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Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery


"Music is a piece of art that goes in the ears straight to the heart".

Do you enjoy your music lessons?



"I do because when you sing, you're being inspired by it and I like listening to different music." Teddy


"Yes because we get to play the violin and playing an instrument is fun!" Michael


"Yes because we get to learn about different instruments and learn about different composers." Sophie


"Yes because I get to sing and dance!" Jesna

Curriculum Overviews



The National Curriculum for music aims to ensure that all children are taught:


  • How to Sing, through careful listening, and well-developed sense of pitch and sing in harmony.

  • Listen to music as it is fundamental to musical understanding and to have a deeper understanding of how music is constructed.

  • Compose, to create musical sounds, vocal chants, body percussion and creating rhythm and pitch.

  • Musicianship, to understand the musical terminology for Pulse/beat, Rhythm and Pitch


At Trotts Hill, children gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, and composing across historical periods, and musical genres.  We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community and are able to use their musical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in music, in a variety of different contexts.




The music curriculum ensures children sing, listen, play, perform and evaluate. This is embedded in the classroom activities as well as the weekly singing assemblies, and choir sessions, performances, and the learning of instruments. The elements of music are taught in the classroom lessons so that children are able to use some of the language of music to dissect it, and understand how it is played, and appreciated. In key stage 2 children learn how to play an instrument, from strings, percussion and tuned percussion (glockenspiel). Children are taught to create notes as well as how to read basic music notation. Composing or performing using body percussion and vocal sounds is also part of the curriculum, which develops the understanding of musical elements without the added complexity of an instrument. The history periods and musical genres are taught throughout Key stage 2 by listening to, appreciating, and composing whilst studying BBC Ten Pieces and assembly music.




Whilst in school, children have access to a varied programme, which allows them to discover areas of strength, as well as areas they might like to improve upon. The integral nature of music and the learner creates an enormously rich palette from which a child may access fundamental abilities such as: achievement, self-confidence, interaction with and awareness of others, and self-reflection. Music will also develop an understanding of culture and history, from across the world. Children are able to enjoy music in as many ways as they choose - either as listener, creator or performer. They can dissect music and comprehend its parts. They can sing and feel a pulse. The Music Mark has recognised that Trotts Hill provide a variety of opportunities and resources, giving the children the confidence  and opportunities to perform and develop their musical journey.

Curriculum Overviews 2024-2025


Meet our Creative Crew for 2024-2025

Summer 2024

Year 4

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Assembly music summer term 2

Friday Fiesta

Our wonderful choir and our year 6 musical group entertained us all with their amazing singing. They were asked to take part in the Friday Fiesta, a fayre organised by FROTH.

Assembly music summer term 1

After learning about Jazz and Swing music, Year 4 learnt a song called "100" by Elle and the Pocket Belles who are based in Hertfordshire. The song is in the Electroswing genre. When they first heard it, the class could not keep still, they just had to dance! They liked the message behind the song of taking every opportunity life gives you.


Spring Term 2024

Celebration Evening

We had a wonderful evening celebrating the arts. Our theme this year was 'Colour'.  Our amazing choir entertained us with a selection of songs. Our drama group performed really well and were all very confident. We had two classes dancing and they were superb and very enthusiastic. The evening was totally enjoyed by all.

Music assembly for spring term 2

Young Voices 2024

What a fantastic experience for our children. The children danced and sang their hearts out along with 9,000 other children. It was a long exhausting day, but the tiredness couldn't take away the sheer fun we had.

Music for assembly spring term 1

Autumn Term 2023

Music for assembly autumn term 2

Music for assembly autumn term 1


Choir singing at Wisden Court

The choir sang a selection of Christmas songs to entertain the old folk at Wisden Court and Martins House. The residents joined in with many of the songs and we had lots of positive feedback and thanks for taking the time to visit the care homes.

KS1 Christmas Showcase

Year 2 beautifully sang and enthusiastically performed 'Stable Under the Star', 'Sleigh Ride' and 'Jingle Bell Rock' in front of a packed-out hall. 

Reception - performing in their version of A Wriggly Nativity.





Creative Crew 2022

Assembly music for summer 1

Summer Term


During the summer term, each year group has a genre to study. Here are a few examples of the things the children found out when they researched their genre.

Year 1 studied Swing

Year 2 studied Motown

Year 3 studied Reggae

Year 4 studied Jazz

Year 5 studied Rock

Year 6 studied Musical Theatre

Celebration Evening 

We are very passionate about the Arts and every year children from year 2 to year 6 take part in a Celebration Evening. We represent the Arts by singing, dancing and acting.

This year we performed dances relating to our topic work. We  learnt songs that challenged us, particularly when we sang in French and had many different colours to learn in Joseph's coat. We also sang in two parts depicting the story, using the narrator, Joseph, and his brothers.

Key stage 1 also learnt a song in 2 parts and sang it to Key stage 2. Key stage 2 learnt a song in 4 parts and celebrated their achievement by singing to key stage 1.

EYFS both learnt songs and sang to one another. Nursery sang a song about being friends and learnt how to sign it also. Reception learnt a song called Sing a Song, by the Carpenters. 

Assembly Music spring 2 - The Great Composers

Assembly Music Spring 1

Spring Term

Christmas Performances 2022


Year 5


Music for assembly autumn 2

Selection of musical activities - Autumn 1

Music for assembly autumn 1


Creative Crew


The creative crew support all aspects of the arts, including music, art, DT and French.



Summer 2022

Stevenage Music Festival

The children were invited to sing in the Stevenage Music Festival. They sang so beautifully. The first song we sang had soloists and they sang so well without any nerves and said how proud they were of themselves after they had finished.

We had a wonderful time at the O2 sing with 8700 children. We have been rehearsing for a long time and have learnt all the song lyrics and actions. We had a fantastic time and really enjoyed singing with professional singers, beatboxers and DJ Grammar.


In the slide show you will see us rehearsing at school, travelling on the coach, rehearsing at the O2 and some photographs from the performance.

Music for assembly

Spring Term 2022

Assembly Music for Spring Term 2

Assembly Music Spring Term 1

Spring Term Year 2

Year 2 listened to Vivaldi 'Winter' and illustrated how the music made them feel.

Year 4 - Beethoven research Home Learning

Autumn Term 2021

Christmas Performances

The choir performing to Wisden Court residence.

Reception performing 'A Wriggly Nativity'

Year 2 performing their Christmas Showcase.

Year 3 performing to parents and carers.

Year 4 performing their Christmas songs to their parents and carers.

Stevenage Singing Day

October 2021

Gabriel, Karolina and Amali, took part in the Stevenage Music Day. They really enjoyed learning new songs and singing altogether with other children.

Assembly music Autumn Term 2

Assembly music Autumn term 1

Arts week performance

During Arts Week, each year group from Nursery to Year 6 learnt a song to sing to another year group. Every year group also learnt Lean On Me and performed it to one another. It was great to hear the children performing to one another after such a long time. It was great to see their smiling faces and the enjoyment of listening to a live performance.

Musical genres to listen to for this half term

Genres - We are listening to a variety of genres this half term

Great Composers:  Listen to the composers that we are studying this half term.

Musical Activities EYFS - Year 6

Calling all EYFS and Key Stage 1...

Singing can lift your spirits! Join 'Out of the Ark' online to learn some fun new songs with actions.



Music is fun and BBC Ten Pieces have added lots of new resources for you to use.

EYFS and KS1 have Bring the Noise, a selection of songs for you to sing and dance to and there are also stories to listen to.

KS2 have a selection of ten new pieces of music to listen to and be creative with -Trailblazers.


Enjoy listening to and being creative with music and there is even an opportunity to upload your work to the BBC.

December 2019:  Singing in the Local Community

The choir visited our local care home and sang a selection of Christmas Songs to the old people. It was lovely to see the old people smiling and joining in with Away In a Manger and Jiggle Bells. The children were treated to a drink and a biscuit and then they spent time talking to the old people before returning to school.

2019 - Stevenage Festival


The choir were invited to sing at the Stevenage Festival along with the other primary schools in Stevenage. They had to learn three songs to sing altogether as one large choir and we performed a song on our own. We had a great time and for some children this was the very first time they have ever performed on a stage.

2019 - Celebration Evening 


Trotts Hill had a wonderful Celebration of the Arts! This year we linked our celebration evening with our whole school celebration of 50 years! Each act was linked to a different decade. Everyone performed amazingly, and the parents even got involved for our last song! Everyone worked really hard and Trotts Hill truly showcased how talented they really are!

2019 - Young Voices at the O2


We had a fantastic time when a selection of year 5 and 6 children sang at the O2. We performed with over 8000 other children at the Young Voices Concert. On our evening we had a special guest Tony Hadley. We sang and danced the night away and although it was a really long day, we all had a fantastic time and it is something that we will remember for a very long time.
