fun activities getting to know the names of their peers.


Week beginning 11th July 2022

This week in nursery all children took part in Scootability. Scootability supports children with their understanding of how to stay safe when riding their bike or scooter. It helps them to think about crossing the road safely and ensuring that they keep themselves safe by riding sensibly and wearing helmets. The children took part in fun activities, they practised walking across the road and discussing  when it is safe to cross the road.

Week beginning 4th July 2022

In nursery this week we had some visitors. Wild Science bought in many different animals for us to look at and touch. We were very brave and had a lovely morning, with the guinea pig, hamster, snake, millipede, spider, frog and snail. Some of us even let the spider the walk across our hand!

Week beginning 27th June 2022

This week in nursery we have been continuing with under the sea. We made Rainbow Fish using the interactive whiteboard. The children could chose any colour or pattern they wanted to make their fish.

Week beginning 20th June 2022

Week beginning 13th June 2022

We have been learning about pirates this week. We have made treasure maps, eye patches, played pirate games, hunted for treasure and learnt some pirate songs.

In forest school this week, we looked at shadows. We looked at shadows we were making on the playground and then went into the forest school area to see shadows in nature.

Week beginning 6th June 2022

This week in nursery we have started a new topic 'Under The Sea.' We have looked at the different creatures, discussed them, coloured in pictures of them and used our fine motor skills to cut them out. Finally we had the opportunity to paint some of our favourite sea creatures.

Week beginning 23rd May 2022

This week in nursery we have been celebrating The Queens Jubilee. We wore red, white and blue to school. We made crowns to wear, designed  and coloured in crowns and made union jack flags. We also made jubilee cards and had a picnic lunch.

Week beginning 16th May 2022

This week in nursery we have been thinking about the rhyme Incy Wincy Spider. We made spiders using many different materials.

Week beginning 9th May 2022

This week in nursery we have been using the IWB to work on our maths counting and numeral recognition. 

Week beginning 2nd May 2022

This week in nursery we have been thinking about our bodies. We have sang rhymes about our bodies, looked at skeletons and x-rays and made our bodies using construction materials.

Week beginning 25th April 2022

This week in nursery we have been concentrating on the number 6. We had 6 cubes and we had to make the number 6 in many different ways.

Week beginning 21st March 2022

This week in nursery we became 'shape detectives' and we have been looking for shapes in the environment. We watched a power point about shapes that you can find outside and then went and searched the nursery garden for shapes. We then plotted our findings on a tally chart. 

Week beginning 7th March 2022

In nursery this week we have been thinking about lifecycles. We have learnt about the lifecycle of a frog. We watched how tadpole grow from frogspawn to frogs and then we chose which part of the lifecycle we wanted to paint.

Week beginning 28th February 2022

In nursery this week, we have been thinking about animals and their young. We looked at a variety of animals and then found pictures of their babies. The butterfly and the frog were our trickiest ones...

Week beginning 21st February 2022

In nursery this week we made bird feeders using recycled materials and filled them with lard and seeds. We then placed them around the garden on our many tress.

Week beginning 7th February 2022

This week in nursery we have been finishing off our topic of colours. We looked at hot colours, discussing the colours we thought made us feel or look hot. We then mixed these colours and painted with them.

Week beginning 31st January 2022

In nursery this week we celebrated Chinese New Year. We listened to the story about the Great Race and found out which animals came took part in the race and in which order they finished. We then took part in our own races. We also made lanterns, using our cutting skills and we preformed a Dragon dance and played instruments. Finally we tasted prawn crackers to finish off our week.

Week commencing 24th January 2022

This week in nursery we have been thinking about 'subitising'. We played a game of rolling the dice and called out the number of dots on the dice but trying not to count them. Some children continued this game in their choosing time and managed very well knowing the number of dots.

Week Commencing Monday 17th January 2022

We read the story 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?' this week. The children have enjoyed making up their own versions of the story using small world animals and they have been learning to draw some of the animals from the story. 

Week Commencing Monday 10th January 2022

We have started a new topic all about Colours this term. We have been reading the story 'Elmer' during our adult directed sessions and during our choosing time we have explored colours in different ways. We have been sorting, threading and painting. Some children also looked for patterns and described the patterns on their wellies.

Week Commencing 13th December 2021

This week in nursery we have been celebrating Christmas, We have been making decorations, Christmas cards and having a party. We were very lucky because Father Christmas came to visit us too,

Week Commencing 6th December 2021

In nursery this week we have looked at Hannukah. We talked about the Hannukiah and the candles that are lit every night during Hannukah. We also made Hannukiahs using our hands and finger tips.

Week Commencing 29th November 2021

In nursery this week Christmas has started! We have been decorating our classroom and we have been decorating Christmas trees on the Interactive Whiteboard.

Week Commencing 22nd November 2021

In nursery this week we have been thinking about colour mixing. We used the primary colours red, blue and yellow and then we added white and black to make the colours lighter and darker.

Week commencing 15th November 2021

This week in nursery we have been thinking about One Kind Word and antibullying week. We were invited to wear odd socks to show that we will try to be kind to our friends. We also played a game and had to match socks together and then we designed our own odd socks. We finished the week by thinking about being a good friend.

Week Commencing 8th November 2021

This week in nursery, we have been thinking about Remembrance and why we wear a poppy. We then made poppy calendars and made representation  of poppies and displayed them in our classroom.

Week commencing 1st November 2021

This week in nursery we have been celebrating Diwali. We made Diva lamps using clay. We had to roll the clay into a ball and then place our thumb into the clay to open it up to make the lamp big enough to hold a tealight. We then decorated them with sequins and different shiny materials.

Week Commencing 18th October 2021

This week in nursery as part of DT week. We made vegetable soup. At first we read a story about a little boy that only eats chips. We used our senses touch, look, smell and finally taste the soup. We used special knives to cut the vegetables and had lots of fun!

Week Commencing 11th October 2021

In nursery this week. we were learning about People Who Help Us. We had special visitors - A police office and a PCSO. They talked about all the things they do to help us and we listened to the very loud siren. Following on from this we painted pictures of vehicles. We could chose a police car, ambulance. fire engine or a post van.

Week Commencing 4th October 2021

We have been exploring the large wheeled toys and learning how to pedal. We have been learning how to push ourselves along using one foot to operate the scooters.

Week Commencing 27th September 2021

In nursery this week we have been celebrating Harvest. We have been printing using different vegetables and learning a song about a Farmer.

Week Commencing 20th September 2021

In nursery this week we have been painting self portraits. We used a mirror to look at our features, our skin colour and our hair colour. We then painted our portrait using the colours that we thought represented us. 

Week Commencing 13th September 2021

We have had a wonderful first week in nursery. We have made new friends and explored many areas both inside the classroom and outside in the nursery garden. We are learning about the routine of the day and how many new activities we have to play with.
