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Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery

Parents’ Information



If your child has a doctor, dentist, optician or hospital appointment, please collect and return them to school before and after the appointment. You will need to collect and return your child from the office, and sign the signing in/out book.


Attendance and Holidays in Term Times


Children who are registered at a school must, by law, attend school every day. Good attendance is 96% or above and is linked to good progress and outcomes for pupils and is vitally important. Attendance is monitored closely and we ask parents to avoid booking holidays or other family events during term time. Please make sure that your family and friends know the term dates for Trotts Hill Primary School. In line with Hertfordshire’s policy, holidays during term time will not be authorised. If you do require a leave of absence, please fill out the request form which is available to download below or ask for a paper copy from the school office. In exceptional circumstances only, leave may be granted. Please may an appointment with the Headteacher or Deputy should you wish to discuss a leave of absence.



Children attend assembly on a daily basis. Friday is a celebration assembly focusing on whole school achievement. Parents and carers are invited to send in examples of achievements from home, including trophies and certificates. Each week teachers choose a “Star of the Week”. Awards are given for home learning, attendance and lunchtime behaviour. Children are chosen at random from the “Headteacher’s bonus ball” and then join the headteacher to share their learning the following week.


Parents Consultations


Parent consultations are held in the Autumn and Spring Term. In the Summer, we offer a new to year group meeting for parents/carers to meet the new class teacher. At the end of the school year, parents are provided with a written report about their child’s progress.



Contact with Class Teachers


Class teachers are available to talk to parents about their child or any concerns they may have. Please contact the school office to arrange a convenient date and time to speak to the class teacher. The class teacher is available to deal with any concerns in the first instance, following that an appointment can be made with the Key-stage Leader, then Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher.


Contact with Head Teacher


If you would like to speak to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment. Telephone appointments can also be arranged.


School closure


Should our school need to close due to severe weather we will notify the Local Authority. We will contact parents via our Schoolcomms text messaging service. In addition we will also notify parents via our Website, Facebook page and local radio station BOB FM. 


Parents can also visit the Met Office for updates on any upcoming serious weather alerts.



Hertfordshire Parenting Support


“Support for families is crucial for achieving the best outcomes for children. Parents and Carers are not the only influence on a child’s changes, but effective parenting is one of the strongest protective factors for any child.” (Hertfordshire County Council)


The below website offers a directory of parenting courses available county wide.
