Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery
EYFS (Nursery) 8.45-3.00pm - Lunch 12-1:00pm
EYFS (Reception) 8.35-3.00pm - Lunch 12-1:00pm
Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) 8.35-3.00pm - Lunch 12-1:00pm
Key Stage 2 (Year 3- Year 6) 8.35-3.00pm - Lunch 12.10-1:00pm
Before school club from 7.45am (please book via school office)
After school club - Rising Stars
As a school we strive to work in partnership with parents and carers to promote high attendance of children. We expect children to attend school whenever they are fit and well. If a child is absent, we ask parents and carers to call us everyday that their child is not in school.
Our Attendance Leads are Mrs. Mehan in the school office and Mrs. Kramer. Mrs. Mehan is responsible for following up on absence by telephone if we have not received a reason for absence. It is much appreciated if parents and carers can phone or email the school office before 8.35am every morning to provide reasons for absence. In line with Hertfordshire safeguarding procedures, if we can not contact parents to obtain a valid reason for absence, we refer a child to Children's Services for follow up. We work closely with the Attendance Improvement Service and refer children to them when we have attendance concerns.
We do not authorise any holidays for children of statutory school age and we contact all parents and carers who request absence for holidays to discuss their request.
As a school we retain the right to unauthorise absence if we do not receive a satisfactory reason for the absence.
Mrs. Kramer monitors attendance on a daily basis and contacts parents/carers of children with low attendance to arrange follow up meetings. We use the following approaches to support families where attendance is a concern:
Week beginning 10th February 2025
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 98.67%
Whole School for Spring Term 1 is 97.1%, which is superb!
154 pupils reciedved certificates for 100% attendance in Spring Term 1.
Week beginning 3rd February 2025
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 98.67%
Week beginning 27th January 2025
Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 97.67%
Whole school attendance for January is 97.3%
Year 4 had the best attendance for January with 98.1%. They will choose a book of their choice to go into their class library.
175 children received stickers for 100% attendance in January.
Week beginning 20th January 2025
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 97.67%
Week beginning 13th January 2025
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 100%
Week beginning 6th January 2025
Year 2 and Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 100%
Week beginning 16th December 2024
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 97.3%
The best class attendance for December was Year 2 with 98%.
100% attendance for December- 132 pupils
100% attendance for Autumn Term 2- 98 pupils
100% attendance for the whole of Autumn Term - 61 pupils
Week beginning 9th December 2024
Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 99.3%
Week beginning 2nd December 2024
Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 99.58%
Week beginning 25th November 2024
Year 34had the highest attendance this week with 98.67%
Week beginning 18th November 2024
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 99.3%
Week beginning 11th November 2024
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 100%
Week beginning 4th November 2024
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 100%
Week beginning 21st October 2024
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 99.67%
165 children achieved 100% attendance in October.
Year 1 had the best attendance for October with 99.2%.
129 children received a certificate to celebrate 100% attendance for all of autumn term 1.
Week beginning 14th October 2024
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99.3%
Week beginning 7th October 2024
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 100%
Week beginning 30th September
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 99.3%
162 children received stickers for having 100% attendance throughout September.
Week beginning 23rd September
Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 99.7%
Week beginning 16th September
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 98.67%
Week beginning 9th September
Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 99%.
Week beginning 2nd September
Year 2 and 4 had the highest attendance this week with 100%.
Week beginning 4th September
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 99.58%.
Week beginning 11th September
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 100%!
Week beginning 18th September
Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 99.62%.
Week beginning 25th September
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 99.6%
Week beginning 2nd October
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 99.23%
A huge congratulations also go to the 170 children who had 100% attendance for September.
Week beginning 9th October
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 100%!
Week beginning 16th October
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 100%!
Week beginning 30th October
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 99.28%.
Week beginning 6th November
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99%.
173 pupils received 100% attendance for October.
Week beginning 13th November
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 98.33%.
Week beginning 20th November
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 99.64%.
Week beginning 27th November
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 98.56%
Week beginning 4th December
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 97.77%.
128 children received a reward for achieving 100% attendance in November.
Week beginning 11th December
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 97%.
Best Attendance for Autumn Term
1st – Year 2 98.2%
2nd –Year 6 97.6%
3rd –Year 3 97.3%
Autumn Term Attendance
There were 159 pupils who have been here for everyday in December all of these children received stickers for their achievements.
There were 95 pupils who have had 100% attendance for Autumn Term 2 who received a certificate.
There were 75 children achieved 100% attendance for the entire Autumn Term.
Week beginning 8th January
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99.44%.
Week beginning 15th January
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 98.97%
Week beginning 22nd January
Reception had the highest attendance this week with 98.67%
Week beginning 29th January
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 96%
154 pupils received stickers for 100% attendance in January.
Week beginning 5th February
Reception had the highest attendance this week with 98%.
Week beginning 12th February
Reception had the highest attendance this week with 98.33%
112 children received certificates for 100% attendance in Spring Term 1.
Week beginning 26th February
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 97.67%.
134 pupils received stickers for 100% attendance in February.
Week beginning 4th March
Year 2 and Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 99.3%.
Week beginning 11th March
Reception had the highest attendance this week with 99%.
Week beginning 18th March
Reception had the highest attendance this week with 100%.
Week beginning 25th March
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99.58%.
Spring Term Attendance
150 pupils received a sticker for 100% attendance in March.
142 pupils received certificates for 100% attendance for Spring Term 2.
78 pupils received badges for 100% attendance for the whole of Spring Term.
Best Class Attendance Spring Term
1st Reception 97.5%
2nd Year 2 97.3%
3rd Year 6 96%
Best Class Attendance 2023-2024 (so far)
1st Year 2 97.6%
2nd Reception 96.9%
3rd Year 6 96.8%
Best Attendance for Spring Term
1st – Year 2 98.2%
2nd –Year 6 97.6%
3rd –Year 3 97.3%
Week beginning 15th April
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 99.57%.
Week beginning 22nd April
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 99.29%.
Week beginning 29th April
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 98.93%.
Week beginning 6th May
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 99.6%.
Week beginning 13th May
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 99.31%.
Week beginning 20th May
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 98.21%.
166 children received stickers for 100% attendance for the month of May.
133 children received certificates for 100% attendance in Summer Term 1.
Week beginning 3rd June
Year 2 and Reception had the highest attendance this week with 97.67%
Week beginning 10th June
Reception had the highest attendance this week with 98%.
Week beginning 17th June
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 97.5%.
Week beginning 24th June
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 99.29%.
135 children received stickers for 100% attendance in June.
Week beginning 1st July
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99.33%.
Week beginning 8th July
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with100%.
100% attendance for July: 171 pupils
100% attendance for Summer Term 2: 107
100% attendance for Summer Term: 78 pupils
100% attendance for 2023-2024; 19
98% and 99% attendance for 2023-2024: 66
Best Class Attendance 2023-2024
1st Year 2 97.5%
2nd Year 6 and Year 1 97%
3rd Reception 96.5%
Attendance Update and Policy October 2022
Congratulations to the 9 children who had 100% attendance this entire school year. They received special recognition from Hertfordshire County Council.
Layla Chumbley
Bailey Freeman Ethan Kissi Gabby Nunes-WrightMillie Paice
Ayaat RajNasara Sanda
Amelie Scales
Noah Thomas
46 additional pupils received certificates for 98%+ attendance.
Week beginning 5th September
Our whole school key priority is to improve attendance. We have made a great start this week with 100% attendance in Y3! Our whole school attendance is 97.5 for this week. Well done everyone!
Week beginning 12th September
Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 99.2%. Our whole school attendance was 97.1%
Week beginning 19th September
Year 1 and Reception had the joint highest attendance this week with 97.3%. Our whole school attendance was 95%
Week beginning 26th September
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 97.3%. Our whole school attendance was 95%
100% September!
Well done to the 146 children who received 100% attendance for September awards.
Week Beginning 7th October 2022
Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 97.2%.
Week Beginning 14th October 2022
Reception had the highest attendance this week with 99%.
Week Beginning 21st October 2022
Reception had the highest attendance this week with 98.67%.
100% Attendance for Autumn Term 1
Well done to the 118 children across the school who received 100% attendance certificates for Autumn Term 1.
Week Beginning 31st October 2022
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99.31%.
100% Attendance for October
165 children received a reward for 100% attendance in the month of October (19 more than in September).
Well done to Year 6 who had the highest attendance this week with 97.8%.
Week beginning 14th November 2022
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 99.3%.
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99.3.
This week Year 2 had the highest attendance with 97.84%.
Well done to the 127 children who received awards for 100% attendance in November.
Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 97.4%
Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 92.86%. This is lower than usual. We reminded children of the importance of being in school on time and to leave home earlier to allow more time in icy conditions.
106 pupils received stickers to celebrate 100% attendance throughout the month of December.
56 pupils received certificates to celebrate 100% attendance throughout the whole of Autumn Term 2.
31 pupils received badges to celebrate 100% attendance throughout the whole Autumn Term.
Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 98.62%
Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 99.14%.
Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 99.14%.
Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 99.67%.
138 pupils received a reward for 100% attendance in the month of January.
Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 98%.
121 children across the school received 100% attendance certificates for Spring Term 1.
This week Year 1 had the highest attendance with 97.6%
This week Year 1 had the highest attendance with 100%
159 children received a sticker for 100% attendance in February.
This week Year 2 and Year 3 had the highest attendance with 97.9%
This week Year 2 had the highest attendance with 100%
This week Year 5 had the highest attendance with 98.67%
This week Year 5 had the highest attendance with 98.67%
150 children received a sticker for 100% attendance in the month of March
129 children received a certificate to celebrate 100% attendance in Spring Term 2.
104 children received a badge to celebrate 100% attendance for the entire Spring Term.
This week Year 5 had the highest attendance with 98.75%
This week Year 3 had the highest attendance with 98.33%
181 pupils received recognition for 100% attendance throughout the month of April.
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 96.25%.
Year had 6 the highest attendance this week with 98.61%
Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 98%
141 received stickers for 100% attendance in May.
116 children received certificates for 100% attendance in Summer 1.
Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 97.67%
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 97.33%.
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 98.87%.
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 96.42%
131 children received a reward for having 100% attendance in June.
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 96.42%
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 99.33%.
Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 97.92%
158 children received a reward for having 100% attendance in June.
100 children received a reward for having 100% attendance in Summer Term 2.
62 children received a reward for having 100% attendance in Summer Term.
We believe in the importance of recognising and rewarding good attendance at school. We appreciate that sometimes absence from school is unavoidable, therefore we acknowledge good attendance regularly and offer monthly, termly and yearly awards to maximise opportunities for children to receive a reward.
Each week the class with the highest attendance for the week receives the Attendance Cup and every member of the class receives a sticker. At the end of each month, every child with 100% attendance for that month is celebrated in assembly and receives a sticker. At the end of the term, all children with 100% attendance is celebrated in assembly, mentioned in the newsletter and receives a badge in assembly. At the end of the year, all children with 100% attendance for the year receive trophies to recognise this achievement.