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Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery

Design Technology

'Design is not just what it looks like,

design is how it works.'


Steve Jobs

The three areas we focus on in Trotts Hill are Food Technology, mechanisms and textiles.

'Making sandwiches is fun. I liked designing and choosing my food'. TC Year 2


'I love to design and make new things'. JA Year 6


Design and Technology is an inspiring and practical subject. The subject encourages children to learn and think creatively whilst testing and making. Children are encouraged to use their creativity, imagination, as well as independent thought, to design and make products within a variety of contexts. All children follow three areas of learning; mechanisms, textiles and food technology. This ensures that every child achieves a high level of skill-based learning throughout their academic career. Learning is made cross curricular where possible. All elements of learning are purposeful to the individual.




Through a variety of creative and practical activities, we teach the knowledge and skills needed to engage in a process of designing and making. The children work in a range of relevant contexts connected to their topic in class. Each topic is linked to the skills for that year group. When designing and making, the children are taught to design, use research and develop their own success criteria. Each product designed is aimed at particular groups or individuals. Children generate and communicate their ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, prototypes and some computer-aided design. When making their products, children in each class select from a variety of tools and perform practical tasks that are linked to their given skill in their year group (eg cutting in key stage 1 to joining and finishing in key stage 2.) Once tasks are completed or products finished, they are analysed, evaluated and investigated to ensure they have met their own design success criteria.




We ensure the children build an understanding of skills in order to design and make products for a wide range of users. Children critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products. Furthermore, children understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook. Children will design and make a range of products throughout their school career. A good quality finish will be expected in all design and activities made appropriate to the age and ability of the child. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, pupils develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of every child.


Design and Technology National Curriculum and Progression of skills for the whole school

Autumn Term 2024

Reception Vegetable Soup

Reception have been reading Oliver's Vegetables and made vegetable soup using vegetables from Mrs Allen's allotment. The children peeled, chopped and sliced the vegetables. The soup tasted delicious.

Summer Term 

Year 3 Healthy Pizzas

Year 3 investigated food groups and healthy pizzas.  They then designed and made their own pizzas.

Year 1 Fruit Kebabs

Year 1 had a great time designing and making fruit kebabs. The children focused on chopping, slicing, peeling and cutting different fruits.

Spring Term 2024

Year 1 Sewing puppets

Year 1 worked really hard to learn different skills for sewing. They made some wonderful puppets of people. This was linked to the PSHE topic.

Year 4 - Quiche 

Year 2 Moving Vehicles

Year 2 have been designing and making moving vehicles. They experimented with wheels, chassis and an axels.

Year 3 - Moving Monsters

Year 3 explored pneumatics and created a moving monster which used a pneumatic system to make a part of the monster moved.

Autumn Term 2023

Year 1 - Moving Pictures

Year 1 designed and made their own moving picture Christmas cards! They used a lever to make their Christmas character slide along the snow.

Year 6 Textiles 3D decorations

This term Year 6 created their own 3D decoration. They created paper patterns and templates, cut their fabric to size, added sequins, and decorative stitches and joined two sides together before filling them with cushion stuffing and scents. 

Year 5 - Food Technology - Scones

This term, Year 5 have been bakers. They taste-tested some basic scones before inventing their own savoury or fruity fillings. Some groups even decided to combine the two! The pupils chopped, grated and mixed their ingredients before rolling out the dough and using a pastry cutter to shape their scones. A big thank you goes to Mrs Poole, who cooked the scones for us. They smelled and tasted delicious!

Year 4 - Textiles - Christmas Stockings

Year 4 designed their own Christmas stockings. They thought about the intended recipient and some adapted the stocking to create a stuffed cushion instead. The children added felt, button and sequin embellishments to their felt stockings and chose which stitches to use to attach the front and back.


Year 3 - Textiles - Pencil cases

Summer Term 2023

Year 3 - Pizzas

Summer Term Year 6 Food Technology - Tortilla Wraps

This term, Year 6 completed their Food Technology module of DT. The pupils measured ingredients to make a tortilla wrap from scratch and after mixing, kneading and rolling, their dough was ready to be fried on our new induction hob!

They honed their knife skills cutting lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, cucumber and red onion, which they added to their wraps before tucking in and enjoying them!

Year 3 Spring Term Pneumatics

The children made 'Moving Monsters' using pneumatics.  They used a syringe and balloon or a syringe and a syringe to make their part move.

Year 5 - Spring Term - Cams

This term, Year 5 have been making moving models of animals as part of their "Animal Automata" unit. They have explored how endangered animals move and tried to replicate this in their models, using cams to create different movements.

Year 5 - Autumn Term - Scones

Year 5 tasted a basic scone recipe and then adapted it, adding a variety of flavours and textures.

Year 6 - Autumn Term - 3D decorations

Year 6 carried out a survey to see what people wanted from a 3D decoration. They created paper patterns and templates, cut their fabric to size, added sequins, buttons and decorative stitches and joined two sides together before filling them with cushion stuffing and scents. Some students also made a crochet loop to hang their decoration.

Year 3 - Autumn Term - Pencil Cases

Year 3 evaluated a range of pencil cases and then designed and made their own.  They used some fantastic sewing skills and once completed evaluated their pencil case.

Year 1 Autumn- Mechanisms- moving pictures

Year 1 made moving Christmas pictures with a sliding, pop up and range of lever mechanisms.

Autumn Term - Year 4 - Careful Sawing

As part of the whole-school balloon buggy project, Year 4 designed and built their own balloon buggies. Construction included sawing dowelling to make axels. The children listened carefully to the safety information and were all able to saw effectively. Most were surprised at how little you needed to push down as the 'teeth do the work'. Ot was great project and the children really rose to the challenge. 

Autumn Term Reception - Making Diva lamps

As part of their learning on Diwali, Reception class use clay to make Diva lamps. They had to manipulate the clay to shape it, leaving enough room for a tealight candle, then they decorated them using a variety of shaped sequins. The children developed skills in using their hands to shape the clay and also enjoyed working with new textures.

Autumn Term Year 2 - Making healthy sandwiches 

Year 2 used cutting, grating and peeling skills to prepare vegetables to create their own healthy sandwiches. 

Summer Term Year 2- making toys.

Year 2 created wonderful toys linked to their topic on Kenya. The children focused on a running stitch and a back stitch.

Summer Term - Reception making and evaluating lift the flap pictures.

Reception had a great time making their own 'Dear Zoo' book by making lift the flap pictures. They had to cut, fold and stick the flaps into place but, most importantly, they had to ensure that the flap would be the correct size to cover the picture which involved some trial and error. The following week, the children evaluated their lift-the-flap pictures choosing what they thought worked well and what they may improve upon next time. The pictures were all stuck into a book.

Summer Term - Year 5 Designing and making blackwork bookmarks

The pupils in Year 5 have been looking at blackwork, which is a type of embroidery popular in the Tudor times. Then, it was used to decorate and reinforce clothing. These days, it is used to decorate items or create pictures. We looked at a variety of modern blackwork patterns to help us create our own designs, which we drew on graph paper and then stitched. We used running stitches and backstitch to create our patterns. Sometimes we used a knight-stitch - so called, because it crosses holes in the aida fabric in a similar way to how a knight crosses a chess board. Once we had completed our stitching, we folded the edges and used a running stitch to secure the folded edges to prevent fraying. Some of us then backed the bookmarks with felt, using running stitches in the previous gaps - this is known as holbein-stitch.

Summer Term - Year 6 Making tortilla wraps

Year 6 enjoyed making tortilla wraps from scratch, weighing, measuring, mixing, kneading, rolling and finally frying their wraps on the hob. They also prepared lettuce, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes and red onion to go inside their wraps. Some children brought in additional fillings such as chicken, ham and cheese. This was topped off with salsa, guacamole and soured cream for those who wanted it. Year 6 thought their wraps were delicious and one pupil made them for his whole family the same evening!

Summer Term - Year 3 Making soup and bread rolls

Year 3 developed their kneading and chopping skills when making a vegetable soup, a tomato soup and bread rolls.  They very much enjoyed tasting their creations.

Summer Term - Year 5 and 6 - Knex engineering challenge

Year 5 and 6 engineers undertook a challenge, organised by SETPOINT Hertfordshire, to design and build a bridge with moving parts.  The workshop was delivered by Emma Richardson, a Trotts Hill governor. 

Summer term - Year 6 - Robotics workshop

Year 6 became Smart Toy Engineers during a workshop with SETPOINT. We used BBC Microbit to programme a Bit Bot. We had to test, code and debug the robot to complete different tasks.  

Sewing Club completion Year 3 Spring term

Year 3 have worked incredibly hard all spring term with their sewing. They created some bookmarks using a variety of different stitches that they had learned over the term.

Spring Term Year 2 Mechanisms- Vehicles.

Year 2 have focused on making different mechanisms. The children had to make a 3D skateboard for Traction Man. Everyone tried and tested different pulls, pushes and learned about axels and chassis. The children successfully designed and created their own vehicles.

Spring Term Year 1 Fruit Kebabs

This term Year 1 have been completing the topic ' Eat more fruit and vegetables'. As part of this topic, we investigated different fruits and vegetables and practise preparing them in a variety of ways. At the end of the unit we combined all of our skills to make some healthy and tasty fruit kebabs.

Spring Year 3 - Moving Monsters

The children in Year 3 investigated using different pneumatic systems to create a moving part.  Next, they designed their moving monsters and used syringes to make their chosen part move.  Finally, the children made and then evaluated their moving monster.

Spring - Year 4 - Cooking Savoury Quiche

This term, year 4 have been improving their cooking skills by making a savoury quiche. They designed their own quiche, choosing their own toppings. The children then shaped the pastry, made the mixture, prepared the vegetables and the quiches were cooked in the oven. They tasted delicious! 

Spring Year 5 - Animal Automata

Year 5 have been investigating movement cause by different shaped cams. They have designed a moving animal following research on different endangered species. We have used cams to create movement and will add our animals now the mechanisms are in place.

Sewing Club- Spring term.

Year 3 have started sewing club, focusing on running stitches. They will be making their own book marks.

Autumn Term Year 1 - Glove Puppets

This term, Year 1 have been designing and making glove puppets. We have learnt how to do a running stitch and worked hard designing, creating and evaluating our glove puppets.

Autumn Term 2021 - Year 4 Christmas Stockings 

Year 4 designed and created their own stocking for Christmas.

Autumn Term 2021 Year 5 Scones

Year 5 designed and created their own scones. The children thought about both sweet and savoury scones.

Autumn Term 2021 Year 3 Pencil cases

The children evaluated pencil cases and then designed and made their own.

Grow to eat, eat to grow week- Autumn term 2021

Still image for this video

Trotts Hill had a wonderful time learning about different fruits and vegetables and understanding how and where they are grown. The children had lots of experiences using different vegetables for recipes.

Trotts Hill link farm

Trotts Hill school have linked up with a farm in Wiltshire. The farmer, William has kindly sent us some videos to learn about his farm. During our themed DT week, the children will be watching the different videos and learning more about where our food comes from.

Watch our videos from our link farmer, Farmer Will Wilson

Year 2 Autumn term- Food Technology- sandwich making.

Year 2 had a lovely day making and eating their own designed sandwiches. the children had to chop, slice and grate different fruits and vegetables. They then followed their plans to make their own unique sandwiches.

DT Autumn Term - Year 6 Chinese Inventions

Year 6 made and tested prototype kites before designing a kite to a specific brief and then making it. They especially enjoyed taking them outside to fly them!

Year 2 Autumn term- Bread tasting.

Year 2 tried and tested a variety of breads focusing on their appearance, taste and smell.

Design Technology Autumn 2020- Summer 2021

Year 1- exotic fruit kebabs - Summer term

Year 3- Making seasonal soup - Summer term 1

Year 2 Spring term- making vehicles

Year 4 Autumn term: Textiles

Year 4 made their own amazing Christmas stockings. The children paid attention to the smallest details and sewed on buttons and extra items.

Year 3 Autumn term: Making pencil cases.

Year 3 had a great time investigating, design and making their own pencil cases.

Year 6 Chinese Inventions

LI: To investigate materials. 


Year 6 investigated different materials for their Chinese inventions.

Year 2 Healthy Pizzas
