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Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery


"Geography explains the past, illuminates the present

and prepares us for the future.

What could be more important than that?"

Michael Palin, 2007

Eco-Warriors, 2023-2024: 'Our greatest achievement this year has been organising whole school events like Earth Day and encouraging everyone to do something to help the planet.'

Intent of our Geography curriculum


At Trotts Hill, we believe that Geography helps to provoke and answer questions about the natural and human worlds, encouraging children to develop a greater understanding of their world and their place in it. It helps to develop a range of investigation and problem-solving skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas and which can be used to promote children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Geography is, by nature an investigative subject, which develops an understanding of concepts, knowledge and skills. We seek to inspire in children a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people which will remain with them for the rest of their lives; to promote children’s interest and understanding about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.

Curriculum maps

Geography Knowledge and Skills

2024 - 2025

Eco-Warriors 2023 - 2024

2023 - 2024

Autumn 2024

Year 2 Islands 

Year 5 - Rivers

In order to answer the enquiry question 'How does a river change from source to mouth?',  Year 5 watched videos and read texts to find out the answer.  They matched key words, pictures and statements and demonstrated their knowledge by modelling in the sandpit.

On a day of sunshine and showers, Year 5 looked at the features of a river in real-life.  They were confident in using the key words they had learned in school.  Once they had made their own field sketches of the River Lea, they undertook a river speed investigation. 

Summer 2024

Year 5 North America

The children found out about how much climates vary across North America after using clues match the correct graphs about  temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours to a particular town or city. 

Year 3  Deserts

Year 3 have spent this half term learning about deserts around the world.  They have learnt what makes an area a desert, the climate and weather of a desert, the features of different deserts, human uses and desertification.


We are delighted to announce that the Eco-Warriors and the whole school community have been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag award with Distinction (the highest level of award).  The Eco-Warriors worked very hard creating the Eco-Code, feeding birds, litter picking, encouraging children and staff to turn off lights and reuse paper and introducing the use of glue pots.  Well done everyone.

House Day 

The whole school came together for a fabulous morning celebrating Earth Day.  The morning started with a whole school assembly where the children were reminded about what they can each do to help the environment and why this was important.  Each house then spent time carrying out different activities.  These activities included: making bird feeders, conducting a bird and bee survey, litter picking, creating music and making pledges.    


The Eco-Warriors worked together to create an Eco-Code for our school and community to follow.  This was shared with the whole school during our House Day: Earth Day.

Spring 2024

Year 6 Extreme Earth

In our topic 'Extreme Earth,' Year 6 have been learning about extremes of weather, how earthquakes and tsunamis occur as well as researching extreme weather events that took place. Here is a snap shot of our learning from this term.

Year 3 Litter Pick

Year 3 took part in the Big School Litter Pick organised by Stevenage Borough Council.   They helped to pick litter along the cycle path near to school and in Giles Park.  They did an excellent job and filled four bags with rubbish.

Year 5 Maps

Year 5 children learned to read contours on a map.  They then interpreted them to make a 3D model.


The Eco-Warriors organised and ran a World Book Day costume sale.

The Eco-Warriors have been putting bird feeders around the school grounds.

Year 3 - Where does our food come from?

As part of our learning in geography, Year 3 investigated food packets to find where the food had grown.  The children used an atlas and then recorded the locations on a world map which showed the different climate zones.

Autumn Term

Year 3

As part of our unit of learning on Countries of the World, today we focused on using an atlas to locate capital cities of different countries.  We discussed the difference between a continent, a country and a city.

Year 4 Settlements

At the start of our unit on Settlements, we worked in groups to decide which things are essential for a new settlement, which things are desirable and which we could live without.

Year 5 - Rivers

After studying  how a river changes during the course of its journey from source to mouth, the children made and labelled models to show what they had learned.

Week Commencing Monday 18th December 2023   LI: To create a land-use map using Digi-maps

The children used Digi-maps to create a land-use map of their local area.

2022 - 2023

Year 4 - Visitor in our Geography lesson

Year 4 is learning about Spain and Catalonia in Geography and rather than using the internet or books to research, we decided to invite a primary source in: Ruben's mum, Pilar!

Pilar presented us with lots of facts about Spain. The most surprising was that Spain has two cities in Morocco (like the UK has Gibraltar in Spain). We also learnt that as well as Spanish, there are 6 other regional languages. Pilar and Ruben are from Galicia so they speak Spanish and Galician (which is more like Portuguese). Our favourite fact was the Spanish New Year's Eve ritual where they eat a grape on every dong of the clock before midnight. They make 12 wishes. One for each grape! 

Following this visit, the children will write a travel brochure persuading people to visit Spain. Thank you so much to Pilar for giving up her time and visiting us. 

Year 3 - Deserts

Year 3 have been learning about life in the desert.  They learnt about desert climate, desert formations, human use and desertification.

Summer Term - Year 4

We are learning about Spain and Catalonia. We got the atlases out today and looked at Spain and its surrounding countries and oceans/seas. We also looked to find it's capital and started learning about its 17 autonomous communities. 

Summer Term, Year 2 -Let's go on Safari



Year 2 boarded an airplane and took a flight to Kenya as part of their Geography learning. Once their passports were stamped and they had watched the online safety advice, the plane took off to Jomo Kenyatta Airport in Nairobi. Once they had landed, they searched the savannah for safari animals. Nerasaiah, a young girl from a Maasai tribe, took them on a tour of her village in the Maasai Mara and shared her day-to-day life. They found out about Maasai jumping contests and had a try themselves. They made Maasai necklaces and looked at the different patterns used. Finally, they learnt a Kenyan song “Jambo Bwana” The title means “Hello, sir” in Swahili. 

Summer Term Year 5 - North America

After learning about climate zones, the pupils used a serious of clue cards to find out about the climate experienced by a number of cities in North America.

Year 6 Spring Term- Extreme Earth.

During our 'Extreme Earth' topic we have been using a range of primary and secondary sources to investigate our key questions. Here are some examples of our learning over the term. 

Year 1 Autumn Term- Where I live.

Year 1 walked around the local area identifying human and physical features.

Year 2 - Islands

Year 2 learnt about how flooding can cause islands to form by creating a mini island outside. 

Year 6 Autumn Term 2022 LI: Our Local Area

This term Year 6 have been learning about their local area and came up with the question ‘Does The Oval Shopping Centre need regenerating?’ On Tuesday, we visited the Oval and looked at the land-use and amenities on offer. The children then composed a survey to ask the views of people who live in the local area and collated the evidence to come to a conclusion.

Year 4 Autumn Term- Early Settlers 

Year 3 Autumn term Countries around the World

As part of our geography learning, we used the internet to research human and physical features of countries around the world.  We included details of mountains, rivers, population, tourist attractions, climate zones and language.

Eco Warriors 2022-2023 

Congratulations to our Eco-Warriors.  They have all received their job description and are excited to continue making Trotts Hill as environmentally friendly as possible.

Autumn 2022  Year 5  Rivers

Year 5 used a variety of geographical skills during a visit to the River Lee.  After learning about how a river changes during its course, the middle course first hand.  They noticed what plant species were growing nearby and identified wildlife such as herons and coots.  They undertook some field work by proving their theory about the speed of water on the inside and outside of a meander and calculated the average speed at that particular location.

Summer Term 2022  Eco-Warrior award

The Eco-Warriors have worked exceptionally hard during the year, along with the the rest of the children and staff, on the eco initiatives.  We have received the prestigious 'Green Flag' award from Eco-Schools and are very proud of this achievement.

Summer Term 2022 Year 5

Year 5 pupils investigated the climate zones of North America.  They were given statements about particular cities and were tasked to  find the graphs and photograph which illustrated the climates. They then considered which place they would most like to live in. 

Summer Term  Year 2

Year 2 took a virtual trip to Kenya via Trotts Hill Travels! The children experienced flying in an aeroplane, going on safari and learning about the different weather and climate in Kenya. The children looked at compass points and investigated different people living in Kenya.

Summer Term  Year 3

Year 3 used atlases to locate deserts around the world.  They also investigated weather and climate in desert areas, explored how humans use deserts and learnt about the causes and effects of desertification.

Summer 2022   Year 4  Europe

Year 4 found facts around the classroom to do with Europe to help them create a fact file all about Europe. They found out lots of interesting information including that 260 languages are spoken in Europe, Russia is the largest country in Europe (Ukraine is the largest whole country) and that France is one of the oldest countries in Europe. 

Summer 2022      Year 6    South America 


Year 6 used atlases to research countries in South America. They also investigated the climate, the human and physical geography of South America and then compared these countries to the United Kingdom. 

Summer Term 2022  Earth Day

Trotts Hill celebrated Earth Day by trying to reduce the use of paper, turning off lights and limiting the use of technology.  All classes has the opportunity to create artwork using natural products from the Forest School area. 

Spring Term 2022  Eco-Warriors Eco-Code

The Eco-Warriors have created an Eco-Code for the school to follow:

We will refuse

We will reduce 

We will reuse

We will repair

We will recycle

Spring 2022 House day: Small Change Big Difference

The whole school took part in an Eco-Day run by the House Captains.  Each house took a different element from marine, energy and waste.  During their time in their house groups they learnt about the negative impact of some actions on the environment and considered how they could make a 'Small change' to make a 'Big Difference'.  All the children worked together fantastically and produced amazing learning which has been displayed in the hall.

Spring 2022  Geography Learning Across The School

Spring 2022  Year 3 Where Our Food Comes From

As part of their learning about where food comes from, Year 3 used food packets to identify where their food had come from.  They first identified the countries and then, using skills from our previous geography learning, identified the continents.  We also discussed the different climate zones and linked this to why our food comes from different countries.

Autumn 2021  Tree Donation 

Bartlett Tree Experts very kindly donated tree saplings to the school.  Every child from Year 1 to Year 6 took home a sapling to plant in their garden.  "Every tree we plant makes a big difference."  

Autumn 2021  Eco-Warrior Action Plan 2021-2022

The Eco-Warriors have completed an environmental review as part of their work towards achieving the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.  They answered questions about ten different environmental areas and evaluated the areas in which we could improve on.  Working together, they then helped to identify key actions and have written an action plan.  The action plan has been shared with children and staff.   

The Action Plan can be seen below.

"We are at a unique stage in our history.  Never before have we had such an awareness of what we're doing to the planet.  And never before have we had the power to do something about it."  Sir David Attenborough, Blue Planet II



Autumn 2021  COP26  Environmental Pledges

All children across the school have explored the UN COP26 summit.  Children discussed ways in which they could help the environment and they each made a pledge.  Some of these pledges have been displayed around the Eco-Warrior display board.

Autumn 2021  Eco-Warriors

Introducing our 2021-2022 Eco-Warriors.  They successfully applied for the role of Eco-Warrior and will help to achieve the 'Green Flag Eco-Award'.  They have started by completing an environmental review.

Autumn 2021 Geography Learning Across The School

Autumn 2021 - Year 6 Local Area.

This term Year 6 have been learning about their local area and came up with the question ‘Does The Oval Shopping Centre need regenerating?’ We visited the Oval and looked at the land-use and amenities on offer. The children then composed a survey to ask the views of people who live in the local area and collated the evidence to come to a conclusion.

Autumn 2021 - Year 2 Island Investigations

Year 2 have been looking at islands in Geography and have looked at different ways islands are formed. We enjoyed building a landmass and flooding it to see how this forms new islands. 

Autumn Term 2021 Year 1 Local Area Investigation

In Geography this half term Year 1 have been learning about our local area. We went on a trip to our local shops to investigate what the area is like around The Oval, see what shops there were and think about why people might visit there. We discovered lots of shops including a butchers, a pharmacy, a carpet shop and a hairdressers. We also discussed if the houses were old or new, and talked about the similarities and differences between our houses and the houses that we walked past.

Autumn Term 2021 Year 5 trip to the River Lee

On a glorious September day, Year 5 visited the River Lee for a field study. The group leader was impressed by our knowledge of the formation of meanders.  Having studied them on films and diagrams, we were able to transfer our learning to a first- hand experience.  From the viewpoint of a bridge, we sketched the river, noticing the shape and direction and speed of the water.  In the afternoon, we had the joy of birdwatching. 

Summer Term 2021    Eco-Warrior  Blue Peter Award

We are very proud of our Eco-Warriors who have been awarded a Blue Peter Green Badge.  The Eco-Warriors participated in the Climate Heroes initiative and pledged to make a number of changes both at home and at school including: reducing waste and reducing use of water and electricity.  They also had to create a piece of art work which was submitted to Blue Peter.

Summer Term 2021   Year 6 South America

Year 6 investigated South America.  They explored both physical and human features comparing South America to other areas of the world.  They finished their learning by researching one country and presenting their information to the class.

Autumn 2020 - Round the World Week

During this week all classes took part in 'Round the World' activities.  The children looked fabulous dressed in the colours of the flags. Different classes explored different countries including: India, Poland, Zimbabwe and Brazil.  Classes focused on using geography skills to learn more about the different countries and used  a range of resources including: maps, photos, Google Earth and videos.  Classes then linked with each other to share their learning.

Summer Term 2020 - Woodland Trust Bronze award


We have been awarded this award for our Eco-Warrior work.

Summer 2020

This week at school the Key Stage 2 Key Worker bubble spent the afternoon gardening on the school allotment with Mrs Burke. 


We planted mini watermelon seeds in pots.  We put them in the hot greenhouse.  We can't wait to eat them.  Layla

I learnt how to say watermelon in Spanish which is 'sandia'.  Thomas


We also planted out some French bean seedlings and some sunflowers.  We had to do a lot of watering as the soil was very dry because of all of the hot weather we have been having.  Freya


In addition, we also did some weeding and tidying up of the area.  We put the weeds into the compost bin because we then get more soil that we can put back onto the allotment.  Isla


We were social distancing all the time whilst weeding and watering, which was hard but we did keep it up.  Freya


Eco Schools Silver award


Well done to the Eco-Warriors who have achieved this award.

Royal Horticultural Society Gardening Award


We have achieved the Level One RHS Gardening Award. 
