Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery
Helen was a parent governor of the school for several years, as both her children attended Trotts Hill, she was appointed as a Co-opted Governor in 2007. She sits on the Resources Committee and is the designated Safeguarding Governor.
Now retired, Helen spent her career as a Nurse and Midwife and has a wealth of experience working in different spheres of midwifery and children's services. She is compassionate, empathetic and has a keen eye for detail. Helen is dedicated to her role as Chair of Governors mentoring the new Governors and ensuring that Mrs Evans and the whole school are supported by the Governing Board.
She became a School Governor to support Trotts Hill as she she is passionate about ensuring strategies, plans and decisions made about children and young people are reflective, analytical, effective and puts the child at the centre to ensure their best interest is always promoted.
Simon has been a Governor at the school since 2021, he has two children at the school. As Vice-Chair of Governors, Simon serves as the Chair of both the Resources and Teaching and Learning Committees. Before that, he was the Health and Safety Governor.
Simon has been a senior manager at the university of Cambridge Sports Service for 18 years, initially as Head of Operations and now as Safety and Compliance Manager. Simone seeks to utilise the knowledge and experience gained through his career and other voluntary roles to support effective governance and a safe, happy learning environment at Trotts Hill.
Robert has been a co-opted Governor since Autumn 2018 and was the Site Manager at the School until he took his well earned retirement in Summer 2024. Robs multifactorial role at Trotts Hill highlights his dedication to both the physical environment and the cultural enrichment of the school community. His experience ensured that the school site was clean and safe for pupils every day.
Rob brings a wealth of experience in Interior Design, which has been instrumental in enhancing the school environment at Trotts Hill, creating a visually appealing and stimulating environment for pupils and staff, through thoughtful colour schemes, functional layouts and engaging spaces that enhance the overall learning experience. Ensuring that Trotts Hill is not only a safe and functional space but also an inspiring and welcoming environment for all.
As a Link Governor for the Arts, Rob is responsible for the Arts Faculty, reflecting his commitment to the high standards of Performing Arts at Trotts Hill, combining his passion for the performing arts with his dedication to student enrichment.
Stephanie was appointed as a Parent Governor in July 2019 and moved to be a co-opted Governor in 2023 when her youngest child moved on to secondary school. She has been a dedicated parent at Trotts Hill for many years, with her eldest child having attended the school from Reception until moving on to Secondary School and her younger child, four year on, attending from nursery. She was actively involved in fund raising and supporting school trips whilst her children attended the school.
She works as a child protection solicitor for a London Local Authority. Her career has provided her with extensive experience in safeguarding and child protection, making her a valuable assess to the school's governance.
Stephanie sits on the the Teaching and Learning Committee and is the Link governor for English, History, Geography and RE. She is committed to ensuring the school remains a safe, happy and nurturing environment for all pupils. She is dedicated to ensuring that every child is encouraged to meet their full potential educationally and also have the opportunity to wider non academic opportunities.
I am the vice-chair of the Governing body. I am also the maths and science faculty link and the GDPR link governor. I have been a parent governor since January 2017. I currently have one daughter at in Year 4 and a son in Nursery. I have worked as a scientist at GlaxoSmithKline for 15 years now and I am a STEM ambassador where I run science workshops at the school. I thoroughly enjoy my involvement with the school and working with the staff and pupils.
Ross was elected as Parent governor in August 2019. Originally from a policing background, her served as an Officer for nearly fourteen years, with most of career dedicated to Local Community Policing. Ross has two children who attend Trotts hill and has seen first hand what a progressive, inclusive and well run school it is.
ross enjoys working with a committed, dedicated and driven Governing Board that has a strong relationship with the school and its Leadership Team. His background in policing has equipped him with excellent problem solving skills and a deep understanding of community needs, which he brings to his role as a Governor. Ross is passionate about contributing to the continuous improvement of Trotts hill, ensuring that it remains a safe and nurturing environment for all it pupils.
He is also a member of the Teaching and Learning Committee and the designated link governor for Pupil Premium and SEND.
Parent Governor : Emma Lloyd
Emma has been a parent of the school since 2021 and became a Governor in 2023. She has one child at the school. She currently its on the Resources Committee and is the Health and Safety Governor.
Professionally Emma is an Operations Director for a Construction Company with a specialism in Health and Safety, her job gives her lots of relevant skills including project management, performance management, planning, financial scrutiny, budget management and HR which she brings with her as a Governor.
She became a school Governor to support Trotts Hill in providing excellent, enriching education for all children enabling their development into confident young people, with a passion for learning who are prepared for their futures.
Ruth joined the Governing Board at Trotts Hill in Autumn 2018 when she was the Assistant Headteacher at another local primary school. I have taught and been in leadership in primary schools for twenty years and have worked in both Stevenage and Luton. Ruth is really proud to be an Associate Governor and Deputy Headteacher at Trotts Hill, working with the school community and the Governing Board to ensure excellence for every child.
Staff Governor: Hannah Ward
Hannah joined the governing body of Trotts Hill in March 2022 as the staff governor. She is the inclusion manager and ensures that all pupils learning and additional needs are met. She is very passionate about children's wellbeing and supports all staff to enable their pupils to have the best provision. In her role as governor, Hannah looks forward to working alongside skilled members of the community and supporting the whole school community as a critical friend.