Trotts Hill Primary School and Nursery
The purpose of the Governing Body is to provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. It has three key functions:
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction.
Our Governing Body meets at least once a term for a Full Governing Body meeting and once a year for a Finance meeting.
Chair – Helen Altringham
Vice Chair – Emma Richardson
In addition, Governors are members of either the Teaching and Learning committee or the Resources committee.
These committees also meet at least once a term.
Teaching and Learning Committee – Chair Emma Richardson
Resources – Chair Helen Altringham
Governors are linked to faculties in the school and regularly meet with individual staff members to discuss progress and development in the areas. Reports are presented to the Full Governing Body,
We currently have governors with a responsibility for:
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),
Health & Safety, Pupil Premium,
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND),
Safeguarding/Child Protection
Name | Term of Office | Category | Committee | Business/Financial Interests | Attendance 23-24 |
Liz Evans | 1.7.17 - present | Headteacher | Safeguarding | None | 6/6 |
Helen Altringham | 24.6.19 - 23.6.23 | Chair/Co-opted | Resources Safeguarding | None | 6/6 |
Emma Richardson | 30.1.21-29.1.24 | Vice-chair/Parent | Teaching and Learning | PTA | 6/6 |
Robert Driver | 9.11.22 - 8.11.26 | Co-opted | Teaching and Learning | None | 6/6 |
Ruth Kramer | 23.10.18 - 31.08.26 | Associate/Staff | Teaching and Learning | None | 6/6 |
Hannah Ward | 7.3.22- 7.3.26 | Staff | Teaching and learning | None | 2/2 |
Stephanie Williams | 22.7.23. - 21.7.27 | Local Authority Governor | Teaching and Learning | None | 6/6 |
Ross Freeman | 22.7.23 - 21.7.27 | Parent | Resources | None | 6/6 |
Simon Cornish | 3.3.21 - 2.3.25 | Parent | Resources | None | 4/4 |
Emma Lloyd | 17.07. 23 -16.07.27 | Parent | Resources | 6/6 |
The Appointing Body for Trotts Hill Primary School & Nursery School is Hertfordshire County Council.23
Jackie Keegan | 5.2.19 - 23.5.22 | LA | Resources | None | 6/6 |
Stewart Swain | 12.6.16 - 11.7.20 | Vice Chair/Parent | Finance | None | 4/4 |
Jo Williams | 15.12.20-25.07.2021 | Teacher | Teaching and Learning | None | 6/6 |
Schools financial benchmarking service
Schools Financial Benchmarking - GOV.UK (