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Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery

Celebration Assembly

Celebration Assembly – Friday 5th July 2024



Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception:  Albie who has shown incredible perseverance with his writing this term.
Year 1: Alastair for always showing all PRIDE behaviours.

Year 2: Giselle for excellent effort in English with adding detail, punctuation and hyperbole to her writing.

Year 3: J'ael for excellent progress in English.

Year 4: Brandon for working really hard on creating a landscape in art.

Year 5: Lacey-Lou for her achievements in maths this week.

Year 6: Charlie for showing determination during Sports Day


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  George for excellent sentences using HFW's which he also illustrated.
Year 1: Willow R and Spencer for completing extra home learning.

Year 2: Ethan for completing a detailed map of his journey to school.

Year 3: LP for creating a lovely poster about reggae as well as completing all non-negotiables.

Year 4: Samiya for completing her classification key for science and for reading six times. 

Year 5: Karolina for a super presentation all about Japan.

Year 6: Thomas for continuing to take pride in completing non-negotiables


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Ace for working hard to use lower case letters and presenting them perfectly in phonics.

Year 1:  Oscar for taking care when drawing in art.

Year 2: Caiden for a beautifully presented materials scavenger hunt in science,

Year 3: Charlotte for always taking pride in her presentation.

Year 4: Isla for her amazing landscape blending the paint together and applying lots of different skills previously learnt. 

Year 5: Haniya for much improved handwriting.
Year 6:  Jethro for beautiful sketches of Henry Moore sculptures.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 1 for great behaviour in the dining hall.


Key Stage 2- Year 3 for excellent behaviour in the packed lunch hall.




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99.33%.

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 5 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 



Golden Welly Award


Balveer and Harveer received the award for creating an excellent den.


Golden Broom Award


Ella in Year 5 received the award for always coming to the shed and helping.



Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Connie and Olivia took part in their first football tournament last week and came 2nd, they were part of the youngest team in the league. They both played brilliantly and lost the final on penalties.
Connie received a certificate and medal for achieving core level 9 in gymnastics.
Gabriel shared that he had achieved a green and blue belt in Taekwondo.
Joshua S completed in a golf tournament last weekend and even appeared on Sky Sports TV channel.
LH was awarded with a trophy for being man of the match in a football game.
LP was awarded with a certificate for being a Lexia superstar.
Archie received a trophy from his football team.

Junior Duke

Jack was awarded with the micro duke.


Sports Day

The final scores for Sports Day are in :
Farrah 1st
Rowling  2nd
Picasso 3rd
Hawking 4th


Well done all of the children who showed the PRIDE learning behaviours and good sportsmanship throughout all the events.


Pupil Groups

House Captains







Evie Grace 


Sports Leaders











Reading Champions


Science Ambassadors

Arthur W
Max F

Jake D 

Creative Crew

Evie- Rose


Eco Warriors


Digital Leaders


School Council


Mental Health Ambassadors

Jake A

Play Rangers

Isabella K




Celebration Assembly – Friday 21st June 2024


A fantastic week at Trotts Hill, Reception and Year 2 were praised for their behaviour on school trips this week. We are so excited for our Friday Fiesta and hope to see as many of you as possible.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Harry T who was such a trooper on our trip to Shepreth and never once complained despite being unwell.

Year 1: Munesu for settling in so well at Trotts Hill.

Year 2: Noah for his excellent work in English trying to meet the success criteria. 
Year 3:  Gabby for always showing enthusiasm and interest in her learning.
Year 4: Laila for including a map from memory in her geography fact file.
Year 5: Jerome for showing PRIDE learning behaviours during the glider STEM challenge.
Year 6: Noah for his enthusiastic participation in dance.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Ibrahim for some excellent sentences using consonant blends which were beautifully written.

Year 1: Ella for creating a lovely rocket.

Year 2: Connie for completing all of her learning to a high standard.

Year 3: Layla for producing a comprehensive recount of our Roman visit.

Year 4: Lovell for completing all non-negotiables and maths learning to a high standard 

Year 5: James for applying colour strategy to spelling 

Year 6: Finn for learning his lines with confidence and delivering them exceptionally well.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Elsie Rae for her perfectly drawn tiger on our Dear Zoo cover.

Year 1: Elliot for creating a neat snail.

Year 2: Avyukt for neat pictograms in maths.

Year 3: Isabella for excellent attention to letter size and crossing out with a pencil and a ruler.

Year 4: Malaika for her presentation in Maths.

Year 5: James for handwriting improvements

Year 6: Samson for improved presentation in English.



Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for lining up in the dining hall as quiet as mice.


Key Stage 2- Year 6 for using the best manners in the dining hall.




Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 97.5%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Lamis in Year 3 for her singing when learning a French song about sports.


Golden Welly Award


Laila in Year 4 received the award for bravery and perseverance when climbing trees


Golden Broom Award


Diya in Year 4 received the award for diligently tidying the shed.



Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:
Daniel was awarded with a trophy for the most improved player in his football team.
Gabriel shared that he took part in performances in ‘I am’ at the Gordon Craig Theatre. He also shared a certificate for writing 1000 words and writing an inspirational poem.
Luke shared the certificate he was awarded for coming 1st place in the boys 600m race, at the Hertfordshire schools’ athletics competition.

Isla W, Emmie, Sienna P, FT and Noah W all received certificates of excellence for their performances at the Gordon Craig on Sunday. Noah remembered all four of his dances perfectly and Isla was brilliant in her 2 ballet dances.
Sophia and Bella received certificates of excellence for their performances at the Gordon Craig on Sunday. They showed hard work and dedication, during their performances.
Riya received a certificate and trophy for her performance at ‘Dancing Through The Decades’.
Isla W received a certificate for completing a water safety award and swimming 100m.
Noah received a certificate for water safety.
Zohaib took part in a step up challenge at Watford stadium and received a certificate for this.
Amelie, Millie, Alfie and Barry all received certificates to celebrate their super progress with Lexia.

Samson, Patrick, Ivy, Hannah, Aaruhi, Finley, Daniel, Archie, Emilia and Coby all received certificates for their support to help the school to gain the Eco School award.


Celebration Assembly – Friday 14th June 2024


A fantastic week at Trotts Hill, with lots of compliments about behaviour of our pupils at trips and out of school. Well done! We celebrated the following achievements.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: FT for having an excellent attitude towards her writing. 

Year 1: Ella for making a super effort with behaviour for learning.

Year 2: Haris for a super story map of ‘Why Elephant has a Trunk’.

Year 3: Charlotte for continued excellence in all areas.

Year 4: Isla for writing an excellent rhyming poem in the style of Roald Dahl.

Year 5: Hannah for use of the text in reading comprehension.

Year 6: Ollie for thoughtful contributions at Crucial Crew.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception: Emmie for extra writing as well as an excellent shape picture.

Year 1: Jesna Susan for always producing an exceptional amount of learning.

Year 2: Sienna for completing lots of extra times tables.

Year 3:  Leo for remembering, independently, to hand in his home learning.

Year 4: Amelie for excellent research about Gaudi. 

Year 5: Karolina for being the first to hand in Junior Duke in Year 5

Year 6: Noah for completing extra learning to help with our play e.g. creating props.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: A for writing some beautiful sentences for his home learning.

Year 1: Jake for drawing fractions clearly and presenting a number in each square.

Year 2: Amadea for making a well presented tally chart in maths.

Year 3: Harry for an excellent Roman mosaic.

Year 4: Tommy for presenting his work neatly in geography.

Year 5: Hannah for improvements in handwriting.

Year 6: Myah for a beautifully presented short story.



Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 2 for playing really well together outside.


Key Stage 2- Year 5 for excellent behaviour in the dining hall.




Reception had the highest attendance this week with 98%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to BF in Year 5 for supporting a classmate and James in Year 5 for speaking out in French in front of the class.


Golden Welly Award


Dexter, Finn, Timi, Samson in Year 6 received the award for playing rolling games with each other.  


Golden Broom Award


Florance and Annie in Year received the award for collecting loose parts from the field.



Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Jesna Susan shared the trophies she received for being awarded first place in a group song and third place in the solo song competition, run by her church.
DS, Harry, Samiya, Scout, Owen and Grace received certificates for being Lexia superstars.
Olivia shared a medal and trophy from her football club for being voted players’ player of the season.
Leo received a trophy from his football team for excellent goalkeeping and also an end of season medal.
Annie received a certificate from Brownies for completing her gold award.
WR received a trophy and medal from his football club.
Nasara and LH received medals from their football club.
Amelia was awarded gymnast of the week for improvements when climbing ropes.
Isabella received a certificate for being brave during a blood test.
Millie and Alma took part in a speed skating race this weekend. Alma came 3rd in the 100m sprint and time trial. Millie came 3rd in the 3km race. Both girls showed determination and beat their personal bests in the 100m race.

Mason received a medal for taking part in a football tournament.
BF came 1st in his heat and 2nd in the final for the 200m race at the athletics competition yesterday.

Luke went to an athletics event and came first in the 600m.


Junior Duke

Caiden received a gold mini duke award.

Karolina received a gold junior duke award.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 7th June 2024


A fantastic week at Trotts Hill this week.  Thank you to everyone who attended the stay and play yesterday and for donating to FROTH sweet tombola today.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Ilyana who gives 100% to everything (learning in school, home learning and behaviour) and is a super role model.

Year 1:  SS (mum has said that she is happy for name and pics but I think as yet to tell the office) an improved focus in English.
Year 2: Zohan for managing self-regulation during play times.

Year 3: Barry for excellent independent written learning.

Year 4: Bailey for creating an excellent game in computing inputting his own code.

Year 5: Michael for applying new punctuation independently.

Year 6: Year 6 for being super stars at Rock UK, for overcoming their fears, challenging themselves and encouraging each other.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Cooper for his excellently written holiday diary.

Year 1: Mason for competing an outstanding amount of reading.

Year 2: Oliver for a beautiful recount all about his half term.

Year 3: Alma for completing her Purple Mash times tables

Year 4: Aaruhi for extra times tables and spellings practice.

Year 5: Izzy for her lifecycle of a ladybird.

Year 6: AG, for learning lots of his lines for the play and delivering them with enthusiasm


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: CA and JA for their perfectly presented lists in Literacy.

Year 1: Isla L for improved presentation in maths.
Year 2: Joshua for his excellent sketches of tree shapes in science.
Year 3: Isabell for always being perfectly presented.
Year 4:
Ruby for her presentation in maths. 
Year 5: Lacey-Lou for beautifully presented learning in maths.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for best lining up.


Key Stage 2- Year 5 for a wide and varied range of play, even on non-football days.




Year 2 and Reception had the highest attendance this week with 97.67%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 4 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


Golden Welly Award


Haris in Year 2 received the award for singlehandedly building a mosque.


Golden Broom Award


The children in Rising Stars, Jessica and Georgia received the award for taking time to tidy up after the Stay and Play yesterday.



Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Alma, Elsie-Rae and Millie took part in an outdoor roller skating race. Alma came 1st for her age group and Millie came 2nd in her age group. Elsie-Rae received a medal for her participation.
Joshua in year 2 took part in a football camp over the holiday and was awarded player of the day. He also took part in his first golf tournament. He came 5th out of 12 and was one of the youngest children to participate.
Finn achieved his 100th Park Run badge during half term, a total of 200km.
Laila competed in the all England dance (regional finals) last weekend. She came 2nd with her musical theatre group. This means she has qualified for the national finals in July.
CA received an award for gymnastics.
Gabriel received an award for coming 4th in a tennis event. He also received an award for writing a story.
Luke took part in his 2nd athletics competition. He won 1st place in the 100m and achieved highly in other events he took part in.
Arthur Y2 was voted as player of the season from his football club. 


Match Reports

The boys football team came runners up in their league and received a medal. Well done to: Finn, Toby, Dexter, Luke, AG, Leo, Ruben, Samson, Joe, Charlie, Jerome and BF. Ruben received a certificate for being the most improved player of the season. Luke was awarded with player of the season.


Junior Duke

Eliza received a certificate for achieving the silver junior duke award.

Rohan received a certificate for achieving the platinum junior duke award.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 17th May 2024

We congratulated Year 6 on a fantastic week during SATS week. We are proud of each and every one of them, well done for showing our PRIDE learning behaviours.

We celebrated our fantastic Eco Award with Distinction! Congratulations to our whole school community!


Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Noah W for his outstanding performance of a bird in dance.

Year 1: Bella for always showing kindness to others.

Year 2: Mia for excellent explanation in science on dependency (why a fox needs an oak tree)

Year 3: LP for positive engagement with her partner in RE.

Year 4: Ewan for his excellent explanation in Science about switches.

Year 5: Izzy for using new grammar skills in a comparative report.

Year 6: Evie-Rose for showing resilience and determination this week


Home Learning Heroes

The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Henry for doing extra writing this week in addition to the home learning set.

Year 1: Jamie for a lovely piece of learning about supporting his family- Jamie should be very proud of himself!

Year 2: Max D for creating an iguana collage to match our class poem.

Year 3: Alfie for accurately completing home learning and all non-negotiables.

Year 4: Marnie for completing all home learning tasks and for finishing 5 sound checks on the first day home learning was set.

Laila for going the extra mile and completing 25 sound checks when only 5 were set as home learning.

Year 5: Ellie for improved handwriting in home learning.

Year 6: All of Year 6 for being prepared for this week.


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Adeel for working incredibly hard on his pencil grip and letter formation.

Year 1: Joshua S for trying hard to achieve his handwriting target.

Year 2: Harveer for his huge improvements in cursive writing

Year 3: Alfie for excellent presentation in maths and English.

Year 4: Balveer for his neat presentation in Geography.

Year 5: Jerome for neat comparison table in English

Year 6: Grace for ensuring all of her digits were legible during SATs this week


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for being the quietest in the dining hall.

Key Stage 2- Year 6 for great lining up in the dining hall and being polite.



Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 99.31%

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 6 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to Michael in Year 5 for writing about weather and activities.

Golden Welly Award

Year 4, 5 and 6 received the award for working in collaboration to build dens and role play during OPAL playtime.

Golden Broom Award

Jaxon, Teddy T and Teddy G in Year 3 received the award for setting up and tidying away the water play.

Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Daniel shared two medals from his football team. They reached the semi-finals out of a 32 team tournament on Saturday and he played on the pitch at Stevenage Borough in another tournament on Sunday.

Oscar shared the football trophy he was awarded for demonstrating a great team attitude, passing when necessary and also scoring a goal!

Noah W reception received star of the week at street dance for learning all the dances for their show. He did this so quickly this was only his 2nd lesson.

AMP was awarded with star of the week at gymnastics for applying himself fully to the requested exercises for the whole session.

Alayna shared received a certificate for water confidence during swimming lessons.

Aairah received certificates for 5m back leg kick and 10m front crawl leg kick.

Nasara shared a medal he was awarded for getting to the final with his football team.

Jael in Year 3 shared two medals from Stevenage and Royston Football Clubs.

Bailey tried his first adult Parkrun which was 5k. He also completed a junior Parkrun and beat his personal best time by 21 seconds and came in 2nd place.

Leon achieved a Lexia super star certificate for completing level 5.

Owen P completed a medal for completing two laps of a nuclear obstacle course.

Karolina share her achievement of performing We Will Rock You at the Gordon Craig theatre.

Sanaa achieved a certificate for completing learn to swim level 3.

Haris and Adeel received medal for speech, poems and singing

Ace received a certificate for dribbling and tackling from his football club.

JA received a gold medal from a Taekwondo competition.

CA received a certificate for achieving the next level on Reading Eggs.

Thea and Elsie-Rae took part in their first skating race and shared their medals from the event.

Match Reports

The boys football team played Bennington at home last Friday. The boys won the match 7-0 with six goals scored by BF and one goal scored by Finn.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 10th May 2024


Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: FT for having such a positive approach to her writing this week.

Year 1: Jamie for showing great behaviour for learning in all lessons.

Year 2: Teddy for his excellent science work on habitats.

Year 3: Lamis for producing some lovely art work this week.

Year 4: Ilaria for always making the right choices and trying hard in every lesson.

Year 5: Jerome for sharing his extensive knowledge in RE

Year 6: Timi for trying to improve, particularly in grammar.


Home Learning Heroes

The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Ilyana for excellent sentences using 'ear' words.

Year 1: Leona for trying hard with all of the non-negotiables.

Year 2: Brody for completing all his non-negotiable

Year 3: Lamis for completing lots of non-negotiable practise.

Year 4: Tommy for working really hard on his times tables.

Year 5: Ruben for memorising the class poem really well.

Year 6: Layla for questioning to help her to improve her knowledge in grammar.


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Noah W who wrote a book about worms which was written and illustrated with so much care and attention.

Year 1: Willow R for a great effort in English presentation.

Year 2: Bruce for huge improvements in his maths book.

Year 3: Charlie for taking great care with his art this week.

Year 4: Isla for her beautiful handwriting in English

Year 5: Emelie for beautifully presented learning in science.

Year 6: Rohan for trying to improve his digit formation.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for being the quietest in the dining hall.

Key Stage 2- Year 6 for much improved behaviour in the dining hall and outside.

A special mention went to Samson from Mrs Poole for trying new vegetables. He took the time to let her know that he had enjoyed them too.



Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 99.6%.

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.

French star of the week

This was awarded to Tommy in Year 4 for his work on giving opinions about school subjects.


Golden Welly Award

Leo, Jerome, Reggie, Jake A and Jake D in Year 5 received the award for beginning to build an excellent den.

Golden Broom Award

Year 3 won the award for tidying the sandpit without adult support. They also took charge of the setting up and tidying of the water area.

Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Leo P shared his football trophy which he received for being man of the match and saving a penalty.

Charlotte received player of the week.

Teddy T received man of the match for scoing 2 goals for is team

Annie, Millie, Willow and Florance performed in three shows at the Gordon Craig.

Millie has achieved level 6 in the Lexia programme.

Isla P received a certificate to celebrate her progress in gymnastics.

Sienna received a certificate to celebrate her progress in gymnastics.

Joshua was proud to share he set a new personal best in Park Run on Sunday. His time is now under 9 minutes.

Alistair achieved a level 2 learn to swim certificate.

Adeel has been to the library and enjoyed rhyme time.

Isabelle had a ballet exam and received full marks in every area

Luke competed in his first athletics competition this week.

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Celebration Assembly – Friday 3rd May 2024


A lovely end to the week at Trotts Hill, we said Good luck to Mrs C and thanked her for her wonderful contribution to our school. The following achievements were celebrated:


Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Noah CW for excellent participation in dance by listening intently to the instructions and following the sequence really well.

Year 1: Franco for a positive attitude in English.

Year 2: Oliver for being an excellent role model and overall superstar.

Year 3: Teddy V for always trying hard to participate during whole class teaching.

Year 4: Grace for being so engaged in her writing in English and trying really hard to meet the success criteria.

Year 5: James for using a new conjunction in English.

Year 6: Rohan for his dedication to improve in all subject areas.


Home Learning Heroes

The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Zekiah for challenging himself to write a sentence using an 'air' word.

Year 1: Oscar for completing all areas of learning and being very creative.

Year 2: Freddie for completing all of his home learning and non-negotiables.

Year 3: Daniel for completing home learning neatly and always completing non-negotiables.

Year 4: Balveer for completing all his non-negotiables and working hard on decimals.

Year 5: Annie for extra learning about Passover.

Year 6: Sophie for putting an exceptional amount of effort into her home learning, including extra preparations for SATs.


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Cooper for always trying hard with his presentation.

Year 1: Alayna for writing on the line and forming letters with lead ins.

Year 2: Caiden for improved presentation in English.

Year 3: Peyton for trying hard with joined handwriting and letter sizes.

Year 4: Sophia for lovely writing

Year 5: Florance for beautifully presented learning in art.

Year 6: Keisha for consistently neat presentation in all subjects.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 1 for showing their best behaviour when eating packed lunches in the hall.

Key Stage 2- Year 4 for having the best behaviour outside and using OPAL really thoughtfully/


Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 98.93%.

183 pupils were awarded with stickers to celebrate 100% attendance in the month of April. This is our best month for attendance in the past two academic years.

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.

French star of the week

This was awarded to Riya in Year 6 for her work on opinions in our Eurovision lesson.

Golden Welly Award

Year 4 received the award for playing an excellent kings and castles.

Golden Broom Award

Lacey-Lou in Year 5 received the award for an extra effort in tidying.

Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Laila attended the Watford Dance Festival and was awarded three 1st places, and one 2nd and 3rd place.

Scarlett was awarded gymnast of the week for her cartwheels.

Ali was awarded gymnast of the week for cartwheels with straight legs.

Emmie was awarded gymnast of the week.

Elsie-Rae achieved level 2 in swimming.

Archie received a medal for being player of the match in football.

Bailey scored his first two goals for his football team and was also awarded player of the match.

Junior Duke

Anaya received a gold Mini Duke award.

Isla L received a silver mini duke award- she completed all the challenges and was given a commendation for all of the effort she has put in to achieving this.

Match Reports:

Year 5 and 6 attended a hockey tournament yesterday and finished 3rd we are really proud of their achievements. Trotts Hill statistics were; played 7, won 3, drew 2, lost 2, scored 11 goals and conceded 7 goals.

The scorers were Emelie, Layla and Dexter with 1 each; Finn with 3 and Luke 5.

Best attack: Luke who dribbled down the right-hand side and slap hit into the bottom left hand corner.

Best skill: Layla rollout to create space

Best defence: Goal line clearance from Arthur who sprinted back to dive and slide to knock the ball away from scoring.

We know from previous experience that the tournament is very competitive with lots of strong teams. However, we have been practising on playing a passing, attacking game and we really showed how much we have improved. We played some excellent hockey with lots of determination and perseverance. We used the wings and space well and when attacking the goal directly wasn't working, we switched tactics to pull the ball back or square. Everyone played really well and enjoyed themselves.

The Year 5 and ^ girls played a netball match against Shepalbury Park, unfortunately the girls lost but they played well and showed resilience and perseverance.

The Year 5 and 6 boys football team played Woolenwick in a cup match last Friday. The boys lost 3-5 but showed the values of determination and perseverance.

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13Friends and Relatives Of Trotts Hill school FROTH and 12 others

Celebration Assembly – Friday 26th April 2024


A lovely week at Trottshill this week, we are all looking forward to welcoming the Mayor this morning. We celebrated the following achievements:


Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: CA who has had a fabulous week all round showing high levels of engagement.

Year 1: Nancy for a great effort in all areas of learning.

Year 2: Harveer for all round engagement and enthusiasm. Working hard and embracing new challenges head on.

Year 3: R for giving 100% in all areas of learning.

Year 4: Bailey for his excellent writing in English this week including lots of detail.

Year 5: Izzy for always demonstrating the high standard of behaviour expected at Trotts Hill.

Year 6: Jethro for exceptional vocabulary choices to make an extremely engaging suspense story.


Home Learning Heroes

The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Cobie for her beautifully presented 'er' words.

Year 1: Alayna for completing handwriting and writing lists. Alayna has also been reading lots at home!

Year 2: Elissa for completing all of her home learning to a high standard.

Year 3: Jase for excellent research which was beautifully presented.

Year 4: Aaruhi for her thorough research on a scientist and including extra facts.

Year 5: Ella for extensive research about Georgia O'Keeffe.

Year 6: Toby for furthering his understanding of arithmetic.


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Noah C who has produced some excellent writing in phonics.

Year 1: Ella for trying hard with her lead ins.

Year 2: Max F for really trying hard with his cursive writing.

Year 3: Isabella for trying hard to ensure her letters are the correct size.

Year 4: Amelie for working really hard on her handwriting in English to form ascenders and descenders correctly.

Year 5: Emelie for perfectly presented learning in maths.

Year 6: Dexter for continuously presenting his learning beautifully in all subjects.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for lovely manners at the hatch.

Key Stage 2- Year 3 for being the best behaved in the dining hall.



Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 99.29%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 2 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to Nazara in Year 4 for greeting Mrs Cornish in French everyday.


Golden Welly Award

Noah in Year 2 received the award for playing nicely in the sandpit.

Golden Broom Award

Radhvi and Leona in Year 1 received the award for tidying up the creative area.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Alma, Cara, Charlotte and Emelie performed in the ‘Younique’ dance show at the Gordon Craig on Sunday. All for girls were brilliant and danced wonderfully.

HM received an award for learning to swim 15m.

Brandon received a stage 4 swimming certificate.

Willow HP was awarded with gymnast of the week and also received her bronze award from Rainbows.

Caiden received a trophy for being player of the week and scored two goals.

Harry F tried his first show jumping competition with his pony. He was the youngest competitor and received a superb 5th place.

Oliver received a certificate for skiing and a badge from Beavers for building and experimenting.

GB and AB climbed Mount Snowdon and climbed all the way to the summit last weekend. They enjoyed the scrambling and climbing.

Henry H received a bravery award from having a blood test.

Junior Duke

Ibrahim in received a certificate for his completing his Junior Duke

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Celebration Assembly – Friday 19th April 2024


A fantastic week back together at Trotts Hill, everyone was praised for returning to school in such a positive way. Next week we have a House event and a visit from the Major to look forward to.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Zonaira for reading and writing every day over the Easter break.

Year 1: Scarlett for a great effort in English.

Year 2: Mia for showing perseverance and determination when facing challenging learning.

Year 3: Alfie for excellent engagement, focus and confidence.

Year 4: Owen for sharing lots of ideas and working hard in science.

Year 5: Jessica for reasoning in maths

Year 6: Olivia for using her vocabulary choices to capture the reader in English.


Home Learning Heroes

The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: I who completed her writing task but also built a bug hotel for the class.

Year 1: Joshua S for completing lots of extra home learning.

Year 2: Emilia for lots of reading at home during the holidays.

Year 3: Tihomir for completing non-negotiables during the holiday.

Year 4: Grace for lots of reading at home over the holidays.

Year 5: Jake D for lots of reading in the holidays.

Year 6: Patrick for completing lots of revision questions in preparation for SATs.


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Amelia for beautifully presented writing about The Tiger who Came to Tea

Year 1: Kyran for completing his handwriting to good standard.

Year 2: Olivia for taking time and care when making her moving vehicle.

Year 3: R for excellent presentation in a range of subjects.

Year 4: Scout for presenting her work neatly in place value charts.

Year 5: Jerome for making his handwriting more consistent.

Year 6: Charlie for always presenting his learning beautifully.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for a great start back to the new term.

Key Stage 2- Year 4 for embracing the OPAL activities.



Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 99.57%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 4 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to Poppy Year 6 for showing determination when asking for and giving directions in French.


Golden Welly Award

L in Year 1 received the award for gathering materials and people to make a den.

Golden Broom Award

Oli in Year 6 and Sophia in Year 4 received the award for organising resources and collecting donations from the donations bins.

Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Teddy was awarded with core level 9 gymnastics and received a medal and certificate.

Alfie was awarded with core level 8 gymnastics and received a medal and certificate.

Joshua got a personal best in park run, got player of the day at Stevenage football camp and scored 2 goals. He was also named player of the week for his football team.

Myah and Charlie walked up mount Snowdon over the Easter holidays. It took about 6.5 hours and was a 14km walk, encountering wind speeds of 70mph at the top. They pushed through the hard points and made their family very proud!

During the holidays, Dexter bravely climbed Ben Nevis with his Dad and sister. Ben Nevis is the UK's highest mountain and was hard work with a very snowy peak. Dexter has now completed the Three Peaks having already climbed Snowden and Scafell Pike. The whole family are so proud of this wonderful achievement!

On Sunday, Alma and Millie participated in the first outdoor speed skating competition of the season. They raced in a 100m sprint, a timed lap and a 3km endurance race. Alma came third in all three races and Millie brought home a participation medal.

Max D received certificates and badges for achieving learn to swim level 4 and swimming 25m.

Bailey was awarded trainer of the week for his football

Emilia received a level 4 gymnastics award.

L read 12 books as part of the winter reading challenge and received a certificate for this.

F was star of week at her ballet lessons this week and received a trophy for this.

J and A have been progressing superbly and received a certificate from Reading Eggs.

Noah was awarded with level 1 swimming.

Scout was awarded gymnast of the week for an improvement when completing cartwheels.

Isla L was awarded with level 2 swimming.

J’ael received a trophy for being nominated as the supporters player from his football team

Junior Duke

Owen in Y4 was awarded with a silver Junior Duke award.

Finn was awarded with a platinum Junior Duke award. Congratulations to them

Celebration Assembly – Thursday 28th March 2024




Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Harry F who has shown excellent engagement for learning both in school and out.

Year 1: Kyran for showing determination in DT

Year 2: Amadea for trying really hard when learning on the carpet and improving the amount she is writing in English (the quality is always excellent!).

Year 3: Charlie for increased focus and participation.

Year 4: Diya for responding well to feedback and making corrections where needed. 

Year 5: Jake D for fulfilling his role as a Science Ambassador.
Year 6: Luke for always striving to improve.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Jack for writing some excellent 'ur' sentences.  

Year 1: Franco for a fabulous 3D volcano and Alayna for a lovely spring poem.

Year 2: Max F for an excellent model of a tipper truck to support his learning in design and technology.

Year 3: Teddy V for an excellent poster and completing non-negotiables.

Year 4: Darcie for completing all of her non-negotiables and presenting her home learning neatly. 

Year 5: Karolina for high quality non-negotiables.

Year 6: Myah for a substantial amount of extra revision.   


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Zekiah who has worked incredibly hard on his writing and written some lovely words in phonics.

Year 1: Elliot for sewing well and placing felt well, when making a puppet.

Year 2: Brody for producing some excellent English in good-sizes cursive handwriting.

Year 3: Henry for trying very hard to be perfectly presented in his English learning.

Year 4: Georgia for her excellent presentation of her 'Instructions' poem.

Year 5: Jessica for well-presented learning in science.

Year 6: Evie-Rose for crafting a beautiful cross during our Easter journey.


Headteacher Home Learning Award

Haris received a certificate for an excellent presentation on Ramadan which he shared with Year 2.


Kindness Award

Nursery- Evie

Reception- Sienna


Unsung Hero

Year 1-Bella

Year 2-Emilia


Integrity Award

Year 3-Cara

Year 4-Ruby

Year 5- Emelie

Year 6- Dexter


House Points

1st Picasso 1133

2nd  Rowling 1087

3rd-Hawking 961

4th Farrah 923




Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 1 for thoughtful and creative play. 


Key Stage 2- Year 3 for helping to keep the sandpit tidy.


Lunch cup winners for the term were Year 1 and Year 3.

A special mention for Jase for helping to put the chairs on the tables and tidying the dining room at the end of lunch.




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99.58%.


150 pupils received a sticker for 100% attendance in March.

142 pupils received certificates for 100% attendance for Spring Term 2.

78 pupils received badges for 100% attendance for the whole of Spring Term.


Best Class Attendance Spring Term

1st Reception 97.5%

2nd Year 2 97.3%

3rd Year 6 96%


Best Class Attendance 2023-2024 (so far)

1st Year 2 97.6%

2nd Reception 96.9%

3rd Year 6 96.8%

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Reception were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 

This term’s winners were Year 1. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Jessica in Year 4 for telling Mrs Cornish she had a headache in French, ‘j'ai mal à la tête’.


Golden Welly Award


IK in Reception and Hannah in Year 5 for playing together and doing a wide variety of activities including dressing up and creative play.


 Golden Broom Award


Teddy T and Jaxon in Year 3 received the award for tidying up both the sand pit and water play area, going the extra mile!


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:
Salaar shared a trophy that he had won from his football team.

Scout achieved core level 7 in gymnastics and was awarded with a certificate and medal.  She was also awarded the certificate for gymnast of the week for showing perseverance on the bars.
Luke and Scout both took part in the Muddy Mayhem obstacle race on Sunday raising money for the Garden House Hospice.

Scout achieved core level 6 in gymnastics and was awarded with a certificate and medal.  She was also awarded the certificate for gymnast of the week for trying very hard with full spins on the floor.

Emilia achieved a wristband for attending 100 Park Runs.
Joshua achieved a personal best in Park Run this week. He was also named golfer of the week in his golf lessons.

Franco received a certificate for achieving 5m in swimming.

Millie and Alma competed in the British Indoor Speed Skating Championships in Nottingham. They competed in a 1 lap Dobbin sprint, a 200m race and a 500m race. Alma came 2nd in all three races while Millie narrowly missed out on 3rd. The 500m race was particularly exciting with Millie holding on to third for the entire race until a stitch got the better of her in the very last moment. Both girls showed amazing resilience, courage and sportsmanship.

Olivia shared a certificate for achieving a Rainbows gold award.

JA shared a certificate for achieving level 5 on reading eggs.

Jase received a certificate for swimming and water safety.

Georgia, Jessica, Laila, Amelie and Scout shared certificates for achieving a Brownies silver award.

Emelie was named player of the week for her football team. The goal she scored meant her team qualified for the quarter finals of the league cup.


Junior Duke

Micro Duke Amelia in Reception received     


Match Reports

Year 5 and 6 played the Leys in a football match and won 4-1. The team will now be in the quarter finals.


School Games Values


Arthur and Leo


Salaar and Olivia


Dexter and Leo


Joshua, Lovell and Ella

Celebration Assembly – Friday 22nd March 2024


Noah in Year 6 received a Headteacher award for an amazing OPAL presentation. We shared with the children the incredible news that after our final OPAL audit on 19th March 2024, we have been awarded PLATINUM for our play provision. This is the highest OPAL award and we scored 96% in the final audit. The Platinum Award puts our school in the top 1 percentile of UK primary schools in terms of the quality of our play offer. We are one of only a few schools locally to have achieved this award and are very proud of the whole play team and OPAL working party, who have worked tirelessly to improve playtimes for the children in our school.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Emmie for choosing to challenge herself in phonics.

Year 1: Isla L for showing determination in English.

Year 2: Bruce for his map in Science, but also the extra effort he is putting into English. He is really listening to input and applying this to his learning.

Year 3: Teddy T for always wanting to improve and make progress.

Year 4: Samiya for getting on independently in maths and trying really hard with learning decimals. 
Year 5: Reggie for maintaining focus on the purpose of his writing.

Year 6: Arthur for super engineering and problem solving skills shown in the K'NEX challenge


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Owen for writing a story about an alien and his friend Joshua! 

Year 1: Nancy and Ally for completing fabulous learning linked to science.

Year 2: Noah for super research on the continents.

Year 3: Henry for completing home learning to a very high standard.

Year 4: WR for completing his non-negotiables to a high standard and extending his learning by creating a Canopic jar along with his mummified banana. 
Year 5: Gabriel for high quality learning.

Year 6: Myah for excellent evidence for non-negotiables - times tables.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: IC for super handwriting in CIL.

Year 1: Scarlett for taking care with her letter formation.

Year 2: Coby for his amazing aerial map of Trotts Hill in science, identifying the different habitats. 

Year 3: Alfie for transferring his handwriting lesson skills into his English book.

Year 4: Ruby for her handwriting when writing a story.

Year 5: Zohaib for an excellent improvement in handwriting.  

Year 6: Charlie for a well presented newspaper report.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for very good behaviour in the dining room.


Key Stage 2- Year 6 for creative play and fun ideas outside at lunchtime.




Reception had the highest attendance this week with 100%.

 Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 6 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Malaika in Year 4 for her learning on feeling ill.


Golden Welly Award


Year 6 received the award for excellent play during all OPAL playtimes. They also have supported Mrs Hunter and the OPAL team to develop play at Trotts Hill.


Golden Broom Award


The Shed Crew received the award for excellent tidying every day and making sure that equipment is taken good care of.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:
Archie received a certificate and medal for achieving level 3 gold in gymnastics.
Willow R received a certificate and medal for achieving level 1 silver in gymnastics.
AMP received a certificate and medal for achieving level 3 silver in gymnastics.
Ava received a certificate and sash for achieving level 1 bronze in gymnastics.
Eliza achieved a new belt in karate and is now working on green and purple stripe belt.
Anaya achieved a new belt in karate and is now working on orange and green stripe belt.
Olivia received a certificate for achieving 20m in swimming and a medal for scoring 6 goals in a football match last weekend.
Franco received a certificates for achieving 5m in swimming and achieving learn to swim level 1.
GB received a certificate for achieving 5m in swimming.
AB received a certificate for achieving 5m in swimming.
CA achieved Reading Eggs level 2.

Izzy received a high merit in a tap exam recently.
Noah W was star of the week in his ballet class.



Year 5 and 6 netball team played against Caldicott and showed all of the PRIDE learning behaviours.

Year 5 and 6 boys football team played St. Margaret Clitherow in an away match. The boys won 5-3.

Year 3 and 4 played rapid fire cricket representing Stevenage in a Hertfordshire wide competition.  They placed 6th out of the whole county.


Celebration Assembly – Friday 15th March 2024


Another fantastic week at Trotts Hill. Today is comic relief and we ended the assembly laughing together as each class shared a joke. Thank you for your donations. We feel ready for a busy week next week, with our final OPAL audit and a visit from the Local Authority.


The following achievements were celebrated:


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Eric who is producing some beautiful writing and always works well independently.

Year 1: Joshua S for showing determination and resilience when sewing in DT.

Year 2: Caiden for adding additional detail and adjectives to his English sequencing work

Year 3: Gabby for always demonstrating the PRIDE learning behaviours.

Year 4: Amelie for her independent ideas in English.

Year 5: Ella for improvements in punctuation

Year 6: Josh for putting lots of effort and detail into his English planning in order to write in more detail.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Elsie Rae for completing phonics as well as ordering Russian dolls from tallest to shortest!

Year 1: Mason- for creating a 3D shape rocket and writing about it.

Year 2: Avyukt for always presenting his home learning with care and to a high standard.

Year 3: Isabell for completing her home learning to a very high standard and completing extra research based on our class read.

Year 4: Leo for completely all of his non-negotiables as well as his fractions learning. 

Year 5: Gabriel for a high standard of non-negotiables.

Year 6: Finn for completing all the home learning set and also completing Junior Duke to a good standard.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: FT perfectly presented her day, in drawings, when learning about time.

Year 1: Jaylah for using finger spaces.

Year 2: Owen for unrecognisable writing in English consistent size and spacing

Year 3: Archie for trying hard to keep his presentation neat with a poorly finger.

Year 4: Ahmed for presenting his workings neatly in maths. 

Year 5: Annie for perfectly presented learning in maths.

Year 6: Ethan for engaging well in handwriting intervention and applying to his writing.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 1 for trying lots of different vegetables.


Key Stage 2- Year 4 for being polite and friendly at the serving hatch.

A special mention went to Jase for being an amazing friend ans swapping his lunch choice with a classmate.

WR was commended for taking the time to come back to the hatch after his dinner and compliment the cooks for such great dinners.




Reception had the highest attendance this week with 99%.

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Oliver in Year 2 for always having enthusiasm in French and joining in with The Gruffalo in French.


Golden Welly Award


Owen in Reception received the award for engaging in creative play in the sandpit and making ‘bad porridge’.


Golden Broom Award


Florance in Year 5 and Ace in Reception received the award for tidying the sand and the water areas.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:
Olivia scored 7 goals in a football match at the weekend and was awarded with a medal for being parents player of the match.
Connie achieved core level 10 in gymnastics.

Alma and Millie competed in a skating race and showed determination. Alma received a medal for coming 3rd place in the relay.

Emilia shared her certificate for gymnastics proficiency award 5.
Caiden received a certificate for fantastic goal scoring from his football team.
Bailey shared his achievement of winning the story competition run by Stevenage Borough. Last weekend, he visited the club to receive a certificate and goody bag during last week’s match.
Karolina received a certificate for improvement in her straddle jumps at gymnastics.
Ilaria received a certificate for core level 3 in gymnastics.
Ace received a certificate great goal scoring and also swimming with a float.
Emmie received a trophy for being ballet dancer of the week and completed core level 10 in gymnastics.
Oliver received for always having a smile on his face and being respectful to coaches at his football club.


Junior Duke

Jael received the bronze Junior Duke award.

Match Reports

Trotts Hill girls netball team played away at Round Diamond on Tuesday 12th March. They had fewer players than usual so no substitutes throughout the game. The girls met against another experienced team, but as usual they were determined. Because the Trotts Hill netball team has Year 6 players so we have had to join the Year 6 league. This consists of many teams that have played together over the past 2 years. Our team have been playing together since September and our unfortunate loses do not show the growth of this great team justice. The score ended up at 22-1. Ella was our captain for the match, and she scored an amazing goal, she was also awarded girl of the match by our opposition.  Each of the girls always turn up with a smile on their faces, and excited to play. This match was no exception and even though there were a few goals conceded, all the girls could talk about was the fact that they scored and what a goal it was! Well done to you al

Celebration Assembly – Friday 8th March 2024


The children looked absolutely brilliant in their costumes for WBD. Thanks so much to parents for supporting this and for joining us for shared reading this morning and later today. The school is alive with the joy and excitement that books bring us today. More pictures to follow later.  



Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Ibrahim for sitting so beautifully on the carpet and engaging well.

Year 1: Willow H.P for showing enthusiasm in all that she does.

Year 2: A for excellent independent work in English

Year 3: Jase for trying hard to participate in lessons.

Year 4: Eliza for putting her hand up all the time to share ideas and answer questions.

Year 5: James for independent learning in maths.

Year 6: Joe for excellence in English.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Noah C for practising reading and writing 'ar' words as well as extra Monster Phonics reading. 

Year 1: Leon for making 3D art and writing about it.

Year 2: Brody for completing all his non-negotiables on time.

Year 3: Barry for completing home learning neatly and remembering to use capital letters and full stops.

Year 4: Malaika for her excellent PowerPoint on Beethoven. 

Year 5: Hannah for all non- negotiables and extra learning.

Year 6: Patrick for creating a wonderful, humorous text adventure game. 


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Cobie who takes pride in her work producing some beautiful writing and drawing whether it's on whiteboard or in her Literacy book.

Year 1: Salaar for using lead ins to his letter joins.

Year 2:  Isabelle for improved cursive writing formation and size.

Year 3: Barry for very good letter formation during handwriting lessons.

Year 4: Laila for her extremely well presented English diary entry. 

Year 5: Emelie for beautifully presented English.

Year 6: Thomas for huge improvement in handwriting!



Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 2 for improved behaviour at the hatch.


Key Stage 2- Year 5 for being polite and complimentary about the food.




Year 2 and 3 had the highest attendance this week with 99.3%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Hannah  in Year 5  for using French in real life situations.


Golden Welly Award


Brody in Year 2 received the award for excellent climbing skills.


Golden Broom Award


Olivia in Year 2 received the award for tidying the sandpit even though she does not play there.



Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Arthur shared the medal he received for winning a football tournament with his team.

Annie, Finn, and Kuzey performed in the Lytton Players show Junior Lights Up. Their chaperone complemented them on their respect, encouragement for others and patience.

Teddy T was awarded with gymnast of the week for gaining confidence, especially when performing a forward roll on the vault.
Bailey has won a Stevenage wide story writing competition run by Stevenage FC. This weekend he has been invited to the match and will be interviewed on the pitch by the renowned author Ken Follet.
Leo P received man of the match for his goalkeeping skills at Bedwell Rangers Galaxy. He also performed a violin solo to an audience at his music school in preparation for taking his grade 1 exam. He was also awarded gymnast of the week.

Cara took part in Stevenage Swimming Club’s turtle gala and received a certificate for this.

Oscar received an award for his gymnastics.

Willow HP received a medal for achieving core level 8 in gymnastics.

Millie competed in her skating race and came 3rd overall.

Isla W received a certificate for achieving level 5 swimming.

Ewan received a trophy for being trainer of the week.

Gabriel received a green belt in Taekwondo. 


Match Reports

The Year 3 and 4s had a fantastic result at the Small Schools Rapid Fire Cricket event on Wednesday - winning the event overall and now having the opportunity to represent Stevenage in the Herts School Games County Finals!

Well done Alma, Charlotte, Daniel, Teddy, Ruby, Scout, Finley & LH.


Year 5 and 6 netball team played against Saint Nicholas in a match. The girls lost bit they all showed all of the PRIDE learning behaviours. Myah was awarded with player of the match.


Junior Duke

Oliver in Year 2 was the first person this year to complete his Junior Duke Gold and was awarded a certificate and badge. Well done Oliver!

Celebration Assembly – Friday 1st March 2024




Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: J for showing increased confidence on the carpet and working hard on his blending. 

Year 1: Willow R for always trying her best and showing a positive attitude.

Year 2: Avyukt for some excellent work in English engaging and inference with our new book Julian is a Mermaid.

Year 3: Daniel for being the first person in Year 3 to complete the times table challenge and move to Maths Marathon.

Year 4: Harry for showing resilience and determination at swimming and moving up two groups this week.

Year 5: Fawaz for his animated delivery of a persuasive speech.

Year 6: Finn for maximising learning time in maths to master concepts and also support his peers.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Adeel continuing to do lots of learning over the half term break including reading, maths, graphs and much more.

Year 1: Oscar for super effort and always producing great quality learning.

Year 2: Harveer for writing up about a walk in the woods with his brothers.

Year 3:  Jaxon for doing double his usual amount of reading over half term.
Year 4: Harry and Ewan for going to the Fitzwilliam museum over the half term break and writing an account to share with us.
Year 5: Florance for changing a bicycle tyre as part of a Junior Duke Challenge.
Year 6: Keisha for putting effort into completing non-negotiables to a high standard.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Elsie Rae for beautiful drawings when sequencing Jasper's Beanstalk

Year 1: Leon for a super improvement with his handwriting.

Year 2: Ethan for beautiful and consistent cursive handwriting 

Year 3: Alfie for excellent letter formation during handwriting lessons.
Year 4: Brandon for neat presentation in history.
Year 5: Benson for handwriting in English.
Year 6: Evie Grace for improving presentation.



Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 1 for improved behaviour in the dining room.


Key Stage 2- Year 4 for looking after their friends and classmates and showing care and consideration.




Year 3  had the highest attendance this week with 97.67%.
134 pupils received stickers for 100% attendance in February.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


Golden Welly Award


Jesna Susan in Year 1 received the award for engaging in creative play in the art area.


Golden Broom Award


Aairah in Year 3 received the award for taking care of the new pegs and tidying the sandpit.


Outside achievements 

We shared the following achievements:

Connie was awarded with gymnast of the week for her effort with mastering hip circles. She also received a certificate for completing learn to swim level 3.

Oscar was awarded with a trophy for being player of the match for his football team Fairlands FC. He was awarded the trophy for his perseverance and a ‘try your best’ attitude.
Alastair received a certificate for achieving core level 9 in gymnastics.
Isabell received a certificate for learning to swim 5m and also achieved learn to swim level 2.
HM received a certificate for achieving learn to swim level 2.
Bailey achieved a wristband for attending 100 Junior Park Run (the equivalent to running 200km). He also received a trophy for being parents’ player of the match for his football team.
Caiden shared a trophy that he won for being player of the tournament in football. Lovell was awarded with a trophy for being man of the match for his football club.
Millie and Alma took part in a skating race. Alma received a medal for coming 2nd in her category.
Millie received a certificate for achieving learn to swim level 4.
Willow HP was awarded with gymnast of the week.
Elsie-Rae received a certificate for learning to swim 10m.
Jaylah shared the medal that she received. 



Celebration Assembly – Friday 16th February 2024


We had so much to celebrate this week. All children should be proud of their achievements this half term. They have followed the school rules and showed our PRIDE learning behaviours. Yesterday our Sports leaders led an assembly and each class worked on one of the sports values. We will share our sports values statements on the website. A number of children received certificates – please see below.

Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Owen who has made huge progress with his writing and written some excellent captions in phonics.

Year 1: Isla L for working hard on her story writing this week.

Year 2: Anaya for excellent work in English, writing in complex sentences with interesting vocabulary.

Year 3: Isabella for persevering in maths and then showing enjoyment in her learning.

Year 4: Isla for being helpful to her teachers and friends

Year 5: Ruben for enthusiastically helping to set up the class for the day.

Year 6: Grace for excellent progress in reading and maths due to a determined attitude.


Home Learning Heroes

The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Ava who has gone way above and beyond with her home learning this week including finding ways to make 6 and 7, phonics and singing Wheels on the Bus!

Thea for designing and writing a fabulous postcard.

Year 1: Jamie for a super video of his performance of a poem for safer internet day. Jesna Susan for a wonderful dance performance to a song all about being safe when using the internet.

Year 2: Zohan for an excellent write up of Safer Internet Day.

Year 3: Lamis for comprehensive ideas about how the internet makes a positive difference.

Year 4: Nasara for completing all tasks in a well-presented way.

Year 5: Ella for a detailed description of the positive influence of technology.

Year 6: R for detailed research on earthquakes presented beautifully.


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Albie for consistently presenting his writing perfectly this week.

Year 1: Willow R for working hard to use finger spaces.

Year 2: Elissa for regularly using a cursive handwriting style.

Year 3: Inaaya for all round excellent presentation.

Year 4: Ruby for neat handwriting and presentation in English

Year 5: Haniya for presentation in science this week.

Year 6: Finn for applying perfectly presented into science learning.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for the best lining up.

Key Stage 2- Year 3 for being the quietest in the lunch hall.



Reception had the highest attendance this week with 98.33%

112 children received certificates for 100% attendance in Spring Term 1.

Nursery – 9 children

Reception- 16 children

Year 1- 16 children

Year 2- 22 children

Year 3- 10 children

Year 4- 18 children

Year 5- 11 children

Year 6- 11 children


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 5 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to Eliza in year 4 for her outstanding character descriptions.


Golden Welly Award

Eric and JA in Reception for working with Miss Hunter to start a fabulous obstacle course on the Large Loose Parts Area.

Golden Broom Award

Isabell in Year 3 for helping Mrs Leach every day this week to tidy up and cover the sand pit.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Mason received a Stanley 1 award for swimming.

Laila received a certificate for swimming 200m.

Daniel C completed stage 3 at swim school.

Jessica received an award for being film maker of the week at her drama club. ‘

Georgia has been awarded a certificate stage 2 swimming.

Karolina has received a certificate for her winter reads library challenge.

Alma was awarded a certificate for being able to swim 400m.

Ivy achieved her stage 5 swimming award.

Cobie wished everyone a happy Chinese New Year.

Sienna P shared her award for dance.


School Games Sports Values Certificate


Michael in Year 5 for great ability, enjoyment and passion in table tennis.

Emelie in Year 5 for engaging so [passionately with the music in dance.

Finn in Year 6 for great ability, enjoyment and passion in table tennis.

Luke in Year 6 for great ability, enjoyment and passion in table tennis.


Connie in Year 2 for working hard on balance and coordination in dance.

Caiden in Year 2 for working hard on balance and coordination in dance.

Toby in Year 6 for improving his throw each time in javelin.

Ruben in Year 5 for taking feedback and working hard on goalkeeping.

Self Belief

Grace in Year 6 for joining in with table tennis and enjoying it.

Jake A in Year 5 for not hiding at the back anymore in dance!


Layla in Year 6 for working excellently in a team as part of the 6x6 relay.

Florance in Year 5 for working excellently in a team as part of the 6x6 relay.

Olivia in Year 6 for being willing to work with anyone and helping the younger players at football training.


Ruby in Year 4 for showing respect for the equipment, others players and time given to play footballing giving 100%.

Eco Friendly

Ava in Reception for recognising that we need to look after the trees.


Sport Reports

Well done to our team of Tear 5 and 6's who took part in the Sports Hall Athletics at Barnwell yesterday afternoon. The boys team came 1st in the small schools heat and the girls came 2nd which is an amazing achievement. The overall scores, for all Stevenage schools taking part, puts Trotts Hill boys in 5th and girls in 12th. We're very proud of how they conducted themselves, winning the School Games Value award for Respect in the process.


Safer Internet Day

Mrs Burr shared how proud she was of the videos and entries for Safer Internet day and some children were rewarded with a certificate for their effort. We are still downloading and compressing some of the videos and hope to share these when collated.

Thank you to Year 4 for teaching us sign language they have been learning- we were so impressed. Ask your child if they can remember any sign language.


We look forward to seeing you at the world book day costume and donut sale later, in the school hall.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 9th February 2024


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Zekiah for doing extra learning at home with Reading Eggs.

Year 1: Radhvi for always listening, contributing and doing her very best.

Year 2: Olivia for exceptional behaviour, learning and contribution to all lessons.

Year 3: Inaaya for excellent English learning this week.

Year 4: LH for supporting peers with their learning.

Year 5: Jake A for showing perseverance in maths.

Year 6: Sophie for being helpful and polite.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: JA who shared a story he wrote at home which was presented beautifully.

Year 1: Isla P for working hard to complete her home learning this week.

Year 2: Archie for a fantastic model of a house from Pudding Lane.

Year 3: Jase for completing home learning even though he was absent last week.

Year 4: WR for his presentation in maths.

Year 5: Annie for PPT research on Malala Yousafzai and coding.

Year 6: Thomas for always putting in a great deal of effort into his home learning and completing to a high standard.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Noah W for his excellent descriptions of what the phonics words meant.

Year 1: Oscar for always making an effort to present his work neatly and producing a wonderful polka dot painting.

Year 2: Arthur for a superb improvement to handwriting and always using the cursive style.

Year 3: LP for excellent presentation when drawing perimeters.

Year 4: Eliza for delightful handwriting. Mrs Cornish would like to say well done to everyone in Y4 for their beautiful handwriting when creating leaflets in English yesterday.

Year 5: Izzy improved consistency of handwriting.

Year 6: Timi excellent presentation in science. Huge improvement in handwriting, showing neatness and consistency in this piece.


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Year 1 for eating lunch sensibly in the hall.

Key Stage 2- Year 4 for better lining up.



Reception had the highest attendance this week with 98%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Reception were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to Jaxon in Year 3 for working collaboratively and helping his group when faced with a problem.


Golden Welly Award

Fawaz for organising a team from different year groups to build a den which they are still working on.

Golden Broom Award

Finn in Year 6 for being the only Year 6 to be tidying large loose parts.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Caiden received two trophies from his football club last weekend, Typhoon of the week and player of the week.

Fawaz was awarded player of the week from his football team for showing determination and a positive attitude.

Olivia scored three goals for her football team last weekend and was awarded with the team’s sponsors player of the match.

Laila competed in the Welwyn Dance Festival over three weekends. She won medals in four groups and one in a musical quartet from Peter Pan.

JA and CA in Reception shared some baking that they have been doing at home.

Isla W received her level 2 swimming certificate, the test included swimming whilst wearing clothes.

SS received his level 2 learn to swim badge.

Jaxon received a certificate for shooting at goal in football.


Match Reports

The boys’ football team played Giles Junior and won 2-0.

The netball team played against St Vincent De Paul. The team lost 16-0 but played with determination and resilience against very strong opponents.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 26th January 2024



Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception:  Albie whose perseverance with phonics, in school and at home, has really impressed us.

Year 1: Oscar for being a wonderful new member of our class, always doing his very best.

Year 2: Connie for enthusiasm throughout whole curriculum and resilience and perseverance in maths.

Year 3: Leon for always giving 100% and wanting to learn.

Year 4: Jessica for perseverance in swimming and moving up into the next group.

Year 5: B for exemplifying compassion as discussed in RE this week.

Year 6: Layla, for always being engaged, challenging herself and striving to be the best she can be.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Amelia and Harry F who have both gone above and beyond with extra learning at home this week - as well as the tasks set. 

Year 1: Jesna Susan for completing extra work at home.

Year 2: Isabelle for a superb drawing of the Great Fire of London.

Year 3: Charlie for completing learning to a high standard and completing all non-negotiables.

Year 4: Laila for doing extra times tables home learning and making a 9 times table poster showing the finger technique of helping to get the correct answer.

Year 5: Kuzey for drawing homophones to help him spell them in context

Year 6: Sophie, for completing all of her learning to a high standard and also completing extra revision in preparation for SATs.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: J for perfectly presenting his story map in Literacy.

Year 1: Leona for neat presentation in all subjects including Maths.

Year 2: Noah consistently high standard in English and maths.

Year 3: Cara for consistently neat presentation in all areas.

Year 4: D for her immaculate maths work.
Year 5: Benson for improved handwriting in science.
Year 6: Ardante for consistently neat handwriting and presentation across all subjects.


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 2-

Year 3 for everyone trying new vegetables.

Year 6 for manners and kindness in the dining hall.




Reception had the highest attendance this week with  98.67%

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Freddie in Year 2 for ordering his lunch and using  S'il vous plait.


Golden Welly Award


The Year 6 boys received this award for playing with the wheeled play (instead of football) all week!


Golden Broom Award


Georgia in Year 4 received the award for being an ambassador for keeping our OPAL toys in a good condition.  



Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:
Gabriella successfully completed Stage 1 of her swimming classes.
Alfie achieved level 10 in gymnastics and was rewarded with a certificate and medal.
On Saturday Milie and Alma competed in their first indoor club race with their skating team. Unfortunately neither of the girls placed in their races but they both tried had fun.
Salaar was awarded as player of the week after scoring five goals for his football team.

Gabriel has passed the grade one in musical theatre with distinction.
L shared her certificate for completing the Winter Library Challenge.
JA for completing level 4 on reading eggs.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 19th January 2024


We ended the week reflecting on all our achievements and shared what we are most proud of. Well done everyone for a super week!


Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Thea who has had a great week all round, putting her hand up and sharing super ideas on the carpet.

Year 1: Leon For a super attitude to all his learning.

Year 2: Emilia for always being polite and helpful (and she's an all-round superstar in her learning too)

Year 3: Teddy G for trying very hard to always join his handwriting.

Year 4: Leo for increased participation across the curriculum.

Year 5: Leo for making connections in maths and applying a subtraction strategy to fractions

Year 6: Myah for increasing her pace in maths and completing all of the challenges.


Home Learning Heroes

The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Cooper for brilliantly written words using his phonics.

Year 1: Josh H for completing extra RE work at home.

Year 2: Olivia for superb research on the Great Fire of London

Year 3: Teddy T for great research and very neatly presented.

Year 4: Georgia for consistent exceptional quality of home learning.

Year 5: Karolina for high quality non-negotiables.

Year 6: Evie Rose for her excellent geography research which was also presented beautifully.


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Ava for beautiful presentation in phonics.

Year 1: Nancy for working hard on her letter formation.

Year 2: Teddy for excellent presentation in English.

Year 3: Charlotte for excellent presentation in all subjects.

Year 4: Ilaria for neat shading work in art

Year 5: Jessica for clear recording of working out.

Year 6: Poppy for showing clear working out in maths


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 1 for improved behaviour in the lunch hall.

Key Stage 2- Year 3 for improved lining up at the end of play plus amazing manners and friendly attitude.

Attendance Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 98.97%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to Scarlett in Year 1 for clear speaking and sensible behaviour.


Golden Welly Award

Freya in Reception received the award for playing well with a range of children.


Golden Broom Award

Cara in Year 3 received the award for consistently helping tidy.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Annie received a certificate for swimming 200m. Millie received a certificate for swimming 20m.

Bailey received a certificate for swimming 10m and received man of the match for his football team.

Emilia received a certificate for achieving Stanley 6 in swimming and was also most improved gymnast in her section.

Scout received core level 8 in gymnastics.

Ilaria received core level 4 in gymnastics. Bella received a certificate for achieving Stanley 2 in swimming.

Sophia received a certificate for swimming 5 m

Jessica received an award for performer of the week from PQA theatre group. Owen received a certificate for level 4 in swimming.

Sports Report

Last week the boys football team played Shephall Bury Park in a home game. The team won 5-1 with goals scored by Luke.


Celebration Assembly – Friday 12th January 2024


A fantastic week at Trotts Hill, Year 3 and 4 were praised for their fantastic behaviour whilst swimming.


Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Sienna for having an excellent attitude to learning and always doing the right thing.

Year 1: Alessandro for careful painting and mixing to create secondary colour on his colour wheel in art.

Year 2: Giselle for an excellent attitude to learning in the New Year. She is writing more in English (still beautifully presented) and working more independently in maths.

Year 3: Cara for excellent participation during every lesson.

Year 4: Ruby for actively participating in all areas of the curriculum in class.

Year 5: Karolina for showing perseverance in all subjects.

Year 6: Evie Grace for presenting her decimal maths learning exceptionally well, including drawing place value grids


Home Learning Heroes

The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: George M for showing perseverance with his writing and doing extra at home.

Year 2: Amadea for taking care with presentation of home learning and producing lots of additional learning.

Year 3: Charlotte for reading 24 times during the Christmas holiday.

Year 4: Ahmed for an amazing amount of reading during the Christmas holiday.

Year 5: Florance for making bread as part of the Junior Duke

Year 6: Rohan for creating an excellent webpage (as part of Junior Duke)


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Eric for presenting his phonics in a beautiful list.

Year 1: Joshua H for always listening in carpet time and making thoughtful contributions to class discussions.

Year 2: Haris for extra effort with cursive writing. His English this week was unrecognisable!

Year 3: Lamis for trying hard to focus on presentation.

Year 4: Leo for clear and well-presented History learning.

Year 5: B improvements in handwriting over time.

Year 6: Ethan for always engaging in learning, asking for help when he needs it but also for becoming more independent


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 2 for improved volume in the dining hall and coming in to lunch sensibly.

Key Stage 2- Year 5 for helping with OPAL activities and tidying up.



Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99.44%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Nursery were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to Charlotte in Year 3 for having enthusiasm in French and recalling learning.


Golden Welly Award

Jack in Reception received the award for being polite and engaging in a wide range of play.


Golden Broom Award

Year 4 received the award for turning up to their area –the mud kitchen- and tidying every day.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Emelie and Charlotte danced in two shows over the Christmas holiday at care homes and both danced beautifully.

Caiden took part in a tournament with his football academy and was awarded with the trophy for goal of the tournament.

CA in Reception received a certificate for 100% in a Reading Eggs quiz.

Emilia came runner up in her age category for most improved gymnast. They commented that she is always happy, willing to try new skills and support others in her class.

Jesna received a certificate for taking part in the Winter Mini Reading Challenge.

Isla L received her Silver Award at Rainbows, along with Story Time, Express myself and Communicate badges.

Georgia and Jessica received a ‘know myself’ badge from Brownies.

Bailey won trainer of the week at his football club.

See insights and ads

Boost post


All reactions:


Celebration Assembly – Friday 15th December 2023


We celebrated a superb week at trots hill with 6 Christmas plays- all children were stars this week! The children are looking forward to wrapping room a a special visitor to the school. They all look festive in their Christmas Jumpers to raise money for “Save the children”


Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception:  Ava who has consistently shone with her singing in the Christmas performance and also for remembering all about Hanukkah and telling her family!

Year 1: Josh S for always working hard and making super progress in his writing this week. 

Year 2: Elissa for contributing in class discussions.

Year 3: Harry for all round excellent participation and enthusiasm.

Year 4: Aaruhi for excelling with her research about the Amazon for English.

Year 5: Jessica - learnt the words of the French song despite being new to the school

Year 6: Noah for being an excellent Digital Leader and for writing the script for the Key Stage Two performance.


Home Learning Heroes 

The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Harry F who has been doing extra phonics practise in a really fun and creative way to blend and segment words.

Year 1: Radhvi for making a Christmas decoration and explaining to the class how she made it. 

Year 2: Emilia for always completing her learning to a high standard and always reading lots at home.

Year 3: Tihomir for neat presentation of the non-negotiables.

Year 4: Bailey for writing poems about Christmas in his own time.

Year 5: Zohaib for high quality non-negotiables
Year 6: Grace for interesting research about Stevenage for our report writing.


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Mason for working hard to write in a cursive style.

Year 2: Zohan for improved presentation in English and maths.

Year 3: Teddy G for trying hard to join his handwriting in English.

Year 4: Nasara for making improvements with his handwriting.

Year 5: Michael for maths

Year 6: Ollie for improving digit formation in maths.  


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for calm, sensible behaviour outside and for good behaviour in the dining hall.


Key Stage 2- Year 5 for good tidying, kindness and looking after each other.




Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 97%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 6 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week

Mrs Cornish thinks that all of KS2 are stars for their amazing performance of the French carol in the KS2 production.


Golden Welly Award

Emilia, Sienna and Elissa in Year 2 received the award for being resilient and playing well in all weathers.


Golden Broom Award

Ellie in Year 5 received the award for brilliant tidying of the large loose parts.



Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:
Laila shared a trophy that she received for the right attitude, uniform and good attendance at dance club.

Laila, Georgia, Illaria, Scout, Jessica, and Amelie received a certificate and badge for achieving the Brownie bronze award.

Arthur received badges for creativity, photography, reading and hiking at Beavers. He also received a certificate from his piano teacher.

Leon received a certificate for completing the water skills 1 award.
Emelie and Charlotte have performed 3 dances at the dance Christmas show.
Oliver received a certificate for being able to swim 10 metres.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 15th December 2023


We celebrated a superb week at trots hill with 6 Christmas plays- all children were stars this week! The children are looking forward to wrapping room a a special visitor to the school. They all look festive in their Christmas Jumpers to raise money for “Save the children”


Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception:  Ava who has consistently shone with her singing in the Christmas performance and also for remembering all about Hanukkah and telling her family!

Year 1: Josh S for always working hard and making super progress in his writing this week. 

Year 2: Elissa for contributing in class discussions.

Year 3: Harry for all round excellent participation and enthusiasm.

Year 4: Aaruhi for excelling with her research about the Amazon for English.

Year 5: Jessica - learnt the words of the French song despite being new to the school

Year 6: Noah for being an excellent Digital Leader and for writing the script for the Key Stage Two performance.


Home Learning Heroes 

The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Harry F who has been doing extra phonics practise in a really fun and creative way to blend and segment words.

Year 1: Radhvi for making a Christmas decoration and explaining to the class how she made it. 

Year 2: Emilia for always completing her learning to a high standard and always reading lots at home.

Year 3: Tihomir for neat presentation of the non-negotiables.

Year 4: Bailey for writing poems about Christmas in his own time.

Year 5: Zohaib for high quality non-negotiables
Year 6: Grace for interesting research about Stevenage for our report writing.


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Mason for working hard to write in a cursive style.

Year 2: Zohan for improved presentation in English and maths.

Year 3: Teddy G for trying hard to join his handwriting in English.

Year 4: Nasara for making improvements with his handwriting.

Year 5: Michael for maths

Year 6: Ollie for improving digit formation in maths.  


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for calm, sensible behaviour outside and for good behaviour in the dining hall.


Key Stage 2- Year 5 for good tidying, kindness and looking after each other.




Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 97%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 6 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week

Mrs Cornish thinks that all of KS2 are stars for their amazing performance of the French carol in the KS2 production.


Golden Welly Award

Emilia, Sienna and Elissa in Year 2 received the award for being resilient and playing well in all weathers.


Golden Broom Award

Ellie in Year 5 received the award for brilliant tidying of the large loose parts.



Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:
Laila shared a trophy that she received for the right attitude, uniform and good attendance at dance club.

Laila, Georgia, Illaria, Scout, Jessica, and Amelie received a certificate and badge for achieving the Brownie bronze award.

Arthur received badges for creativity, photography, reading and hiking at Beavers. He also received a certificate from his piano teacher.

Leon received a certificate for completing the water skills 1 award.
Emelie and Charlotte have performed 3 dances at the dance Christmas show.
Oliver received a certificate for being able to swim 10 metres.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 8th December 2023


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception:  Amelia who shows a love for learning, at all times, in and out of school.

Year 1: Jesna or always doing her very best in everything, including super enthusiasm in our Christmas show.

Year 2: Archie for being excellent role model using a loud voice in rehearsals.

Year 3: Sanaa for perseverance in sewing.

Year 4: W for a positive week in all areas of the curriculum.

Year 5: Haniya for volunteering contributions to whole class learning

Year 6: Poppy for returning to school with increased focus, determination and independence.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Henry who went above and beyond designing, making, writing and posting Christmas cards to his family (and Mrs O'Brien). Mrs O'Brien would like to thank all families who engaged so thoroughly with our letter writing home learning this week

Year 1: Joshua S for writing a lovely letter about his visit to see Father Christmas.

Year 2: Coby for additional maths learning.

Year 3: L for very neat sewing.

Year 4: Sophia for accuracy with her maths home learning and extended practice of times tables on Purple Mash

Year 5: Fawaz for high quality non-negotiables

Year 6: Myah for excellent research comparing theories of evolution.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Franco for beginning to use the cursive handwriting style.

Year 2: A for his shape net and symmetry drawing

Year 3: Leo for a well-written piece of research which contained lots of facts.

Year 4: Bailey for neat note taking in English and making a conscious effort to reduce the size of his handwriting.

Year 5: Jake D for improved consistency in handwriting.

Year 6: Timi for making huge progress and effort with handwriting in English

Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 1 for better walking through school and quietly eating in the hall.


Key Stage 2- Year 3 for lovely tidying up and great lining up.


A special mention to Tihomir who has been polite and well-mannered at the hatch. He even asked Mrs Poole if she was having a good day.




Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 97.77%.

128 children received a reward for achieving 100% attendance in November.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Patrick in Year 6 for always trying hard in lessons and greeting Mrs Cornish in French around the school.


Golden Welly Award


Connie and Brody in Year 2 received the award for excellent problem solving and communication, while den building.  


Golden Broom Award


Finn in Year 4 received the award for tidying in the mud kitchen every day.


Sports Reports

Joe, Finn, Layla, Sophie, Olivia, Patrick and Riya in Year 6 along with Zohaib, Fawaz, Gabriel, Haniya, Izzy, Milani, and BF from Year 6 attended an archery contest. They 3rd  out of six teams. Sophie received an individual 3rd place. The children showed excellent teamwork, sportsmanship, determination and perseverance.



Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:
Sienna was awarded as gymnast of the week for being able to squat into a forward roll on the vault.

Willow R achieved the level 1 bronze gymnastics award.
Isla Y4 achieved the level 4 bronze gymnastics award.
Olivia received a trophy for player of the match, at the weekend, she scored 2 goals. Daniel was named man of the match for scoring two goals for his football team.
Daniel and Jamie both moved up to the next level in their gymnastics club.

Archie shared that he has moved up a level in gymnastics.
H received a certificate for swimming 10 metres.
Sophia received star of the week from her ballet class for persevering with a difficult aspect of her routine. She was also awarded with cheerleader of the week.

Bella was awarded with cheerleader of the week.
Alma received a certificate for being brave during a blood test.
Arthur received piano star of the week for learning an extra song.
Oliver received the book reader and cyclist badges from Beavers.

Celebration Assembly – Thursday 30th November 2023



Mrs Evans thanked Noah, one of our digital leaders, for creating a brand new, whizzy PowerPoint for our Celebration Assembly.

Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Ace for super letter writing in Literacy as well as choosing to write more during Child Initiated Learning.

Year 1: Isla P for working well independently and making an effort to put her hand up and join in with all our learning.

Year 2: Max F for effort in English carefully considering vocabulary.

Year 3: Tihomir for enthusiasm in geography.

Year 4: Scout for being kind to others and helpful in class.

Year 5: Lacey-Lou for problem solving in science.

Year 6: Patrick for always being enthusiastic to share his extensive knowledge across the curriculum, but particularly in science this week.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: FT for being creative with her phonics at home and using Boggle pieces to build words!

Year 1: SS for completing non negotiables and writing super sentences about his weekend.

Year 2: Anaya for superb home learning consistently and presented to a very high standard.

Year 3: Inaaya for neatly presented home learning and lots of extra work.

Year 4: Malaika for all non-negotiables being completed to a high standard.

Year 5: Jerome for great enthusiasm for reading.

Year 6: Charlie for his excellent DT home learning, practising his sewing skills.

Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Alastair for making an effort to form letters in the cursive style.

Year 2: Avyukt for excellent presentation in English.

Year 3: Jaxon for trying hard to use finger spaces.

Year 4: LH for improving his presentation in English.

Year 5: Ellie for a beautifully presented diagram in science.

Year 6: Olivia for drawing scaled shapes in maths neatly and accurately with a ruler.

Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 1 for improved behaviour in the dining hall and eating quietly.

Key Stage 2- Year 4 for good manners and friendliness in the dining hatch. They also have had a prompt response to tidy up time outside.

A special mention went to Kyran for being kind, friendly and a pleasure to serve at the hatch.


Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 98.56

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.

French star of the week

This was awarded to Olivia in Year 2 for her engagement in our lesson about numbers to 20.

Golden Welly Award

Emelie in Year 5 won the award for great den making, always being engaged and active

Golden Broom Award

Dexter in Year 6 received the award for organising his class to help tidy the large loose parts area.

Sports Reports

Luke and Finn shared the match report for the away match against Roebuck last week.

The team won the match with a score of 3:2 with Luke and BF scoring goals. Ruben was awarded with man of the match for some excellent saves toward the end of the match.

Joshua, Coby, Caiden, Emilia and Anaya attended the balance festival yesterday and shared their successes. The children were proud to share that they were able to come first in two of the races.

Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Over the weekend Arthur took part in a music gig, where he played jingle bells and drunken sailor on the piano. He was very excited and nervous despite this he performed beautifully.

Layla was awarded with a trophy for ‘the most improved female swimmer’, during Stevenage Swimming Club’s annual award presentation.

Caiden was awarded player of the week for his football club and also scored 4 goals

Celebration Assembly – Friday 24th November 2023


We enjoyed some live music this morning from past and current pupils at Trotts Hill and the children were thrilled to see the live performances. A fantastic week at Trotts Hill with a visit from the Local Authority and a Governor morning. Both visits were extremely positive and more detail will follow in the newsletter next week.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Jack for making an amazing model during his choosing time showing perseverance to complete it.

Year 1: Nancy for working independently in maths, being able to solve subtraction problems and draw part-whole models.

Year 2: Noah for his amazing writing in English, recounting a story, adding in fabulous language and conjunctions.

Year 3: Peyton for excellent understanding and taking pride her maths.

Year 4: Balveer for engagement across the curriculum, especially in RE this week.

Year 5: Emelie for her good suggestions for activities in her role as a Sports' Leader.

Year 6: Evie Grace for always showing kindness.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: CA and JA who have been completing extra phonics activities at home in addition to the activities set.

Year 1: Kyran for writing words and sentences for pictures to tell us about his weekend.

Year 2: Owen for a superb poster all about the Plague doctors.

Year 3: Sanaa for excellent geography facts presented neatly and with all capital letters.

Year 4: Brandon for great work on rounding and going the extra mile with his handwriting.

Year 5: Michael for extra practice of

Year 6: Myah for her excellent map work and for continuing her story writing at home which was of very high quality.


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Jake for making an effort to write in our new cursive handwriting style for the letters learnt so far.

Year 2: Amadea for consistently producing beautiful cursive writing.

Year 3: J'ael for continued good letter formation.

Year 4: Ewan for clear presentation in maths.

Year 5: Zohaib for presentation in maths.

Year 6: Joe for making a conscious effort to make his handwriting neat, when writing his persuasive text


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Year 2 for eating packed lunches quietly and lining up sensibly.

Key Stage 2- Year 4 for kind and friendly behaviour towards each other.



Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 99.64%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 2 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to Jerome Year 5 for his engagement when working out the meaning of our French carol.


Golden Welly Award

Archie R, Daniel and Alma in Year 3 received the award for working with Mrs Leach to build an amazing den, complete with furniture.


Golden Broom Award

Bruce, Harveer, Max F, Max D, Freddie, Archie T and Coby in Year 2 received the award for tidying the large loose parts and being the only children to do so this week.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

L received a trophy for being man of the match in his football match.

Isla W shared a certificate from her ballet lessons.

Teddy shared the certificate and medal he received for achieving core level 10 in gymnastics.

Joshua received a band for completing 50 junior Park Runs and coming first. He received golfer of the week and achieved stage 4 in swimming. He also played in a football match last week and received a medal for being parent’s player of the week.

Laila achieved five medals in group dances when taking part in Royston dance festival.

Sophia achieved a certificate for being proficient in theatre ballet and will be moving up to grade 1 ballet.

Bella received a distinction in her recent ballet exam and will be moving up to primary ballet.

Giselle completed stage 5 in swimming, she is becoming confident and is looking forward to starting lessons in navy blue hats.

Isla L has received her Blue Peter book badge this week, after submitting a book review to Blue Peter, as part of her Rainbows Book Lover Badge. The book she reviewed was Uh Oh! It's the Unicorns.

Willow H-P shared her Blue Peter badge as part of her Rainbows Book Lover Badge.

Sophie shared the programme from her performance in The Little Mermaid at the Gordon Craig. She also won an array of medals from Royston dance festival.

Gabriel received a certificate from his drama class.

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All reactions:


Celebration Assembly – Friday 17th November 2023


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Elsie Rae for making up and writing an excellent story this week.

Year 1: Radhvi for showing all the PRIDE learning behaviours and always doing her very best.

Year 2: Teddy for trying his very best in maths and English.

Year 3: J'ael for enthusiasm in maths and excellent participation during whole class teaching.

Year 4: Harry for consistently working hard in all areas of the curriculum.

Year 5: Jerome for enthusiastic contribution this week.

Year 6: Riya for challenging herself to use ambitious vocabulary in her story.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Emmie who has been doing word hunts, writing sentences, reading and practising her numbers at home.

Year 1: Ally for writing wonderful sentences about his weekend and including high frequency words.

Year 2: Bruce for his extensive research on the plague doctor.

Year 3: Millie for excellent joined handwriting in English.

Year 4: Isla for completing all non-negotiables to a highly presented standard.

Year 5: B for excellent learning on Beddgellert.

Year 6: Toby for engaging well with our Science topic.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: L for developing a super, neat handwriting style.

Year 2: Freddie for great writing in English about how the rain makes us feel.

Year 3: Millie for completing home learning alongside extensive extra non-negotiables.

Year 4: Owen for making a huge effort with his handwriting.

Year 5: Karolina for an improvement in handwriting.

Year 6: Noah for consistently neat handwriting even when writing with stamina.:


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1/EYFS- Reception for being the quietest in the dining hall.

Key Stage 2- Year 3 for being kind and complementary in the dining hall.

A special mention goes to Keisha, who has been kind and helpful in the dining hall.




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 98.33%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)


This week Year 4 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Ethan in Year 6 for adapting a text to write in third person.


Golden Welly Award

Leo in Year 1 received the award for excellent den building alongside the Year 6 children.


Golden Broom Award

Willow R in Year 1 received the award for great tidying where ever she is playing.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Charlie achieved stage for in swimming and was praised for his stamina.

Aaruhi achieved her 25m swimming award.

Sienna received a certificate for bravery.

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All reactions:


Celebration Assembly – Friday 10th November 2023




Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception:  George M who has engaged so well with his learning this week - even when he was poorly at home.

Year 1: Salaar for approaching his learning with enthusiasm and relishing new challenges.

Year 2: Isabelle for confidently standing in front of the class and presenting her non-fiction English work on the human lifecycle in a big voice.

Year 3: Jaxon for being kind and helpful.

Year 4: Tommy for his exceptional commitment to the Diwali play.

Year 5: Annie for showing perseverance and taking home maths challenges.

Year 6: Dexter for being helpful to peers in class and a supportive friend outside of class.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Noah W for consistently completing his HL to a good standard but also for continuing to want to learn while he is in hospital.

Year 1: Willow R for a big improvement in her handwriting and writing smaller and neater. 

Year 2: Arthur for an excellent firework poem and Olivia for some superb research on Guy Fawkes.

Year 3: Charlotte for a great follow on to class learning.

Year 4: Amelie for working so hard on her maths and handwriting.

Year 5: Gabriel for excellent research which was written in his own words.

Year 6:  Layla for completing extra maths questions she missed due to Sports Leader training



Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Ally for writing wonderful sentences about his weekend and including high frequency words. 

Year 2: Giselle for her improved presentation in all subjects and building her stamina for writing.

Year 3: Teddy T for focusing on creating a perfectly presented piece of learning.

Year 4: Jessica for beautifully presented description of the setting in her Beowulf writing.

Year 5: James for a huge improvement in letter formation.

Year 6: Arthur for well- presented science research.



Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for the best behaviour in the dining room and packed lunch hall.


Key Stage 2- Year 5 for friendly behaviour at the hatch and for the best lining up.

Special mention to Ollie Faulkner for spending time at the end of each lunch to help Mrs Qadri tidy up.




Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 99.28%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week  were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Annie in Year 5 for her reading and speaking work on siblings.


Golden Welly Award


Ali was awarded  for varied play and always smiling and showing the PRIDE value of enjoyment.   


Golden Broom

Radhvi and Leona received the award for their dedicated tidying in the mud kitchen


Samarivans Competition Winners


Create Crew challenged the children had to design their own campervan and could make an optional donation to the Samaritans charity. The competition idea was organized by Sarah Graham who is a Hitchin based artist who has made some videos for us as a school before. 

Mrs Spendlove was really impressed with the number of entries we had and the Creative Crew judged the entries last week.

KS1 winner: Mia 

Lower KS2 winner: Alma

Upper KS2 winner: Izzy



Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Isla was awarded with the stage 1 swimming badge. She also received drawing and book lover badges from Rainbows.
Laila received a certificate for achieving level 6 learn to swim.
Ewan was awarded a trophy from his foot ball team for being man of the match. He also scored his first goal for the team.
Gabriel received blue stripe seventh cup in Taekwondo.
Charlie received a certificate for level 4 learn to swim certificate.
Annie has received a badge for swimming 100m.


Sports Reports

Year 5 and 6 boys played against Lodge Farm in a home game. Trotts Hill won 5-3.

Year 5 entered a bench ball competition and shared their PRIDE values through out and came 8th in the competition.

Year 5 and 6 girls played against Bedwell in a netball match they did not win but they showed excellent sportsmanship.

Celebration Assembly – Friday  13th October 2023


Mrs Kramer praised the children for their positive attitudes during Hello Yellow Day on Tuesday. The House Captains were congratulated for confidence and enthusiasm when they were leading sessions. On Wednesday, every pupil was in school which is an excellent achievement.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception:  Inez for always being ready to learn and to tidy up.

Year 1: Jayla for super reading in phonics using sound buttons and blending.

Year 2: Arthur for taking responsibility when self-regulating and improving his behaviour. 

Year 3: Leo for showing enjoyment and enthusiasm in all learning.

Year 4: Grace for putting herself forward for every part in the Diwali play. She took it with good grace when she didn't get a speaking part.

Year 5: Ivy for showing perseverance in maths. 

Year 6: Jethro for giving up his own time to improve in maths.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:
 Cooper for doing excellent phonics reading and writing.

Year 1: Bella for completing all non-negotiables and doing pictures and sentences.

Year 2: Teddy for non-negotiables and extra home learning.

Year 3: Millie for completing lots of spelling learning.

Year 4: Scout for achieving all non-negotiables to a high standard and showing impressive research about Wilma Rudolph for Black History Month.
Year 5: Izzy for a PowerPoint presentation on Dr Spence Silva.
Year 6:  Rohan for conducting lots of research about his chosen person for Black History month to write a detailed biography.


Perfectly Presented


Year 1: Radhvi for always keeping her handwriting neat and her work well presented. 

Year 2: Anaya for lots of carefully considered writing and which was well presented.
Year 3: Henry for improvement in joined handwriting.
Year 4: Laila for a creative and neat plan in English.
Year 5: Florence for beautiful writing in English
Year 6:
Dexter for recording his research neatly in Science


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for the best behaviour in the dining room.  


Key Stage 2- Year 3 for good manners at the serving hatch. Special mention to Teddy G for trying a new vegetable everyday – from Mrs Pool




Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 100%!


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 4 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. Credit was given to all classes in Key Stage 2 for their tidiness.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Daniel in Year 3 for his write up of the conversation he performed in class with Archie. 


Golden Welly Award


Jesna and Radhvi in Year 1 received the award for excellent OPAL behaviour.


Golden Brush Award


Leon in Y3 received the award for sharing learning behaviours and always helping.



Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Karolina Year 5 for achieving Level 6 in gymnastics.

Ilaria and Sienna ran 5K for Great Ormond Street and raised over £1000.

Dexter received Man of the Match for his rugby.

Olivia scored 5 goals in her recent match and was player of the match.

Charlie helped around the house at the weekend.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 6th October 2023


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Ace for writing a fabulous list during choosing time. 

Year 1: L for always showing enthusiasm and enjoyment in his learning.

Year 2: Max D for an excellent effort in improving his handwriting

Year 3: Barry for always trying his best.

Year 4: Ahmed for always being so incredibly helpful in class.

Year 5: Zohaib for a good suggestion for an investigation in science.

Year 6: Toby for persevering and overcoming challenges in math


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Harry F for some excellent phonics practise and maths sorting.

Year 1: Nancy for completing all non-negotiables and making a caterpillar!

Year 2: Mia for making a wonderful rhyming poetry booklet

Year 3: Charlie for completing extra sentences which were very neat and also lots of times tables practise.

Year 4: Jessica for her work on up-levelling sentences.

Year 5: Milani for the science task she produced.

Year 6: Ardante for championing reading lots of reading entries in his diary.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Gabriella for writing neatly with small and consistently sized letters in all tasks.

Year 2: Connie for a beautifully presented autumn poem.

Year 3: Teddy V excellent joined handwriting.

Year 4: Finley for his beautiful presentation in maths.

Year 5: Zohaib for making a huge improvement with his handwriting.

Year 6: Layla for a perfectly presented graph in science.



Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Year 2 for walking in to lunch quietly.


Key Stage 2- Year 6 for improved lining up.




Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 99.23%


A huge congratulations also go to the 170 children who had 100% attendance for September.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Reception were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Karolina in Year 5 for using vocabulary learnt in Year 4 to tell me that she had an earache.


Golden Welly Award


Nancy in Year received the award for playing nicely with her friends.


Golden Broom Award


Haniya in Year 5 received the award for helping to keep the shed tidy.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Josh received a certificate for an original piece of creative writing which was published in an anthology.

Brody received camping and science badges from Beavers. 

Oliver received his hiking and medical badges from Beavers.

Alma collected her 25m, 50m and 100m swimming certificates.

Noah received a certificate for completing Stage 1 swimming.

Laila received a merit in a music and drama exam.

Joe completed his first rugby festival and was named as man of the match.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 29th September 2023


Mrs Evans praised the children’s wonderful efforts in home learning for European Day Languages on Monday. The display looks stunning.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Harry T for independently changing for PE. What a great role model! 

Year 1: Mason for always showing the PRIDE learning behaviours and a positive attitude to all his work. 

Year 2: Coby for overall engagement and brilliance.

Year 3: Isabell for giving 100% in every aspect of her independent learning.

Year 4: D for answering the register in French all week!

Year 5:  Leo for trying very hard to master punctuation.

Year 6: Ardante for being a supportive friend and an engaged learner.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception:  George and Albie for going above and beyond with their phonics learning.

Year 1: Isla L for working hard to complete all the non-negotiables. 

Year 2: Giselle for two excellent posters sharing her home languages.

Year 3: Jase for an excellent recount of our visit to Celtic Harmony.

Year 4: Owen for reading every day and completing a detailed screen time data sheet for computing home learning.

Year 5: Kuzey for non-negotiables and European Day of Languages poster.

Year 6: Sophia for taken home extra maths challenges. 


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Daniel for super effort and concentration in Art, creating detailed patterns in the style of German artist Durer. 

Year 2: Emilia for a beautifully presented poem.

Year 3: Daniel for excellent consistent presentation in maths.

Year 4: Eliza for her presentation in science.

Year 5: Gabriel for beautiful writing in English.
Year 6: Josh is perfectly presented for working hard to ensure his handwriting is consistently neat in English.



Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 1 for superior lining up.


Key Stage 2- Year 5 for helping younger children during playtime.




Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 99.6%

 Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Cara Year 3 for her recall of questions and answers from Year 2.


Golden Welly Award


Finn in Year 6 received the award for innovative play.


Golden Broom Award


Annie in year 5 was praised for always tidying up the mud kitchen and doing a great job as the mud monitor.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:
Isabelle received the level 3 learn to swim and both a five and ten metre swimming badge.

Bella received adventure, nature, book lover, communicate and explore stage one badges Rainbows.

Willow HP was awarded gymnast of the week.
Archie and Willow received medals for running the Westminster Mile in London last weekend.

Joshua received a trophy for being the ‘Club Man of the Year’ in cricket.

Daniel moved to stage 3 in swimming lessons and a new personal best in Junior Park Run.

Jessica was named performer of the week from PQA.

Karolina received her yellow belt in martial arts.



Celebration Assembly – Friday 22nd September 2023


Mrs Evans congratulated Year 3 and 5 for their exemplary behaviour on the school trips this week. They were a credit to the school.



Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception:  Noah W for being an excellent role model during class learning time.

Year 1: Jake for always coming to school with a smile and a positive attitude and being kind to others.

Year 2: Sienna for all round enthusiasm and learning outside of school too. She brought in a beautifully written story to share. 

Year 3: Alma for excellent participation in all lessons and during our history visit.

Year 4: Brandon for being an excellent mathematician and completing several "Fast Finisher" questions over the week.

Year 5: Benson for great engagement and enthusiasm on the school trip.

Year 6: Samson for increased focus and being more independent in English and maths. 


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Sienna for using her phonics to write CVC words and also completing the level 3 reading eggs phonics challenge

Year 1: Jesna for completing all non-negotiables and doing extra work related to dinosaurs. 

Year 2: Oliver for completing all his non-negotiables and entering a poster for European Day of Languages next week.

Year 3: Isabella for completing all of the non-negotiables and showing evidence of this in her home learning book.

Year 4: Bailey for clear, defined instructions and results of his scientific experiments.

Year 5: Izzy for using drawing to support when learning new vocabulary.

Year 6: Olivia for identifying areas in arithmetic she needed to work on and completing extra questions on those areas.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Willow HP for presenting a poem beautifully, forming letters correctly and using finger spaces.

Year 2: Haris for excellent presentation of his writing in English.

Year 3: Sanna for excellent presentation in her science learning.

Year 4: Samiya for beautifully presented English work.

Year 5: Kuzey for a dramatic improvement in his handwriting.

Year 6: Sophie for her excellently presented maths learning.



Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for being the quietest in the dining hall.


Key Stage 2- Year 3 for playing well and lining up the best at the end of lunch.




Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 99.62%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Reggie in Year 5 for his work on numbers over 70.


Golden Welly Award


Bailey, Tommy, Lovell, Walter Nasara, Harry, Leo, Walter, Ewan, Finley, Balveer and Brandon in Year 4 received the award for excellent play especially when playing football.


Golden Broom Award

Ivy for always tidying the shed at the end of lunch.



Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Alma and Millie have appeared on the BBC news pages today with their Speed Skate team. The article focuses on their team-mate who broke a record. They will also be on the news today.

Caiden received the typhoon of the week award from his football club.

Joshua received a medal for coming 4th out of 95 children in a 1500m race.

Gabriel received the learn to swim level 7 badge.

Isla received her 40 days of summer badge from Brownies by completing 40 different outdoor activities.

Ewan was awarded with trainer of the week award which means he will captain his team in their next match.

Amelie and Joshua received a medal for participation in the Stevenage Striders mini mile run.

Sophia received her painting and baking badges from Brownies.
Bella received the nature and book lovers badges from Rainbows.
Olivia scored 10 goals in her football match for Bedwell Rangers and the team won 13-4!
Olivia took part in a summer holiday campin the West End and performed at Her Majesty’s Theatre.
Leo went to a film making workshop during the summer and received a certificate for his creativity and technical ability.


Ready, Set, Read:

Reception: Ibrahim and Freya

Celebration Assembly – Friday 15th  September 2023



Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception:  Cooper for putting his hand up on the carpet and making excellent contributions in phonics.

Year 1: Daniel for working hard on his sentence writing and making a dinosaur book using materials and adjectives to describe them!

Year 2: Joshua for his excellent input on the carpet and always good behaviour. 

Year 3: Archie for increased focus and concentration and for also showing enjoyment in history.

Year 4: Sophia for showing resilience and increased independence in maths.

Year 5: Michael for excellent use of language in free verse poetry

Year 6: Ollie for being so enthusiastic, helpful and polite.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Harry T for beautifully sharing his favourite things about Reception so far.

Year 1:  Willow HP for completing all her non-negotiables and making an effort to read at home. 

Year 2: Haris for an excellent learning recounting the holiday.

Year 3: Daniel for a very neat front cover and for reading three times.

Year 4: Ilaria for her powerpoint on Picasso.

Year 5: Emelie for extensive research about Kara Walker.

Year 6: Layla for presented her facts about our artist, Turner, well and also completed non-negotiables.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Jamie for using our outdoor space to make rubbings for dinosaur skin and presenting them neatly.

Year 2: Oliver for science.

Year 3: Aairah for excellent presentation in history.

Year 4: Grace for moving on to pen after presenting her work beautifully in English.

Year 5: Annie for well presented maths.

Year 6: Luke for a well presented classification key in Science.



Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Reception for settling into a new routine with positivity.


Key Stage 2- Year 4 for the best lining up at the end of lunchtime.




Year 6  had the highest attendance this week with 100%!


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 4 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Georgia Year 4 for using "Je voudrais" together with an item of vocabulary from our lesson when she needed a pen.


Golden Welly Award


Patrick in Year 6 received the award for making a flag and flag pole.


Golden Broom Award


James in Year 5 received the award for tidying up in the sandpit.



Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Millie and Alma shared medals for competing in a speed skating competition.

Daniel received a medal from his football club Bedwell Rangers for?

Toby shared a trophy he has won for being the under tens bowler of the year 2023 from Letchworth Cricket Club.

Elsie received a 5m swim badge.

Leo played his first game for Watton Youth FC, he captained the team for part of the match, scored two goals and had two assists.


Ready, Set, Read:
Year 1:Bella
Year 2: Oliver, Teddy and Caiden
Year 3: Lamis, Charlotte and Charlie
Year 4: Sophia and Laila
Year 5: Ella and Emelie
Year 6: Myah



Celebration Assembly – Friday 8th September 2023


We celebrated the end of a fantastic first week back at school, the children have settled so well, showing the PRIDE learning behaviours and following the school rules. It has been lovely to meet our new Nursery and Reception starters this week. The children shared something that they felt proud about in their first week back at school.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: J for showing enthusiasm and sharing excellent ideas on the carpet. 

Year 1: Bella for coming in to school with a super attitude.

Year 2: Ethan for a superb performance as the handsome prince in Rapunzel.

Year 3: Charlotte for being an excellent role model to Year 3.

Year 4: Marnie for coming into school with a positive attitude and participating in all areas of the curriculum.

Year 5: Hannah for assisting with the efficient running of the school day.

Year 6: Keisha for her excellent attitude to learning and her particularly engaging writing linked to our class book.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Year 1: Leo for completing writing about his holiday.

Year 2: Archie for super holiday home learning.  

Year 4: Finley for the account of his holiday.

Year 6: Finn for completing the library challenge


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Spencer for super presentation in English.

Year 2: Mia for excellent presentation in Science.

Year 3: Isabell for well presented maths learning.

Year 4: Diya for her beautiful handwriting in English.

Year 5: Ella for handwriting in English
Year 6: Jethro for his beautifully presented character description


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Year 1 for great behaviour and following the school rules.


Key Stage 2- Year 3 for setting a good example to others and settling well in to Key Stage 2.




Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 99.58%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 

This week Year 2 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


Golden Welly Award


Jessica in Year 4 received the award for excellent play and keeping equipment tidy in the shed.  


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Oliver received an octopus 3 award for swimming.

Emilia received a level 8 gymnastics proficiency award.

Scout was awarded gymnastics star of the week.

Joshua received a medal and certificate from football camp for showing good sportsmanship.

Ready, Set, Read: Well done to the children for completing the summer reading challenge.

Year 1: Jamie, Isla L, Jake M, Franco, Leon, Daniel, Alastair and Joshua S

Year 2: Sienna, Emilia, A, Anaya and Joshua S

Year 3: Daniel, Gabby and Millie

Year 4: Georgia, Eliza, Aaruhi, Ilaria, Ahmed, Owen, Bailey, Jessica and Amelie

Year 5: Izzy and Gabriel

Year 6: Finn



Celebration Assembly – Thursday 20th July 2023


House Captains

Hawking- Luke and Sophie
Rowling-Finn and Layla

Picasso- Evie-Grace and Ollie

Farah- Riya and Joshua


Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception:  Josh H who has continued to work incredibly hard this week and produced some excellent writing in Literacy and during CIL.

Year 1: Harveer for showing kindness to others.

Year 2: Millie for excellent sewing when making her toy.

Year 3: Isla for showing enjoyment, enthusiasm and creativity with our 'Jelly Baby' challenge.

Year 4: Lacey and Tilly for being great all-round learners.

Year 5: Dexter for showing mature behaviour for learning.

Year 6: Summer for her participation and contributions during our PSHE lesson on transition.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Mrs O’Brien said a big thank you to all of the children who reflected on their year in Reception and uploaded it to Tapestry. It has been so nice to read and share these memories.

Year 1: Connie for writing 3 lovely poems about seasons and completing her non-negotiables.

Year 2: Charlie careful painting in design and technology.

Year 3: Grace for a well presented Roman menu.

Year 4: Izzy for excellent quality of work across the year.

Year 5: Abhi for learning across the curriculum that can be clearly read by others.

Year 6: Lacey for completing extra geography homework.


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Franco for a beautifully presented list in Literacy.

Year 1: Brody for a super effort to present a poem neatly.

Year 2: Gabby for a consistently excellent home learning throughout the year.

Year 3: Georgia for always producing perfectly presented learning.

Year 4: Ivy for huge improvements in her handwriting.

Year 5: Finn for consistency across the year and going the extra mile in special tasks.

Year 6: Alanna for her French booklet.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 2 and Reception were joint winners for the term.


Key Stage 2- Year 3 for being the best at lining up and also were recognised at the Key Stage 2 winners for the term.



Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 97.92%

158 pupils had 100% attendance for July. 

100 pupils had 100% attendance for Summer Term 2.

62 pupils had 100% attendance for the whole Summer Term. 


9 pupils received commendation certificates from Hertfordshire County Council for 100% attendance for 2022-2023. A very special well done to:

Layla Chumbley
Bailey Freeman
Ethan Kissi
Gabby Nunes-Wright

Millie Paice
Ayaat Raj

Nasara Sanda

Amelie Scales
Noah Thomas 


46 pupils received commendation certificates from Hertfordshire County Council for 98%+ attendance for 2022-2023.

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 4 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Sophie in Year 5 for having enthusiasm in French and recalling learning.


Golden Welly Award

Ivy in Year 4 received the award for making sure that the OPAL equipment is left tidy.


These children won awards after being nominated by their class.
Nursery- Ivy
Reception- Jake M


Unsung Hero
These children won awards after being nominated by their class.
Year 1- Mia
Year 2- Jael


These children won awards after being nominated by their class.
Year 3- Ahmed
Year 4- Izzy
Year 5- Dexter

Year 6- Bella


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Millie and Inaaya made their promise at Brownies this week. Well done for your confidence and learning your promise independently.

Sophia shared the skirt that she made by herself at home using her sewing skills.
Caiden scored four goals in two football matches this weekend.
Scout received the award for gymnast of the week.
Anna achieved level one silver in gymnastics.
Illaria, Scout, Ruby and D performed a dance at The Gordon Craig.
Gabriel achieved stage 6 for swimming.
Freddie won medals for completing a rainbow run also received a medal for golf.
Willow R achieved the level 6 gymnastics award
Archie T received a medal for football.
A received a certificate for level 2 in gymnastics.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 14th July 2023


Mrs Evans congratulated the Year 6 children for their magical and outstanding performance to parents on Tuesday night. The feedback from parents has been incredible. The children from Year 2 received certificates for participation in the adapted rounders award. They also received the Determination award and teddy-bear.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Jake for super participation in dance and being an all-round excellent role model.

Year 1: A for much improved behaviour, making good choices. 

Year 2: Harry for showing perseverance, independence and determination when sewing.

Year 3: Aaruhi for being a credit to the class and always demonstrating the PRIDE learning behaviours.

Year 4: Ella for excellent work in English which is really mature and engaging. 

Year 5: Noah for showing determination in maths.

Year 6: Jack for encouraging other children to project their voice during our performance. 


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Arthur, for finding out more about the artist Angie Lewin and creating his own lino print. 

Year 2: Barry for an excellent plasticine model of the Eiffel Tower.

Year 3: Amelie for an excellent painting of the Eiffel Tower.
Year 4: Michael for his consistently high-quality work and always including extra multiplication and division practice.
Year 5: Layla for a 3D model of L'arc de Triumphe.
Year 6: To Jake for his Minecraft pyramid from the outside of the Louvre.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Isla P for her excellent number formation in handwriting practise.

Year 1: Isabelle for careful and beautifully detailed artwork.

Year 2: R for showing determination and achieving writing which is cursive.

Year 3: Laila for paying particular attention to her presentation when writing her poem this week.

Year 4: Lacey for her expertly decorated shaky hand game

Year 5: Riya for taking care with her presentation in English.

Year 6: E for continuing to present her work neatly.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 1 for excellent lining up at the end of each lunchtime.


Key Stage 2- Year 3 for finishing football when the whistle blows and helping to tidy up.




Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 99.33%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Nursery were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


The standard of the home learning was astounding and I'm just sorry that we couldn't give prizes to everyone! The Creative Crew were the judges and made the tricky decisions!


Our winners are:

Year 1

3rd Isabelle F

2nd Joshua

1st Noah

Year 2

3rd Jase

2nd Inaaya

1st Aairah

Year 3

3rd Tommy

2nd Amelie

1st Jessica


Year 4

3rd Lacey

2nd Milani

1st Kuzey

Year 5

3rd Evie-Grace

2nd Aymen

1st Layla 

Year 6 

3rd Hannah

2nd Jake

1st Summer 


Golden Welly Award


Alma in Year 2 received the award for making a fantastic obstacle course.


Premier League Primary Star


Edward was awarded a certificate for playing with ambition.  
Louie was awarded a certificate for being inspiring. 



Celebration Assembly – Friday 7th July 2023


Mrs Evans welcomed Mr Freeman, one of our parent governors, who joined the children for celebration assembly this morning. The children in Year 4 who attended a rounders competition and received recognition for playing with respect and good sportsmanship. The children were congratulated for their use of PRIDE learning.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Jesna for showing determination, perseverance and bravery

Year 1: Freddie for making good choices and having a super week.

Year 2: Daniel for making a considered effort to improve his learning.

Year 3: Brandon for making excellent progress with his written learning and handwriting.

Year 4: Gabriel for excellent questioning and manners towards our Sikh guests. 

Year 5: Olivia for increased participation in lessons.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Josh S for some excellent research and writing on turtles, making a rainbow turtle and fish as well as reading and letter formation practise. Well done for going above and beyond.

Year 1: Oliver for excellent writing and always completing the non-negotiables.

Year 2: Millie for producing a detailed map with a key.

Year 3: Bailey for consistently reading at home.

Year 4: Kuzey who has worked hard on his presentation and found out about reflective symmetry in shape.

Year 5: Dexter for high standard of learning with all non-negotiables consistently completed.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Ally who presented a beautifully written piece of research on whales as well as some perfect created whales.

Year 1: Owen for a big improvement in his handwriting.

Year 2: Archie for trying to remember finger spaces in all of his sentences.

Year 3: Bailey for good presentation across all subjects.

Year 4: Milani for excellent presentation in the science investigation. 

Year 5: Toby for improvements with handwriting



Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 2

Key Stage 2- Year 4




Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 96.42%

131 children received a reward for having 100% attendance in June.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 6 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Haniya in Year 4 for having enthusiasm in French and recalling learning.


Golden Welly Award


Max, Caiden, Oliver, Elsie in Year 1 received the award for engineering tunnels and having fun in the sandpit.


Premier League Primary Star


Louie was awarded this certificate for being inspiring to others.  


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:
Owen shared that he passed his 7th cup grading in Taekwondo on Tuesday and is now proudly a green tag belt.

Laila received a certificate for gymnastics core level 7.
Joshua received a medal for attending 8 weeks training with ECB cricket and will now train with the Stevenage under 9s. He also received a medal for player of the week.
Jessica received a certificate for gymnastics level 6.
Annie, Millie, Florance, Olivia and Mrs Cornish all performed superbly in their dance show last night at The Gordon Craig and will perform again.
Mia received an octopus award in swimming.
Alma has moved up to level six, dark blue hats, in swimming.
Georgia received film maker of the week at the PQA.
Karolina was awarded gymnast of the week for improving her cartwheels.
Ally shared the medal he was awarded from Stevenage gymnastics.

Junior Duke

Micro Duke


Silver Mini Duke


Gold Mini Duke


Bronze Junior Duke


Silver Junior Duke

Gold Junior Duke


Platinum Junior Duke




Celebration Assembly – Friday 23rd June 2023


Praise was given to the Year 3 children who represented Trotts Hill at an Active English Event earlier this week. 26 children from the choir also showed excellent behaviour and performing at The Stevenage Festival. The Year 5 and 6 girls were congratulated for their superb performance throughout the football season. They were nominated for Primary Team of The Year through Stevenage Sporting Futures. They been shortlisted to attend the award ceremony in July.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Josh F for trying new and different foods at lunchtime and complimenting the chef! 

Year 1: Brody for always trying his best in every lesson. 

Year 2: Charlotte for bringing enthusiasm and dedication to learning in all subjects.

Year 3: Georgia for enthusiastic learning in English.

Year 4: Florance for excellent write up of science observations on gases. 

Year 5: Grace for showing perseverance in swimming and overcoming nerves.

Year 6: Jake for his enthusiasm in history and always participating in lessons.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Franco for going home and doing some extra research on mammals.
Year 1: Olivia learning about the seasons.
Year 2: Jaxon for super home learning about toys.
Year 3:
 Amelie for an excellent 3D Roman shield.
Year 4: Izzy for always producing high quality learning which she should be very proud of.
Year 5:
Keisha for demonstrating curiosity about plants.
Year 6: Summer for completing all her non-negotiables and bringing in her costume ready for our end of year production.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Anna for excellent letter formation in handwriting.

Year 1: Oliver for beginning to use a cursive handwriting style.

Year 2: Millie for persevering with cursive handwriting and succeeding. 

Year 3: Malaika for always producing perfectly presented learning across the curriculum. 
Year 4: Ivy and J for their hilarious and expressive stop-go animation on Purple Mash. 
Year 5: Aymen for excellent handwriting in English.
Year 6:  Edward for his history work learning.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for the best behaviour in the dining room.


Key Stage 2- Year 5 for walking in to lunch nicely.




Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 98.87%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Noah in Year 5 for his accurate writing about sports and weather.


Golden Welly Award


Reggie in Year 4 received the award for engaging with the Reception children during OPAL playtimes.


Premier League Primary Star


Hannah was awarded this certificate for being connected.  
A and Dexter were awarded with a certificate for being fair.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Archie received trophies from his football club
Sophia received a dance trophy and took part in the active English ribbon.
Arthur received a medal at his football tournament.

Layla has become a guide helper.

Izzy performed at the Gordon Craig in a dance show.
Evie-Grace received 4th place gymnastics festival.

Fawaz man of the match at football.


Junior Duke

Alastair received the micro duke award as well as a certificate of merit for the most outstanding junior duke journal. 

Joshua received the micro duke award.

Daniel received the gold mini duke award.

Jase received the gold mini duke award as well as a certificate of merit for the most outstanding junior duke journal. 

Amelie received the bronze junior duke award.

Bailey S received the platinum junior duke award.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 16th June 2023

Reception were  welcomed to celebration assembly for the first time.
The girl’s football team received praise for their excellent performance at the final of the football on Tuesday. The girls lost 3-2 to St Vincent De Paul in a very close game. The girls showed superb sportsmanship and represented the school incredibly well.  


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Elliot for showing more independence, 

Year 1: Elissa for super effort and improvement in her phonics when reading real and alien words.

Year 2: Jael for excellent use of phonics for reading and writing.

Year 3: Jessica for always participating in all areas of learning with enthusiasm.

Year 4: Fawaz for showing resilience and determination during the poetry unit trying to write a poem with rhyming couplets. 

Year 5: Layla for excellent progress in English.

Year 6: Caleb for persevering with his hay fever and coming into school, even though he couldn't open one of his eyes and he wasn't feeling well.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Alayna who has been writing sentences at home which has had a positive impact.

Year 1: Owen for a real improvement and effort in his handwriting

Year 2: Cara for excellent additional research on Kenya.

Year 3: Marnie for completing all of the non-negotiables.

Year 4: Jake for excellent independent observations in science.

Year 5: Toby for excellent research on rock music.

Year 6: Kacey - for his beautifully presented booklet on Chile.  It was really informative too!


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Leona for perfectly presented writing about Dear Zoo in Literacy.

Year 1: Amadea for writing about her recent trips out

Year 2: Jaxon for trying to write on the line and use finger spaces.

Year 3: Ewan for excellent presentation in all subjects.

Year 4: Jake for a neat write up and illustration of revolting rhyme.  

Year 5: Toby for a dramatic improvement in his handwriting.


Year 6: Liam for always producing work neatly and ensuring his letters are always consistent in size.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 1 for lining up at the hatch quietly.


Key Stage 2- Year 3  for best table manners in the dining hall.




Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 97.33%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 2 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Annie in Year 4 for increased independence with her written French.


Golden Welly Award


Kyran in reception received the award for showing kindness when playing at lunchtime


Premier League Primary Star


Holly and Ayaat were awarded this certificate for being connected.


Outside Achievements

We shared the following achievements:
Alanna won a golden boot and won praise from both Bedwell Ranger and Hertforshire girls football team.

Emelie received a trophy for excellent football skills.

Charlotte received player of the match for pushing more in to the midfield when playing football.

Harveer received a reward for being brave when having his blood taken.

Olivia received a medal at the presentation evening at her football club.

Caiden for scoring a goal at football.

Nasara received a golden boot for being chosen as the best player by his team.

Teddy received parent’s player of the year award and two trophies from his football club.

Florance received three trophies from her dance school.

Bailey and Layla received three medals during a dance competition

Finn 62 Park Runs this year and has beaten his personal best time.

Sophia performed a dance to music from Matilda at Stevenage day.

Karolina received recognition for her performance of Grease at The Gordon Craig Theatre.


Junior Duke

Jack Amass received his platinum junior duke and also was awarded with the most outstanding junior duke journal certificate.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 9th June 2023


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Ally who went above and beyond with his home learning over half term and learned how to play Let It Go on the piano.

Year 1: Connie for super effort in all her learning, particularly Science this week, asking good questions and identifying trees around school.

Year 2: Barry for excellent independent writing.

Year 3: Ruby for excellent progress in writing.

Year 4: B for persevering with maths, taking advice to use method then getting a really tricky time word problem correct.

Year 5: Myah for willingness to share errors and learn from them.

Year 6: Aayat for consistent focus in lessons.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Scarlett for her excellent, factual and beautifully presented poster about Disney music.

Year 1: Harveer producing poster about the genre of swing music

Year 2: Lamis for great learning based on the music genre of motown.

Year 3: Aaruhi for reading many times over the half-term holiday.

Year 4: Leo for fantastic research on European countries.

Year 5: Abhi for wonderful reading over the holidays.

Year 6: Zoe for recording her PE task so clearly and completing all her non-negotiables.


Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Reception: Isla L for her detailed observational drawing of a polar bear. Year 1: Joshua for always working hard to ensure his work is neatly presented.

Year 2: R for trying to improve her presentation in Maths.

Year 3: Ruby for excellent letter formation and presentation across all areas.

Year 4: Fawaz for a high standard of presentation throughout his learning.

Year 5: Ethan for perfectly presented writing in English.

Year 6: Hannah for learning across all subjects.


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Reception for adjusting to new lunchtime routines.

Key Stage 2- Year 6 for always being polite at the hatch and complementing the food.




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 97.67%

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.

French star of the week

This was awarded to Luke in year 5 for his work on weather.


Golden Welly Award


Finn in Year 5 received the award for supporting the children in Reception to join in with OPAL, being polite and helpful to all.

Premier League Primary Star

William in Year 6 was awarded the certificate.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Arthur received a trophy for man of the match from his football club.

Lacey received a trophy for man of the match from his football club.

Jesna completed a Reading Champions Challenge by reciting a poem and learning 106 words to read and write.

Ilaria received core level 5 in gymnastics. Archie received level 2 in swimming.

Sophia M participated in a 5k race and raised money for Cancer Research.

Ivy received level 3 in swimming. L received level 4 in swimming. Riya received from her dance class.

Isabell received a trophy from Beavers for being reliable

Isla P has been competing Reading Eggs challenges at home and achieved her Fast Phonics Peak 1 certificate.

Junior Duke

Silver Mini Duke Bruce, Emilia, Caiden

Gold Mini Duke Tihomir, Isabell

Bronze Junior Duke Eliza, Bailey, Ilaria

Silver Junior Duke Karolina, Leo, Gabriel, Kuzey, Ruben

Celebration Assembly – Thursday 25th May 2023


Mrs Evans spoke with the children about all their different achievements and accomplishments over the first half of the term. She told the children how proud she was of the children in their play, learning and behaviour.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Jesna for writing excellent sentences about aliens.

Year 1: Mia for working hard to write sentences and using phonics.

Year 2: Jase for amazing contributions to carpet sessions.

Year 3: Ahmed for allowing the class to interview him as part of their geography learning.

Year 4: Ruben for consistently being motivated and wanted to learn and improve his work.

Year 5: Josh for greater contributions to lessons.

Year 6: Bella for keeping going at Rock UK and showing resilience.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Year 1: Arthur for writing an amazing story and trying to write neatly.

Year 2: L for making her own illustrations for the ‘How to Catch a Star’ story.

Year 3: Harry for completing all of his non-negotiables.

Year 4: Karolina for completing the junior duke activities. She made a beautiful butterfly toy, stitched from felt as well as went on a 3.6km walk around the local area!

Year 5: Rohan for Junior Duke budgeting activity.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Radhvi for the exquisite dress she designed for the doll.

Year 1: Nina for presenting her work neatly in Maths when sharing quantities into halves.

Year 2: Charlie for making excellent improvement with cursive writing.

Year 3: Georgia for consistently presented learning with care in all subjects.

Year 4: Tilly for perfectly presented learning in English and maths. She wrote a stunning story and kept up the good presentation throughout

Year 5: Ollie for perfectly presented maths.



Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Reception received the award for making healthy food choices at the hatch including fruit, salad and vegetables.


Key Stage 2- Year 3 for being polite at the hatch and showing good manners.




Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 100%. 141 received stickers for 100% attendance in May 116 children received certificates for 100% attendance in Summer 1.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)


This week Nursery were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


Golden Welly Award


L in Year 3 received the award for helping to tidy the sand pit this week even though he hasn’t played there.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Brody has completed his enrolment in Beavers.

Bailey has achieved a certificate for distinction in a musical theatre exam

Jessica was awarded performer of the week at her group.


Junior Duke

Oliver received the silver mini duke award. Anaya received the silver mini duke award. Owen received the bronze junior duke award.



Celebration Assembly – Friday 19th May 2023

A fantastic week at Trotts Hill- Mrs Evans shared an email from a member of the public praising the fantastic behavior at Trotts Hill and the supportive Teachers. Well done!


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Leon for excellent learning on odds and even numbers in maths and super partner work.

Year 1: Joshua for super story writing using adjectives and conjunctions and even trying out speech marks.

Year 2: Jase for being focused during all learning.

Year 3: Laila for always being willing to participate in all lessons and all subjects.

Year 4: Annie for enthusiasm, improvements in English and maths tables.

Year 5: Charlie for showing resilience in swimming.

Year 6: Lois for writing a powerful poem about friendship


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Jesna for presenting her home learning so beautifully.

Year 1: Zohan for writing an information book about Eid.

Year 2: Teddy T for completing all the non-negotiables and grammar booklet

Year 3: Finley for always completing his non-negotiables.

Year 4: Haniya for going over and above for her music home learning.

Year 5: Sophie for extra art learning.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Salaar for his sentence writing.

Year 1: Noah for a big effort and improvement with his handwriting.

Year 2: Leo for redrafting and improving his presentation.

Year 3: Sophia for moving on to using a pen.

Year 4: Ella for perfectly presented learning in English, even neat when editing.

Year 5: Keisha for an improvement in handwriting.

Year 6: Kaitlyn for making a concerted effort with ensuring her work is presented neatly and ensuring her letters are consistent in size


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Year 2 were nominated by Mrs Mehan for great behaviour in the dinner hall.

Key Stage 2- Year 4 were nominated by Mrs Qadri for having the best behaviour in the dinning room.




Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 98%

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 4 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. All the children in key stage 2 were commended on being tidy


French star of the week


This was awarded to W in Y3 for his work on sports.


Golden Welly Award


Connie in Year 1 received the award for always tidying up the mud kitchen.

Premier League Primary Star

Poppy was awarded this certificate for ‘being connected’.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Willow HP Reception has been awarded core level 9 in gymnastics.

Owen took part in a mile-long nuclear race over the weekend.

Archie and Brody took part in a football tournament showing perseverance, resilience and enjoyment in all their matches.

Junior Duke

Max, Elissa and Oliver received a certificate and badge for completing the silver mini duke.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 12th May 2023


Mrs Evans shared how proud she was of the Year 6 children during SATs week. She was especially pleased with the children’s ability to show their PRIDE learning behaviours and in particular ‘resilience’. Today is "freeze pop Friday" and also Yoga day at Trotts Hill.

Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Jake for excellent rocks and rolls in PE and beautiful writing in Literacy.

Year 1: Max for making lots of thoughtful contributions to class discussions, such as explaining why we should use water to measure capacity.

Year 2: Teddy V for listening to teacher feedback in English and making corrections to improve his writing.

Year 3: Jessica for excellent observational drawing.

Year 4: Izzy for excellent writing on ‘The Iron Man’.

Year 5: Jethro for excellent focus in art

Year 6: Holly for her outstanding audition for our end of year play and for being brave enough for singing a solo in front of the class.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: S for his super coronation diary.

Year 1: Oliver for lots of wonderful work about the coronation, including a coronation menu!

Year 2: Lamis for her excellent drawing of King Charles labelled with some facts.

Year 3: Aaruhi for a very detailed timeline of British monarchs.

Year 4: Jerome for additional learning about the coronation and drawing a family tree independently.

Year 5: Finn and Layla for their work on the coronation.

Year 6: Bella for completing all her non-negotiables as well as the extra spellings she practised


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Josh F for the care and attention taken to produce a brilliant crown for the coronation.

Year 1: Amadea for careful and beautiful drawings of plants and leaves.

Year 2: H for trying hard to show a consistent cursive handwriting style.

Year 3: Scout for a perfectly presented sketch book

Year 4: Emelie for a consistently high standard of presentation.

Year 5: A for handwriting in English.

Year 6: Kacey for his creative science work.


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Year 1 for complementing the staff on their food at the hatch.

Key Stage 2- Year 4 for having the best behaviour in the dining room.




Year had 6 the highest attendance this week with 98.61%

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Aairah in Year 2 for her work on naming fruits.


Golden Welly Award


Benson in Year 4 received the award for engaging with different types of play.

Premier League Primary Star

Patrick was awarded this certificate for ‘being connected’.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Joshua shared his medal from a charity fun run.

Archie shared 2 medals from his football training.

Rohan completed his Stage 3 swimming certificate.

Sienna was gymnast of the week.

Willow H-P was gymnast of the week.

Olivia received awards from ballet, tap and Rainbows.

Willow R achieved recognition for achieving the junior park run mini-marathon.

Alma moved up to stage 5 swimming.






All reactions:


Celebration Assembly – Friday 5th May 2023



Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception:  Josh H for always being an excellent role model during CIL and adult directed activities.

Year 1: Freddie for working independently in his History lesson, sorting toys. 

Year 2: Isabell for her excellent use of colour and pattern using oil pastels. 

Year 3: Bailey for independently making edits to his adventure story.

Year 4: Jerome for excellent contributions to RE learning.

Year 5: Keisha for showing determination and perseverance in her learning.

Year 6: ELH for making huge improvements with forming her letters neatly and ensuring her handwriting is neat in all pieces of work.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Mason for his super handwriting and 'er' sentences as well as reading.

Year 1: Joshua for interviewing his dad about the toys he used to play with and writing about it.  

Year 2: Harry for completing his maths booklet and using neat handwriting when practicing his spellings. 

Year 3: Aaruhi for a fabulous Bob Marley Power Point presentation.

Year 4: Ivy for excellent independent maths and beautifully presented spellings

Year 5: Evie-Rose for her learning on geography task

Year 6: Eryn for completing all her non-negotiables and making a concerted effort to record her spellings in her homework book.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Josh S for the care and attention to detail given to his 'Tree Spirit' at Forest School.

Year 1: Giselle for trying hard to apply our new cursive handwriting in her English lessons

Year 2: Alma for presenting all of her workings neatly in maths.

Year 3: Owen for great development with joined handwriting.

Year 4: Ellie for an excellent effort to improve her handwriting in all subjects.

Year 5: Aymen for improved handwriting

Year 6: ELH for her neat jottings in Maths.



Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Year 2 for improved manners at the hatch.


Key Stage 2- Year 6 for good behaviour in the dining hall.




Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 96.25%.

181 pupils received recognition for 100% attendance throughout the month of April.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 5 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Connie in Year 1 for being consistently good at participating in lessons.


Golden Welly Award


AMP in Year 1 received the award for excellent creative play in the sandpit.


Premier League Primary Star


Layla in Year 5 was awarded this certificate for being inspiring.  


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Tilly has achieved her Swim Stage 8 award.

Noah has passed his Level 2 Safety award.

Coby has passed his Level 3 ‘Learn to Swim’ award.

Owen received his 20m swim certificate.

Jessica and Georgia performed at Her Majesty’s Theatre in London’s West End last weekend.

Emelie and Charlotte danced in the spring dance show

Celebration Assembly – Friday 28th April 2023


Year 2 Children shared their achievements at the rapid fire cricket competition. They won the award for teamwork and supporting each other and came 4th in the competition.

Well done to the children in Year 5 and 6 who attended a hockey tournament for the first time. We came 5th overall. A great result for our first tournament and only 5 practise sessions. 2 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss. There were 3 fabulous goals and some excellent passing. Thank you to Mrs Burr for your coaching.

Girls netball team played against Saint Vincent De Paul, it was a tense game and the girls lost 8-5. Thank you to Mrs Gallagher-Smith for coaching the team.

Year 5-6 Roebuck school at football and won 3-1, thank you to Mr O’Brian for his coaching skills.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Willow H for excellent engagement on the carpet and super wiring in Literacy.

Year 1: Brody for an excellent attitude to learning.

Year 2: Lamis for trying really hard in maths lessons as well as booster sessions before and after school.

Year 3: Darcie for excellent participation during dance and Fit Kidz and supporting friends during these lessons.

Year 4: Emelie for consistently good work, motivation and willingness to do that bit extra to improve.

Year 5: Joe for showing all the PRIDE behaviours at Airbus.

Year 6: Bella for including evidence when answering inference questions.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Isla P for doing extra handwriting this week.

Year 1: Caiden for excellent writing about his trip to watch Manchester United.

Year 2: Alma for completing all of her non-negotiables as well as showing her workings clearly in her maths home learning.

Year 3: Samiya for excellent reading at home.

Year 4: Reggie for an excellent attitude to his home learning and bringing knowledge back into Art learning.

Year 5: Thomas for improving the size and formation of handwriting

Year 6: Millie for completing all her non-negotiables and extra times tables practise


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Bruce for excellent effort with presentation of and handwriting and learning.

Year 2: Teddy T for trying really hard with forming his letters in a cursive style in other subjects as well as English.

Year 3: Tommy for excellent joined handwriting.

Year 4: Benson for improved handwriting in English.

Year 5: Evie-Grace for creativity in the Georgie O'Keefe research task.

Year 6: William for his beautifully presented science investigation.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 2 for the best manners and behaviour in the dining room.


Key Stage 2- Year 5 for the best manners and behaviour in the dining room.




Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 98.33%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)


This week were Nursery recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Jessica N in Year 3 for her work on sports.


Golden Welly Award


The girls in Year 6 received the award for superb den building.


Premier League Primary Star


Caleb was awarded a certificate being ambitious.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements: Bruce has been learning to kickbox and has received two medals for this.

Florance received the award of gymnast of the week for free roll on a vault.

Noah received blue stripe belt in Taekwondo Toby and Dexter received a medal for taking part in the Herts county rugby festival.

Isla shared that she has made her Brownie promise. Sophia made her Brownie promise and received a range of badges.

Bella received a range of badges from Rainbows.

Isabella achieved her swimming certificates. Myah and Alma took part in a dance performance with their dance troop.

Willow received a rosette for her dancing

Sophie won first place at the Watford festival of dance.


Junior Duke

Gabby completed the Gold Mini Duke. Finn completed the Gold Junior Duke.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 21st April 2023


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception:  Jaylah- for having a fabulous week all round particularly her engagement with learning and being a very kind friend.

Year 1: Elissa- for always listening and working hard. 

Year 2: Charlie- for putting his hand up more in lessons and sharing his own ideas.

Year 3: Sophia- for showing an increased confidence in computing.

Year 4: Leo- for excellent instruction writing for his quiche

Year 5: Charlie- for persevering when writing a science conclusion

Year 6: M- for increased focus and achievement in lessons.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception:  Willow R and Ally- for extra writing diaries during the holidays.

Year 1: Elsie- for writing about her trip to a castle during the holiday.

Year 2: Archie- for completing lots of booklets over Easter as well as keeping a diary of his holiday to Wales. 

Year 3: Amelie- for reading 16 times over the Easter holiday - even when she was on holiday.

Year 4: Emelie- for using Purple Mash to practice her times tables.

Year 5: Sophie – for a detailed recount of a day out in London.

Year 6: Layla- for practising all of the common exception words and presenting them with care.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception-Jake- for beautiful sentence writing over the holidays and in his Literacy book.

Year 1: Coby- for always working hard to keep his handwriting neat.

Year 2: Jase- for trying hard with his cursive handwriting.

Year 3: Finley -for always taking great care in his maths book.
Year 4: Reggie- for taking pride when writing up his method for making a quiche.
Year 5:
Ardante- for perfectly presented learning in Science.
Year 6: Lacey- for creative Science learning on light


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for the best behaviour in the dining room.


Key Stage 2- Year 6 for the best behaviour in the dining room.





Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 98.75%.

 Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Hannah in Year 6 for excellent participation.


Golden Welly Award


Millie in Year 2 received the award for excellent play and showing enthusiasm in the sand.


Premier League Primary Star


Samson was awarded the ‘Be Fair’ award for being considerate and playing fairly.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Giselle received her Stage 4 swimming award and can now swim 25m.

Annie shared her trophy and certificate for her ballet exam

Layla received a distinction in her tap dancing exam.
Millie shared her badge and certificate in her ballet exam, she also received a commendation whilst completing this.

Evie-Grace received her bronze award for gymnastic proficiency.

Bailey and Emilia met David Walliams at his book signing and shared their photograph. Bailey was also awarded with trainer of the week at his football training.

Gabriel attended a tennis course, passed his Taekwondo grading. He will also be performing at the Gordon Craig later in the summer.

Austin passed his Level 3 in swimming and moved up to green hats.
Oliver has been skiing and received a badge to show how well he had done.
Joshua received his marathon Park Run band and a medal for football.
Nasara received a trophy for man in the match at football.
Isabelle has received two certificates and medal for her achievement in English and Maths at Kumon.

Daniel has achieved his Learn to swim level 1 award

Junior Duke

A very big well done to Anna who completed her Micro Duke and is the first person to complete all ten challenges.

Congratulations to Mia who have completed her Silver Mini Duke.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 31st March 2023


We had a fantastic end of term assembly this morning, celebrating all we have achieved this term. Happy holidays and Easter to everyone. Please be reminded school ends at 1.15pm today.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: I for showing incredible kindness to a visitor in our class this week

Year 1: Oliver always listening, following instructions and doing his best

Year 2: Inaaya for persevering in maths solving problems with money and trying hard in guided reading

Year 3: W for always demonstrating the PRIDE learning behaviours

Year 4: Jake for enthusiasm in Maths and English

Year 5: Aymen excellent contributions to class discussions across the curriculum

Year 6: Scarlett for always being focused and writing a fantastic mystery and suspense story in English this week


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Jaylah for practising her phonics and handwriting and completing her ‘oi ‘worksheet

Year 1: Emilia for non-negotiables and super home learning

Year 2: Isabella for completing all of her non negotiables and doing extra maths practice with money

Year 3: Isla for completing all of her non-negotiables and writing about her new sister

Year 4: Michael always completing his non-negotiables to a very high standard

Year 5: Abhi for writing own mystery and suspense story at home

Year 6: Bella for her excellent leaflet on Healthy eating


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Alessandro for super handwriting when writing about Easter

Year 1: Arthur for improved handwriting

Year 2: Aairah for forming her cursive letters beautifully in her new book with narrow lines

Year 3: Scout for developing her joined handwriting

Year 4: Zohaib excellent effort when publishing his writing

Year 5: Patrick for writing in English

Year 6: Kaitlyn for her beautiful presentation in science to create a leaflet


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Year 1 and Reception tied for Spring Term.

Reception won for this week for being the quietest in the dining hall.


Key Stage 2- Year 3 were winner for Spring Term.


Year 6 won for this week for being polite at the hatch.




Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 98.67%

150 children received a reward for 100% attendance in the month of March.

129 children across the school received 100% attendance certificates for Spring Term 2.

104 children across the school received 100% attendance badges for the entire Spring Term.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)


This week Reception were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Harry in Year 3 for his amazing writing about Easter.


Golden Welly Award


Ollie in Year 5 received the award for being creative in his play.


Premier League Primary Star


Amelia in year 6 was awarded the ‘Be ambitious’ certificate


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Ilaria received gymnast of the week for executing a handstand on high beam.

Amelia received a trophy for showing excellent defence skills in football.

Karolina brilliant handspring of the beam.

Joshua F received a certificate for swimming 5m.

Joshua S received a medal for winning his football match.

Olivia has been awarded her 15m and Duckling swimming award. She also has been awarded a medal for resilience in football.

Sienna received an award for cartwheel improvement and strength on the bars.

Bruce won a medal for kickboxing for trying hard and improving his technique.

Leo was mentioned for swimming 100 lengths within 3 lessons.

Jessica received an award at Brownies for being helpful and tidying each week.

Connie made her Rainbow promise this week.

Millie has achieved her Rainbows Gold Award.

Caiden has received a certificate of achievement for his puppy dog training.

Austin was awarded the Level 2 gymnastics award.

Archie received a trophy for using his left foot and scoring goals.

Isla received a trophy for ballet for being dancer of the week.

Mrs Cornish was awarded with a certificate for abseiling down the Lister Hospital and raising £400. 6




Certificates were awarded to Edward, Jack, William, Summer, Scarlett, Zoe, Millie, Amelia, Liam, Kacey, Elana, Bailey, Preston, and Alana in Year 6.


Evie- Grace in year 5 got a special mention for being a superb mental health Champion


Kindness Award


Nuala in Nursery

Alistair in Reception


Unsung Hero


Elsie in Year 1

Jaxon in Year 2


Integrity Award


Ilaria in Year 3

Lacey in Year 4

Evie- Grace in Year 5

William in Year 6


Sports reports


We received 3 sports reports for fantastic play this week in football and netball, please see our match reports on the school website and update on newsletter.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 24th March 2023 


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception:  Scarlett for producing some excellent writing in school and for home learning

Year 1: Harris for great work in computing creating an animated story

Year 2: Peyton for showing improved focus this week and trying really hard with money in maths and handwriting in English lessons.

Year 3: Leo for increased confidence with sharing ideas within class

Year 4: Jerome for writing a superb retelling of the story Fly, Eagle, Fly

Year 5: Poppy for up levelling her English by using parenthesis

Year 6: Louie for showing enthusiasm for learning, producing work to a high standard and pushing himself.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Josh F for writing a beautiful Tiny Seed book using a variety of materials to represent the growing process

Year 1:  Max D for writing his own report matching to learning in class

Year 2: Cara for completing all of the non-negotiables and showing great effort in her reading comprehension task

Year 3: Ruby for completing all of her non-negotiables and completing additional learning

Year 4: Willow for taking excellent care and using her spellings in a sentence

Year 5: Lena for using direct speech and punctuation perfectly

Year 6: Scarlett for completing maths and reading non-negotiables to a high standard


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Reception: Willow HP for presenting her story map of The Teeny Weeny Tadpole beautifully

Year 1: Connie for improved handwriting

Year 2: Inaaya for excellent cursive handwriting in English

Year 3: Isla for great improvement with presentation over the year in all areas

Year 4: Tilly for a superb presentation of her story in English

Year 5: Lena writing a well presented suspense story

Year 6: Jack for forming letters and joining consistently


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Reception for improved listening and following instructions.

Key Stage 2- Year 3 for creative play.





Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 98.67%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 6 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Erin in Year 6 for having enthusiasm when learning directions in French.


Golden Welly Award


Ruby in Year 3 received the award for tidying up and engaging in creative and imaginative play.  


Premier League Primary Star


Rohan was awarded a certificate for being ambitious in football.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Bella for achieving the Turquoise IDTA Ballet Rosette.

Caiden received an award as player of the week for his football team.

Scout achieved Core Level 9 in gymnastics.

Bailey joined Cubs this week.
Joshua S has received stage 1 in football.
Brandon received his certificate for 5m backstoke.
Sophia passed her ballet exam with a merit.
Laila won 1st and 3rd place in the Luton Festival of Dance.

Junior Duke

Amadea received her Silver Mini Duke Award.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 17th March 2023


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Ella for showing excellent focus especially in phonics

Year 1: Isabelle for always following the school rules and listening carefully

Year 2: Teddy G for having his hand up more, contributing ideas as well as trying really hard in Maths

Year 3: Balveer for always giving 100% and participating well

Year 4: Hannah for improved focus and independence in all learning

Year 5: Sophie for being more willing to share learning under the visualizer

Year 6: Millie for her outstanding newspaper report and for having more confidence in maths to work independently


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Leon for going above and beyond with his phonics and completing a Junior Duke task

Year 1: Sienna for making a sandwich and den for Junior Duke challenge

Year 2: Leon for doing extra maths at home

Year 3: Samiya for excellent detail of her cooking challenge

Year 4: Ella for making a delicious soup and writing up her ingredients too

Year 5: Noah for excellent story writing

Year 6: Kaitlyn for completing her non-negotiables and making greater effort to practise her times tables


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Reception: Leo for forming his letters beautifully in handwriting this week

Year 1: Olivia for neat presentation of hand writing and forming letters on the line

Year 2: Harry for trying really hard with his handwriting in English and forming cursive letters correctly

Year 3: Tommy for a big improvement with his joined handwriting Year 4: Haniya for presenting her English learning with care

Year 5: Olivia for beautifully presented English learning

Year 6: Eryn for her beautifully presented newspaper report. She took great care to ensure her handwriting was joined and consistent


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Year 1 for tidying up at the end of play.

Key Stage 2- Year 6 for always being helpful.




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 100%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Reception were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Ellie in Year 4 for her writing in the 3rd person.


Golden Welly Award


Sophia in Year 3 received the award for stopping her game to play with a younger child who asked to play.


Premier League Primary Star


Be fair award was received by Liam.

Be connected was awarded to Charlie for playing well.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Bella has been awarded the Duckling 1 Swimming Award.

S has achieved his level 1 Learn to Swim Award.

Charlotte and Emily have both completed their Level 6 in swimming and are now on their final stage.

Ilaria completed Level 6 in swimming and moved to purple hats. She has also become a skills leader and received her marathon band for Park Run.

Sienna was gymnast of the week.

Sophie completed in the Luton Festival and came first with ‘Under the Sea’.

Teddy T Y1 received his 5 meters back stroke certificate.

Arthur received a medal for 4th place in Taekwondo.

Finn and Annie shared their performance in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last week.

Karolina received her white belt with green tag for great fighting spirit.

Gabriel received his yellow belt in Taekwondo. He has also received Stage 4 in swimming.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 10th March 2023


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Anna for engaging excellently with learning this week and showing confidence in Maths

Year 1: Anaya for contributing in Maths

Year 2: Tihomir for trying hard with his story writing in English and producing an excellent middle of his story

Year 3: Nasara for being the first person to pass all the times tables and move onto Maths Marathon

Year 4: Jerome for continued excellent learning in RE

Year 5: Ollie for listening well in English and improving the quality of his writing

Year 6: Kacey for his excellent perseverance in maths this week and for always producing work to a high standard


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Jesna for her first home learning, a creative tens frame made from spaghetti with nuts and Cheerios as counters!

Year 1: Noah great letter writing skills

Year 2: Sanaa for continued beautiful presentation in every lesson all the time.

Year 3: Bailey for excellent reading at home and always completing non-negotiables.

Year 4: James for completing all of his non-negotiables and perfectly presented learning

Year 5: Layla for increasing the size of handwriting

Year 6: Zoe for completing all her non negotiables as well as lots of times tables practise.

Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Elsie for meeting her handwriting targets

Year 2: Isabell for consistently producing high quality home learning and always completing non negotiables

Year 3: D for excellent improvement with joined handwriting in English learning

Year 4: Jake D for programming a letter ‘p’ into the computer

Year 5: Luke for detail in DT preparation task

Year 6: Jake for beautifully presented English


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Reception for being quiet in the dining room.

Key Stage 2- Year 3 for good behaviour during wet play.




Year 2 and Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 97.9%.

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 6 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to Joshua P in Year 5 for his beautiful Mother's Day poem.


Golden Welly Award

James in Year 4 received the award for making sure the shed is tidy and clean at the end of the day and being responsible.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Teddy T who was player of the match last Saturday.

Scout for being gymnast of the week and achieving Core Level 9.

Karolina for achieving Core Level 7 in gymnastics.

Sophie for dancing in the Luton Festival and receiving 4th place medal.

Sophia for achieving her Duckling Award in swimming.

Emilia for achieving Level 3 swimming award.

Bailey for achieving his Level 5 swimming award.

Isla for achieving Level 3 Silver gymnastics and being the gymnast of the week.

Isabell SOW in her dance classes showing determination and perseverance.

Arthur for his first football match


Celebration Assembly – Friday 3rd March 2023



Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Jamie for challenging himself in Maths.

Year 1: Archie for showing determination in all areas of his learning.

Year 2: Teddy T for trying hard in English and not rushing his writing. 

Year 3: Scout for making excellent progress with her written learning in English.

Year 4: Karolina for excellent speech punctuation.

Year 5: Thomas for always treating others with respect.

Year 6: Preston for increased independence in English and building up his writing stamina.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception:  Kyran for his phonics and bike ride.

Year 1: Olivia for always producing excellent learning and completing her non- negotiables.

Year 2: Teddy V for consistently completing his home learning to a high standard. 

Year 3:  Ahmed for completing all of the learning and non-negotiables.

Year 4: Haniya for completing all non-negotiables and extra sentences using their, there, they’re

Year 5: Olivia for extra arithmetic practise.

Year 6: Aayat for completing all her non-negotiables, especially her times tables.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Zohan for remembering to use finger spaces and trying hard to write on the line in all his learning.

Year 2: Tihomir for working hard to reduce the size of his handwriting. 

Year 3: Ruby for making excellent progress with her handwriting.

Year 4: Ella for beautifully presented English learning.

Year 5: Noah for presentation in English

Year 6: Zoe for always taking great care with her presentation in all subjects.


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 2 for imaginative play and constructing rooms like a nursery.


Key Stage 2- Year 3 for good manners in the dining room.



159 children received a sticker to congratulate them on 100% attendance for February. This is the second highest amount. Giselle won the prize of a £10 WHSmiths vouchers.


Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 100%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 2 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Karolina in Year 4 for always greeting Madame Cornish and asking how she is in French.


Golden Welly Award


Owen for being really kind and helping others and ensuring all the children are safe, happy and enjoying playtime.  


Premier League Primary Star


Joshua P- Year 5 for following the rules when playing football play time and lunchtime.  


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Ilaria received core level six in gymnastics.
Layla received a level 6 swimming certificate.
Isabelle was star of the week in her ballet class.
Isla took a ballet exam and received a very high merit and has moved to grade one ballet.


World Book Day

The children (and parents) made such a superb effort and it is wonderful to see everyone dressed up sharing our love of books. Each class received a gift bag of books from the reading champions. These books were chosen especially to show a diverse range of characters and authors. 25 children received a certificate and a book to recognise their entry into the Reading Champions Spring Reading Challenge.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 25th February 2023 

Mrs Gallagher Smith came to congratulate some of the Year 5 and 6 children for their fantastic sportsmanship and performance at the athletics competition yesterday. The girls won and the boys came third, they were given certificates and an award. Well done to them for representing Trotts Hill so well.



Stars of the Week 


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette: 


Reception: Radhvi- for engaging in all learning  

Year 1: Owen- for sounding out  

Year 2: Jael- for putting his hand up to share ideas 

Year 3: L -for always demonstrating the PRIDE learning behaviours 

Year 4: Kuzey- for persuasive writing on the circus  

Year 5: Riya- for her poetry in English  

Year 6: Eryn- for always a positive attitude to all areas of learning and showing increased independence in Maths 



Home Learning Heroes 


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes: 


Reception: Ali- for learning his phonics and making his book cover  

Year 1: Coby- for his entry to the Arts competition, reading and extra Maths 

Year 2: Jase- for his learning on Thomas Farriner  

Year 3: Ilaria- for reading over the half term holiday 

Year 4: Milani- for completing all non-negotiables and an excellent drawing of her inspirational person. 

Year 5: Layla- for her book cover and inspirational poem  

Year 6: Zoe- for completing all non-negotiables and excellent research on the Haiti Earthquake  


Perfectly Presented 


The following children produced perfectly presented work: 


Year 1: Oliver- for his presentation in grammar  

Year 2: Charlotte- for making her handwriting smaller  

Year 3: Eliza -for excellent fraction drawings 

Year 4: Zohaib- for taking care when forming and joining his letters  

Year 5: Dexter- for his presentation in English  

Year 6: Amelia- for beautifully presented learning 


Lunch Cup Winners 


Key Stage 1- Year 1 for good lining up  

Key Stage 2- Year 5 for playing well together 




Year 1 had the highest attendance this 97.6% week with  


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)  


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.  


French star of the week 


This was awarded to Louie in Year 6 for his understanding of French text.  


Golden Welly Award 


Florance, Ella and Milani in Year 4  received the award for planning their playtimes well and making sure they have enough time to tidy, showing the school rule "Be Responsible" 


Premier League Primary Star 


Ardante was awarded this certificate for playing well in goal and being inspiring to others. 


Outside achievements 


We shared the following achievements: 

Lacey- for being man of the match for her football team 

Sophia- for taking part in her primary ballet exam and will now be moving to Grade 1 ballet 

Bella- for taking part in her first ballet exam called the rosette award  

Elsie- for completing her Learn to Swim level 3 award  

Brody- for his man of the match medal in football 

Isabelle- for moving to yellow hats in swimming 

Sienna- for receiving her ultra-marathon band for 22 Park Runs 

Charlotte- for being player of the match when playing in midfield 

Celebration Assembly – Friday 10th February 2023 


Mrs Evans praised the children’s behaviour at the school disco yesterday. She also congratulated the Year 6 children on their determined attitude  this week. The football teams both showed excellent sportsmanship and the PRIDE learning behaviours in their football matches. 


Stars of the Week 


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette: 


Reception: Noah for increased independence and getting changed for PE

Year 1: Giselle – for being helpful in class 

Year 2: Henry – for working hard on his report in English 

Year 3: Ewan – for giving 100% in all lessons  

Year 4: Gabriel- for taking on challenges in Maths and achieving 

Year 5: Ardante- for super participation in learning 

Year 6: Layla- for commitment to learning. Attending boosters with a smile and asking for explanations to further her learning 


Home Learning Heroes 


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes: 


Reception: Willow HP for excellent maths learning, comparing weight and using super vocab.

S for an amazing re-creation of "We're going on a bear hunt" 

Year 1: Max- for Junior Duke and lots of reading 

Year 2: Sanaa- for her Junior Duke learning on caring for her grandmother 

Year 3: Finley - for always completing all non-negotiables every week 

Year 4: Ruben- for working perfectly presented learning and included amazing photographs for his Junior Duke  

Year 5: Joshua – for extensive description of the budgeting Junior Duke task 

Year 6: William- for completing set tasks, plus an additional monlogue 


Perfectly Presented 


The following children produced perfectly presented work: 


Year 1: Anaya- for perfecting the letter r 

Year 2: Lamis- for using correct letter formation 

Year 3: W- for working hard to use the correct letter size 

Year 4: Ivy – for using super control when using a pen  

Year 5: Abhi- for Maths  

Year 6: Scarlett – for Science 



Lunch Cup Winners 

Key Stage 1- Year 1 for imaginative play, coming in quietly and eating quietly 

Key Stage 2- Year 6 for playing well and helping each other 




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 98.6%. 121 children were awarded certificates for 100% attendance for Spring Term 1. 


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)  


This week Nursery were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.  


French star of the week 


This was awarded to Olivia in Year 1 for having enthusiasm in French and recalling learning. 


Golden Welly Award 


B in Year 4 received the award for playing with different children and making the most of the opportunities that OPAL gives.  


Premier League Primary Star 


Luke was awarded this certificate for being considerate and playing fairly following the input  from Luke and Ben at Stevenage Borough. 


Outside achievements 


We shared the following achievements: 

W- who was man of the match for scoring two goals 

Sophie- who came 1st in a dance contest 

Georgia – who won performer of the week  

Amelia- who received her ultra-marathon wristband for 50 park runs  

Arthur in Year 1- who graded as a blue belt in Taekwondo  

Charlotte B- who was awarded player of the day in football  


Junior Duke 

Congratulations to Archie and Willow who have become the first children at Trotts Hill to complete and receive their Junior Duke award. 

Celebration Assembly 27th January


This morning we discussed the exceptional behaviour of 25 children during a trip to the O2 and celebrated lots of achievements at Trotts Hill.

Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Alayna for excellent reading and writing in phonics

Year 1: Emilia- for improved behaviour all week

Year 2: Alfie- for being independent in Maths

Year 3: Diya- for always being helpful around the classroom especially with helping to keep the classroom tidy

Year 4: Lacey-Lou- for showing determination and receiving success in swimming

Year 5: Toby- increased contribution in class

Year 6: Zoe- for working independently and confidently in Maths

Home Learning Heroes

The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Rcepetion: Ollie and Noah super phonics learning at home

Year 1: Isabelle- Lots of extra Maths on top of normal home learning

Year 2: Jaxon- for writing a wonderful poem about himself

Year 3: Brandon for continuing his perfectly presented in his home learning

Year 4: Lacey- for beautifully presented homework

Year 5: Patrick- for an excellent phases of the moon model

Year 6: Alanna- for excellent Science homework

Perfectly Presented

The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Max D- for following his target to improve his handwriting

Year 2: Cara- for well-presented learning in Maths

Year 3: Ilaria - for her science diagram and explanation
Year 4: Milani- for showing care and attention when writing a play script.
Year 5: Luke- for excellent presentation in Science
Year 6: Bailey- for presenting her jottings neatly in Maths

Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 2 for continuing to be excellent at lining up.

Key Stage 2- Year 3 for settling quietly and calmly in the dining hall and hall for dinner.


Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 99.67%

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Reception were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.

French star of the week

This was awarded to Hannah in Year 6 for pronouncing challenging words.

Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Caiden- Won player of the week at football.

Finn- Completed his 51st Park Run and achieved his ultra-marathon band.

Laila-received a Grade 1 distinction award for modern dance

Alma-received her 20m award in swimming


 Celebration Assembly - Friday 13th January 2023


This morning, Mrs Evans congratulated the Year 3 and 4 children who had their first sessions of swimming, their behaviour was described as exemplary. Mrs Kramer shared how proud she was of the Year 4 children and their behaviour and attitudes to learning whilst visiting the Fitzwilliam Museum on Tuesday.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Harveer- For showing determination

Year 2: Millie- Putting her hand up to ask more questions in class discussions

Year 3: Malaika- Always giving 100% in all lessons

Year 4: Haniya- For excellent acting skills and use of voice when acting

Year 5: Rohan- Excellent contributions in guided reading sessions

Year 6: Lacey- Using a range of figurative language in her winter poem


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 3: Balveer- For lots of reading over the Christmas holidays

Year 4: Karolina- Excellent research on the ancient Egyptians

Year 5: A- For lots of reading over the Christmas holidays


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Connie- Improved presentation in Science

Year 2: Alfie- Using one digit per square in Maths

Year 3: Ewan- Well-presented Maths learning

Year 4: B- For a beautifully presented story of Alice in Wonderland

Year 5: Poppy- Learning presented to a very high standard

Year 6: Aayat- Superb presentation of her Geography map


Lunch Cup Winners


Key stage 1- Year 2 for great lining up

Key Stage 2- Year 4 for good behaviour and calmly taking a seat in the hall for lunch.






Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 98.62%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to in Zoe in Year 6 for beautiful presentation in French writing about places in a town


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Teddy – Passed his green belt in Taekwondo and took part in a New Year’s Day parade on an open topped bus

Riya- Received a certificate for the Brownie Gold award

Myah- Performed in her first dance show only four weeks after joining class. She also passed her level 4 gold award in gymnastics as well as completing Level 10 in swimming (the final level)

Sienna- Has been awarded as gymnast of the week at her club

Georgia- Has been awarded as gymnast of the week at her club for her tuck jumps

Isla- Received her communication badge at Brownies  

Bailey –Received the trophy for 100% effort from her dance group

Wednesday 21st December 2022 Celebration Assembly


This morning we celebrated attendance across the term as it is our key priority.

There were 106 children who have been here for everyday in December in 2022 all of these children received stickers for their achievements. Alayna in Reception won the £10 WHS voucher.


56 children received a certificate to 100% attendance for Autumn Term 2.

31 children achieved 100% attendance for Autumn Term.


Unsung Hero

Year 1- Joshua

Year 2- Charlotte



Year 3- Finley

Year 4 –Izzy

Year 5 –Ethan

Year 6-Elana


House Awards

1st Place 2457 points Picasso

2nd Place 2278 points Hawking

3rd place 2202 points Rowling

4th place 2040 points Farah

Friday 16th December 2022 Celebration Assembly

Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Elsie-For showing resilience in dance.

Year 2: R- Showing the school PRIDE values in all of her learning.

Year 3: Owen—For excellent independent skills when sewing.

Year 4: Florance- Excellent summary paragraph of how to help the rainforests

Year 5: Noah- Enjoyment and a first rate piece of writing in English.

Year 6: Holly- Confidence in the play


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Joshua- Exceptional home learning.

Mia- Going above and beyond.

Year 2: Peyton- For making the teachers laugh with her story about the snow day.

Year 3: Laila- Doing all learning set for the week including remote learning set on Monday.

Year 4: Emelie- Excellent completion of times tables on Purple Mash

Year 5: Myah- Excellent poetry writing.

Year 6: Alana- Excellent poetry writing.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Max- Excellent presentation in English.

Year 2: Teddy- Trying hard to present his Maths learning with care

Year 3: Samiya- Amazing progress with handwriting.

Year 4: Jake- Showing precision and care in embroidery skills

Year 5: Toby- Excellent improvement in handwriting.

Year 6: Liam- A well-presented piece of English learning.


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1- Year 2 for being the top KS1 class of the term, being thoughtful and caring towards friends.

Key Stage 2- Year 3 for being the top KS2 class of the term. Also for remembering coats, hats scarves and wellies and playing nicely together.




Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 92.86%. This is lower than usual. We reminded children of the importance of being in school on time and to leave home earlier to allow more time in icy conditions.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to all pupils in Key Stage 2 for learning all of the words to the French song for the performance.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Olivia and Finn came runner up in the girl’s individual archery contest. We gave a range of medals for archery achievements.

Mrs Evans shared certificates for participation in Games club and certificates for children who joined in "get caught reading"


Georgia, Laila, Jessica, Scout, Amelie and Ilaria all received certificates for making their Brownie promise this week.


Sophia received her charity badge from Brownies to celebrate all of her fundraising efforts in raising £1000 for Noah Ark.


Oliver and Connie received their Octopus Stage 2 award in swimming.


Owen received his yellow belt in Taekwondo yesterday.


Joshua received a band to celebrate running a half marathon.


Layla bravely going into day surgery all by herself last week.


Isabell received a certificate for her Kumon Maths.


Teddy T received a man of the match medal and also received his Octopus Stage 3 award in swimming.


Emelie, Charlotte, Tilly and Alma performed in their dance Christmas show and were amazing.


Celebration Assembly –Friday 9th December 2022


This morning, we thanked the children and their families for their generous donations to the Reverse Advent. Preston and Liam gave a match report about their 4-0 victory over Camps Hill in football, Finn was awarded man of the match. Year 6 took part in a rowing competition and were pleased to come 5th overall.



Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Coby- A fantastic effort in dance

Year 2: Cara- Learning the Christmas songs particularly well

Year 3: Samiya- For showing enthusiasm in independent learning in English.

Year 4: Reggie- Persevering and taking instruction in dance sessions.

Year 5: Luke- Taking risks when sharing ideas

Year 6: Summer- Showing resilience and being determined


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Elsie- Cookery from Junior Duke

Year 2: Barry- Completing all learning and writing about Junior Duke

Year 3: Grace- For completing learning on how to wash clothes

Year 4: Lacey- Junior Duke completed to a very high standard

Year 5: Patrick and Lena -making Polish bread

Year 6: Edward- Additional Junior Duke learning


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Harveer- For writing on the line

Year 2: Jael- Drawing base ten in Maths

Year 3: L- Joins and neat handwriting

Year 4: Annie- Showing care and attention when writing her postcard in English

Year 5: Patrick- Taking care with handwriting

Year 6: Hannah-  well presented Geography


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1-  Reception for all round improved behaviour.

Key Stage 2- Year 4 for being helpful at the end of lunch and assisting with tidying



Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 97.4%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Nursery were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Ilaria in Year 3 for learning the French carol.  


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Laila- Gymnast of the week for amazing handstands on ropes.

Sienna- Core level 10 gymnastics medal

Emelie- Scoring her first goals, being captain and being awarded man of the match

Finn- Auditioning and given the role of Charlie in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory next year

Olivia- Scoring a goal in football this week at her club

Celebration Assembly –Friday 9th December 2022


This morning, we thanked the children and their families for their generous donations to the Reverse Advent. Preston and Liam gave a match report about their 4-0 victory over Camps Hill in football, Finn was awarded man of the match. Year 6 took part in a rowing competition and were pleased to come 5th overall.



Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Coby- A fantastic effort in dance

Year 2: Cara- Learning the Christmas songs particularly well

Year 3: Samiya- For showing enthusiasm in independent learning in English.

Year 4: Reggie- Persevering and taking instruction in dance sessions.

Year 5: Luke- Taking risks when sharing ideas

Year 6: Summer- Showing resilience and being determined


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Elsie- Cookery from Junior Duke

Year 2: Barry- Completing all learning and writing about Junior Duke

Year 3: Grace- For completing learning on how to wash clothes

Year 4: Lacey- Junior Duke completed to a very high standard

Year 5: Patrick and Lena -making Polish bread

Year 6: Edward- Additional Junior Duke learning


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Harveer- For writing on the line

Year 2: Jael- Drawing base ten in Maths

Year 3: L- Joins and neat handwriting

Year 4: Annie- Showing care and attention when writing her postcard in English

Year 5: Patrick- Taking care with handwriting

Year 6: Hannah-  well presented Geography


Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1-  Reception for all round improved behaviour.

Key Stage 2- Year 4 for being helpful at the end of lunch and assisting with tidying



Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 97.4%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Nursery were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Ilaria in Year 3 for learning the French carol.  


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Laila- Gymnast of the week for amazing handstands on ropes.

Sienna- Core level 10 gymnastics medal

Emelie- Scoring her first goals, being captain and being awarded man of the match

Finn- Auditioning and given the role of Charlie in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory next year

Olivia- Scoring a goal in football this week at her club

Celebration Assembly – Thursday 1st December 2022


As always we had lots to celebrate at Trotts Hill. The children are looking forward to popcorn night and a reminder that school is closed tomorrow.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Caiden- Showing PRIDE learning behaviours in all learning

Year 2: Gabby- Being an amazing learning partner

Year 3: Ilaria- Completing extra challenges

Year 4: Ellie- Excellent effort in editing poetry.

Year 5: A- Excellent behaviour and attitude

Year 6: Amelia- Being kind, helpful and caring towards her peers


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Oliver- Writing two books

Year 2: Leo- Writing a ten page story

Year 3: Bailey- Excellent research on Spain

Year 4: B- Developing his times table knowledge

Year 5: Dexter- Additional learning about Brazil

Year 6: Summer- Designing t-shirts for the World Cup 2022


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Coby- Writing on the line and using finger spaces

Year 2: Leon- Trying hard to draw base ten and writing one digit in each square

Year 3: Harry- Maths learning presented with care

Year 4: Lacey- Beautifully presented Science learning

Year 5: Jethro- Beautifully presented English

Year 6: Holly- Super presentation in Science learning



Lunch Cup Winners

Key Stage 1- Year 2 for the best lining up

Key Stage 2- Year 5 for great team work when playing football and sorting out their own incidents




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 97.84%

127 children received rewards for 100% attendance in the month of November.

Leo’s name was drawn from the list and received a £10 WHSmiths voucher.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 5 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Alanna in Year 6 for using the French phrase of the fortnight


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Isabelle- Practising English skills at Kumon

Myah- Level 9 in swimming

Archie- Completing the ultra-marathon at Park Run (which is 50 runs)

Leo- Writing certificate

Gabriel- Singing in the town centre as part of the Christmas light switch on



Celebration Assembly - Friday 25th November 2022

This morning Mrs Evans shared the positives from this week. This included the children from Forest School Club who worked together brilliantly and the Mental Health Champions who received their training session and graduated. Children from Key Stage One who attended the Balance Festival also collected certificates for their participation.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Freddie- Excellent effort in Geography

Year 2: Isabella- Perseverance in Maths and handwriting

Year 3: Eliza- Excellent supportive partner work in Geography

Year 4: Milani-Improved effort and motivation in learning

Year 5: Samson- Improved learning and maturing attitude

Year 6: Bailey- Confident and expressive performance in English


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Zohan- completing measuring using cushions and books

Year 2: Jaxon- super project on the plague doctor

Year 3: Amelie- presented home learning beautifully

Year 4: Izzy- going above and beyond and producing high quality learning

Year 5: Abhi- subordinating conjunctions and factors learning

Year 6: Caleb- Science research and Geography home learning


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented learning:


Year 1: Harris- using one number per square in Maths

Year 2: Teddy T- improvement in Maths presentation

Year 3: Aaruhi- Geography learning to a high standard

Year 4: Leo- excellent improvement in presentation especially when using a pen

Year 5: Riya- clear and beautifully presented writing

Year 6: M- persuasive writing in English



Lunch Cup Winners


Year 2- For showing good manners towards the adults and each other.

Year 4 – For improved lining up




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99.3.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 2 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Olivia in Year 5  for use of possessive pronouns.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Bailey- Ultra marathon certificate from Park Run for running 100km over 50 sessions. He also received trainer of the week from his football club.

Lacey-Level 6 swimming award

Laila- Level 4 swimming and level 8 gymnastics certificate

Sophia –First level swimming award

Scout- Level 10 gymnastics certificate


Celebration Assembly - Friday 18th November 2022


This morning we enjoyed seeing children in school wearing their own clothes to raise money for Children in Need. We discussed what the money is used for and how this helps Children in need.


Mrs Evans reminded the children of the ‘Reverse Advent’ and how we can support others in our local community.

Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Amadea- Improvement in English

Year 2: Alma- Superb animated news report on the plague

Year 3: Finley- Excellent contributions in all lessons

Year 4: Ella- Effort across all subject areas.

Year 5: Jethro- Excellent contributions to discussion

Year 6: Jake- Developing stamina for writing


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Year 1: Nina- Wonderful learning linked to Design and Technology

Year 2: Charlie- Sharing lots of information

Year 3: Amelie- Giving lots of effort in all of her home learning

Year 4: Hannah- Completing a story using inverted commas and speech to compliment her learning in school

Year 5: Thomas- Working on improving handwriting

Year 6: Holly- Completing home learning to a high standard


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Giselle trying to write all letters on the line

Year 2: Teddy V- Handwriting developed and paragraphs

Year 3: Ilaria- Beautiful Geography learning

Year 4: Karolina beautifully presented learning in computing lessons

Year 5: Layla- Factor diagrams presented to a high standard

Year 6: Lois- Beautifully presented writing and annotations


Lunch Cup Winners


Key Stage 1 winners were Year 2 for the best lining up at the end of lunchtime.

Key Stage 2 winners were Year 3 eating packed lunches with the best behaviour.



Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 99.3% .

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 4 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Ivy in Year 4 for using French phrases around school.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Amelia - Player of the match in football for brilliant defending

Sophia, Izzy and Bella- Took part in the Remembrance Parade last week end with Brownies and Rainbows. Sophia has also raised over £600 for charity through her bakes sales.

Joshua- Medal from Stevenage Hockey Club.

Karolina- Appeared in High School Musical and performed this at the Gordon Craig Theatre last weekend.




Celebration Assembly - Friday 11th November 2022


This morning the children were praised for their conduct after a busy week in school.

We were so proud of how the staff and children worked so hard during our visit from Ofsted.


The House Captains shared the poem In Flanders Fields and as a school we sang the song Remember as part of our remembrance celebrations.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Year 1: Zohan- Showing excellent behaviour all week

Year 2: Archie- Trying hard and sharing ideas

Year 3: Amelie- Instruction writing independently

Year 4: Lacey- Using fantastic descriptions about Beowulf

Year 5: Mya: Being patient and explaining and helping another child

Year 6: Jack; for enthusiastic learning


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Year 1: Connie- For making her own sliding picture at home

Year 2: Charlotte- Extra learning about fireworks

Year 3: Sophia- Extended learning

Year 4: Fawaz- Completing extra learning across a range of subjects

Year 5: Lena- Making her own balloon buggy

Year 6: E- Completing additional tasks


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Giselle- beautifully presented Design and Technology learning

Year 2: Barry- using finger spaces in independent writing

Year 3: Grace- showing pride in learning

Year 4: Hannah- beautifully presented Geography

Year 5: Olivia- improved maths

Year 6: Bella-joining consistently


Lunch Cup Winners

In KS1, the cup goes to Year 2 for perfect manners in the dining room, and in KS2 - Year 6 for being helpful with the younger children.



Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 97.86%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to Jake A in Year 4 for improving his confidence when speaking in French.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Ilaria and Scout- Gymnasts of the week

Layla- Earned her 25m swimming certificate and came 2nd in both her solo dances in a dance competition

Bailey- Won two first, a second and a third places in a dance contest

Giselle- Completing Stage 3 swimming

This week the Year 6 children took part in a Stevenage basketball tournament they played well in the tournament and placed 3rd in their group. Bailey and Caleb were players of the match.

On Monday, the girls’ netball team played Saint Nicholas School with the final result a 6-6 draw.

Last Friday, Year 5 and 6 girls football team played against Fairlands School. The final score was 7-0 and the player of the match was Layla. Year 5 and 6 boys played a friendly football against Moss Bury with the final score being 5-4 to Moss Bury.


Celebration Assembly - Friday 4th November 2022


This morning the children were praised for being focused and ready to learn after the half term break.


We have received some fantastic photographs of children getting caught reading and children were reminded of the importance of regular reading at home.


This week, the netball team had a match against Round Diamond and won 6-0.


The House Captains introduced a new initiative – Wonderful Walking - to promote the safe movement of pupils around the school and encourage everyone to follow our school rule to Be Safe. Members of staff and each House Captain will give out a house point each day to a pupil they spot showing wonderful walking around our site.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1:  Nina for super behaviour

Year 2:  Leon for trying hard in all lessons

Year 3:  Georgia for excellent participation in discussions, especially in computing this week.

Year 4: Jake A for super learning on food chains

Year 5: Finn for excellent critical thinking whilst working on the balloon buggy task

Year 6: William for being kind and hard-working


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Harris for completing lots of learning about Bob Marley and writing a holiday diary in addition to his non-negotiables.

Year 2: Gabby for writing sentences about her half term in addition to her non-negotiables

Year 3: Scout made a PowerPoint in addition to her non-negotiables

Year 4: Jake D for wonderful internet safety research

Year 5: Myah for her recount of day as a zoo keeper and Olivia for an informative climate change poster

Year 6: Amelia for completing all tasks set, optional science learning and doing extra work linked to our art topic.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Kaden for presentation in maths

Year 2: Alma for her sentences in history

Year 3: Marnie-Rae for great effort and care with her science

Year 4: James for effort across the board but especially in maths

Year 5: Ollie for improvement with his presentation across all subjects

Year 6: Edward for completing tasks to a high standard



Lunch Cup Winners


In KS1, the cup goes to Year 1 and in KS2, the winners are Year 3.

Our perfect pom-poms and brilliant buttons jar has been filled, which means that everyone has earned some extra playtime.




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99.31%

165 children achieved 100% attendance in October. 19 more children than in September!

Reuben in Year 4 was selected at random to receive a £10 WHSmith voucher.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Bailey in Year 6 for using a bi-lingual dictionary to find adjectives and contributing in class.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Noah in Year 1 has earned his Green stripe belt in Tae-Kwondo

Ilaria in Year 3 and Joshua in Year 5 have gained their 100m swimming awards.

Teddy T in Year 1 has gained his 5m backstroke award

Owen in Year 3 has earned his Level 3 swimming award

Daniel in Year 2 has achieved his Stage 1 swimming award

Scout in Year 3 performed a Harry Potter-themed dance in Stevenage town centre

Leo in Year 2 attended a Harry Potter Hallowe’en workshop and received a Masters in Writing Wizardry!

Celebration Assembly - Friday 21st October 2022


This morning, we celebrated 118 children across the school who have 100% attendance for this half term. Well done to them.

The Reading Champions launched our new ‘Get Caught Reading’ initiative for Autumn term.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Year 1: Connie- always showing PRIDE learning behaviours

Year 2: L- achievement in Maths

Year 3: Grace- enthusiasm when doing formal addition

Year 4: Benson –determination and enjoyment in Art

Year 5: Aymen- increased participation and eagerness

Year 6: Alanna- embracing challenge and being an efficient mathematician


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Year 1: Teddy –for creating a camp and writing it up

Year 2: Inaaya - writing a range of interesting book reviews

Year 3: Leo- Always taking care and pride in learning

Year 4: Kuzey- investigation about Harriet Tubman and extra times tables

Year 5: Layla- Mae Jemison research which was really well organised

Year 6: Kacey–Maths learning always completed to a high standard


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Amadea- writing at the start of the line and using beautiful letter formation

Year 2: Daniel- using one digit per square in maths

Year 3: Grace- taking care in all subjects and especially Science

Year 4: Izzy- taking care of her presentation in all subjects

Year 5: Ethan- improved use of lettering

Year 6: Summer- beautiful water colour painting in Art


Lunch Cup Winners


Key stage 1- Year 2

Key Stage 2- Year 6




Reception had the highest attendance this week with 98.67%

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Lacey in Year 4 for her written work on numbers.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Teddy Tompsett – Water Safety skills certificate

Elana- Bronze 100m fly and beating her personal bests

Isla- First Brownie badge for serving the Queen

Teddy Taylor- Bravery certificate for having a blood test

Arthur- Medal for running 2 mile running race and coming 5th

Balveer- Working hard at Kumon in maths and English sessions

Celebration Assembly - Friday 14 th  October 2022


This morning the pupils shared achievements that they are proud of this week. We also had match reports from the girls’ football and netball teams. The footballers played in a tournament last Friday. Trotts Hill came second in the tournament and would like to thank their coach, Mr Smith. On Monday, the netball team played against Roebuck Academy and won with an impressive 20-0! They would like to thank Mrs Gallagher-Smith for coaching them. This is an incredible improvement for the netballers and we are very proud of them.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Mason for giving 100% in school

Year 1: Sienna for walking into school with confidence

Year 2: Charlie for ambitious vocabulary in English

Year 3: Isla for showing great enjoyment in science

Year 4: Haniya for asking for help with her reading at home

Year 5: Laila for willingness to share her learning under the visualiser

Year 6: Elana for showing a deep understanding in maths


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception: Jamie for his phonics word hunt, reading  and continuing his learning in school at home.

Year 1: Arthur for going above and beyond – writing about his cooking

Year 2: Millie for writing adjectives about Rapunzel

Year 3: Aruhi for amazing presentation and extra home learning

Year 4: Zohaib for his extra learning about kidneys

Year 5: Ardante for completing extra home learning tasks

Year 6: Jack for an amazing write-up about flour production and even making flour as part of his DT home learning.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Mia for writing on the line and forming all her letters correctly

Year 2: Peyton for her presentation in English

Year 3: Malaika for amazing handwriting and earning her pen licence

Year 4: Reuben for brilliant labelling in science

Year 5: Dexter for a superbly drawn graph in science

Year 6: Layla for a beautiful double-page spread in science



Lunch Cup Winners


Everyone has done so well with the changes due to OPAL and enjoyed mixing across the year groups.

In KS1, the cup goes to Year 1 for adapting to the changes.

In KS2, the cup goes to ALL the classes, who will share the trophy as they have all been fantastic!




Reception had the highest attendance this week with 99%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 4 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Cara in Year 2 for excellent speaking work and supporting her partner.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Olivia in Year 1 got player of the match for football. It was her first match and she was the youngest player!

Laila in Year 3 came 1st in two group dances at the Royston Festival.

Bailey Year 6 and Sophie in Year 5 also came 1st in their group dance at the Royston Festival. Bailey also danced her first solo and received excellent feedback.

Karolina received her martial arts white belt, yellow tag.

Amelia Year 6 and Lacey Year 4 both achieved their Rookie Lifeguard Bronze Stage 1 awards.

Charlie in Year 2 has achieved his 15, 20 and 25m awards in swimming.

Tilly in Year 4 has achieved her Level 6 award in swimming.


Celebration Assembly Friday 7th October 2022

This half term we are thinking about our school rules: Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible. In assembly, pupils shared examples of how they keep our school rules by including others in games, walking around the school and looking after our school equipment.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Joshua for excellent behaviour every day.

Year 2: Aariah for making contributions to class and always putting her hand up.

Year 3: Marnie-Rae for independent learning in maths.

Year 4: Ivy for independence in Maths and English.

Year 5: Ethan for working independently and mastering subtraction.

Year 6: Summer for showing creativity and imagination in her writing inspired by our author workshop.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Brody for making a camp at home and writing about it

Year 2: Teddy G for engagement

Year 3: Bailey for completing all his non-negotiables, and writing about watching his Dad in the London Marathon

Year 4: Lacey-Lou for excellent Science home learning

Year 5: Toby, who sent in a video of him reciting his class harvest poem.

Year 6: Elana for writing linked to our class reading book.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Caden for putting his challenges neatly in his Maths book.

Year 2: Gabby for presenting her maths beautifully.

Year 3: Jessica for beautiful writing in English.

Year 4: Jerome for his presentation in English.

Year 5: Dexter for improving his handwriting.

Year 6: Kacey for his data-handling in science.



Lunch Cup Winners


In KS1, for general good behaviour and collecting lunch quietly in the dining hall, the award goes to Year 1

In KS2, for being the quietest class at the hatch, the award goes to Year 3.




Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 97.2%


Stickers were given out to the 146 children who had 100% attendance in September. These children’s names were put into a prize draw for a chance of winning a £10 WHSmith voucher. The winner was Charlotte in Year 2.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Nursery were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Aaruhi in Year 3 for confident speaking work and a beautifully presented and accurate written conversation.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Charlie W has his level 3 swimming award.

Myah W has completed her 1-mile award in swimming, using a variety of strokes.

Max has achieved a ‘Gymnast of the Week’ award for his strength on the bars was amazing

Owen passed his taekwondo grading and received his white belt

Caden was player of the week in his football club.

BF in Y4 has been signed for Tottenham Football Academy and shared photos of him playing in his Spurs kit and signing his contract. Huge congratulations to him.

Celebration Assembly - Friday 30th September 2022



Celebration Assembly


Friday 30th September 2022


This morning we were joined by our Chair of Governors, Mrs Altringham. We thought about some of the ways we could say good morning, using skills from our European Day of Language earlier this week.

Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Year 1: Bruce for huge improvements

Year 2: Charlotte for showing pride learning behaviours consistently

Year 3: Aaruhi for using previous learning when writing play scripts

Year 4: James for showing determination in Maths

Year 5: Evie-Grace for taking risks and sharing ideas

Year 6: Caleb helping others settle into school


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Year 1: Caiden for making a house from cardboard and writing about it

Year 2: Tihomir for drawing plants and flowers during a walk

Year 3: Georgia’s recount of her history visit last week

Year 4: Michael for showing excellent effort when extending his learning on place value

Year 5: Charlie for showing determination

Year 6:Liam for creativity and presentation


Perfectly Presented


Year 1: Elissa for finger spaces in her writing

Year 2: Isabell for expanded noun phrases

Year 3: Aaruhi for a perfectly presented play script

Year 4: Florance for beautifully presented learning in Science

Year 5: Joshua for presentation in English

Year 6: X for beautifully presented learning in PHSE and French


Lunch Cup Winners

Reception: For lining up nicely and using quiet voices

Year 6: For playing well together




Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 97.3%

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 6 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.

French star of the week

This was awarded to Noah in Year 1 for remembering to say goodbye in French.


Pupil Groups

Eco Warriors

Year 2: Daniel & Jace

Year 3: Scout & Malaika

Year 4: Leo & Fawaz

Year 5: Lena & Poppy

Year 6: Jake & Summer


Reading Champions


Year 2: Leo & Aairah

Year 3: Bailey Brandon W

Year 4: Willow & Benson

Year 5: Luke & Finn

Year 6: Bailey & Minnie


Creative Crew


Year 2: Sanna &Gaby

Year 3: Illaria & Amelie

Year 4: Haniya & Annie

Year 5: Olivia & Jethro

Year 6: Layla & Aayat


Digital Leaders


Year 2: Henry & Charlie

Year 3: Samiya &Harry

Year 4: B & J

Year 5: Aymen & Abhi

Year 6: Caleb & Bella


Science Ambassadors


Year 2: Alfie & Millie

Year 3: Grace L + Georgia

Year 4: Ellie, Milani & Lacey Lou

Year 5: Ollie & Patrick

Year 6: Lacey & Jake


Mental Health Ambassadors


Year 3: Jessica

Year 4: Jake A & Gabriel

Year 5: Evie-Grace & Mya

Year 6: Kaitlyn, Holly, Zoe & Lois


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Charlie W- 10 metres swimming certificate and Gadgeteers Reading Challenge certificate

Sienna –Stage 2 swimming certificate

Amelia - Stage 2 swimming certificate

Emelie, Charlotte, Alma & Cara - Performed six dances at the Gordon Craig last weekend to a packed theatre audience

Tilly- Completed Level 6 Swimming

Eliza- Passed her karate grading and received her red belt

Bailey- Duckling 2 swimming award

Finley- Man of the Match award from his football club

Cross Country

Year 5 and 6 Children were awarded participation certificates for taking part in a cross-country event racing against children from across Stevenage. Well done to the following children:

Dexter, Joe, Luke, Finn, Casey, Preston, Louie, Liam, Summer, Caitlyn, Scarlett and Emilia.



Celebration Assembly - Friday 23rd September 2022


This morning heard about Year 3’s trip to Celtic Harmony, where our pupils were praised for their behaviour whilst representing the school. Year 5 were not in assembly today as they are visiting the Lea Valley as part of their Geography learning.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Max F for always following instructions.

Year 2: Harry for his work in English and maths, and taking pride in his work.

Year 3: Ruby participated fully and was engaged ad enthusiastic on the Year 3 trip.

Year 4: Michael for editing and improving work in English.

Year 5: Patrick for deep thinking in science.

Year 6: Edward for applying reading strategies.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Austin for drawing a washing machine and writing an explanation about it.

Year 2: Aairah for her poem and her research about the Royal family.

Year 3: Ilaria for completing all her non-negotiables, all home learning tasks and extra writing about how her family celebrated the life of the Queen on Monday.

Year 4: Tilly completed all her home learning tasks with beautiful presentation and did extra spelling practise.

Year 5: Abhi for completing all his non-negotiables.

Year 6: Hannah completed all her home learning, including a bonus art task on the computer.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:


Year 1: Sienna for writing on the line and remembering her finger spaces.

Year 2: Isabella for her handwriting when writing a poem.

Year 3: Georgia for remembering her full stops and capital letters when writing in maths.

Year 4: Reggie for formulating letters correctly and writing at the margin.

Year 5: Ardante for clear presentation in all subjects.

Year 6: Caleb for beautiful jottings and reasoning in maths.



Lunch Cup Winners


KS1 For lining up quietly in the dinner queue and good behaviour in the dining hall, the award goes to Year 2.

KS2 For all-round good behaviour inside and outside, the award goes to Year 5.




Year 1 and Reception had the joint highest attendance this week with 97.3%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Reception were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to BF in Year 4 for his engagement in class.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Ilaria in Y3 has gained her stage 5 swimming award.

Sophia in Y3 has made her Brownie Promise and was the first Brownie in her unit to make her Promise to the King!

Amelie in Y3 and Joshua in Reception received medals for taking part in the Stevenage Mini Mile run.

Joshua in Y1 for completing the Stevenage Mini Mile in 9 minutes and 12 seconds.

Jack in Y6 attended a talk on how to use an emergency defibrillator and performed CPR on a dummy. He also showed determination getting into freezing cold water for a sunset river swim.


Yesterday the Sports Leaders went out for training and received badges and certificates in assembly. Well done to Ria, Dexter, Layla, Toby, Sophie,  Bailey, William, Elana, Millie and Alanna

We had 3 more Gadgeteers certificates awarded in assembly too!


Celebration Assembly - Friday 9th September 2022


This morning we had our first Celebration Assembly of the school year. We started by remembering Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth before sharing the wonderful things our pupils have done this week.

Stars of the Week



to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Year 1: Noah for being a superstar all week and completing work with enthusiasm.

Year 2: Leo for focusing hard and trying his best in all areas.

Year 3: Harry for giving 100% in his learning and remembering the Y3 expectations.

Year 4: Tilly for great determination

Year 5: Joe for determination to keep the school rule “Be Responsible”

Year 6: Kaitlyn M for challenging herself in writing


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Archie for trying hard to write on the lines.

Year 2: Sanna for writing beautifully and taking pride in her learning

Year 3: Bailey for beautiful joined handwriting in English

Year 4: Lacey-lou for neat handwriting

Year 5: Dexter for his penmanship in English

Year 6: Millie B for her diary entry in English and neat editing skills.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Year 3: Laila did lots of home learning over the summer holidays

Year 4: Annie did lots of home learning over the summer holidays


Lunch Cup Winners


For good behaviour and listening beautifully - Year 1

For adapting well to the new playground and lining up beautifully – Year 3




Stickers were given to the children who achieved 100% attendance in July and badges awarded to those who had 100% for the whole of the summer term.

Trophies were awarded to Riya D, Bailey F, Gaby W, Ethan O, Noah P, Annie P for achieving 100% for the entire academic year last year.

Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 100%.

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 2 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Tommy C in Year 3 for participation and accurate written work in our lesson about classroom instructions.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Elsie D in Year 1 and Owen in Y3 have achieved their Level 2 swimming certificates

Daniel C in Year 2 and Amelie S in Year 3 have both completed 50 Junior Parkruns and have been awarded ultra marathon awards.

Jamie C in Rec has completed 11 Junior Parkruns and was awarded a half marathon award.

Myah in Year 5 has achieved her Stage 8 swimming certificate and has completed her 400m award.

Leo F in Year 4 completed the Duck and Dash at Letchworth which was a 50m swim followed by a 600m run. He received a medal for his efforts.


House Captains

Our new house captains were presented with their badges. They are:

Picasso - William and Amelia

Hawking - Elana and Preston

Rowling - Hannah and Alanna

Farah - Aayat and Louie

Celebration Assembly - Friday 16th September 2022


This morning some of our pupils were attending assembly in non-uniform. Well done to Rowling house for gaining the most house points last term.


Stars of the Week



to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Year 1: Teddy for showing excellent behaviour

Year 2: Jaxon for trying hard, never giving up and being extremely polite

Year 3: Brandon for excellent engagement and enthusiasm, particularly in maths

Year 4: Emelie for excellent hot-seating when working on gods and goddesses

Year 5: Grace for being more vocal and giving explanations in maths

Year 6: Aayat for excellent manners and an outstanding attitude to learning


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Year 1: Elissa for extra home learning – she helped with chores at home and wrote about them.

Year 2: Alfie did his non-negotiables and wrote a sentence about his weekend.

Year 3: Owen for writing facts about himself.

Year 4: Gabriel for thinking about our school PRIDE values and working on his times tables.

Year 5: Myah for drawing representations of her times tables facts.

Year 6: Bailey for extra writing linked to our English learning.


Perfectly Presented


The following children produced perfectly presented work:

Year 1: Emelia for beautiful handwriting in art

Year 2: Alfie for improvement in his writing

Year 3: DS for amazing presentation in maths

Year 4: Willow for beautiful writing in English

Year 5: Layla for her clear working in maths

Year 6: Louie for his handwriting in English


Lunch Cup Winners


KS1 Year 2 for playing fairly and taking turns.

KS2 Year 6 for playing well together and setting an excellent example.


Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 99.2%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to Preston in Year 6 for his work on numbers greater than 70.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Ilaria in Y3 and Sienna in Y1 have received their half marathon award at Parkrun.

Charlotte in Y3 received her 5m swimming award.

Karolina in Y4 has achieved level 8 in gymnastics and worked on the bars and beam.

Emelie in Y4 has achieved Octopus level 3 in her swimming.

Jessica in Y3 gained Performer of the Week at the Pauline Quirke Academy.

Laila in Y3 achieved level 9 in gymnastics.






Celebration Assembly


Today was our final Celebration Assembly of the year. We shared some outside achievements, some school awards and said some goodbyes.


Our outside achievements were awarded to:

Joshua (Reception) completing a cricket course

Finley (Year 2) for winning Trainer of the week at football.

Isla (Year 2) and Sophia (Year 2) who took part in a dance show at Gordon Craig.


House Captains


House Captain certificates were awarded to our outgoing House Captains. The “old” House Captains handed over to the “new” house captains.


Stars of the week


Our stars of the week were awarded to the following children:

Reception: Max F for always being ready to learn and for being a great role model

Year One: Aairah for always doing the right thing and showing the PRIDE learning behaviours.

Year Two: Brandon for being an all round Year 2 superstar!

Year Three: Tilly for being an all round Year 3 superstar!

Year Four: Millie for being a superstar and making exceptional effort in Maths

Year Five: Kaitlyn for great progress in Maths

Year Six: Zara for making exceptional effort.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were commended for their excellent Home Learning:

Reception: Sienna for writing lots at home.

Year One: Charlie for having already signed up for the reading challenge at the library.

Year Two: Jessica for writing a recount about leaving Rainbows and moving to Brownies

Year Three: Willow for lots of times tables practice.

Year Four: Noah for huge effort with Maths.

Year Five: Hannah for continuing to focus on Maths.


Perfectly Presented Learning


The following children were recognised for their Perfectly Presented learning:

Year One: Daniel for excellent presentation in Maths

Year Two: Finley for a real effort and improvement with presentation.

Year Three: Ivy for making a big effort with handwriting.

Year Four: Grace for presentation in Maths

Year Five: Scarlett for making tweaks to make her handwriting even better!

Year Six: Lily for taking pride in her Art 3D sculpture.


Lunchtime Cup


The lunchtime cup was awarded to Year 2 and Year 3 with the overall winner of the lunchtime cup for the school year being Year 2 and Year 5.




The following children received recognition for achieving 100% attendance for the WHOLE academic year: Riya, Bailey F, Gabby, Ethan, Annie, Noah, Harry. They will receive special trophies which have been ordered but have been delayed so these will be presented in September.

We also celebrated children who have had 98% attendance and these children will receive 5 housepoints at the start of September. Well done to Nasara, Elana, Zoe, Charlie S, Jaydon, Bruce, Willow, Leo F, Daniel, Leo P, Millie, Caleb, Scout, Zara, Olivia, Finley, Luke, Tommy, Kuzey and Patrick.




The following children received certificates into the competition to design a t shirt for Mr. Freeman to wear to run the London Marathon: Alma, Owen, Tilly, Elsie, Charlie K, Liam and Penny.

It was impossible to pick an overall winner so Mr. Freeman is going to use a part of every winning design to make his t shirt.

The following children received certificates into the competition to design a boat: Grace, Ilaria, Izzy, Katy, Lena, Myah, Patrick, Bailey S, Finn, Jessica. Annie was the overall winner.


Kindness, Unsung hero and Integrity awards


The following children were awarded the kindness, unsung hero or the integrity award:










Tidy awards


The tidiest award was awarded to Year 4 and the overall winner is Year 3.




We said Goodbye to Miss Reilly who is going to university, Mrs. Burke who is going to be a Teaching Assistant in a school more local to her home and Mrs. Magdeburg who is moving to Pirton School to be their new Headteacher.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 15th July


This morning we had our Celebration Assembly where we were resplendent in red, white and blue. We discussed our experiences of transition day yesterday with children sharing the learning they took part in with their new teachers.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Olivia for always being ready and excited to learn at school and at home.

Year 1: Millie for excellent work linked to the book that Year 1 are currently learning about.

Year 2: Laila for focusing really well in dance outside.  

Year 3: Izzy for being an all round superstar and always showing PRIDE learning behaviours.  

Year 4: Josh for sharing more ideas in lessons and challenging himself in his learning.

Year 5: Summer for her continued positive attitude to learning across the curriculum.

Year 6: Sophia for improved confidence in all aspects of learning.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception: Austin for writing stories and cooking at home and Teddy for writing about minibeasts.

Year 1: Gabby for independent research linked to ring tailed lemur.

Year 2: Georgia for writing an excellent recount about her time in Year 2.

Year 3: Izzy for always doing her home learning to the best of her ability.

Year 4: Joe for trying really hard with his shape learning.

Year 5: Bella for completing all her non negotiables and times tables.

Year 6: Lily for maintaining high standards in reading.


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their Perfectly Presented Learning:


Year 1: Leo for improved letter formation.

Year 2: Grace B for efforts with joining her handwriting.

Year 3: Ellie for making effort with all of her handwriting in her learning.

Year 4: Ollie who has been trying so hard with his presentation of his writing.

Year 5: Kacey for consistency in presentation all the time.

Year 6: Brighton for presentation in all aspects of his learning.


Lunch Cup Winners


Year 2 and Year 5 achieved the lunch cup for their excellent behaviour at lunchtimes.




Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 97.7%.  


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Reception were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


Outside achievements


We shared a lot of outside achievements. These were:


Olivia (Reception) who has achieved a dance certificate.

Myah (Year 4) who achieved her Level 4 gymnastics award.


Lily (Year 6) who received a distinction in a tap exam.


Tilly (Year 3) and Elsie (Reception) who achieved certificates for tap dance and jazz dance. Tilly also received a running certificate.


Jessica (Year 2) who achieved performer of the week at the Pauline Quirke academy of performing arts.


Ilaria (Year 2) who received her Core level 7 gymnastics award.


Austin (Reception) who achieved a gold award in gymnastics.


Harveer (Reception) and Balveer (Year 2) who have completed a 8 week cricket course.


Gabriel (Year 3) who achieved a record of achievement for attending Stagecoach for a year. He has recently performed at Stevenage festival.


Charlie S (Year 6) who has scored 100 goals for Shephall United.


Riya (Year 4) who has achieved her Brownie Silver award.


Bailey (Year 5) who has achieved her Brownie Gold award.  


Willow (Year 3) who has completed her Stage 6 swimming.


Olivia (Reception) who has completed her 10 metre swimming and passed Level 2.


Ollie (Year 6) who shared a range of swimming achievements including 100m backstroke gold and 50m backstroke bronze.


Amelia (Year 5) and Lacey (Year 3) who have completed Stage 10 swimming.

Elana (Year 5) who took part in a gala which involved 8 hours in the water. She achieved PBs in all races. Elana was joint winner of an award from Sporting Futures “Overcoming Disability in Sport”


Coby (Reception) moved to the next level in swimming lessons.


Mrs. Cornish awarded badges and prizes for the French poster competition. These were awarded to: Anaya, Brody, Caiden, Elissa, Alma, Leo, Teddy V, Archie, Sophia, Inaya, Annie, Gabriel, Abhi, Olivia, Layla, Aymen, Bailey, Thomas, Katie, Poppy. Well done to all children who took part.

Celebration Assembly – Thursday 7th July 2022


We held our Celebration Assembly a day early this week because tomorrow we are watching a dress rehearsal of the Year 6 play. We are all looking forward to this!


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Archie for some excellent writing.

Year 1: Peyton for excellent effort in Maths.

Year 2:  Ewan for showing determination with his writing.

Year 3:  Milani for showing excellent enthusiasm and understanding in history.

Year 4: Luke for producing an excellent landscape inspired by Gaudi.

Year 5: Aayat for always being super helpful and supportive.

Year 6: Lily for her efforts in rehearsals and being independent in her learning.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception: Elissa for her story sequencing and listening to descriptive language to draw a picture of Mr. Bump.

Year 1: Isabell for her litter picking home learning.

Year 2: Diya for going above and beyond in her learning.

Year 3: Ruben for always completing his home learning.

Year 4: Noah for his research at home into Gaudi.

Year 5: P for stepping up and putting in extra effort with home learning.

Year 6: Jaydon for designing and making an excellent periscope.


Perfectly Presented Learning


The following children were recognised for their Perfectly Presented Learning:


Year 1: Alma for her presentation in English.

Year 2: Bailey for using great lead ins when writing.

Year 3: Lacey Lou for working very hard on joining her handwriting.

Year 4: Grace for her perfectly presented bar graph.

Year 5: Alanna for always producing Perfectly Presented Learning.

Year 6: Tom for his presentation of his inspirational speech.





Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 95.9%. We also handed out stickers to all children with 100% attendance in June. 


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Millie in Year 4 for going the extra mile and completing extra learning at home. A reminder that the French poster deadline is tomorrow!


Outside achievements


We shared only one outside achievement this week.


Layla in Year 4 was recognised for her achievements with football. Layla plays for Starlets FC and recently played in a tournament where her team made it to the finals. Layla was voted Player of the tournament. She has also achieved the Special Recognition award from her coaches this season.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 1st July 2022


Reception joined our whole school Celebration Assembly today and will do for the next few weeks as preparation for their transition to Year One in September. We were very impressed with their focus and behaviour.

Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Amadea for her engagement in learning but especially in writing.

Year 1: Elliott for progress in all areas.

Year 2: Samiya for her improved writing.

Year 3: Tilly for excellent writing in English.

Year 4: Noah for excellent effort with his learning

Year 5: Zoe for super progress in swimming.

Year 6: Indy for persevering on the trapeze at PGL. All of year 6 got a special mention for showing our PRIDE learning behaviours this week.

Home Learning Heroes

The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Reception: Elsie for writing a rhyming string of 18 words. Coby for recording a first, next and then addition story.

Year 1: Peyton for writing a super description for how to make lemon meringue pie.

Year 2: Amelie for superb sewing, she created a handbag!

Year 3: B and Michael for completing their non negotiables and doing extra as well!

Year 4: Myah for fantastic home learning and catching up on learning that was missed.

Year 5: Holly for completing all her non negotiables to a high standard

Lunch Cup Winners

Reception won the lunch time cup for improved sharing at lunchtime. In Key Stage Two, the lunch cup was won by Year 5 for always lining up well.

Mrs. Poole also gave a mention to Jake N in Y5 for always eating his vegetables and to Year 2 for using their French at lunchtime. Amalie was also mentioned for saying how much she enjoyed her lunch and Aaruhi for always being so polite.

Perfectly Presented

The following children were recognised for their Perfectly Presented Learning:

Year 1: Alfie for cutting and sticking in neatly during an English activity.

Year 2: Samiya for making sure her writing is on the line.

Year 3: Izzy for excellent presentation in Maths.

Year 4: Evie Grace for super presentation

Year 5: Preston for improved presentation


Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 97.4%

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.

Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Elana (Year 5) who took part in a para competition at the weekend, winning 5 gold medals for a range of races. She has been nominated for a special award with Stevenage Futures.

Anaya (Reception) who achieved her Taekwondo grading and achieved a certificate. Eliza (Year 2) achieved her blue belt.

Lincoln (Year 6) is taking part in “Helpful Nomes”, a charity initiative for the month of July

Elsie (Reception) who achieved a certificate for her karate.

Aayat (Year 5) who has achieved her Grade 1 piano, passing with a merit.

Sports achievements

Some children in Year 2 took part in an Adapted Rounders competition and returned with Perry who is awarded for sportsmanship.

Year 5 won the “Fair Play” award for their netball match. They shared a match report with us. They placed 3rd in the tournament and 3rd in the league. They’ve made excellent progress across the season. Medals were awarded to the players.

Jaydon was the Player of the season for the boys. The most improved player was Charlie Th.

The most improved player for the girls was Penny who has become a football player this year and has done a great job. Zara was the player of the season for the girls team.

Other achievements

The choir took part in Stevenage Festival on Tuesday at Gordon Craig Theatre. Mrs. Chumbley who accompanied the children commented on their wonderful performance, excellent behaviour and how we were one of the only schools to feature soloists.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 24th June 2022


The following achievements were celebrated in assembly this morning.


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Rec: For making excellent choices with his learning

Year 1: Isabella for excellent writing and positive reading.

Year 2: Fin for excellent learning in English.

Year 3: Leo for Independent learning in guided reading

Year 4: Aymen Writing in English and also showing kindness.

Year 5: Scarlett for being an excellent talk partner

Year 6: Summer for her writing stamina


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Rec: Arthur for writing a lovely story including his colour coded- phonics.

Year 1: Elliot for trying so hard with his home learning.

Year 2: Ewan and Aaruhi. Well done to the whole class for excellent home learning.

Year 3: Emelie for completing all her non-negotiables

Year 4: Ardante for writing an excellent recount about Wymondley woods.

Year 5: Liam for completing his non negotiables

Year 6: Joe for his nature project.


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their Perfectly Presented Learning:

Year 1: Hunter for super presentation when completing his report.

Year 2: Georgia for improved presentation

Year 3: Michael for his beautifully presented learning in English

Year 4: Charlie for beautiful handwriting in all learning.

Year 5: Louie for presentation in maths.

Year 6: Neve for consistently good presentation.


Lunch Cup Winners


KS1:Year 2 for improved behaviour.

KS2: Year 4 for improved behaviour


Lunch Time Manners


At lunchtime we give brilliant buttons and perfect pom poms for children showing excellent behaviour and manners. Mrs. Poole commented on A, Millie P and Brian’s behaviour in the dining room. The best class this week in the dining hall Year 5 for always being so polite and kind to others.




Year 6 had the highest attendance this week with 100%. Well done year 6!

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 5 were recognised as the tidiest class.

French star of the week

Awarded to Charlie K in Year 4 for writing about French clothes.

Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

Izzy (Y3) achieving stage 4 in swimming.

Gabriel (Y3) for achieving stage 3 in his swimming.

Arthur (Rec)- has received his Taekwon-Do certificate.

Match report

Year 6 netball match against St Vincent De Paul. Trotts Hill scored 4 goals.

Year 5 and 6 netball match- The girls played well against St Nicholas. Trotts Hill scored 2 goals.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 17th June 2022


Today our assembly was in the afternoon and was shorter than usual due to the Father’s Day Wrapping Room. Thank you to FROTH for their efforts with this.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Daniel for completing his Maths challenge and scoring 100%

Year 2: Marnie for sharing some great ideas in the Geography lessons on Kenya.

Year 3: Lincoln for excellent participation and showing great interest on the Year 3 trip.

Year 4: Myah for engaging well in Maths lessons and putting her hand up more.

Year 5: William for improvement in his descriptive writing.

Year 6: Chandler for being responsible and having caring interactions with his peers.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Jase for completing all his home learning and even doing a bit more!

Year 2: Malaika for completing her home learning a week early.

Year 3: Kuzey for finding out some interesting facts about Romans and making a coliseum.

Year 4: Thomas for his melting investigation at home.

Year 5: Caleb for practising all his non negotiables.

Year 6: Sophia for using Purple Mash to create an interesting musical composition.


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their Perfectly Presented Learning:


Year 1: Isabell for excellent presentation in her English learning.

Year 2: Eliza for consistent handwriting.

Year 3: Florance for great presentation.

Year 4: Charlie for his handwriting in English.

Year 5: Elana for achieving her presentation targets.

Year 6: Candalyn for her presentation in her writing about Goodnight Midnight Tom.



Lunch Cup Winners


Year 1 received this for playing well together at lunchtime. For continued good behaviour at lunchtime, this was also awarded to Year 6.


Lunch Time Manners


Mrs. Poole commented on Aayat’s behaviour and how she has taken time to ask staff how they are everyday. Archie in Year One was praised for his great manners. Year 6 were recognised for being the class who have lined up well and come in well to assembly every day this week.




Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 98.8%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 2 were recognised as the tidiest class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Charlotte in Year 1 for joining in well in the French song.  


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Finn (Year 2) for winning a range of football trophies.

Michael (Year 3) for achieving his Stage 3 swimming certificate.

Laila (Year 2) for winning gymnast of the week for improved handstands.


Marathon May


70 children took part in and handed in their sponsorship forms for Marathon May. These children received medals in assembly and helped to raise over £500 for the school.


Sports Report


Bailey and Alanna shared a netball match report after a match against Shephalbury Park.


Celebration Assembly - Friday 10th June 2022


A fantastic and busy week at Trotts Hill to start the half term. During celebration assembly we celebrated the following achievements:


On Thursday we had a visit from the Local Authority looking at Maths and Reading which was extremely positive. We received the exciting news that we have achieved Eco- Schools Green Flag award, congratulations to the Eco-Warriors and Mrs Chumbley for helping us to achieve this prestigious award.  We also celebrated that our boys football team have won Division 3- this is a fantastic achievement and thank you to Mr O’Brien for coaching the team.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Rec:   Owen for his excellent maths learning on finding the difference.

Year 1: Charlotte for completing all of her Year 1 maths challenges

Year 2: W.R for his excellent skills when investigating minibeasts in science.  

Year 3:  Lacey B for her fantastic skills in DT

Year 4:  Grace for hard work and independence with learning

Year 5:  Amelia for showing determination in maths.

Year 6:  Lincoln for showing independence and determination in his learning.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Rec:  All the children that have shared their Jubilee and holiday news on Tapestry

Year 1:  Alfie for writing his own version of the Gingerbread man.

Year 2: Scout for her excellent skills shown in  sewing over the holidays.

Year 3: Kuzey for completing lots of reading over the holidays.

            Lincoln for all the extra home learning he completed.

Year 4: Charlie for completing so much reading over the holidays.

Year 5:  Summer for extra spelling practise.

Year 6:.L for learning all her lines and research for the school play.


Perfectly presented


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1:  Teddy G for improved presentation in his English.

Year 2:  A.S for her improved presentation and writing on the line in English.

Year 3:  Reggie for his improved hand writing.

Year 4:  Josh for his great improvements to his presentation.

Year 5:  Millie for really improving her presentation in maths.

Year 6: Indie for trying hard to join her writing.


Lunch Cup Winners



Year Reception for improved behaviour and great tidying up



Year 6 for much improved behaviour and showing kindness to each other.






Year Reception had the highest attendance this week with 99.4%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 6 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Lincoln in Year 3 for his participation and written work on sports and opinions on what he likes and dislikes.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Bruce (R) and Leo (Y3) have cycled their way through marathon May completing over 44 miles.


Katie (Y6) received a medal for participating in a football tournament and her contribution in the Police Cadets.


Charlie S (Y6) has had his contract renewed at Luton Town FC for next season


Scout (Y2) Has achieved her yellow belt in Tai Kondo.


Sophia (Y2) ran a pretty muddy race raising an amazing £245 for cancer research.


Finn (y2) received a medal for participating in a football tournament.


Congratulations to the Sports Leaders they have all received the Bronze award this year for their superb contributions. Jaydon (Y6), Tom (Y6), Bailey (Y5), Millie (Y5), Elana (Y5), A.G-S (Y5), Katie (Y6), Zara (Y6) and Penny (Y6)



Well done to all the Y5 and 6 children who showed exceptional behaviour and showing their PRIDE learning during a visit to Mossbury school for writing.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 25th May 2022


This morning we had a special Celebration Assembly with a focus on the Queen and the Platinum Jubilee. The hall was full of red, white and blue with some wonderful outfits in honour of the special event.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Hunter for excellent detail in his recount.

Year 2:  Diya for excellent teamwork in drama in English.

Year 3:  Florance for excellent achievement in Geography.

Year 4: Olivia for her research and enthusiasm in Geography.

Year 5: Jake for improving his writing stamina in report writing.

Year 6: Sienna for her audition for the end of year production.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Inaaya for reading everyday at home.

Year 2: Grace B for completing extra learning at home.

Year 3: Florance for going the extra mile in her home learning.

Year 4: Evie Rose for her times tables practice.

Year 5: Bailey using checking calculations

Year 6: Lily for her efforts in her home learning.


Perfectly Presented Learning


The following children were recognised as Perfectly Presented Learners:


Year 1: Sanaa for amazing presentation in her spelling practice.

Year 2: Laila for an improvement in her presentation.

Year 3: Ella for always perfectly presenting her learning.

Year 4: Riya for presenting her research so well in her book.

Year 5: Scarlett for achieving all her handwriting targets.

Year 6: Summer for her presentation in her learning.




Year One had the highest attendance this week with 96.2%. We also gave out stickers to children who have had 100% attendance for the whole of May. We spoke to the children again about the importance of coming to school whenever they are fit and well enough to do so.  



Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Jessica (Year 2) who was gymnast of the week which she achieved for her cartwheels off the beams.


Leo (Year 3) for completing a triathlon and cycling 37 miles as part of Marathon May.


Amelia (Year 5) for achieving several trophies in football.


Lacey (Year 3) for achieving her Level 9 swimming and several football trophies.


Sporting Achievements


Swimming certificates were handed out to children in Year 3 and Year 4 who have participated in swimming lessons.


Our Year 5/6 team have won the league. They won every match except for one in the league matches.


 Young Voices


The children who went to the 02 told us all about the experience. They sang with a choir of 8700 children and all loved the experience.


Celebration Assembly – Friday 20th May 2022


Today our assembly was in the afternoon due to school photos taking place this morning. Thank you to Mrs. Mehan for her efforts in making sure everyone got their photo taken and that everything ran to time this morning – no mean feat!


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Harry for a positive attitude at all times.

Year 2:  L for determination in Maths.

Year 3:  Kuzey for showing perseverance in his learning.

Year 4: Charlie for enthusiasm in poetry writing.

Year 5: Lois for inclusion of new adverbs and adverbials in her comparative report.

Year 6: Poppy for being an outstanding computer programmer.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Isabell for writing an impressive story including speech.

Year 2: Tommy for creating his own Maths booklet at home.

Year 3: Tilly for her learning about time.

Year 4: Aymen for working hard on times tables.

Year 5: Zoe for her learning on life cycles of butterfly.

Year 6: Tynan for reading more challenging texts at home.


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Charlie for working hard to keep his descenders under the line.

Year 2:  Nasara for his improved presentation.

Year 3: Jake D for trying really hard with his presentation.

Year 4: Dexter for trying hard with the presentation of his poem.

Year 5: Kaitlyn for trying hard with cursive handwriting,

Year 6: Zara for excellent joins in her handwriting.


Lunch Cup Winners


Year 2 received the Lunch Time Cup for resolving their own issues and finding games to play. In Key Stage Two the Lunch Time Cup went to Year 5 for a great attitude at all times.


Lunch Time Manners


Mrs. Poole fed back about lunchtime and said that a new member of staff in the kitchen had commented on the excellent manners of all children. Aairah was mentioned for trying new vegetables.  




Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 96.7%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Reception were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Nasara in Year 2 for his learning


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Toby (Year 4) who has taken part in his first rugby presentation and was awarded a trophy.


Lincoln (Year 6) who was a guide for a duck in a charity duck race!


Sophia (Year 2) has received her jubilee badge from Brownies.

Katy (Year 6) who took part in a football tour and received a trophy for her goalkeeping skills.


Owen (Year 2) who took part in the Nuclear Race, completing 29 obstacles.


Finn (Year 4) for great progress in swimming and is now in white hats.


Dexter (Year 4) for receiving a trophy for his progress and effort with his rugby.


Emelie (Year 3) for her goalkeeping skills, she won Development Squad Person of the match.


Celebration Assembly - Friday 13th May 2022


Today in celebration assembly we celebrated the following achievements:


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Rec:   Amelia for showing great enthusiasm with her writing all week.

Year 1: Sanna great effort learning in learning.

Year 2: W.R for showing PRIDE in his maths learning.  

Year 3:  Hannah for trying really hard in English to achieve her targets.

Year 4:  Samson for an amazing week and trying hard with learning

Year 5:  Caleb for his determination in English when writing a comparative report.

Year 6:  All children for showing great resilience with their SATs this week.

Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Rec:  Connie for a fantastic ‘er’ and number hunt around her house.

Year 1:  Jaxon for working really hard on home learning.

Year 2: Ilaria for completing a reading booklet on Honeybees and then creating her own information text about them.

Year 3:  Izzy for making a clock and completing extra learning on time.

Year 4: Millie for showing great determination with her times tables.

Year 5:  Hannah for fantastic learning.

Year 6: Ollie for his extra Spanish outside of school, shared with the class.


Perfectly presented


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1:  Peyton for great maths learning.

Year 2:  Tommy for really trying hard with handwriting.

Year 3:  Emelie for super handwriting.

Year 4:  Vince for presentation in Geography.

Year 5:  P.M for trying hard with his presentation in maths.

Year 6: Lilly and Penny for their beautiful presented art work.


Lunch Cup Winners



Year 1 for improved lining up at the end of lunchtime.



Year 5 for consistently good behaviour, always finding games to play and being thoughtful and considerate.




Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 97.9%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Fawaz in Year 3 for his work on sports.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Myah Y4 got gymnast of the week and swam 24 lengths of breaststroke.

Layla Y2 for shining in a singing and dancing competition

Luke Y4 for showing determination and great sportsmanship in football during his team’s cup final.

Emelie Y3 and Charlotte Y2 were mascots for Stevenage Borough during their last match. Charlotte also won player of the match in her football game.

Amelia Y5 has achieved her stage 9 at swimming.

Toby Y4 took part in his first cricket match showing great determination and sportsmanship.


Year 2 have won the Smarties Challenge and will receive a prize for raising the most money for FROTH. The amounts will be shared in the next newsletter


Charile and Jaydon shared a match report for their match last week they won the game 2-1. Well done to Charlie S. for getting man of the match for scoring both goals.

Neve and Lilly shared a netball match report. The team have shown great determination and have been making great progress. Well done to Elana for receiving player of the match.

Celebration Assembly - Friday 6th May 2022


A Headteacher from another Hertfordshire school joined us in assembly this morning and was very impressed with the behaviour at Trotts Hill. Well done to everyone!


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Rec:   Amadea for increased contributions in class but, in particular, using maths mastery.

Year 1:  Kara for a really positive attitude to learning and increased independence in maths.

Year 2:  Owen for fantastic engagement and perseverance in Maths and Computing.

Year 3:  Michael for using excellent vocabulary choices in his English.

Year 4:  Patrick for his enthusiasm in all lessons.

Year 5:  Elana for her excellent progress in maths. She always shows perseverance, independence and enjoyment.

Year 6:  Lincoln for a great attitude to learning and being a caring friend.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Rec:  Elsie for practising her phonics and high frequency words by writing some beautifully written sentences.

Year 1:  Hunter for writing an excellent review of the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie.

Year 2:  Samiya for completing her home learning.

Year 3:  Gabriel for always completing his home learning to a good standard. He also completed extra learning linked to fractions.

Year 4: Ollie for trying really heard when completing his times tables game.

Year 5:  Louis for completing all his non- negotiables and focusing on the class composer

Year 6: Harry for his improvement in reading.


Perfectly presented


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1:  Tihomir for producing excellent artwork in the style of Angie Lewin.

Year 2:  Scout for improved letter formation.

Year 3:  James for improvement with his handwriting.

Year 4:  Samson for showing determination with his joining up.

Year 5:  William for Science and History this week.

Year 6: Charlie S for producing excellent explanation and diagrams



Lunch Cup Winners



Year 2 for sitting nicely and always being polite.



Year 3 for good behaviour outside everyday this week.




Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 98.1%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 2 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Amelia in Year 5 for engagement in all French lessons.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Mia (YR) for performing two dances in a dance show at the Gordon Craig Theatre, doing hip hop and street dance.


Olivia (YR) for performing in her first ever dance show at the Gordon Craig Theatre for 3 days running with the biggest smile on her face. 


Willow (N) Oliva (YR), Millie (Yr1), Annie and Florance (Y3) for an excellent effort completing their dance festival. Mrs Murrill and Mrs Cornish also participated in the dance festival, well done to them.


Finn (Y4) achieved over 22 park runs which is the equivalent to a marathon.


Amelia (YR) achieved her marathon band at Stevenage Park run


Aayat (Y5) has achieved her 25m swimming badge.


Willow (Y3) took part in her first park run and was the 7th girl to finish.


Karolin (Y4) for achieving gymnast of the week. She has perfected her straddle holds on the ropes.


Elana (Y5) has been achieved the young achiever award by the Erbs Palsy group. Well done! She has also competed her 1 mile swimming certificate which was 72 lengths non stop.






Celebration Assembly – Friday 29th April 2022


This morning we had our Celebration Assembly in which we shared our usual achievements, alongside the results of the Spelling Bee. It was also the last Celebration Assembly of April, so we also shared our 100% attendance for this month.


Enjoy the long weekend with your families and we will see the children on Tuesday.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Mia for showing increased confidence when writing sentences independently.

Year 1: Archie for determination and mature attitude in Maths

Year 2: Leo for excellent effort in Guided Reading 

Year 3: Lincoln for participation in class especially in RE

Year 4: Jethro for trying really hard in Maths

Year 5: Lacey for an excellent suggestion when multiplying fractions by whole numbers

Year 6: Zara for showing resilience in lots of situations this week.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception: Austin for completing lots of reading, phonics and writing.

Year 1: Archie for extra learning over the Easter holidays

Year 2: Lovell for more reading at home and extra Maths booklets

Year 3: Benson for lots of reading at home

Year 4: Samson for making huge progress with reading at home

Year 5: Eryn for practising her times tables

Year 6: Sophia for looking over her corrections


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their Perfectly Presented learning:


Year 1: Leon

Year 2: Isla

Year 3: Reggie

Year 4: Poppy

Year 5: Amelia

Year 6: Chandler


Lunch Cup Winners


Children can receive Perfect Pom Poms or Brilliant Buttons for their behaviour at lunchtime. Our current focus is noise in the dining room, which is improving but is still something we are working on. The Lunch Cup went to Year 2 for sensible behaviour and using the equipment properly and to Year 5 for walking in quietly, which is a whole school target.




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 99.7%.


Spelling Bee


62 children took part in the Spelling Bee. There is further information in the English page of the Curriculum section of the website including photos and details of the winners.


Attendance of the Month


Stickers were given out to children who have been at school everyday in April 2022. In some classes 24 children received this which is excellent and we’d like to see this in every class!


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Samson in Year 4 for persevering when writing about school subjects.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Preston (Year 5) received Man of the Match for great goalkeeping.


Amelia (Year 5) received Player of the Match for her football skills.


Layla and Lacey (Year 5) have received a certificate for achieving 25 metres swimming.


Joshua P (Year 4) has achieved his Stage 4 swimming.  


Lacey (Year 3) has achieved a football medal for winning in the final and has also achieved her Stage 8 swimming.


Mia (Reception) has gone up a level in swimming and performed in a dance show.


Laila (Year 2) has completed a tap exam achieving 84/100 which is a distinction.


Sports updates


Evie Grace, Poppy, Layla, Patrick, Jethro, Millie, Lena, Charlie took part in a Tag Rugby event and won a sportsmanship award and the mascot Perry.


Minnie, Summer, Amelia, Alanna, Jake, Preston, Liam, Louie took part in Under 11 quick sticks hockey which was their first time playing hockey against teams who had had a lot more experience.


Lacey and Layla gave us netball match reports for matches against St Nicholas and Shephalbury. As the girls said, whilst it would be great to have some wins, there has been a noticeable improvement in their skills which is reflected in an improvement in the scores. Charlie and Jaydon provided a football match report which was a win! Well done to all players involved.

Celebration Assembly - Friday 22nd April 2022


This morning we held our Celebration Assembly after a very short week in school. Nonetheless there were many celebrations to share!


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception - Teddy for all the extra learning he completed over Easter and for having a good first week back to school.

Year 1: Tihomir for excellent independent writing.

Year 2: Amelie for great independence and design skills in DT.

Year 3:  Gabriel for great progress in reading, he is now a free reader!

Year 4: Lena for her animation in computing.

Year 5: Hannah for supporting her peers and giving great encouragement.

Year 6: Chandler for showing resilience in his reading tests.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception - Zohan for sharing some of his family traditions during Ramadan and practising reading and writing over Easter.

Year 1: Peyton for lots of learning over the Easter holiday.

Year 2: Sophia for keeping a super holiday diary.

Year 3: Lacey Lou for lots of reading at home over Easter.

Year 5: Bailey for her Spelling Bee practice

Year 6: Penny for her SATS practice.


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their excellent presentation:


Year 1:Isabella

Year 2: Ruby

Year 3: Annie

Year 4: Myah

Year 5: Amalie

Year 6: Lincoln


Lunch Cup Winners


The lunch time cup for this week was awarded to Reception for good behaviour. In Key Stage Two the lunch time cup was awarded to Year 5 for playing well together. 




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 96.6%. Sadly we already have children absent on holiday, please can we ask again that holidays are taken only in school holidays. Several requests have listed the reduced cost in term time, unfortunately this is not a reason that we can authorise holiday and any absence has an effect on learning.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 4 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Lily in Year 6 for her work on holidays and her focus in class.


A special Well Done!


Leah (Year 6) was commended for her exceptional manners in the dining room at lunchtime. The catering team have noticed that she is always polite and a target was set for more children to receive the same commendation next week.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Elsie (Reception) received an Aqua Ed achievement award for swimming.


Laila (Year 2) who was awarded gymnast of the week


Finley (Year 2) was awarded Man of the Match and Player of the Match.  


Tilly (Year 3) has completed Stage 5 swimming. Her next challenge is to swim 25m.


Scout (Year 2) moved up to yellow hats in swimming.


Jack  (Year 5) who has climbed Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales. He told us that it was very windy!


Sporting achievements


Netball report – Katie and Penny gave a match report from a recent netball match. The girls are really improving and they have developed their teamwork skills.

Celebration Assembly - Friday 1st April 2022


This morning we had our whole school Celebration Assembly. Our school choir performed Higher and Higher for us again. We had lots to celebrate today as we reached the end of the Spring Term in school.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception - Isabelle for making excellent progress with her writing.

Year 1: Leo for an improved effort and focus.

Year 2:  Georgia for excellent expression in dance and drama.

Year 3:  Lacey Lou for her enthusiasm in Science starters.

Year 4: Evie Rose for trying so hard with her times tables.

Year 5: Minnie for stepping into someone’s shoes at the last minute in the dance. 

Year 6: Charlie Taylor for excellence in his learning.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception - Teddy for some amazing phonics learning.

Year 1: Daniel for an excellent effort with reading at home.

Year 2: Brandon for completing some extra learning at home.

Year 3: Lincoln for lots of effort in home learning.

Year 4: Layla for her presentation in her home learning and her excellent evaluation of her DT.

Year 5: Scarlett for always completing all her non negotiables.

Year 6: Leah for extra practice at home.


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their excellent presentation:


Year 1: River

Year 2: Harry

Year 3: Zohaib

Year 4: Toby

Year 5: Elana

Year 6: Tynan


Lunch Cup Winners


The lunch time cup for this week was awarded to Reception for good behaviour. In Key Stage Two the lunch time cup was awarded to Year 6 for playing well together and good manners.  The overall winners of the lunch time cup for the term was Year One in Key Stage One and Year Four in Key Stage Two.




Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 97.7%. We also awarded stickers to children with 100% attendance for March and badges for the whole of the Spring Term.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Reception were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Olivia in Year 4 for her learning on illnesses in French.


Unsung heroes, Kindness and Integrity awards


These awards were handed out.


Nursery – Leona for always helping other people

Reception – Mia for always being kind and doing the right thing

Year One – L for being really kind and looking after everyone

Year Two – Grace B for being helpful, kind and polite

Year Three – Tilly for always doing the right thing, for being kind and caring

Year Four – Joshua for cheering people up and making sure that he has doing the right thing

Year Five – Liam for many reasons including for his fairness and honesty.

Year Six – Brighton for always being kind and doing the right thing.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Teddy T (Year One) who has achieved his Octopus 2 swimming badge.

Gabriel (Year Three) who has received his yellow striped belt for Taekwondo.

Bailey (Year Two) and Emilia (Reception) who have received their next swimming badges.

Myah (Year Four) has achieved her purple hat in swimming and is now moving onto

Elana (Year Five) who has taken part in her first para swimming competition and achieved two silver medals.

Charlie Th (Year Six) has completed his CPR training at Rookie Lifeguards.

Walter (Year Two) who was gymnast of the month.

Penny (Year Six) who has achieved her Level 6 gymnastics award.

Grace B (Year Two) who has achieved her Core Level 9 in gymnastics.

Laila (Year Two) and Bailey (Year Five) who have achieved some dance cups and trophies in several different competitions.

Elsie (Reception) made her Rainbows promise this week.

Arthur (Reception) had his first Taekwondo grading and was awarded orange and white belts. He also recited numbers 1 to 5 in Korean.


Sporting achievements


Katy and Lily shared netball match report and Neve and Katy share a football match report. Whilst neither team won their games, all of the players kept their heads held high and didn’t give up showing a positive spirit.


House Points


Congratulations to Hawking who are our house winners for the spring term, they will have a non- uniform day on Friday 22nd April and can wear house colours of blue should they wish.


1st – Hawking – 1225 points

2nd – Picasso  - 1157 points

3rd – Rowling  - 1111 points

4th – Farah  - 1055 points


Celebration Assembly - Friday 25th March 2022


This morning we had our whole school Celebration Assembly. Our Chair of Governors, Mrs. Altringham, joined us for assembly. Our school choir performed Higher and Higher for us which was beautiful. We had an incredible amount of outside achievements in today’s assembly which are always wonderful to share.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception - Archie for producing some excellent learning on butterflies and lifecycles.

Year 1: Isabell for fantastic reasoning in Maths.

Year 2:  Diya for her creative writing.

Year 3:  Ruben who listens to all feedback he is given.

Year 4: Myah who has had an excellent week and has given her best in everything.

Year 5: Millie for her excellent attitude to Maths and putting in 100% effort.

Year 6: Katie for an amazing piece of learning.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception - Noah for really focusing on his handwriting and excellent phonics learning.

Year 1: Isabella for her learning linked to Snakes and Ladders.

Year 2: Grace for writing about her visit to the Natural History Museum.

Year 3: Jake D for completing all of his learning.

Year 4: Vince for working very hard in times tables and Maths.

Year 5: Lois for practising her times tables at home and completing her Geography to a high standard.

Year 6: Brighton for reading and going the extra mile!


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their excellent presentation:


Year 1: Aairah

Year 2: Marnie

Year 3: Fawaz

Year 4: Millie

Year 5: Lacey

Year 6:Penny


Lunch Cup Winners


The lunch time cup was awarded to Year 2 for all round good behaviour. In Key Stage Two the lunch time cup was awarded to Year 4 for good interactions and playing well on the field.




Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 94.8%. This is not as high as we would hope, as once again we have had several unavoidable absences for illnesses including COVID. However, please can we ask again that children are not missing school for holidays or family days out.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 6 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Penny in Year 6 for her learning on directions in playscripts.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Sophie (Year 4) who showed enjoyment and determination in her participation in the Luton Dance Festival


Ilaria (Year 2) who was gymnast of the week for showing perseverance when mastering donkey kicks.


Charlie T (Year 6) who was Man of the Match for the 4th time in 5 weeks!


Kuzey (Year 3) who achieved Level 2 in gymnastics and received a gold medal.


Laila (Year 2) who came 4th in the Luton Festival of dance and Bailey (Year 5) who came 2nd in her category. Laila also achieved gymnast of the week.


Ewan (Year 2) and Zoe (Year 5) who have moved up a level in swimming. Their teachers have complemented them for their efforts.


Finn (Year 4) for taking part in his first production with the Lytton Players.


Isla (Year 2) has achieved her Level 2 gymnastics certificate. She showed perseverance.


Elana (Year 5) won two silver races and a gold medal in swimming. She is on her journey to taking part in the Para swimming.


Myah (Year 4) has achieved her Level 4 bronze gymnastics award.


Karolina (Year 3) has achieved gymnast of the week and has achieved her Core Level 10. She has also achieved a swimming certificate.


Match reports from a girls’ football and a girls’ netball match were shared. Neve was the player of the match in football and Elana was the player of the match in netball.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 18th March 2022


This morning we had a whole school Celebration Assembly. Year 2 performed their dance to our assembly theme song “Celebrate!” Their singing and dancing put a smile on everyone’s faces. Pupils said that Year 2 showed enjoyment in their performance. The whole school looked very sporty in their active clothes for Red Nose Day.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Gaby – asking great questions on the Y1 trip to Knebworth House

Year 2: Ewan – creating a wonderful comic strip 

Year 3: Jake D – becoming increasingly confident and answering questions in class 

Year 4: Ardante – using ambitious vocabulary in English

Year 5: Kaitlyn – making a good start in Year 5

Year 6: Lily – determined and positive attitude to learning


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Sanaa - completed all non-negotiables

Year 2: Ilaria – made a booklet about materials

Year 3: Tilly – wrote a Haiku poem and completed all non-negotiables

Year 4: Finn – for writing an interesting poem, revising his times tables and completing his non-negotiables

Year 5: Eryn – excellent standard of non-negotiables

Year 6: Zara – completing all her home learning to a high standard



Perfectly Presented


Year 1: Cara – descenders and ascenders

Year 2: Jessica – neat planning and joined-up writing

Year 3: Florance – Science poster and conclusion

Year 4: Sophie – beautifully presented work in every lesson and working hard to  perfect her rs

Year 5: Aayat - Science conclusion

Year 6: Sophia – for making a huge improvement in her presentation and joining her writing consistently



Lunch Cup Winners

KS 1 - Best statues when the whistle is blown and not moving when asked – Year 1

KS2 – Excellent walking into lunch and setting an example to others – Year 3




Year 1 had the highest attendance this week with 94.7%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Caleb in Year 5 for his beautifully presented and accurately written Mother’s Day poem.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Hannah in Year 3 has made her Brownie Promise.

Elana in Y5 competed in a Swimming Gala at the weekend. She knocked time off her PB for medley and backstroke.

Emelie Y3 player of the day for her football club.

Charlotte Y1 development squad player of the day for her football club.


Celebration Assembly – Friday 11th March.


This morning we had a lovely Celebration Assembly, back in our school uniform this week! Next Friday it is Comic Relief so we look forward to seeing the children in their sports clothes.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Joshua for always challenging himself but, in particular, for challenging himself to write a short story for home learning. 

Year 1: Alfie for a really positive attitude towards school and coming in with a smile.

Year 2: Sophia for showing resilience in all areas of her learning.  

Year 3:  Ivy for exceptional kindness and always having a positive attitude and a smile.

Year 4: Millie for producing more work in Maths and her outstanding effort in all areas.

Year 5: William for a huge improvement in his dance skills.

Year 6: Charlie Th for striving to widen his vocabulary at school and at home.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Teddy T for completing a portrait as part of his home learning.

Year 2: Balveer for completing extra Maths and lots of reading at home.

Year 3: Ellie for fantastic research into Handel and presenting it in an interesting way.

Year 4: Ethan for trying really hard with his handwriting and lots of times table practice at home.

Year 5: Amalie for her exceptional work on translating new words to support her with her reading.

Year 6: Ollie for handing in home learning ahead of the deadline. 


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their perfectly presented learning:

 Reception: Emilia for some excellent maths learning using a tens frame made from sticks.

Year 1: Harry for improvement in his presentation in all subjects.

Year 2: Brandon for remembering to put one number in each square in Maths.

Year 3: Lacey for her presentation in all areas of learning.

Year 4: Abhi for his presentation in all areas of learning

Year 5: Louie for improvement in presentation and for reducing his letter size.

Year 6: Jaydon for consistently showing a high standard in all subjects.


Lunch Cup Winners


The lunch cup went to Year 2 for sharing well and to Year 4 for playing well together and showing good friendships.




Reception had the highest attendance this week with 96%. We also awarded stickers to children with 100% attendance for February. We do understand that some absence due to illness is unavoidable but we do ask that children are not taken out of school for holidays and days out.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 5 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Jaydon in Year 6 for his use of the past tense.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Bailey who has run 21 junior parkruns. His next challenge is to get to 50 parkruns.


Sophie who took part in the Luton festival of dance and came 4th with her group.

Bailey (Year 5) has received 3 progress medals for gymnastics and also took part in the Luton festival of dance.


Laila (Year 2) who performed two dance solos with enjoyment at the Luton festival of dance.


Luke (Year 4) has achieved his marathon award from parkrun.


Evie Grace (Year 4) who has achieved her Level 5 swimming certificate. Her next target is to swim 25m.


Lena (Year 4) who has swum 50 metres and told us her favourite stroke is front crawl.


Ilaria (Year 2) who has completed Level 4 in swimming and Level 8 in gymnastics. She was recently gymnast of the week.



Caiden (Reception) who got 'Baller of the week" last week.


Nina (Reception) who achieved her 5 metre swimming badge.


Mrs O'Brien would also like to thank the girls football team because, even though the game this week was postponed, they were willing to be flexible and play in positions that they do not usually play in. They showed great team spirit to support one another.



Celebration Assembly – Friday 4th March


This morning in Celebration assembly the children enjoyed sharing their World Book Day costumes from authors chosen by our Reading Champions. The children and staff made a fantastic effort, thank you parents for supporting this. It was wonderful to see parents sharing books with children this morning in school.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: L for trying lots of new foods in DT

Year 2:  Isla for showing determination in dance.

Year 3:  Emelie for always having a positive attitude to her learning.

Year 4:  Finn for his enthusiasm in learning.

Year 5: Louie for knowledge of his learning targets.

Year 6: Jake for his determination in maths


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Jase for his amazing story.

Year 2: Ruby for fantastic writing.

Year 3: Annie for completing all of her non-negotiables and writing about her weekend.

Year 4: Lena for her research about Beethoven

Year 5: Millie for her learning on homophones

Year 6: Chandler for producing some great learning.


Perfectly Presented

Year 1: L

Year 2: Bailey

Year 3: Reuben

Year 4: Jethro

Year 5: Scarlet

Year 6: Lily


Lunch Cup Winners

Reception for lining up nicely while waiting for their lunch.

Year 3 for playing well together with other classes.




Year  5  had the highest attendance this week with 99.4%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Vince in Year 4 for describing the character he created.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Layla and Lacey (Y5) have achieved their level 5 swimming certificates.

Isabel (YR) Star of the week in her street dancing.

Lena (Y4) and Nina (YR) raised money to buy toys to be sent to children in the Ukrain.

Hunter (Y1) for his achievements at football training.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 25th February 2022


This morning we held our first whole school Celebration Assembly in a long time, which was wonderful! We have had four whole school assemblies this week and it has been really special to have the whole school together again, long may it continue! 


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Zohan for excellent listening on the carpet.   

Year 1: J’ael for amazing progress in his reading. 

Year 2:  Ruby for excellence in drama. 

Year 3:  Ellie for excellent focus and achievement in Maths. 

Year 4: Sophie for making great progress in Maths. 

Year 5: Zoe for amazing resilience and perseverance in Maths and always approaching it with optimism. 

Year 6: Neve for developing a very mature attitude.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception: Oliver for effort with home learning and a great postcard which he sent from his holiday. 

Year 1: Layla for painting an excellent portrait at home. 

Year 2: Finley for completing a half term diary at home. 

Year 3: Reggie for reading everyday in the holidays. 

Year 4: Layla for reading 18 times over the half term holiday!

Year 5: Bailey for completing extra learning linked to homophones over the half term break. 

Year 6: Tom for always producing his home learning to a very high standard.  



Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their perfect presentation:


Year 1: Isabell for excellent handwriting when writing a recipe. 

Year 2: Lovell for great progress with his lead ins in preparation for joining. 

Year 3: Benson for excellent presentation in Maths and English.

Year 4: Ardante for his handwriting in his handwriting and good presentation in other subjects too. 

Year 5: Caleb for always presenting his learning to a really high standard. 

Year 6: Ollie for great presentation in Maths. 


Lunch Cup Winners


Our Key Stage One lunch cup was awarded to Year One for great lining up and great manners. Our Key Stage Two lunch cup was awarded to Year Six for continuing to improve their behaviour at lunchtime. 




Year 5 had the highest attendance this week with 97.7%. Attendance across the school is lower than we would like, we understand that some absence is unavoidable due to illness, including COVID, but we do have some families where children are regularly late or absent. This is something that we continue to address but we do ask that you send your children whenever they are fit and well and that you arrive on time. Children who arrive after registers close are recorded as absent. 


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Nursery were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Minnie in Year 5 for always greeting Mrs. Cornish using the phrase of the fortnight around the school. The next phrase of the fortnight will be announced later today. 


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Charlie (Year 1) who has achieved his Stage Two swimming certificate. 


Laila (Year 2) who has achieved his Stage Three swimming certificate. 


Kuzey (Year 3) for coming third in a group in a Turtles swimming gala.


Grace B (Year 2) for achieving a medal and certificate in gymnastics. 


Charlie T (Year 6) for being awarded Man of the Match in a match against Bishops Stortford. His team won 4-0. 


Katie (Year 6) for learning to dive off the 3 metre board at the swimming pool and overcoming her fear of heights. 


Sports report 


Charlie and Jaydon shared a sports report from a match on Friday 11th February, just before half term. They won 2-0 against Roebuck. 

Celebration Assembly - Friday 11th February 2022


This morning we had two Celebration Assemblies, one for children in Years 1-3 and another for children in Years 4-6. This was our last assembly of this half term and we reflected our achievements over the half term.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Max F for showing enthusiasm in all areas of his learning.  

Year 1: River for trying really hard with her writing and her independent Maths learning.

Year 2:  Grace B for being an all round superstar

Year 3:  Willow for her excellent non chronological report.

Year 4: Riya for being a great Learning Partner and excellent written work.  

Year 5: Preston for his perseverance with his presentation in all areas.

Year 6: Leah


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception: Teddy for his phonics, reading and maths learning on Tapestry.

Year 1: Tihomir for writing all about his perfect life.

Year 2: Fin for a great observational drawing and Jess for her sewing.

Year 3: Gabriel for extra home learning including times tables practice.

Year 4: Ethan for a big improvement in the amount of home learning produced.

Year 5: Aayat for fantastic transference of IT skills to her home learning.

Year 6: Zoraiz  for writing a 5 page story linked to Science.


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their Perfectly Presented Learning:


Year 1: Inaaya for her excellent sentences in her Maths learning.

Year 2: Walter for really trying hard with his presentation.

Year 3: Jake A for persevering with his joined handwriting.

Year 4: Noah for a significant improvement in handwriting.

Year 5: Preston for persevering and improving his handwriting

Year 6: Josh for his excellent presentation in Science.  


Lunch Cup Winners


The Lunch Cup was awarded to Year 6 for an improvement in behaviour at lunchtime and to Year 1 for listening in the dining room and following instructions.




Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 98.3%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 5 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. They tidied up very well after a painting lesson.  


French star of the week


This was awarded to Willow in Year 3 for her work on animals and being able to write in full sentences.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Penny for indoor skydiving in Milton Keynes. She told us about how she showed the Trotts Hill learning behaviour of enjoyment during the activity.


Amelia for achieving her Stage 8 swimming award.


Jack for his progress in skiing. He told us that he had had to use the school learning behaviour of perseverance.


Luke who won Man of the Match and captained his team really well.


Edward won Unsung Hero at last week’s match. Despite the team losing, he made some excellent saves.


Lovell has won a medal from his boxing club for his hard work, listening and focus.


Laila came third in a dance competition. She showed the Trotts Hill learning behaviour of perseverance.


Freddie has a bravery award for being brave at the doctors.


Lacey has achieved her Level 7 swimming award.


The children who have taken part in Games Club this half term were thanked for their enthusiasm in this club. Mrs. Magdeburg explained it has been a pleasure to play games with them. Next half term this club is open to Year 3 and Year 5 and Mrs. Magdeburg is looking forward to having fun with this group of children too.


The Sports Leaders led a speed stacking competition for Years 3 and 4 last week during their lunchtimes. The highest scores were entered into a virtual competition. Unfortunately we came 5th, so just missed out on going through to the next round, but nonetheless the children participated well and tried hard. Well Done to them all and thank you to the Sports Leaders.


Celebration Assembly - Friday 4th February 2022


This morning we had two Celebration Assemblies, one for children in Years 1-3 and another for children in Years 4-6. 


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1:  Peyton for her perseverance with her maths.

Year 2:  Nasara for his fantastic participation and teamwork in dance.

Year 3:  Tilly for her excellent participation and knowledge in Science.

Year 4: Evie-Grace for trying really hard to use ambitious vocabulary in class

Year 5: S.F for picking up the sequence of moves in dance.

Year 6: Brighton for his excellent attitude to learning in all subjects.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Leo for his list of Dreamworks films.

Year 2: Eliza for an excellent book review of the Twits.

Year 3: Karolina for always presenting her home learning to a high standard.

Year 4: A.R for trying really hard with his times tables.

Year 5: Zoe for focusing well on her times tables.

Year 6: Jaydon for really excelling his geography learning.


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their excellent presentation:


Year 1: Daniel

Year 2: Tommy

Year 3: Karolina

Year 4: Luke

Year 5: Jake N

Year 6: Sienna



Lunch Cup Winners


Year 4 for playing well together and showing great friendships.

Year 3 for superb lining up and sharing.



Reception had the highest attendance this week with 97%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 2 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to D.C in Year 1 for excellent listening and remembering all the colours in French.


Outside achievements

We shared the following achievements:

 Willow Y3 has moved to level 6 in swimming.

Emelie Y3 has received her Stanley 3 award

Gabriel Y3 for his performance with his theatre school and the Opera Boys.

Jessica Y2 has received her marathon badge for completing 21 park runs.


Sporting Achievements


Well done to girls football team (Year 5 and 6) for their win against Round Diamond on Wednesday. They played extremely well and are really developing as a team.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 28th January 2022


This morning we had two Celebration Assemblies, one for children in Years 1-3 and another for children in Years 4-6. We shared our achievements and also classes shared their learning linked to the environment that has taken place this week. Evie Rose was given a special mention for her efforts with division.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: F for enthusiasm towards his learning.

Year 1: Charlotte for excellent extended writing.

Year 2:  Balveer for excellent effort in Maths.

Year 3:  Jerome for always being ready to learn and being enthusiastic.

Year 4:  Toby for showing determination with division.  

Year 5: Scarlett for her excellent Art work focused on David Hockney

Year 6: Sophia for excellent effort and progress in her learning.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Charlie for completing his home learning even though he wasn’t at school.

Year 2: D for her learning linked to Science.

Year 3: Ruben for always completing all his home learning with significant effort at home.

Year 4: Dexter who works really hard every week especially on his spellings.

Year 5: Millie for lots of times table practice at home.

Year 6: Charlie for huge effort with all home learning including times tables.


Perfectly Presented


Year 1 – Charlotte for superb cursive handwriting.

Year 2 – Grace L for her excellent presentation in English.

Year 3 – Milani for excellent presentation in Maths.

Year 4 – Layla for high levels of consistency in all written work.

Year 5 – Jack for a significant improvement in handwriting.

Year 6 – Charlie Th for excellent presentation in all learning.


Lunch Cup Winners


The lunch cups were awarded to Year 5 and Year 1 for walking quietly and sensibly around the school grounds.




Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 97.7%.  This was the third week in a row for this class! We have had a few unavoidable absences across the school due to COVID recently, but this seems to be improving – fingers crossed!


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 3 were recognised as the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Joseph in Year 4 for his attentiveness in lessons and great independent learning.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Katy (Year 6) who won Player of the Match for her recent football match.


Annie (Year 3) climbed 311 steps of the Monument in London. She felt very tired afterwards!


Emilia (Reception) has achieved her half marathon at Junior parkrun.


Grace B (Year 2) who has achieved her Level 10 in gymnastics.


Sporting Achievements


Lincoln, Emilie, Joseph, Florance, Dexter, Sophie and BF went to a Rapid Fire competition and finished 3rd and they also won a teamwork award.


Katy and LF gave a match report following a match against Woolenwick. Amelia, Alanna, Summer, Neve, Katy, Penny, LF, Zara, LM all played well as a team.  Despite a loss they are looking forward to their next match already!

Celebration Assembly – Friday 21th January 2022


This morning we held a Virtual Celebration Assembly, due to a number of COVID cases in the school. We were not very excited to go back to virtual assemblies but we smiled through it and we know it won’t be like this for long!


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Giselle for making more contributions in class and being more outgoing. 

Year 1: Harry for amazing contributions in Maths.

Year 2: Malaika for always trying to improve her learning independently.  

Year 3: Annie for working really hard on her targets.

Year 4: Laila for always having an excellent attitude to learning.

Year 5: Amelia for excellent questions at Airbus and asking super questions.

Year 6: Jaydon for embracing challenge and always asking for an even greater one!


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception: Archie for going the extra mile with his learning from home. 

Year 1: Alma for sharing her learning about seals with the class.

Year 2: Finn has written a lovely story at home.

Year 3: Tilly for collecting so many food packets and extending her learning thinking about the countries of origin.

Year 4: Charlie for working extra hard on his presentation and handwriting.

Year 5: Lois for excellent presentation, lots of times table practice.

Year 6: Lincoln for excellent answers in his home learning.


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their perfectly presented learning:


Year 1: Gabby for her Maths learning.

Year 2: Ruby for her learning in school and in her home learning too.

Year 3: Tilly for exceptional presentation and gaining her pen licence.

Year 4: Lena for excellent presentation in Maths.

Year 5: Liam for excellent presentation in Maths and crossing out any errors neatly.

Year 6: Harry for improved handwriting in all his learning.


Lunch Cup Winners


These cups were awarded to Year 3 and Year 4 for high standards and behaviour at lunchtime. As a school we have been focusing on walking on pathways on our way out to play.




Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 98.4%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Reception were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Aayat (Year 5) for her use of the phrase of the fortnight.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Scout (Year 2) completed her 11th junior parkrun and has earnt her half marathon wristband.


Owen (Year 2) achieved Player of the Match on Saturday.


Finn (Year 4) achieved 2 awards this week. He earnt his half marathon award for completing 11 parkruns and has also moved up to Stage 7 in swimming.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 14th January 2022


This morning we had two Celebration Assemblies, one for children in Years 1-3 and another for children in Years 4-6. 


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Owen for increased participation in all learning.

Year 1: Teddy V for increased independence in his learning.

Year 2:  Jessica for really thoughtful ideas in the museum visit this week. Her ideas will be used to enhance learning in other schools!

Year 3:  Zohaib for always trying hard in all that he does.

Year 4: Thomas for trying really hard with handwriting and for increased independence.

Year 5: Jake for consistent high achievement in Maths and reading the question carefully and applying what he has been taught.

Year 6: Zoraiz for returning to school with an excellent attitude and improved concentration.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception: Max F for some wonderful writing at home.

Year 1: Gabby for some wonderful home learning over the Christmas holidays.

Year 2: Leo P for excellent outcomes in home learning.

Year 4: Poppy for lots of Home Learning over the Christmas holidays.

Year 5: Bella for extra practice with times tables over the school holidays.


Perfectly Presented


The following children were recognised for their perfectly presented learning:


Year 1: Alma

Year 2: Ilaria

Year 3: Leo F

Year 4: Leo B

Year 5: Kacey

Year 6: Joe


Lunch Cup Winners


These cups were awarded to Year 2 and Year 5 for high standards and behaviour at lunchtime.




Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 98.7%.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 6 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. Year 6 were over the moon to have won this at long last!  


French star of the week


This was awarded to Sophie in Year 4 for her wonderful learning on descriptions.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Myah (Year 4) swimming 200 metres in October.


Ollie (Year 6) received a certificate for most improved development male swimmer. This was an unanimous vote and Ollie has moved onto the next level. He is training for 6 hours a week!


Toby (Year 4) has moved up to Stage 5 swimming.  


Charlotte (Year 1) has achieved her Stanley 1 swimming award.


Scout (Year 1) has completed her 11th parkrun, meaning that she has run a half marathon.


Leo (Year 3) has completed his 11th parkrun, meaning that he has also run a half marathon! He has also joined a cycling club in Welwyn.


Grace L (Year 2) received a special mention for her kindness at Christmas. Her family donated food to Haven First on Christmas Eve and Grace drew a picture that has been displayed on their noticeboard.


Sporting achievements


Year 3 and Year 4 were congratulated for their superb behaviour at their first ever school swimming lesson.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 17. 12.21


This afternoon we had two Celebration Assemblies, all of us were dressed in our Christmas jumpers and looking very festive indeed! We were lucky to have Kuzey playing a range of Christmas songs for us as we entered the hall, including Jingle Bells. He also played Hedwig’s Theme, to which a child in Year One beamed and exclaimed “It’s from Harry Potter!” Kuzey showed real talent and we hope he, and others, will continue to play for us in assemblies.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Daniel for increased confidence when performing poetry

Year 2:  Eliza for a continued effort with her reading and writing.

Year 3:  Izzy for excellent participation in all areas of learning.

Year 4: Vince for growing in confidence.

Year 5: Summer for persevering when she had an uncomfortable earache.

Year 6: Candalyn for a superb attitude to learning and accelerated progress.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Aairah for ordering a story and completing non- negotiables.

Year 2: Amelie for completing a lovely story at home.

Year 3: Kuzey for writing a story based on the class book and practising his piano performance.

Year 4: Riya for a beautifully presented Science poster

Year 5: M for her creative learning on bath bombs.

Year 6: Joe for excellent non-negotiables and his annotated reading record.


Perfectly presented


The following children were awarded badges for their perfectly presented learning:


Year 1: Charlotte

Year 2: Grace L

Year 3: Kuzey

Year 4: Layla

Year 5: Layla

Year 6: Joe


Lunch Cup Winners


The lunch cup winners were:


Year 1 for lining up sensibly in the dining hall.

Year 5 for playing well together and walking together sensibly.




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 97.1%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 1 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Neve: Brownies Silver and Gold award

Penny: Brownies awards for a range of achievements

Lena: 25m swimming

The Sports Leaders achieved their Bronze award: Elana, Penny, Jaydon, Katy, Zara, Millie, Alana, Thomas, Bailey. This was for supporting Reception with lunchtimes.

Celebration Assembly - Friday 10th December 2021


This morning we had two Celebration Assemblies, one for children in Years 1-3 and another for children in Years 4-6.

Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Rec: Joshua – for consistently performing his Wriggly Nativity lines and always remembering song words.

Year 1: Elliot – joining in and contributing well.

Year 2: Brandon – exceptional effort with writing.

Year 3: Fawaz – excellent work and high level of research about fossils.

Year 4: Charlie – independent work on his Christmas stocking.

Year 5: Lois – wrote an amazing legend and diary entry.

Year 6: Penny – super role model and sports leader.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:

Rec: Mia and Elsie – for fabulous retelling of The Gingerbread Man Story

Year 1: Isabel – Always completes non-negotiables and produced an amazing Christmas card design.

Jaxon – wrote a whole Christmas story at home.

Year 2: Owen – for poetry.

Malaika – for handwriting

Year 3: Zohaib - Amazing research about a country and extra

home learning.

Year 4: Dexter for writing 2 riddles and exceptional non-negotiables.

Year 5: William – exceptional level of spelling practice.

Year 6: Josh – exceptional persuasive writing.


Perfectly Presented learning


Izzy- Y3 has shown a high level of perfectly presented work and received her pen license.

Lunch Cup Winners

Year 1

Year 4




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 97.4

Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom)

This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.


French star of the week

This was awarded to Teddy T in Year 1 for listening well and remembering that sweets are “les bonbons” in French.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:

Myah – Y4

Swimming Level 6 - 8 lengths using a combination of strokes.

Gymnastics – Level 3 Gold Award

Amelia – Y3

For achieving level 7 and swimming and impressive 400m

Charlie Th. – Y6

Achieved bronze Level 2 Rookie Lifeguard

Evie-Grace – Y4

For achieving gymnastic Level 8 and swimming an impressive 600m

Elsie – Rec.

Gained level 1 swimming certificate

AMP - Rec.

Gained level 1 swimming certificate

Annie – Y3

For doing her Brownie promise


Celebration Assembly - Thursday 2nd December 2021


This morning we had two Celebration Assemblies, one for children in Years 1-3 and another for children in Years 4-6. A reminder that school is closed tomorrow and reopens on Monday 6th December, we hope you all enjoy the long weekend.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Arthur for writing sentences, practising phonics and reading.

Year 1: Isabella for great progress in her writing and showing writing stamina.

Year 2:  Scout for showing determination in her Maths.

Year 3:  Milani for increased confidence in answering questions.

Year 4: Jethro with his use of vocabulary and adjectives in his writing.

Year 5: Bailey for showing determination to improve her spelling and meet her English targets.

Year 6: Josh for always having an excellent attitude to learning and always responding to feedback.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception: Nina for showing perseverance and making huge progress with her writing.

Year 1: Millie for completing her home learning to a high standard and writing an excellent recount.

Year 2: Nasara completes all his non negotiables every week.

Year 3: Lincoln for completing his home learning and completing lots of extra learning, as well as an improvement in the amount he reads at home.

Year 4: Evie Grace for working really hard on all her non negotiables in her home learning. 

Year 5: Lois for working hard to improve her school in Maths marathon.

Year 6: Zara for completing all non-negotiables and being particularly engaged with reading.


Lunch Cup Winners


A lunch cup was awarded to Year 5 for excellent behaviour and lining up really sensibly. The other lunch cup was awarded to Year 2 for sharing well and playing well together.




Year 2 had the highest attendance this week with 97.3%.  


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 2 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. Year 2 are clearly having a very good week indeed!


French star of the week


This was awarded to William in Year 5 for his engagement in lessons and excellent written work on family.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Elana who had won gold in the 100m backstroke competition.      


Lacey who achieved her Level 6 swimming badge and has swum 200 metres.


Florance who achieved her Level 7 in gymnastics and told us about her vaulting skills.


Bailey F who completed his 11th junior parkrun and will receive his half marathon wristband this weekend.  



100% attendance for November


Children who have had 100% attendance for November were given stickers in assembly for this. This month we had 124 children who received a sticker. As always, we would like this to be higher! Whilst we appreciate that absence for illness is unavoidable, we would remind you to please not take children out for days out/holidays in term time as this is starting to have an impact on our attendance levels.


School Council


The new school council have been voted in and were congratulated in assembly. Well Done to Charlie Th, Charlie Ta, Lois, Bella, Dexter, Olivia, Florance, Lincoln, Grace B and Ewan.


Celebration Assembly – Friday 26th November 2021


This morning we had two Celebration Assemblies, one for children in Years 1-3 and another for children in Years 4-6. 


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Connie for showing PRIDE learning and being and excellent role model. 

Year 1: Roman for making some excellent contributions to discussions and super effort in all his learning.

Year 2:  Marnie for showing great determination with her Maths and effort with her number bonds.

Year 3: Ella for an improved focus and understanding in Maths.  

Year 4: Dexter who has been really kind to his peers and showed lots of effort in his learning.

Year 5: Amali for excellent effort in all aspects of her learning and for huge improvements in her spoken English.

Year 6: Lilia for engaging really well with her Art learning and for using watercolours really effectively.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception:  MD and Archie for using phonics to write sentences. 

Year 1: Inaaya for incredible effort with her home learning.

Year 2: Isla for continuing her learning at home linked to the learning in school, when she wasn’t able to be at school.

Year 3: Izzy for always completing her home learning to an incredibly high standard.

Year 4: Joshua for excellent effort in his home learning and completing it to a high standard.

Year 5: Kacey for an excellent comic strip which was perfectly presented.

Year 6: Leah for completing her Art and Geography to a really high standard.


Lunch Cup Winners


The lunch cup was awarded to Year 5 who have been spotted walking in really sensibly and quietly from the playground. It was also awarded Year 2 for their excellent behaviour in the dining room.




Year One had the highest attendance this week with 95.7%.  


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 5 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.  This is their second week Year 5 have won this award so they are setting the standard for others!


French star of the week


This was awarded to Izzy in Year 3 for modelling the oral work to show the class what they needed to do. The children learnt both to ask and answer “Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?”


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Summer (Year 5) who has shown Enjoyment and Pride and won Gymnast of the week.


Katie (Year 6) for her first dive off the 1m board and jumping off a 3m board. We discussed in assembly whether the teachers would be able to do this and decided we were unsure!


Sporting Achievements


The Year 1 children who took part in the KS1 Balance Festival received certificates. They took part in various activities requiring balance, these included speed jump, chest push, javelin, standing long jump, agility run & stork balance. The aim was to beat their own personal scores or times at each activity.

Celebration Assembly - Friday 19th November 2021


This morning we had two Celebration Assemblies, one for children in Years 1-3 and another for children in Years 4-6. It was lovely to see children and staff in non uniform and pyjamas supporting Children In Need.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Jaxon for showing such an excellent attitude to learning and for amazing writing.

Year 2:  Ilaria for showing thoughtfulness and kindness in all her comments in PSHE.

Year 3:  Lacey for always showing the PRIDE learning behaviours and always giving her absolute best.

Year 4: Noah for focusing really well in all lessons and putting in lots of effort.

Year 5: Edward for using his handwriting joins in his writing.

Year 6: Charlie S for always challenging himself in Maths.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Jase for completing all his non negotiables and making a tally chart independently.

Year 2: Balveer for making a wonderful plague doctor mask linked to History learning.

Year 3: Brian for completing some extra Maths learning at home.

Year 4: Dexter who always completes his home learning to a high standard.

Year 5: Lacey for phenomenal practice of her spellings at home.

Year 6: Katie for her extra learning linked to her Art learning and for always putting in lots of effort.


Lunch Cup Winners


Year 4 for greatly improved playtimes and playing well in small groups.


Year 1 for sensible play on the playground and using the equipment responsibly.




Year 4 had the highest attendance this week with 98.3%. A great week for Year 4!


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Nursery were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Oliver in Year 6 for making and playing with a chatterbox in French. He used colours, numbers and adjectives in 2nd person, such as “Tu est beau/belle”


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Elana (Year 5) for her participation and success in a Stevenage club swimming competition. She has passed her Level 7 swimming and is now on white hats.


Edward (Year 5) for receiving Man of the Match at football and receiving his yellow belt for Martial arts.


Alma (Year 1) received her white belt and green tag in jujitsu. She told us that she used her PRIDE learning behaviours.


Sporting achievements


Jaydon and Charlie S shared a match report from a match against Fairlands. Man of the match was Louie. The score was 4-0 against Fairlands.


Year 5 children who took part in the dodgeball competition also received certificates for their participation.


Year 3 and Year 4 children who took part in a Boccia event received certificates for their participation.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 12th November 2021


This morning we had two Celebration Assemblies, one for children in Years 1-3 and another for children in Years 4-6. 


In the assembly for Years 1-3, the Year 3 shared their remembrance song which they have been practising with Mrs. Cornish. This linked to our special Armistice Day assembly yesterday. Year 3 have had a particularly successful week as you will find out from reading below!


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Coby for always participating well on the carpet and being and excellent role model.

Year 1: Henry for excellent effort in writing and moving up

Year 2:  Tommy for showing his PRIDE learning behaviours in English lessons.

Year 3:  James for excellence in sewing and showing our PRIDE learning behaviour, independence.

Year 4: Joe for enthusiasm in English and trying very hard with his writing.

Year 5: Bella for her great attitude to her learning and her positivity towards a green for growth comment.

Year 6: Thomas for making excellent progress in his writing, improving his stamina and for excellent vocabulary choices.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: Peyton for completing all of her non negiotables and putting in lots of effort.

Year 2: Georgia for completing all her home learning even when she was unwell and unable to come to school. Her home learning was of a very high standard.

Year 3: Annie for completing all of her non negiotables at home and also writing a review of a book.

Year 4: Myah for excellent non negotiables and challenging herself with Maths.

Year 5: M for thorough home learning with all non negotiables completed.

Year 6: Candalyn for always completing her non negotiables to a high standard.


Lunch Cup Winners


Year 5 for playing nicely together and walking in and out of the dining room sensibly.


Year 3 for being very helpful and supporting Mrs. Murrill with keeping the playground tidy.




Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 99%. This is an improvement from last week and so we hope it continues!


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 3 were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom.  This class are impressing us all with their tidiness, we wonder if their parents see this at home?!


French star of the week


This was awarded to Luke in Year 4 for his excellent learning about opinions on sport. He told us that his favourite sports are cricket and football.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Elsie (Reception) for completing her Stage One swimming and moving up to Stage Two. 


Bailey (Year 5) for swimming 800 metres, which she told us took 30 minutes.


Amelia (Year 5) for being Person of the Match at football.


Kuzey (Year 3) for achieving his 10m swimming badge.


DT Project – Healthy Lunchbox competition


Winners were Bailey (Year 5), Amelie (Year 2), Arthur (Reception) and Lena (Year 4) for their healthy lunchbox creations. Thank you to all children who took part.


Katy and Penny shared a match report from the match played by the girls against Fairlands. The player of the match was Lilia who showed the PRIDE values. Despite the girls not winning the match, Katy and Penny said they worked brilliantly as a team.

Celebration Assembly - Friday 5th November 2021


We had our two Celebration Assemblies in the afternoon today, as we had a visit from our Hertfordshire Improvement Partner this morning who was in school looking at reading across our school.


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Olivia for excellent contributions in Maths and for using fantastic Maths vocabulary.

Year 1: Cara for exceptional behaviour at all times.

Year 2:  Bailey for writing an excellent calligram.

Year 3:  Leo for being more independent in his writing and using the word “ambushed” in his writing.

Year 4: Leo for showing lots of enthusiasm in English and Maths, as well as super behaviour.

Year 5: Liam for always putting in 100% effort in everything he does.  

Year 6: Harry who has been using books in the library to inspire his learning.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception: Caiden for making patterns and practising writing his numbers over half term.  

Year 1: Gabby for an excellent recount of her half term holidays.

Year 2: Sophia for great research on Coch Castle.

Year 3: Kuzey for reading lots and lots over half term.

Year 4: Toby for showing step by step instructions for how he completed his diva lamp

Year 5: Bailey who has amazed Mrs. Jordan with the home learning she has completed over half term.

Year 6: Sienna for continuing her learning at home so well.


Lunch Cup Winners


Year 6 for playing well together and being sensitive to each others needs.

Year 2 for improved friendships and playing nicely with each other.




Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 96.7%. Attendance has been lower overall this week, but we hope it will improve next week.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year One were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


French star of the week


This was awarded to Candalyn in Year 6 for impressive writing in French.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Edward (Year 5) – showing our PRIDE learning behaviours in football and winning Man of the Match.

Finley (Year 2) – for scoring two goals for Walkern FC and being Person of the Match.

Giselle (Reception) – Stage One Learn to Swim certificate

Grace B (Year 2) – Gymnast of the week for great circles on the bars.

Willow (Year 3) – Boxer of the Week from her boxing club.

Ilaria (Year 2) – Stage 3 swimming certificate and she now moves onto Stage 4.


Match Report

Charlie S and Charlie T shared a match report from a football match where they won 5-0. The match was played against Bedwell and the team were commended for their positive attitude.


“What books mean to me” competition.

The following children received certificates for participation in this competition: Alanna, Layla, Harry, Hannah, Bailey F, Millie, Annie, Tilly, Kuzey, Ilaria, Sophia, Fawaz, Ella.


Overall winners were Layla, Alanna, Annie and Fawaz who received a gift voucher to buy books of their choice.

Celebration Assembly - Friday 22nd October


This morning we had two Celebration Assemblies, one for children in Years 1-3 and another for children in Years 4-6. 


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception: Arthur for sharing plenty of knowledge about farms during our Grow to eat, eat to grow week.

 Year 1: Charlotte for working hard with her writing and showing excellent behaviour at all times.

Year 2:  Harry for showing great enthusiasm in DT.

Year 3:  Benson for his excellent independent learning in English.

Year 4: Poppy for her enthusiasm and reading

Year 5: Louis for being a role model and showing all the Trotts Hill PRIDE learning behaviours throughout his time at school.

Year 6: Candalyn for taking pride in her learning, being polite and a supportive friend.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Reception: Joshua for his patterns and reading this week. Joshua also made fruit and vegetables from lego which was very impressive!

Year 1: Leo for always completing his non-negotiables and writing a recipe for honey cake.

Year 2: W.R for a fantastic fact file on Koalas as well as completing his learning on islands.

Year 3: Gabriel for always completing his home learning to a high standard and completing additional learning at home.

Year 4: Sophie for a fantastic front cover of her non-chronological report.

Year 5: J.A for his fantastic commitment to his home learning.

Year 6: Charlie Ta for completing all of his home learning to a high standard


Lunch Cup Winners


KS1: Reception for good behaviour and returning nicely to the classroom.

KS2: Year 6 for trying hard to play well together.




Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 97%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 5  were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. The cleaners gave Henry a hat for Halloween!


French star of the week


This was awarded to Poppy in Year 4. for pleasing progress with numbers


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:


Lily Y6 got 97% distinction for her modern dance exam and 73% high merit for her ballet exam dancing with a broken toe.

Elana Y5 has joined Stevenage swimming club and is showing great determination swimming 5 times a week.

Willow Y3 passed her level 4 swimming.

Florance Y3 achieved gymnast of the week and has also passed her ballet and tap exams.

Tommy Y2 showed great determination and ran laps of his garden as he wasn’t able to be part of the fun run. He received his medal in assembly.

Well done to Gabriel, Karolina and Amali who attended a singing day with Herts Music Service and were praised for their exceptional behaviour.


Celebration Assembly - Friday 15th October


This morning we had two Celebration Assemblies, one for children in Years 1-3 and another for children in Years 4-6. 


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1: Tihomir excellent attitude to learning and working really hard on his spellings

Year 2:  Finley showing great determination in his story writing.

Year 3:  Florence trying really hard in maths and showing great progress in adding and subtracting numbers

Year 4: Ethan non chronological report about sharks 

Year 5: Laila showing the PRIDE values in every lesson, showing really strong determination.  

Year 6: Penny always has a positive attitude to learning, helping another student in reading boosters.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes:


Year 1: T.V. worked so hard on his maths challenge at home.

Year 2: Nasara for a great recount of a book he has read.

Year 3: Lacey non negotiables and wrote sentences and drew pictures about her wellbeing bingo

Year 4: Luke non negotiables completed to a high standard and also gave a wellbeing bingo description

Year 5: Scarlett practising times tables and celebrating her maths achievements.

Year 6: Lily for completing an extra task in her home learning - facts about Halloween.


Lunch Cup Winners


Year 1 for great behaviour in the dining room

Year 5 for consistently walking nicely when coming in from lunch.




Year 3 had the highest attendance this week with 99.3%


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Reception were recognised as the class with the tidiest classroom. 


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements:



Luke Y4 – ran a half marathon and got a new personal best.

Charlie S. Y6 - achieving place at the centre of excellence for LTFC.

Abhi Y4 – moving stage 3 to stage 4 in swimming.

Layla Y4 - scored 2 goals and player of the match in football.

Bailey Y5 – Swimming certificate stage 6, moving onto 7. Dancing medal. 

Sophie Y4- dancing modern and gymnastics 3rd place

Amelia – 2 Player of the match voted by parents and managers

Laila Y2 – 3rd in 84/100 for her solo ballet dancing

Millie Y1 - passed her tap dance and ballet exam.

Annie Y1 – passed her tap dance exam.

Y3 Kuzey -had a poem published in a poetry book.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Hunter in Year One for great engagement and enjoyment in his French lessons.

Celebration Assembly Friday 8th October 



Today the hall was filled with bright happy colours for Hello Yellow. The House Captains shared how important it is to be mentally healthy. We all have unique talents and we spoke about being proud of the person that we are. They also shared that is important to let someone know if you are feeling sad. We all have trusted adults we can turn to. Year 4 made us all smile with a song they have been learning in Music. The following achievements were celebrated:

Star of the week.

Reception: Caiden for always making excellent choices with his learning and behaviour and for showing enjoyment

Year 1: D.C for his amazing reading and excellent behaviour choices.

Year 2:  Laila for being a superstar in maths and showing great determination in her learning.

Year 3:  Reggie for his fantastic participation in lessons

Year 4: Luke for trying really hard in all of his learning

Year 5: Erin for her increased confidence and enjoyment in maths.

Year 6: Ollie for being a really positive role model.


Home learning hero

Reception: Elsie for some really creative phonics and maths learning at home.

Year 1: Hunter for practising his cursive handwriting.

Year 2: Bailey for his extending his learning about Sukkot in RE and building a sukkah out of Lego.

Year 3: Zohaib for completing extra home learning writing about his favourite footballer.

Year 4: Abhi for giving himself an extra challenge on top of all his other home learning.

Year 5: Zoe for her practise with her times tables and fantastic sentences when practising her spellings.

Year 6: Jaydon for his detailed writing about people who inspire him


Lunchtime cup:

Reception  for excellent behaviour, listening well and tidying up nicely when asked to.

Year 5 for good behaviour and caring about classmates.

Attendance:  Year 2 99%

Tidiest classroom: Year 3

French star of the week:   Lacey Y3 for her excellent speaking and writing.

Outside achievements

Leo Y1 achieved his stage 1 swimming award.

Toby Y4 took part in his first rugby festival and scored 4 tries.

Charlie T Y6 achieved his rookie lifeguard bronze

Amelia, Amalie, Millie, Layala, Lacey, Scarlett, William, P.M, Jack, Jake, and Liam Y5 took part in a cross country festival  showing fantastic sportsmanship.


Celebration Assembly - Friday 1st October


This morning we had two Celebration Assemblies, one for children in Years 1-3 and another for children in Years 4-6. 




Highest Attendance for the week: Year 4 99%. We also awarded 100% stickers to 140 children who have been in school everyday in September. We have set a target to have at least 160 children receiving a certificate at the end of October!


Stars of the Week


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception: Sienna for showing enthusiasm towards her learning.

Year 1: Archie for always doing the right thing and for his amazing contributions to dance.

Year 2:  Samiya for settling so well into Year 2 and trying hard with all her learning.

Year 3:  Haniya for settling well into Year 3 and her fantastic contributions to lessons.

Year 4: Ollie for his enthusiasm in all of his learning.

Year 5: Alanna for her determination across all subjects.

Year 6: Poppy for showing great independence in her learning.


Home Learning Heroes


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes


Year 1: Sanaa for writing lovely sentences about her trip to Wales.

Year 2: Grace B for her fantastic recount about her Daddy’s birthday.

Year 3: Fawaz for his excellent map drawing skills when decorating his home learning book.

Year 4: Lena for going above and beyond expectations when creating the flags.

Year 5: Alanna for going above and beyond to increase her pace with times tables and her harvest creation.

Year 6: Neve for showing lots of evidence of her non-negotiables this week.


French star of the week


This was awarded to Sophia in Year 6 for always greeting Mrs Cornish in French using the past and present phrases of the fortnight.


Lunch Cup Winners


Year 3 for lining up for dinner quickly and for showing good friendships when playing football.

Year 4 for lining up well and improved behaviour.


Outside achievements


We shared the following achievements: 


Finley in Year 2 was given footballer of the week for his outstanding game of football.

Jase in Year 1 achieved his yellow belt in karate.

Olivia in Year 4 has achieved her 25 metres at swimming.

Thomas in Year 6 was given man of the match at football for his 3 assists and 1 goal.

Oliver in Year 6 competed in a swimming gala and won 2 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals.


Henry Hoover (tidiest classroom) 


This week Year 2 were recognised for having the tidiest classroom by the cleaning team. 

Friday 24th September 2021


Celebration Assembly


Today the following achievements were celebrated in assembly


Outside Achievements


Finn in Year 4 completed his first 2k park run, completing it in 9 minutes, 7 seconds

Tynan in Year 6 completed his reading challenge over the Summer holidays

Coby in Reception received his Level One swimming

Alma in Year 1 won Star of the Week at Stage School

Charlie in Year 1 for completing a bike ride without stabilisers and managing to start and stop by himself


Home Learning Heroes


Alma (Year 1) – completing all non negotiables and doing extra homework

Marnie (Year 2) – great research on tigers

Kuzey (Year 3) – great work on times tables and a super piece of writing

Olivia (Year 4) completing all non negotiables to a high standard

Thomas (Year 6) – completing all non negotiables and practising times tables


Star of the Week


Bruce (Reception) for listening really well at tidy up time

Teddy G (Year 1) – making really good progress with his reading

Grace L – (Year 2) – showing kindness all week to a new child in the class

Karolina (Year 3) – for an excellent learning attitude

Grace (Year 4) – building in confidence especially in Maths

Holly (Year 5)

Summer (Year 6) – working incredibly hard in interventions and in class


French Star of the Week:


Alma (Year 1)


Lunchtime cup


Y6 – improved behaviour and listening to guidance at lunchtime

Y1  - great sharing and playing together


Attendance cup

Y3 – 99.3%


Henry Hoover award


This is a new award for the tidiest classroom, recognising the class that have made an effort to keep their classroom tidy following our school rule “Be Responsible” . The cleaning team at school will choose a class each week and this week the award goes to Year 4.


Creative Crew


Lincoln and Sofia (Year 6)

Bailey and Hannah (Year 5)

Joe and Joshua (Year 4)

Fawaz and Willow (Year 3)

Marnie and Maliaka (Year 2)


Reading Champions


The following children received their badges for being reading champions. These children will be launching a project in school called “What do books mean to me?”

Aairah – Year 1

Isabella – Year 1

Teddy G  -Year 1

W – Year 2

Nasara – Year 2

Scout – Year 2

Jerome – Year 3

Izzy – Year 3

Jake A – Year 3

Myah  -Year 4

Ardante – Year 4

Aymen – Year 4

Ollie – Year 6

Joe – Year 6

Sienna – Year 6

Year 5 reading champions and Digital Leaders will be announced next week.



Celebration Assembly 17th September 2021


Star of the week

Reception: Noah for super learning

Year 1: Teddy T for his amazing attitude to learning.

Year 2: Scout for always being really helpful and looking out for others.

Year 3: B.F for his positive attitude to learning.

Year 4: Abhi  for a positive “can do” attitude and being conscientious

Year 5: Jack showing enjoyment in his learning and up levelling his vocabulary in English

Year 6: Joe for contributions in lessons and for stunning outcomes and presentation


Home learning hero

Year 1: Millie for completing her non-negotiables and also writing about her weekend.

Year 2: Laila for completing all of her non-negotiables and creating a fantastic drawing.

Year 3: Tilly for all of her non-negotiables and fantastic research on the stone age.

Year 4: Evie- Grace for a fantastic collage on her home learning book

Year 5: Kacey going the extra mile with home learning

Year 6: Charlie Th for excellent science home learning and evidence of non negotiables


Lunchtime Cup

The two winning classes received  our new Lunchtime cup to keep in their classroom and a sticker each

 Year 3 for caring behaviour and kindness to each other.

Year 5: for lining up well and excellent behaviour


Attendance Award

Nursery class had the highest attendance with 98.5%. They were happy to receive the new cup and a sticker each


French Star of the Week: Hannah (Y4) Great listening skills when working on the French alphabet

Outside achievements

Georgia (Y1) was gymnast of the week for her strength and stretch work.

Owen (Y1) played in his first football match and achieved his first half marathon at park run.

Hunter (Y1) was given player of the match at football.

P raised a staggering £985 for starlight charity and donated 20cm of hair to the Princess Trust. Well done!

Summer Reading challenge

Bailey Y2

Millie Y1

Owen Y2

Annie  Y3

Sophie Y4

Friday 10th September 2021


Celebration assembly 10th September 2021

It was wonderful to have two face to face assemblies today celebrating our outside achievements. What a fantastic full first week back at Trotts Hill. We are so proud of the children and how they have returned to school. The following achievements were celebrated:

Star of the week:

Reception Oliver for super learning

Y1: Sanaa for becoming more independent with her learning.

Y2: Aaruhi for showing all of the PRIDE learning behaviours at all times.

Y3: Jake A for settling well into Year 3 and his fantastic participation in English.

Y4: S for effort in Maths and English and showing independence

Y5: K for joining in well in PE and swimming

Y6- Tynan for a positive start and working especially hard in English.


Lunch time cup: Year 2 for sharing the equipment and playing nicely together.

Attendance: Year 2 100%

French Star of the week- Layla (Y4) for excellent positive and negative sentences.

Outside achievements:

Joshua (Y6) achieved Stage 10 swimming and swam 1 mile in 35 minutes! Fantastic achievement!

Charlie Th (Y6) swam 5K for Garden City Hospice and was cheered on by Mr Sapsed who supported the event

Bailey (Y5) achieved a distinction in her Grade 1 tap exam!

Elana (Y5) Achieved Stage 7 swimming and has started horse riding

Evie (Y4) swam 1 mile raising money for Garden City Hospice and was cheered on by Mr Sapsed who supported the event

Dexter (Y4) climbed Scafell Pike in the Lake District and said the view from the summit was beautiful. He wants to clime Snowdon in Wales as his next challenge!

 Lacey (Y3) achieved her 100m at swimming.

Karolina (Y3) achieved her stage 2 at swimming.

Tilly (Y3) has achieved her stage 4 at swimming.

Willow (Y3) has taken on a new challenge and is learning boxing.

Annie (Y3) has achieved her Gold award at Rainbows.

Laila (Y2) shone at the Stevenage dance festival and has also passed her exams with fantastic grades.




Friday 2nd July

This morning we held our virtual Celebration Assembly. The following achievements were celebrated.  We have had lots of praise for our well- behaved and well- mannered children this week. Including from the Year 2 and Year 5 trip and from the violin teacher who was extremely complimentary about Year 4.


Highest Attendance for the week: Year 1  99%

Attendance of the month- Year 2 and Year 4 97%


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception – Charlie for his enthusiasm about the topic on animals.

Year 2 –  Gabriel for his thoughtful comments and being helpful on the trip to the zoo.

Year 3 – Lena for completing a bee survey both in school and at home.

Year 4 – Erin for her excellent progress in her writing

Year 5 – Brighton for his science learning drawing a well presented graph a detailed conclusion.

Year 6 – Imogen for showing lots of resilience and enjoyment in her learning.


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes.

Reception – Layla for writing a book and sharing it with the class.

Year 1  All of Year 1 are home learning heroes for their fantastic mod rock creations for their dinosaur topic, please see attached photographs.

Year 2 – Lacey for creating a 3D beach as extra home learning.

Year 3 – Luke for including lots of detail in his water safety poster

Year 4 – Jake and Millie for creating an excellent sargophagus.

Year 5 – Josh for his excellent extension of his non-negotiables.



Lunch Cup Winners:


KS1: Reception for good manners in the dinning room.

KS2: Year 3 for sharing and being aware of others feelings.

Out of school achievements:

 Leo Y2 for building and creating a Jurassic world out of lego and showing determination to learn to ride his new bike.

Friday 25th June


This morning we held our virtual Celebration Assembly. The following achievements were celebrated. The children were wished a happy and safe half term and encouraged to read regularly over the break.


Highest Attendance for the week: Year 2 98.3%


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception – Leon for trying really hard with his handwriting.

Year 1 – S.F for perseverance when writing her story map

Year 2 – Fawaz was showing determination in all of his reading this week.

Year 3 – R.D for her outstanding writing in history.

Year 4 – P.N for having a great knowledge of his English targets and working hard to achieve them.

Year 5 – Penny for her resilience and excellent learning outcomes.

Year 6 – Finley for his maturity in SRE lessons.


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes.

Reception – H.M for practising his songs for Arts week at home.

Year 1 – Owen and W.R for their fantastic maths work.

Year 2 – Jake A. for a great recount of his observations of his caterpillars.

Year 3 – Leo for using IT to explain how music makes him feel.

Year 4 – A.G-S for her excellent effort with her times tables and continuing to read.

Year 5 – Candalyn for her excellent presentation in all her home learning.

Year 6 – Arianna has made a fantastic tour guide linked to history topic.

French star of the week: Sophie Y3


Lunch Cup Winners:

KS1: Year 1 for improved playing outside.

KS2: Year 5 for general all round improvement at lunch time.

Out of school achievements:

Ilaria Y1 achieved level 9 and 10 in gymnastics.

Amelia has passed her level 6 in swimming and also received a trophy in football.

Lincoln Y5 is raising money for cancer research completing a collective sporting challenge travelling the distance from Stevenage to Florida  by walking, running, cycling. He is approaching the challenge with great enthusiasm.

Kuzey Y2 entered a creative writing competition like many of our children in the spring term. Out of 2500 story entries Kuzey was chosen as 1 of 10 winners. Kuzey has received a creative writing goody bag. Well done Kuzey!  

Friday 18th June


This morning Mrs. Magdeburg led her first virtual Celebration Assembly. The children in Year 4 said she scored at least 9/10 for it!


Highest Attendance for the week: Year 3 98.4%


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:

Reception – Isabella for her amazing reading.

Year 1 – Georgia for working hard on her presentation in English.

Year 2 – Jake A. for writing a beautiful story and taking care with his handwriting and presentation.

Year 3 – Connor for showing lots of enthusiasm in all of his learning.

Year 4 – S.F for growing in confidence and independent learning in Maths.

Year 5 – Charlie T. for his improved focus in maths and making great progress.

Year 6 – Indiana for completing all of learning to a high standard including responding to her marking.


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes.

Year 1 – Eliza has written a wonderful recount of a fairy tale.

Year 2 – Kuzey has built his own bug hotel and explained how it was made.

Year 3 – Noah has been finding fractions at home.

Year 4 – M.R. for reading lots at home.

Year 5 – Candalyn for completing all of her non-negotiables well.

Year 6 – Poppy has impressed with her Maths this week.


French star of the week: Karolina Year 2 for great enthusiasm and always greeting Mrs Cornish with French phrases.


Lunch Cup Winners:

KS1: Year 2 for playing nicely and lining up well.

KS2: Year 6 for being considerate of others and being kind.


Eco warriors have taken part in a challenge and have received their Green Blue Peter badge.


Out of school achievements:

Teddy T. has helped out at home and built some flat pack furniture.

Summer Y4, has received certificates in gymnastics and has progressed to the next level.

Florance Y2, has completing levels 8,9 and 10 in gymnastics.

Friday 11th June 


Well done to all of our children for a fantastic week back at school and to all of the children whose achievements were celebrated today


Star of the week:

Reception: Aairah for a fantastic first week.

Year 1: Ruby for her fantastic independent writing linked to her Fairy Tale day.

Year 2: Annie for her determination with her reading and spellings.

Year 3: Evie-Grace for showing all her PRIDE behaviours and contributing to lessons.

Year 4: A.G-S for her great investigation into the Egyptians

Year 5: Zarlish for showing fantastic progress in maths and completing some independent writing in science.

Year 6:  Hayden for always showing kindness to others and being a great role model to others.


Home learning Hero:

Reception: Gabriela for practising her handwriting and maths.

Year 1: A.S. for all her extra work over the half term holiday.

Year 2:  Ella for fantastic efforts with her reading over half term.

Year 3: Abhi for his fantastic recount of his half term and writing about what he has read over the holidays.

Year 6: Eleah for completing extra home learning over the holidays.


French Star of the week:  Katie Y5 for her brilliant learning on writing her own song.


Year 3 100%


Lunch time cup:

KS1: Y1 for continued good behaviour and always playing nicely together.

KS2: Y4 for sharing games and lining up well at the end of lunchtimes.             


Outside achievements:

Laila Y1 came second in her singing and dancing competition.

Georgia Y1 for achieving level 9 and 10 in her gymnastics and trying so hard.

Layla Y4 has donated her hair to the Princess Trust to make wigs. Well done Layla

Friday 28th May

This morning we held our virtual Celebration Assembly. The following achievements were celebrated. The children were wished a happy and safe half term and encouraged to read regularly over the break.


Highest Attendance for the week: Year 1 100%

Highest Attendance for the month: Year 1 99.2%


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Reception – Millie for independent sentence writing

Year 1 – Bailey for writing a lovely poem about the colour red

Year 2 – Ruben for growing in confidence and putting his hand up to share his learning

Year 3 – Jethro for being a great team player and a super runner in Athletics club 

Year 4 – William for his improved understanding and knowledge in Maths 

Year 5 – Harry for paying close attention to basic skills and checking his learning against his targets

Year 6 – Ariana for her impressive cooking skills when using a heat source


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes.


Year 1 – Brandon for completing lots of learning on capacity and spelling

Year 2 – Izzy and Willow for completing an excellent book review and completing all non negiotables

Year 3 – Thomas for a great recount of Roman Day

Year 4 – Aayat for a super presentation on space

Year 5 –  Jaydon for exceptional vocabulary gathering

Year 6 – Beau and Will for an excellent presentation on a South American country


Out of school achievements:


Owen for excellence at football and being Man of the Match.

Jessica  for being gymnast of the week.

Laila for passing her Stage 2 and Stage 3 swimming.

Toby for passing his Stage 3 swimming and moving onto Stage 4

Louie F for being man of the match and demonstrating continuous running.

Hannah for receiving her green Blue Peter badge for completing three environmental pledges

Charlie S for being kind and compassionate to his brother who has broken his collarbone.

Charlie T for completing his Green Cross Code in Scouts and being Man of the Match at football.


Lunch Cup Winners: Reception received this for beautiful walking in the dining room and Year 5 received it for Key Stage Two for playing much better generally together.


French star of the week: This was awarded to Annie in Year 2.

Friday 21st May


This morning we held our virtual Celebration Assembly. The following achievements were celebrated. 


Highest Attendance for the week: Year 1 99.3%


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1 – Tommy for excellent listening in cricket and great participation chosen by Mr. Webb

Year 2 – Izzy for great effort in all lessons

Year 3 – Toby for making good choices during learning time

Year 4 – Millie for showing all the PRIDE learning behaviours all the time

Year 5 – Poppy for fantastic effort in booster, showing determination and commitment

Year 6 – Beau for being helpful first thing in the morning


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes.


Year 1 – Aaruhi for going the extra mile in her learning

Year 2 - Akira for writing a great description and going back over previous home learning and Jake D for a fantastic collage of a panda and writing a story about a panda

Year 3 - Patrick for going back over previous home learning and for some excellent writing about the Quran and the Bible

Year 4 – Louie I  for effort with multiplication tables leading to great outcomes

Year 5 – Neve for effort in home learning

Year 6 – Edward for excellent progress in home learning


Out of school achievements:


Ilaria in Year 1 moved up a swimming group, she is now swimming in a group with older children. She has also been very helpful at home.

Izzy  in Year 2 for swimming 50 metres, double the length that children are expected to be able to swim by the end of primary school!


Lunch Cup Winners:


Year Two won this for improved behaviour and Year Three for lining up sensibly and playing very well. 


French star of the week:


Sophie in Year 3 for writing her opinions about sport in French this week.  

                                                                                                               Friday 14th May                                                                    

Well done to all of our children and to the children whose achievements were celebrated today


Star of the week:

Reception: Harry for looking after the class snails really well.

Year 1: Sophia for her wonderful writing and beautiful presentation.

Year 2: James his fantastic independent learning in DT when sewing.

Year 3: Joe for his excellent contributions in maths.

Year 4: Layla for her excellent work and progress with her writing.

Year 5: Charlie S. for super learning and showing great compassion to others.

Year 6:  Bailey for showing PRIDE learning behaviours in his maths.


Home learning Hero:

Reception: Isabella for practising her singing at home.

Year 1: W.R and Owen for their wonderful work on nouns.

Year 2:  Reggie for his perseverance and determination when learning to tie his own shoelaces as well as completing his non-negotiables.

Year 3: Leo for his detailed venn diagram.

Year 4: Kacey for continuing to practise his times tables even when he has got them all correct.

Year 5: Sophia and Brighton extra practise with their times tables.

Year 6: Aroosa for ensuring that she has caught up with missed learning as well as completing all of the other tasks set.


French Star of the week:  Jaydon and Harry and M.H and Penny Y5 for creating fantastic dialogues and performing them in front of the class.


Lunch time cup:

KS1: Reception for playing nicely together.

KS2: Year 4 for being respectful and playing nicely with the new equipment.      


Outside achievements:

Finley Y1 awarded player of the week for listening carefully to his coach.

Michael Y2 gained his stage 2 badge at swimming.

Alma YR has been awarded a trophy in Karate.

Karolina Y2 has had her writing selected to be published in a book.

Hannah Y4 has had a design in the top 30 runners up of a competition on Blue Peter. She designed a character for a computer game.

 Friday 7th May 2021



Well done to all of our children for a fantastic week back at school and to all of the children whose achievements were celebrated today


Star of the week:

Reception: D.C for making a great effort with his handwriting.

Year 1: Eliza for her recount of Ramadan and making fantastic contributions to RE lessons.

Year 2: Jake D for a great effort in DT with his sewing.

Year 3: Patrick for showing enthusiasm and always contributing to lessons across the curriculum.

Year 4: Holly always being an excellent role model in class.

Year 5: Katie for her excellent use of descriptive phrases in her writing.

Year 6:  Thomas for being kind and showing empathy to others.


Home learning Hero:

Reception: Millie for building her own wormery.

Year 1:  Laila and Grace B for their fantastic recounts on how to make a jam sandwich as well as completing extra phonic and spelling activities.

Year 2:  Florance and Annie for building a wormery to link to our learning of habitats in Science.

Year 3: Layla and Abhi for excellent home learning on perimeter and always completing non-negotiables to a high standard.

Year 4: Zoe for being the first person to complete the vocabulary bingo challenge.

Year 5: Sienna for completing all of her non-negotiables and extending her writing.

Year 6: Farhan making sure his reading record is signed daily and completing so fantastic learning on pie charts.


French Star of the week:  A. G-S for her excellent work and opinions when talking about school subjects.


Year 1 98.7%


Lunch time cup:

KS1: Year 1 for walking to and from play sensibly.

KS2: Year 6 for playing well together, showing lots of kindness.                          


Outside achievements:

Owen Y1 has been helping at home and showing great responsibility with the demolition work in the garden.

Abhi Y3 for showing determination when climbing Helvellyn Mountain in the Lake District.

Friday 30th April


This morning we held our virtual Celebration Assembly. After some initial technical problems, which Mrs. Masterson expertly resolved for us, the following achievements were celebrated.


Highest Attendance for the week: Year 1 and Year 2 99.7%

Highest Attendance for the month: Year 2 99.9%


Congratulations to the following children for receiving the 'Star of the Week' rosette:


Year 1 – Amelie for being able to identify the pulse in music

Year 2 – Akira for excellent skills in Geography

Year 3 – Luke for writing an excellent non chronological report

Year 4 – Jack for his excellent participation in booster classes

Year 5 – Thomas for writing an excellent mystery and suspense story

Year 6 – Anya for contributing more in Maths lessons


The following children were recognised as Home Learning Heroes.


Year 1 – Scout for being super helpful with gardening at home

Year 2 – Fawaz for making a powerpoint about Ramadan and presenting it to the class. He was able to answer questions and was very knowledgeable.

Year 3 – Vince for consistently completing his non negotiables

Year 4 – Lacey for practising her multiplication tables for three days in a row to improve her score

Year 5 – Jaydon for excellence in multiplication tables and completing everything to a high standard

Year 6 – Thomas for analysing and drawing an accurate graph


Out of school achievements:


Sienna (Year 5) – for helping out a gardener for the day.

Marnie (Year 1) – for taking part in her theatre and ballet exams and getting a rosette.


Lunch Cup Winners:


Year One and Year Three. Year One have been recognised for much improved behaviour coming in off the playground. Year Three have shown an improvement in behaviour at lunchtime.


French star of the week:


Izzy (Year 2) for fantastic singing and reminding Mrs. Cornish which number they were on.

Friday 23rd April

Well done to all of the children whose achievements were celebrated today.


Star of the week:

Reception: H.M for his fantastic writing.
Year 1: Malika for her progress and enthusiasm in writing
Year 2: Zohaib for writing his sentences independently.
Year 3: Myah for showing maturity, focus and determination in Yoga and across the curriculum.
Year 4: Bella for her increased confidence in maths.
Year 5:  Brighton for his improvements in his English writing.
Year 6:  Lois for expressing well through poetry.


Home learning Hero: 

Year 1:  W.R for going above and beyond.
Year 2:  Hannah for completing a great map of her journey to school and using a key.
Year 3: Joe for his fantastic Motown poster
Year 4: Bailey for her times tables effort. 
A.G-S for her habitat.
Year 5: N.M for completing all of her non negotiables 
Year 6: Edward for his creative way of completing his tasks.


French Star of the week:  

Hannah Y4 for excellent engagement and knowledge of the Battle of Hastings.


Year 2 100%


Lunch time cup:
KS1: Reception for thinking about sharing and showing kindness to others.
KS2: Year 4 for improved friendship groups and working together 


Outside achievements:
Katie Y5 was awarded both player of the match at the weekend and goal keeper of the week at training.
Bailey Y4 won a coloring competition at Knebworth House.
P.M Y4 was awarded gymnast of the week. 
Gabriel Y2 is moving classes in his theatre school after a successful two years. 
Sienna Y5 completed a Go Ape high rope course.

Friday 16th April 


Well done to all of our children for a fantastic week back at school and to all of the children whose achievements were celebrated today.


Stars of the week:

Reception: Elliot for trying hard with learning hard.

Year 1: Brandon for his fantastic attitude to learning and settling in well after the holidays.

Year 2: Michael for his improved presentation with learning.

Year 3: Leo for having a positive attitude being ready to learn.

Year 4: Amalie for settling well into school and her positive attitude every day.

Year 5: S.L showing resilience in violin and in other areas of learning.

Year 6: Lina for a fantastic attitude to her learning.


Home learning Hero:

Reception: Leo for great reading at home.

Year 1: A.S for her excellent reading.

Year 2: Lincoln and Zohaib for their super diaries over Easter.

Year 3: Toby for reading everyday over the holidays.

Year 4: Liam for reading lots over the holidays.

Year 6: Freya for completing some geography and reading


French Star of the week: Penny Y5 for fantastic writing about the weather.



Year Y1, Y2 and Y4 100 %


Lunch time cup:

KS1: Year 2 for lining up better at lunch and working well with the playground monitors.

KS2: Year 6 for being kind, thoughtful and helpful to each other.


Outside achievements:

Evie-Grace Y3 and Charlie T Y5 has shown excellent independence, resilience and kindness over the holidays helping out around the house when mum had broken her leg.

Owen for growing caterpillars into butterflies and caring for them.

Fawaz Y2 has challenged himself to complete a 100km bike ride over the 4 weeks of Ramadan for charity.

B.M Y4 completed her level 3 Gold gymnastics award.

Friday 26th March 


Well done to all of our children for a fantastic week  at school and to all of the children whose achievements were celebrated today


Star of the week:

Reception: River for her excellent maths work.

Year 1: Grace L for showing lots of determination and enthusiasm to all of her learning.

Year 2: Benson for his fantastic presentation and handwriting in English.

Year 3: Lena for engaging well in Art lessons and participating well in discussions.

Year 4: Edward for writing some excellent play scripts in English.

Year 5:  Lily for her consistent hard work and perseverance

Year 6:  Jess for her excellent reasoning in maths


Home learning Hero:

Reception: Daniel for practising addition with numicon at home.

Year 1: Jessica for logging onto Purple Mash and writing 4 e-books independently.

Year 2:  Lincoln for writing about his walk in the woods and completing his spellings.

Year 3: Finn for his fantastic Roman shield and also completing a poster of facts linked to the Romans.

Year 4: Bella for her fantastic learning on fractions.

Year 5: Brighton for his excellent standard of home learning and improvement in handwriting.

Year 6: Edward for completing all his non-negotiables and continuing to read lots at home.


French Star of the week:  K.D for his excellent use of a bi-lingual dictionary.

Kindness award

Nursery: Harris

Reception: Archie R

Unsung hero

Year 1: W.R

Year 2: Tilly

Integrity award.

Year 3: Charlie

Year 4: Hannah

Year 5: Penny

Year 6: Freya



Year 2 99.7 %


Year 1 won attendance of the month.


Lunch time cup:

KS1: Year 1 for calm and well behaved lunchtime every day.

KS2: Year 5 for taking part in games with good team spirit.                                    


Outside achievements:

                                                                                      Friday 19th March 


The children looked superb today dressed up to raise money for comic relief. We discussed in our virtual celebration assembly the importance of giving and helping others in need.


Star of the week:


Reception: Leon for settling back into school routines well.

Year 1: Aaruhi for being a wonderful role model to others for always showing good behaviour.

Year 2: Hannah for showing independence in the classroom and helping others.

Year 3: Joshua concentrating hard and showing fantastic enthusiasm and determination to all his learning.

Year 4: Preston for his excellent computing skills and enthusiasm when using Logo

Year 5:  Zoriaz for showing all the PRIDE behaviours in his learning

Year 6:  A.M for her positive mindset to her learning.


Home learning Hero:

Reception: Leo for completing some fantastic handwriting practise.

Year 1: Ilaria for a beautiful sunflower petal.

Year 2:  Jake A for creating his petal independently and completing the home learning.

Year 3: S for engaging in the home learning and creating his sunflower petal.

Year 4: Oli and Amelia for reading every day during lockdown and making good progress as a result.

Year 5: Candalyn for completing all her non-negotiables and having an excellent attitude to home learning.

Year 6: Farhan for applying himself to his learning at home as well as at school and for reading everyday.


French Star of the week:  Sophie and Luke Y3 for creating fantastic animals and using accurate vocabulary.


Well done to Year 1 who won the attendance award with 99.7% attendance



                                                                                                 Friday 12th March 


Stars of the week


Our stars of the week this week were awarded to:

Reception: Layla for excellent creativity

Home learning hero to Alma for her outstanding world book day props

Year 1: Grace for showing perseverance and helping her friends.

Year 2: Ivy for enthusiasm in all areas of learning and for trying really hard

Year 3: Oliva for superb learning

Year 4: Alana for enjoyment in learning and 100% effort

Home learning hero to jack for excellent remote learning

Year 5:  Sophia for contributions in Maths and showing determination

Year 6:  Bailey for excellent effort with his learning and mathematical explanations

Home learning hero to Will for excellent remote learning


French Star of the week


The French Star of the Week was kalian for excellent use of future tense




This week the attendance cup was won by Year 1, Year 2, year 5 and Reception who all have 100% attendance! Well done to those classes.


Still image for this video
This week the children have been creating PRIDE learning behaviours with items at home. We always say the most important is enjoyment!
Today we are launching Funday Friday with a dance challenge from MR Sapsed. Get your families involved in the chorus and send your videos in to either your class emails or the school admin email.

Friday 18th December 2020


Today we had our final Celebration Assembly of the term. We celebrated many achievements!


Stars of the week


Our stars of the week this week were awarded to: 


Reception: Millie for her excellent behaviour during carpet time.

Year 1: Owen for returning to school after his operation and settling back into routines.

Year 2: Milani for her excellent effort in Art.

Year 3: Charlie for always making good choices and being an excellent role model

Year 4: K for confidently participating with his times tables and dance.

Year 5:  Charlie T. for improving his writing and showing all of the Trotts Hill learning behaviours.

Year 6:  Hayden for always applying himself to his learning and following our learning behaviours.


Home learning Heroes


Our home learning heroes this week are: 

Year 1: Harry for completing his story and downloading pictures on the computer, writing lots of information about them.

Year 2: Benson and James for making an excellent start to their stories for the writing competition.

Year 3: Abhi for always going above and beyond with his home learning.

Year 4: The whole class for their fantastic stories.

Year 5: Sinead for finding out about prime, square and cubed numbers.

Year 6: Lucas for an excellent 100 words story.


French Star of the week


The French Star of the Week was A in Year 3 for an excellent letter to Father Christmas. 




This week the attendance cup was won by Year 1 and Year 2 who both had 99.3% for the last week. Year 2 had the winning attendance for the whole term at 98.8%. Children have received stickers for 100% attendance for the month of December in their classes today and badges for 100% attendance for the term. 


Lunch time cup


The cup for EYFS/KS1 was awarded to Year 2 for lining up and walking sensibly to and from the playground. The cup for KS2 was awarded to Year 3 for listening and improving their behaviour outside.   


Kindness awards/Unsung heroes and Integrity awards


These additional awards were given to children today. These awards are voted for by the children's peers in recognition of particular behaviours. 

Kindness award

Nursery: Brodie

Reception: Charlotte

Unsung heroes

Year 1: Finley

Year 2:  Leo and Ellie

Integrity awards

Year 3: Layla

Year 4: Liam

Year 5: Sinead

Year 6: Carlo


Outside achievements

Annie in Year 2 has been awarded her Silver award at rainbows.

Summer in Year 4 was awarded gymnast of the week for her amazing cartwheels.

Charlie T in Year 5 was Man of the Match at his football match last week.

Friday 11th December


It was lovely to see all the children in their Christmas outfits in our Virtual Celebration Assembly this morning. 


Stars of the week


Our stars of the week this week were awarded to: 


Reception: Stanley for being an excellent stage manager during the performance.

Year 1: Laila for great improvement with her reading.

Year 2: Tilly for showing determination in all her learning and asking for help when needed.

Year 3: Connor for always showing enthusiasm in his learning.

Year 4: Hannah for writing an excellent Quest myth in English.

Year 5:  Joe for his brilliant writing of a legend.

Year 6:  Rizwah for trying hard in her English learning.


Home learning Heroes


Our home learning heroes this week are: 


Year 1: Tommy for learning all of his tricky words.

Year 2: Florance for completing her non-negotiables and writing a fantastic recipe for a witches stew.

Year 3: Sophie for all of her amazing extra home learning including a playscript.

Year 4: B for an excellent poster about keeping teeth healthy.

Year 5: Charlie T for writing his own legend at home.

Year 6: Lina for completing extra reading comprehension.


French Star of the week


The French Star of the Week was Joe in Year 5 for his excellent writing about his family.




This week the attendance cup was won by Reception.


Lunch time cup


The cup for EYFS/KS1 was awarded to Year 2 for an improvement in behaviour in the dining room. The cup for KS2 was awarded to Year 4 for finishing lunch by 1pm despite being the last into the dining hall.

Thursday 3rd December


Our Celebration Assembly was held a day early this week, due to the school being closed tomorrow. 


Stars of the week


Our stars of the week this week were awarded to: 


Reception: Alma for making great progress in her reading.

Year 1: Finley for his determination with his phonics.

Year 2: Lincoln for making positive behaviour choices.

Year 3: Grace for persevering when she was finding her Maths tricky.

Year 4: Aayat for an outstanding attitude to her learning.

Year 5:  Sienna for her determination to achieve her learning intention.

Year 6:  Carlo for being a really good friend and sports leader.


Home learning Heroes


Our home learning heroes this week are: 


Year 1: D for helping at home and writing a great recount of what she had done.

Year 2: Lincoln for a great non-fiction text and research.

Year 3: Layla for a great prediction and conclusion and Abhi for his investigation into the effects of magnetic forces in liquid.

Year 4: Amelia for writing fantastic sentences and practising her times tables.

Year 5: Sinead for her extra learning on Roman numerals.

Year 6: J for her effort in arithmetic and asking questions to further her learning when she came into school.


French Star of the week


The French Star of the Week was Lois in Year 4 for her fantastic work comparing Christmas in France and the UK




This week the attendance cup was won by Year 3 with a fantastic 100%.


Lunch time cup


The cup for EYFS/KS1 was awarded to Year 2 for listening to the MSA and following instructions really well. The cup for KS2 was awarded to Year 3 for walking into lunch calmly and quietly.    


Outside achievements


Well Done to N in Year 5 who has earnt her Brownie fundraising badge by completing a 15km bike ride around Stevenage raising £100.



Friday 27th November


Thank you for your generous donations to the final week of collecting for the Reverse Advent Calendar. We will be taking the donations to the food bank on Monday. This morning we held our weekly Celebration Assembly. Next week this will take place on Thursday, as the school is closed on Friday. 


Stars of the week


Our stars of the week this week were awarded to: 


Reception: Teddy G for coming into school nicely all week.

Year 1: L for working independently in Maths.

Year 2: Ella for her excellent acting and use of expression in English.

Year 3: Riya for her great stage direction in English using a range of adverbs and verbs.

Year 4: B for increased confidence in her Maths and excellent presentation in all her learning.

Year 5:  Charlie Th for resilience in his writing and for focusing on his learning.

Year 6:  Freya for her positive attitude to all areas of her school life.


Home learning Heroes


Our home learning heroes this week are: 


Year 1: Nasara for writing a fantastic recount of how he logged onto TEAMs.

Year 2: Michael for his fantastic explanation of his puzzles and completing all of his non-negotiables.

Year 3: Luke who learnt to play chess and wrote a fantastic fact file about how to play.

Year 4: J who completed all of his non-negotiables as well as some extra home learning in his lunch time.

Year 5: Katie for completing all of her non-negotiables to a high standard as well as an extra project.

Year 6: Harrison for creating a really detailed map as well as focusing on his reading.


French Star of the week


The French Star of the Week was Jaydon in Year 5 for delving deeply into French vocabulary. 




This week the attendance cup was won by Years 4 and 5. Well Done to both classes. 


Lunch time cup


The cup for EYFS/KS1 was awarded to Year One for brilliant manners when collecting their lunches. The cup for KS2 was awarded to Year 5 for being creative with their games. 


Outside achievements


Well Done to Katie in Year 5 who created a fantastic model as a tribute to Stephen Hawking.



Friday 20th November


Thank you for your generous donations to the third week of collecting for the Reverse Advent Calendar. In school today, we have had our weekly Celebration Assembly and celebrated the achievements of children across the school. 


Stars of the week


Our stars of the week this week were awarded to: 


Reception: Tinaye for being kind and helpful.

Year 1: Jessica for being eager to learn and always doing the right thing.

Year 2: Florance for a great start in Year 2.

Year 3: S. for showing independence and determination in his learning.

Year 4: Lacey for her excellent understanding and independent learning on perimeters.

Year 5:  Poppy for making brilliant progress and trying really hard in her learning.

Year 6: Aroosa for her outstanding attitude to all of her learning.


Home learning Heroes


Our home learning heroes this week are: 


Year 1: W for his learning on addition and number formation, as well as writing a fantastic recount of his weekend.

Year 2: Kuzey for his instructions on how to make cupcakes and tortillas using time adverbials.

Year 3: Joshua for engaging really well on Purple Mash and the class blog.

Year 4: Louie I for excellent learning on collective nouns.

Year 5: Jaydon for sharing excellent facts on rivers.

Year 6: Kailan for his impressive work on Roman numerals including using some of his French knowledge.


French Star of the week


The French Star of the Week was Fawaz in Year 2 for always having his hand up and being willing to contribute to the lesson.




Well Done to Year 1 with a fantastic 99.5% attendance for this week. This is the second week in the row that Year 1 have been the class with the highest attendance. Fantastic!


Lunch time cup


The cup for EYFS/KS1 was awarded to Year One for showing an improvement in behaviour.  The cup for KS2 was awarded to Year 4 for organising their own games, showing resilience and being very independent. 


Outside achievements


Well Done to Aayat in Year 4 who has passed her piano preparatory test. 



Friday 13th November


We held our Virtual Celebration Assembly today and celebrated the achievements of children across the school. 


Stars of the week


Our stars of the week this week were awarded to: 

Reception: Sanaa for her excellent singing in the Christmas play practice.

Year 1: Sophia for always being kind and thoughtful.

Year 2: Leo for showing determination in all areas, especially Maths.

Year 3: Layla for her excellent contributions in Science.

Year 4: Millie for an excellent non-chronological report and moving on to colour pop in her writing.

Year 5:  Candalyn for showing great determination in her learning.

Year 6:  Lois for her determination to succeed in Maths.


Home learning Heroes


Our home learning heroes this week are: 

Year 1: Harry for making a fantastic poppy display out of coke bottles.

Year 2: Gabriel for a fantastic non-chronological report about emperor penguins.

Year 3: Sophie for completing all her non-negotiables and logging back onto teams to complete her next steps.

Year 4: Bailey for always completing her non-negotiables.

Year 5: Sienna for completing her non-negotiables and practising her handwriting.

Year 6: Finley for showing enthusiasm in the new geography topic.


French Star of the week


The French Star of the Week was Sinead in Year 5 for her fantastic written work.




Well Done to Year 1 with a fantastic 99% attendance for this week. 


Lunch time cup


The cup for EYFS/KS1 was awarded to Reception for always showing good manners when eating and finishing on time. The cup for KS2 was awarded to Year 6 for being kind and thoughtful and showing exemplary manners when being served.



Outside achievements


Well Done to Myah in Year 3 who completed her level 5 at swimming and will be moving onto dark blue hats.


Sports Super Stars


Congratulations to the children who have completed the Sports Super stars challenge raising money and keeping fit. Well done to the following children whose achievements we celebrated today. 


Leo in Year 2 went on a 7 mile bike ride.

Luke in Year 3 and Scout in Year 1 completed a 4.27 mile Gorge walk in the Cheddar Gorge.

Tilly in Year 2 and Elsie in Reception completed a sponsored bike ride.

Friday 6th November


The children have had a successful first week back at school after half term.


Stars of the week


Our stars of the week this week were awarded to: 

Reception: Charlie for his excellent behaviour choices all week.

Year 1: Brandon for his fantastic work in Maths.

Year 2: Lacey-Lou for her determination in Science.

Year 3: Jethro for writing an excellent diary entry in History.

Year 4: Liam for helping his partner to understand their Maths learning.

Year 5:  Katie for growing in confidence in all of her learning.

Year 6:  Lina for supporting others in their learning and showing perseverance with her reading.


Home learning Heroes


Our home learning heroes this week are: 

Year 1: Grace L. for her wonderful writing about her wobbly tooth.

Year 2: Annie for completing all of her non-negotiables and writing a great recount of her half term.

Year 3: Myah for her amazing Secret Garden plan.

Year 4: Millie for completing lots of reading over half term.

Year 5: Candalyn for completing her non-negotiables neatly and excelling in her times tables practice.

Year 6: A for working hard on his grammar SATs practice and completing all of his non-negotiables.


French Star of the week


The French Star of the Week was Layla in Year 3 for her fantastic numbers in French.




Well Done to Year 2 with an amazing 100% attendance for this week. 


Lunch time cup


The cup for EYFS/KS1 was awarded to Year 2 for always listening and following instructions always. The cup for KS2 was awarded to Year 6 for careful and considerate behaviour to classmates. 



Outside achievements


Well Done to the following children for their outside achievements: 

Annie in Year 2 who has passed her first dance exams in ballet and tap.

Ellie in Year 2 who passed her Stage 2 swimming and is excited to move to Stage 3 after lockdown.

Tilly in Year 2 who achieved her 50m swimming badge.

Dexter in Year 3 who passed his Stage 4 swimming and is moving into light blue hats.


Sports Super Stars


Congratulations to the children who have completed the Sports Super stars challenge raising money and keeping fit. Well done to the following children whose achievements we celebrated today. 


Lucas in Year 6, Zoe in Year 4, and Ewan in Year 1 completed an underpass cycle challenge.

Jake in Year 5 completed a multi fitness event.

Joshua in Year 5 completed a football challenge and making superb progress.

A in Year 1 completed a 2km fun run.

Owen in Year 1 completed a 5km bike ride.

Laila in Year 1 completed a 2km fun run.

Kuzey in Year 2 completed a cycle ride.

Bailey in Year 4 completed a sponsored 400m swim.

Friday 23rd October


As we reach the end of this half term, we have held our Virtual Celebration Assembly. As it was the end of half term, there were some additional awards for integrity, kindness and being an unsung hero. 


Stars of the Week


Our stars of the week this week are:

Reception: Teddy T. for making the right behaviour choices.

Year 1:  Balveer for trying really hard at his maths and reading.

Year 2: A for always smiling and being kind to others.

Year 3: Millie for always engaging well in her learning.

Year 4:  Jake for showing great stamina in his writing and joining his handwriting.

Year 5:  Penny for always striving to achieve her best.

Year 6:  Imogen for participating well in all of her learning.



Home learning Heroes


Our home learning heroes are:

Year 1:  Laila for a beautiful autumn tree using her hands and fingers.

Year 2:  Lacey for excellent instructions on looking after her pet.

Year 3:  Poppy for completing all of her non-negotiables as well as some extra maths learning.

Year 4: Jake for using all his skills learnt in English within his home learning.

Year 5: M for completing all of her non-negotiables and extending her learning with some excellent sentences.

Year 6: Anya for fantastic detail in her History home learning.


French Star


This was received by Lina in Year 6 for her determination and for supporting the class with their translations.




Year 1 were awarded the certificate this week with an incredible 100% - every child has been in school everyday! The attendance is calculated from the previous Friday to the Thursday of the current week. 


Lunchtime cup


In EYFS and KS1 the cup went to Reception for listening and good tidying up at the end of lunch.

In KS2, the cup went to Year 4 for mindfulness and always being kind.


Outside achievements


The following out of school achievements were celebrated:

Millie in Reception has achieved her 5 metres at swimming.

Leo in Year 2 has achieved his 5 metres and water skills 1 at swimming.

Annie in Year 2 has gained her 15 metres at swimming and has worked hard to achieve her First Aid stage 1 badge at rainbows.

Noah in  Year 3 has gained his green hat at swimming completing Stage 3.

Oli in Year 4 was awarded student of the week at martial arts.

Katie in Year 5 was awarded player of the match for her fantastic goal keeping skills.


Our kindness awards for this half term in Early Years were awarded to to A in Nursery and Gabby in Reception. 


Our unsung heroes for this half term in Key Stage One were awarded to Aaruhi in Year One and Karolina in Year Two.


Our integrity awards for this half term in Key Stage Two were awarded to Toby in Year Three, Erin in Year Four, Katie in Year Five and Beau in Year Six.



Friday 16th October


As we reach the end of our penultimate week of this half term, we have held our Virtual Celebration Assembly. Well Done to all the children whose achievements were celebrated today.


Stars of the Week


Our stars of the week this week are:

Reception: Hunter for excellent effort in all areas.

Year 1: Amelie for working so hard in maths with her number bonds.

Year 2: Kuzey for a positive start to his learning and settling well into Year 2.

Year 3: Vince for making excellent progress with his English and writing.

Year 4: M for improved attitude to her learning.

Year 5: Zara for contributing well to class discussions.

Year 6: Giulia for maintaining effort in all subjects and making great progress.


Home learning Heroes


Our home learning heroes are:

Year 1: Brandon for making a beautiful picture of a butterfly and caterpillar using leaves and petals.

Year 2: Tilly for writing a fantastic story and completing all of her non-negotiables.

Year 3: Joshua for writing fantastic sentences and completing all of his non-negotiables.

Year 4: Edward for using fantastic similes in his writing.

Year 5: Thomas for his neat presentation and completing extra sentences and revision.

Year 6: Eleah for being confident when explaining her Maths to the class.


French Star


This was received by Olivia in Year 3.




Year 2 won the attendance cup this week with an incredible 100% - every child has been in school everyday!


Lunchtime cup


In EYFS and KS1, the cup went to Year 1 this week for showing good manners whilst collecting their lunches.

In KS2, the cup went to Year 5 for improved behaviour during lunch time.


Outside achievements


The following out of school achievements were celebrated:

Katie in Year 5 was awarded keeper of the week at football.

Giulia in Year 6 has achieved her bronze stage in Rookie Lifeguard.

Bailey in Year 4 has completed some fantastic science experiments at Brownies via Zoom.

Friday 9th October 2020


We held our virtual Celebration Assembly of the week today.


Stars of the Week


Our stars of the week are:

Reception - D for his great progress in Reading.

Year 1: Ruby for increased confidence with her reading and for moving up a reading level.

Year 2: Karolina for trying hard with her presentation.

Year 3: Ardante for an amazing amount of learning.

Year 4: S for her increased independent learning in her lessons.

Year 5: Jaydon for his fantastic attitude to learning.

Year 6: Thomas for his resilience and pushing himself to achieve in all lessons.

Lunchtime Cup


This week the two classes awarded the cup are Reception and Year 4. Reception received this for their excellent manners in the dining room and Year 4 received this for listening and playing responsibly.

Home Learning Heroes


Our home learning heroes this week are: 

Year 1:  Eliza for writing numbers to 100 in her home learning, working particularly hard on number formation.

Year 2:  Milani and Ruben for sentence and story writing.

Year 3: Evie Grace for her research about the Stone Age and making some biscuits linked to her research.

Year 4: Louie for his excellent spy watch.

Year 5: Charlie Th for completing extra practice in his home learning and meeting all his targets.

Year 6: Ariana for working very hard on her times tables at home.


Out of school achievements


The following achievements out of school were celebrated:


Amelie (Y1) has received many awards for her running. She has been running increased distances and is showing real promise.


Preston (Y4) has received Man of the Match for his excellent saves in goal during a match.  

French Star


This was awarded to Jake in Year 5 for using his excellent writing of descriptions using the 3rd person.



With an attendance level of 100%, the winners this week were Year One!


Friday 25th September 2020


We held our second virtual assembly of the week today, after our successful virtual Harvest Festival yesterday. 

Stars of the Week


Our stars of the week are:

Reception - Charlotte for her excellent attitude and wonderful independent story writing

Year 1:  Marnie for being really enthusiastic with her reading and joining in on the carpet.

Year 2: Jake D for always trying his best in all he does.

Year 3: Poppy for independent learning and participating well in all her lessons.

Year 4: Scarlett for her increased confidence in lessons and her willingness to participate.

Year 5: Summer for showing independence in her learning and settling in so well to Trotts Hill.

Year 6: Farhan for using his time wisely and being determined to achieve.

Lunchtime Cup


This week the two classes awarded the cup are Reception and Year 3. Reception received this for their good behaviour in the dining room and Year 3 for their good behaviour on the playground. 

Home Learning Heroes


Our home learning heroes this week are: 

Year 1:  Jessica for her fantastic animal origami.

Year 2:  Zohaib for trying hard with his spellings and reading and for practising his shapes.

Year 3: Lena for her Art work linked to the Stone Age.

Year 4: Hannah for her really good food diary.

Year 5: Sinead for practising her Year 5/6 spellings and going the extra mile with her home learning.

Year 6: Carlo for taking pride in the presentation of his home learning.


Out of school achievements


The following achievements out of school were celebrated:


Millie Y3 has been awarded a Level 2 medal in gymnastics for walking forward and backwards on the beam.


French Star


This was awarded to B in Year 6 for using his knowledge of French and English to decode a text.



With an attendance level of 99.1%, the winners this week were Year One!

Friday 18th September


This morning Mrs Evans had success and held a virtual celebration assembly, it was fantastic for the children to see each other on screen.


Stars of the Week


This week the children were given stars of the week for showing enthusiasm and having an excellent attitude to learning and following one of our school rules: “Be Kind”


Reception: Jase for being kind to a friend who fell over.

Year One - Ruben for being a kind to a friend when they were upset and being a superstar in PE.

Year Two – Willow for always trying her best in everything that she does and having a fantastic attitude to learning

Year Three - Ethan for showing so much enthusiasm in all areas of learning.

Year Four – William always putting his hand up and being enthusiastic about his learning

Year Five - Good listening throughout lessons and having a fantastic attitude across the curriculum.

Year Six - Chashe embracing challenges and being an enthusiastic learner.

Lunchtime Cup


This week the two classes awarded the cup are Year 1 and Year 6. Year 6 received this for adapting so well to the new systems in place at school and Year 1 for beautiful manners at lunchtime.

Home Learning Hero


The children will all bring home learning home this week. Our Home learning Hero in Year 6 is Indiana and Freya for doing extra research for RE at home.

Out of school achievements


Dexter Y3 received coach’s player of the season from Welwyn Rugby Club.

PM Y4 has been awarded his 100m swimming badge.

French Star


This was awarded to Fawaz in Year 2 for his brilliant French speaking




We continue to promote good attendance, but did speak to the children about how this year with coronavirus, it is going to be harder to get the high attendance figures we are used to. It is still vitally important that no holidays are taken in term time. Well Done to year 2, who have the highest attendance of 98.6%

Friday 11th September 2020


This morning we attempted to hold our first Virtual Celebration Assembly. Unfortunately, technology was not on our side! So instead,  Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Magdeburg visited each class from Year One to Year Six to announce the Stars of the Week and award outside achievements and home learning hero certificates.

Stars of the Week


Our stars of the week are:

Year One  - Grace for exceptional effort in her learning

Year Two – Lacey for showing confidence when coming in to school

Year Three – Finn for a positive attitude to his learning and participating well

Year Four – Louie F for his amazing attitude to his learning

Year Five  - Tynan for his progress and effort with reading

Year Six  - Edward for putting effort into every subject and smiling through the week

Lunchtime Cup


This week the two classes awarded the cup are Year 4 and Year 2. Both classes received this for adapting so well to the new systems in place at school.

Home Learning Hero


All children in the school will receive a Home Learning Hero certificate for their efforts over the period of school closure. We are so proud of how they have settled back into school which is testament to the support they received from home during the school closure.

Out of school achievements


The following achievements out of school were celebrated:


Jake (Year 4)  - Jake wanted to raise money for Garden House Hospice. He set himself a challenge of trying to raise £500 by running, jogging and walking 60 miles in 6 weeks. This was finished with a run last Saturday. He has smashed his fundraising target and raised an incredible £1,135 for a charity that is very close to his family’s hearts.


Finn (Year 3) – Finn brought in his “lockdown diary” which he has kept for an incredible 6 months. It is full of pictures and memories of this extraordinary period of time.


Bailey (Year 4) and Laila (Year 1) – Both Bailey and Laila have achieved success in dance recently. They both showed dedication during lockdown by continuing their dance classes virtually and Laila has recently completed the mini movers course. Both girls are hoping to be able to perform on a stage soon and share their fantastic dance skills.


Amelia (Year 4) – Amelia has recently achieved her 100m swimming certificate and has moved up to Stage 6. Amelia’s mum sent in a lovely photo of Amelia holding her certificate with a very proud smile on her face.

French Star


This was awarded to M in Year 5 for supporting her peers so well with their French revision.



We continue to promote good attendance, but did speak to the children about how this year with coronavirus, it is going to be harder to get the high attendance figures we are used to. It is still vitally important that no holidays are taken in term time. We did have a class with 100% attendance since we returned to school which was Year 6. Well Done Year 6!
