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Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery


Intent of the Maths curriculum


The 2014 National Curriculum for Maths aims to ensure that all children:


  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics
  • Are able to reason mathematically
  • Can solve problems by applying their Mathematics


At Trotts Hill, these skills are embedded within Maths lessons and developed consistently over time until they are mastered. We are committed to ensuring that children are able to recognise the importance of Maths in the wider world and that they are also able to use their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in their lives in a range of different contexts. We want all children to enjoy Mathematics and to experience success in the subject, with the ability to reason mathematically. We are committed to developing children’s curiosity about the subject, as well as an appreciation of the power of Mathematics. We hope to promote the view that every child can be successful in Maths; enthusiasm and attitude towards Maths can positively impact on achievement and attainment.

Pupil voice Spring 2025

'Maths is the best subject and everyone is good at it!' Teddy T, Year 4.

'I always use maths in real life!' Darcie, Year 5 

'I always participate in lessons. It doesn't matter if I get the answer wrong. We can talk with a partner to learn.' Annie, Year 4. 

'I always try in maths. I write all the possible answers to help me think.' Noah, Year 3

Termly Curriculum Overviews

Maths expectations


Year 1 Maths Workshop

Year 1 had a fantastic workshop with their parents. The children and adults focused on place value, addition and using number lines.

Active Maths

Year 3

Year 3 were exploring unit fractions and created a unit fraction using a strip of paper and then compared their unit fraction with  another group.  The children learnt: the higher the denominator the smaller the fraction.

Year 2

LI: To make equal groups and demonstrate repeated addition. 

Year 4

To help with learning about rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000, year 4 took part in an active maths lesson. They had to complete a scavenger hunt to find answers to lots of different rounding questions. 

Year 6

To conclude our outdoor, adventurous activities PE unit, we completed an active maths orienteering activity. Year 6 found 15 different locations and completed a maths question at each one, revising content covered so far and using a map to identify the locations.

'I learn more in active lessons,' Lacey, Year 6

Potato Challenge 2024

In the summer term of 2024, each class planted three seed potatoes after observing and drawing. They tended to them, earthing up the soil as the stems grew taller.  On their return after the summer break, they predicted how big they thought the harvest would be.  Each class embarked on an investigation linked with maths.

Year 2

After making sensible predictions and then digging the potatoes up, Year 2 made a human bar chart to represent our findings. 

Year 3

Year 3 predicted how many cubes each potato would weigh and then used balance scales to see if they were correct.

Year 4

Year 4 used balance scales to estimate and weigh their potatoes. They also compared their results to Year 5's data. 

'Our potato weighs the same as five pairs of scissors' - Charlotte 

'We grew more potatoes but year 5's potatoes were bigger' - Lamis

'Year 5's smallest potato was 10g whereas ours was 6g' - H

Year 5

Year 5 used balancing scales and tape measures to generate data for our enquiry question.

Year 6

Fawaz: On average, apart from a few exceptions, we discovered that the bigger the mass, the larger the circumference.

Jerome: We learnt how to measure the circumference of the potatoes.

Michael: We learnt about how to measure mass. 

Fawaz: We learnt how to use a balancing scale.

Karolina: We were able to grow 19 potatoes in compost!


Inspirational Maths 2024

Year 1

Year One have been investigating the number of legs different creatures have. We used the animals and dinosaurs to find different ways to make 10 legs.

Year 2 

Year 2 were inspired today in maths to make numbers between 0-20 in lots of different representations. Some chose to use bead strings, others base 10 and some children noticed that three hands make 15.

"You can split numbers up in different ways."

"I can line up the ones with the ten and just take one away."

Year 3

Year 3 took part in two Inspirational maths lessons: Game of Totals and Three Block Towers.  They started each lesson watching an Inspirational Maths video which explored how making mistakes is good for our brains and believing in yourself helps you to grow.  The children applied these ideas when they were completing the activities.

Year 4

Year 4 were inspired by how many different ways you can achieve something in maths. They were given the task to make numbers 1-20 using four 4's and any operation. They worked hard in groups to find as many ways to find each number as possible.

"I found lots of ways to make the number 8 using four fours!"

Year 5

Year 5 enjoyed Game of Totals.  They shared their ideas about a strategies needed to win and set their own total targets to test whether the same strategy would work again. They also tried with counters, moving them with designated fingers, following a suggestion by scientists that finger perception triggers the same part of the brain that students use to do arithmetic.

Year 6

Year 6 were inspired by the video 'Brains Grow and Change' and applied the idea that we can all do maths to our lesson. Teams of 3 worked together to create 2D and 3D shapes using a loop of string. It was great to hear mindsets shift from 'That's impossible' to 'I've got an idea we can try!' 


Summer Term 2024

Year 2 - Active Maths


Year 2 rehearsed the language of position whilst learning actively.

Year 1- Fractions

Year 1 have been investigating finding half and a quarter.  They used different items to half and then quarter. 

Year 2 - Fractions

LI: To show that 2/4 is equivalent to 1/2. 

The children used cuisinaire rods to show the equivalence. 

Year 3 - Money

Year 3 have started to explore money in maths.  Today they focused on pence.  They identified the coins, calculated and compared different amounts.  They also discussed which was the most efficient way to add up a handful of coins.

Year 5 - Short division

The children used counters to aid the understanding of the reasoning behind the process of short division. 

Year 5 - Decimals

After a warm up race to match fractions with their decimal equivalent, the children added decimals, competing with their partner to get to three wholes.

Year 6 - Tours Project

Year 6 are applying their learning to a real life project, involving planning a holiday. Year 6 have been investigating temperatures through interpreting graphs, and distances, through conversion. 

Maths/science Day January 2024 - Don't Tip the Ship

The whole school undertook an investigation into floating.  The maths skill used varied across the year groups from counting to constructing graphs. 



Year 1

Year 2


Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Active Maths

Year 5 - Active Maths

L.I To add using mental methods

The children had to run to collect a sum. While one child in the team worked it out using mental methods, the other members star jumped, jogged, skipped etc. Once calculated, the sum was checked by all team members.  This was repeated for around 15 minutes. Back in the classroom, pupils ordered the calculations from smallest sum to largest.

Year 2 - Active Maths

LI: To identify numbers on an empty number line. 

We got out the rulers and sticky notes for an Active Maths lesson looking at number lines. 

Spring Term 2024

Year 2

Year 2 represented numbers to 20 using lots of different equipment. They also challenged themselves to make the same number in different ways. 

Year 3 - Place value

In maths, Year 3 are exploring place value.  They created 2-digit numbers and represented these using different equipment.

Autumn Term 2023 - Inspirational maths

Year 3 - Inspirational maths

As part of our Inspirational Maths lesson we played a game called: Game of Totals.  We were given the numbers 1,2 and 3 and had to use these to find totals of 10.  We competed with our partner to be the first to complete 10.  We used manipulatives and recorded our methods in our books.

Year 4 - Inspirational Maths

Year 4 began the week discussing the things that help them to learn when working as part of a group. They agreed that encouragement and patience are key to working well as a group. Their favourite activity was spotting different shapes in representations of the numbers 1-20. They found a relationship between the shapes and different times tables.

Year 5 - Inspirational Maths

The children played a game whereby they had to take turns to add a number to make 25.  The catch was that they could only use the numbers 1,2,3,4,5 or 6.  The winner was the player who laid the final counter to make 25.  At first, pupils relied on luck. Gradually some children started to use a strategy to guarantee they would win - put down the 18th counter.   Once this method was shared, other players used it too.  The challenge came when both players had the knowledge of how to gain an advantage.  

Year 6 - Inspirational Maths

As part of our Inspirational Maths lessons, Year 6 were encouraged to identify patterns. Using manipulatives, then moving to pictorial, and finally, abstract, children were able to predict and make generalisations about the pattern. All children contributed to the lesson and left knowing we can all do maths!

Summer Term 2023

Nursery - shape hunt

In nursery we do a lot of work on shape. We love being 'shape detectives' looking for shapes in our enviroment. 

Reception - Addition Stories

Reception have been learning all about addition through using first, next and last stories.

Year 4 - Creating Symmetrical patterns

Today Year 4 created symmetrical patterns on a vertical, horizontal and diagonal line of symmetry or all 3!

Year 4 - Time Conversions

LI: To convert between analogue and digital times. 


Today the children enjoyed some active maths. They had to search the classroom for times to convert from analogue to digital. 

Year 6 Nets of 3D Shapes

Year 6 had an active maths lesson where firstly, they used polydrons to test different nets of cubes and then after that, they investigated nets of different 3D shapes.

Year 3 Active maths

Year 3 have started their new unit of learning: money.  They spent the lesson exploring the coins, identifying them and comparing the amounts they made.

Year 4 - Active Maths

Out with the hoops and counters for year 4! Some of the children have been busy in the hall, bouncing away whilst learning their timestables. Others have been using Place Value counters to learn all about decimal numbers. 

Spring Term 2023


In nursery we have been using the interactive whiteboard to help us match the numeral to quantity. A numeral was displayed and then we had to touch the correct number of fish to match that numeral. We had lots of fun, chasing the fish around the interactive whiteboard whilst learning at the same time.

Year 5 

Year 5 used counters to support the understanding of formal division.

Maths/Science Day Autumn 2022 - Balloon Buggies!

Overview of the Challenge

The goal of this project was to design and build a balloon-powered car. 

  • The car had to be sturdy and not fall apart when in use.

  • The car had to go straight.

  • The car had to go as far as possible.

Year 6 used a combination of Maths, Science and DT skills during our balloon buggy experiment. 

Elana: We had to measure to be successful. 

Aayat: We drew tables to record our findings.

Amelia: We had to be confident problem solvers. We also recorded data and found averages. It was the most fun day of the year!

Jake: I enjoyed combining maths and science learning together!


Year 5 put measuring skills to good use. They moved between units of measurement - mm, cm and m - and found an average distance for their test.

We used a lot of our learning - Olivia

I didn't like it; I loved it - Joe


Year 4 enjoyed the balloon buggy project immensely. It raised lots of scientific questions and was a great opportunity for the children to observe and problem-solve. We were very proud that all of our buggies worked and some were very speedy, whilst others went a long way! 

During the project, children commented:

You have to measure carefully to make the base accurate. (Brian)

The straws need to be parallel otherwise the wheels aren't straight. (Izzy)

I need to find zero on the ruler first. (Zohaib)

The friction of the doweling was slowing the axel down. (Ruben)

We observed our buggies so we could make improvements. (Emelie)

Year 3 developed their measuring skills whilst building their balloon buggy and whilst testing how far they travelled.

I liked measuring how far the balloon buggy went.  Aarhui

I liked measuring the base.  Scout


Year 2 investigated the question 'Does the size of the bottle affect the distance the balloon buggy travels?' The children made their own predictions.

Daniel - I think the size of the bottle won't make a difference because the same amount of air has to come out of the balloon.

Harry - I think the bigger bottles will go further because more air can get behind it.

Gabby - I think the smaller bottles will go further because they are lighter.

The children then went to the hall to test their buggies by blowing up their balloon and comparing how far they travelled.

We concluded that the larger bottles tended to travel further than the smaller bottles. 

Inspirational Maths

For the last three years, all classes have begun their Maths learning with Inspirational Maths, inspired by You Cubed. The aim of the lessons is for all children to believe they can achieve in Mathematics. Some of the videos shared with the children with important messages can be seen below:

'Inspirational Maths was a great way to start the year because it inspired us to know that we can all be mathematicians.' Penny, Year 6, 2021.

Inspirational Maths 2022-2023

Year 6 participated in an inspirational maths lesson whereby we had to construct shapes, with the correct properties, using a loop of rope. We worked in teams to achieve this and realised we are all able to show resilience in mathematics in order to achieve a goal. 

'We can do this!' Eryn, Year 6.

Year 5 tackled a variety of challenges that required them to think about patterns.   They described visuals and reasoned why some numbers were presented in particular ways. Some challenges required predictions and working backwards.

"It was challenging but fun." Olivia, Year 5

"Before, I didn't know that four quarters is the same as one." Lena, Year 5

Year 4 were looking at visual representations of numbers as part of Inspirational Maths Week. They were surprised that they could recognise a number without even counting it due to the way in which it is laid out. The children enjoyed spotting patterns and thinking how they would represent a number as a picture. 

"I can see the number 9 represented as 3 lots of 3 as little triangles within the big triangle," Jake, Year 4. 

Year 3 looked explored finding totals as part of their Inspirational maths.  They played a game with a partner which used the numbers 1,2 and 3 to create totals of 10.  The children recorded using equipment, visual representations and number sentences.


"If you are slow at maths it doesn't mean you can't do it.  It just means that you are thinking deeply." Aaruhi Year 3

"It is a really fun game." Jessica Year 3


Year 2 looked at different numbers between 1 and 20 and used as many manipulatives as they could to represent the numbers.


'I have represented the number 11 in five different ways!'

Year 1 looked at adding to 10 as part of inspirational maths. The children acted out a story using counters and  discussed their findings.

' If you have 7 mince in the jar then there must be 3 in the grass.'

Maths Mastery at Trotts Hill


For the last three years, Trotts Hill have partnered with NCETM to embed the mastery approach. The picture below summarises the key features of mastery. There are photographs from each year group demonstrating what this looks like in action. 

'It is good to complete harder questions because it enables our brains to grow. I am a good mathematician because I learn from my mistakes.' Luke, Year 4, 2021.

Active Maths Lessons

'Active maths helps us because exercise helps with our concentration.' Hannah, Year 5, 2022.

Summer Term 2022

On the 11th May, Year 1 enjoyed an active maths lesson where they had to quickly solve multiplication problems by making arrays with cones. We had a competition to see which team could complete the most multiplication questions correctly in 10 minutes. The winners were Orange Team - well done! 

Year 2 participated in an active maths lesson completing a treasure hunt. The children had to answer specific maths challenges to collect letters and then had to crack the code!

Year 3 were exploring counting in tenths.  They threw bean bags to each other whilst counting forwards and backwards.  Some children were challenged to shout out the equivalents as well.  The children then raced to build different fractions using cubes.

Year 4 enjoyed an active maths lesson where they were racing to match times on an analogue clock, times written in words and times on a digital clock together. 

On 19th May, Year 6 revised calculating percentages of amounts in the form of a relay. 

Spring term 2022

On 10th January, Reception went on a shape hunt around their learning environment looking for 4 sided shapes. They found several rectangles and squares and used maths vocabulary to describe the shapes having 4 sides and 4 corners.

On the 12th January, Year 1 had an active maths lesson related to addition and subtraction within 20. Children had to quickly solve a question on each rung of a ladder to continue moving up, and reach the pot of gold at the end.

Year 2 completed a virtual shopping trip buying different items from different ' shops' in the classroom.

Year 3 explored perimeter.  We used the Forest School area and created perimeters out of natural objects.  We used the vocabulary length and width to describe the perimeters created.  Back in the classroom, we then created perimeters using cubes and counted the length of the perimeters.

Year 4 were practising multiplying and dividing numbers by 10 and 100. They had to find a partner that had two numbers and work out if the first number had been multiplied or divided by 10 or 100. Then they went to find another partner to solve another calculation. 

On 21st April, Year 5 practised converting tenths to decimal fractions and raced to round to the nearest whole number. 

On 17th March, Year 5 took to the playground to race and collect fractions.  In the classroom, we competed to group them using equivalence. 

On 2nd February, Year 6 had an active maths lesson related to 2D shapes. The children had to pick a round coin and redesign it with multiple sides.

Autumn term 2021

On the 16th December, Year 2 focused on addition and subtraction. The children had to create number sentences linked to a number and included addition and subtraction in order to reach the North Pole.

On 14th December, Year 3 revised the 3 and 4 x tables.  They used BBC Supermovers to help them.

On Friday 17th December, year 4 practised their 8 and 9 times tables using BBC Supermovers.