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Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery




If your child is unwell and needs to stay off school please notify the school as soon as possible. Please refer to the guidance below as to when your child can return to school.


Medicines in school

  • Children can come to school even if they are taking medicines, as staff are able to give them prescribed medicine in school.
  • Please make sure the bottle has a pharmacy label detailing your child's name, dosage and how frequently they should have it.
  • Over the counter medications, such as hay fever treatment or simple pain relief may be given as long as dosing instructions are clearly written on the medication.
  • Please bring the medication to the School Office to fill out a form to administer.


Further advice

  • You can also contact NHS 111.
  • Local pharmacy - see your local pharmacist for help and advice. In some areas there is a new minor ailment service available (check with your GP for details) called Pharmacy First. If your child has certain minor ailments or conditions you may be eligible for the 'Pharmacy First' service which enables those who get free prescriptions to go straight to their pharmacist for a consultation, instead of going to their GP for a prescription.
  • Caution needs to be taken with children who are more susceptible to severe infection due to an underlying long term medical condition or being immunocompromised. These children are more likely to require medical review when unwell and are less likely to be able to attend school/nursery.