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Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery


Enrichment helps schools support the development of the whole child, fostering skills and behaviours that result in positive citizens and a skilled future workforce.”  

(Youth Sport Trust’s Power of Enrichment Study)


At Trotts Hill, we are proud of the enrichment opportunities we offer all pupils throughout their journey with us.


Our inclusive and accessible curriculum is carefully planned and adapted to ensure that all children succeed within the classroom. However, we also believe that the opportunities beyond the classroom are just as important to develop the whole child. Studies show that it is particularly important for those from underserved and underrepresented backgrounds.


With a robust enrichment programme, we can expand children’s “social and cultural capital as well as essential skills such as communication, listening, problem solving and teamwork” (NCFE, The Valuing Enrichment Project: emerging finding and recommendations.)  


Therefore, we strive to offer a wealth of enrichment opportunities, acknowledging the importance of developing the whole-child for their future success and happiness within the community and wider society.


Our enrichment programme is extensive and takes the form of whole-school events and initiatives, clubs and trips. We deliver daily informative and meaningful assemblies, arrange visitors with lived experiences, offer a range of free clubs, bring in outside experts for paid-for clubs and of course all of our children benefit from our fabulous OPAL. 


Diligently, we ensure that all children are given the opportunity to represent the school in the wider community.  For some this will be in the form of sport, but for others it could be singing at the nearby care home or representing the school at a maths quiz.


Below is a sample of the enrichment we offer and its pupil impact. Watch this space for our full programme...



Enrichment activity

What is involved

Pupil Impact

Hello Yellow Celebration Day (Mental Health Awareness)


Dress up in Yellow

Related in-class activities


Creates awareness of mental health issues

Introduces strategies for children to deal with mental health issues.

Creates a positive sense of community spirit

Dismantles negative stereotypes

Assembly programme

Each week we choose a current news story, provide an image, a thought-provoking question and a variety of teaching resources.

Follow up in class

Optional Home learning activity

Opportunities for children to learn from our world and develop respect for other’s beliefs, feelings and faiths. Encourage exploration, discussion, challenge and inspire children to learn!

Netball club (free)

Weekly training

Year 5 and 6 girls

Matches against other schools

Creates pride for representing school

Health and mental wellbeing

Team work and communication skills

OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning)

Every lunchtime

Everyday no matter the weather

Lead by Play Team staff members

  • Happier children
  • Children coming into class ready to learn.
  • A fully inclusive playtime
  • Opportunity to be creative and make decisions
  • Develop independence and resilience skills
  • Increased social skills with all ages able to play together
  • OPAL provides opportunities for children to learn all the things that cannot be taught: socialisation, co-operation, coordination, resilience, creativity, imagination and negotiation



Assemblies 2024-2025

Reverend Keene -December 2024 

Rev Keene from St Nicholas Church delivered a Christmas Assembly today. The children enjoyed listening to the history of the story and how Mary and Joseph came to be in Bethlehem. The assembly concluded with a whole school rendition of 'While Shepherds Watched their Flocks'. Thank you to Rev Keene for joining us!

Police Visit to Reception 

Thank you to PCSO Cullen and PC Pickering who visited the EYFS today and answered questions all about being in the police. The children were able to sit in the custody van and also try on some of the police uniform as well as handcuffs! We are very grateful to them for taking time out of their day to spend time with us and let us know about all the ways they help to keep us safe in our community.

Reading Champions' Visit to Wisden Court

This afternoon, the Reading Champions visited Wisden Court to read with their residents.

They had an incredible time and some of their comments were:


I really enjoyed going to the care home and doing reading and chatting.

I think it was amazing, I loved reading at the care home and chatting.

I liked it because they got to hear my joke.

I really enjoyed it because we read and chatted. I was nervous at first that then I loved it.

They were great listeners.

I read loads of books and had fun with the residents.

I really liked reading lots of books and they listened really well.

It was so fun chatting to the residents and I really liked it.

They all were enjoying the pictures and listening really well.

I loved that she really listened to me and was smiling.

At the start I thought it might be a bit strange, but as I got to know the person it became lots of fun. I really liked talking and finding out about their families.

Reverse Advent

We were delighted to be visited by Kenny Arnold from People For People - Stevenage this morning. He gave the children an assembly on the Foodshed Reverse Advent. We are looking forward to receiving donations from all families that are able.

School Council Visit to Stevenage Council Chambers

On 19th November, the school councillors in Year 5 and 6 attended a school parliament meeting at the Stevenage Council Chambers. This was an excellent opportunity to develop their oracy skills. All of children contributed to the meeting with confidence (in front of 14 other schools), articulated their feelings and passionately discussed a new project for Stevenage schools to embrace, which is going to have a mental health focus. It was clear to see their drive for improvement and demonstrated what excellent assets they are to their community. 

Wisden Court Visit 


The House Captains and Mrs Evans visited Wisden Care home and the children spent time talking and reading to the residents. The children were polite, courteous, respectful and read to the residents beautifully. The residents loved having the children to visit and the staff were so impressed. Well done to them.  

