Mrs Burr and Mrs Kramer are the class teachers and Mrs Wyatt is the classroom assistant and will be supporting in class every morning and most afternoons. Mrs Quadri gives additional support every morning.
Year 2 is the final year of Key Stage 1 and we continue to build upon the foundations developed in Year 1 whilst preparing the children for Key Stage 2. The children will be encouraged to continue to develop their independence and further develop their creativity.
Year 2 is a very exciting and busy year where children will be continuing to develop a range of skills and knowledge alongside discovering and learning lots of exciting new things. The children will be encouraged to develop their 'Behaviour for Learning'.
We will work very hard but also have lots of fun learning together.
This year we will cover a variety of skills, knowledge and understanding including the following topics:
The Plague
The Great Fire of London
Traditional tales
The children will be participating in PE and outdoor skills on Wednesday and Friday in Autumn Term.
They will need to bring in their PE kits on these days.
The children will also have the opportunity to be involved with many pupil groups around the school.
We look forward to helping Year 2 develop and grow.
Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend in person. If you were unable, please refer to the attached slides. I have put in a couple of worked examples too.
LI: To understand how important rules are to Jewish people (Ten commandments) and to realise that some are harder to keep than others.
Week beginning 27th January
LI: To confidently perform a poem in groups with expression.
Week beginning 13th January 2025
LI: To recognise different coins and their values.
Week beginning 6th January 2025
We had an amazing visit from Kate at the Stevenage Museum, where we dived deep into the fascinating story of the Great Fire of London. Armed with all our burning questions, we explored a collection of incredible artefacts and uncovered hidden details of the past!
After sorting and arranging the items in chronological order, we took it a step further and re-enacted the dramatic moment the fire was finally put out. It was an unforgettable journey back in time!
Week commencing 16th December
Year 2 is feeling Christmassy!
We're really proud of our sparkly, recycled bottle tree decorations.
What an amazing Christmas Production! We are really proud of the children. They sang their hearts out, learnt all the actions as well and danced stylishly. The little play 'Naughty List' was enjoyed by the audience. Thank you for everyone's support.
Week commencing 9th December
Today we made digital story books in Purple Mash. It is not home learning, but please do continue these at home and then pin it to the Class Display Board.
As you handed the work in, you will need to go into past 2Dos and you can 'continue work' from there.
LI: To recall the story of the Nutcracker.
Open the pdf document to see the class acting out the book!
Today the children visited St Nicholas church to experience the Christmas Journey. The children met the shepherds, the Maggi, Simeon and Anna and of course Jesus, Mary and Joseph. They all made a crown and filled in a booklet about the Nativity. Huge thanks to the volunteers at the church and Bridge Builders for an excellent trip.
Week commencing 11th November 2024
KS1 had such a treat this morning with a visit from MGroup Services, a Plant and Fleet Management company from Stevenage. Their representatives delivered a presentation on Road Safety in which the children were engaged and beautifully behaved. They talked about the importance of road safety and being bright and seen. Then...they got to sit in a digger! ("Best day ever!")
The children have been invited to enter a competition about road safety and were given a high-vis wrist band and their very own high vis jacket. Huge thanks to MGroup Services.
Week commencing 21st October 2024
LI: To identify materials and sort them according to their properties.
Week commencing 14th October
LI: To subtract across 10.
Week commencing 23rd September 2024
LI: To engage with texts and perform a poem.
Week commencing 9th September 2024
LI: To recognise that animals have offspring which grow into adults.
Week commencing 16th September 2024
The children had their first forest school session and enjoyed discovering how the area is turning from summer to autumn.
Week commencing 9th September 2024
COMPUTING - LI: To know how to share work using a display board.
Year 2 2023-2024
Week commencing 8th July
LI: To solve multiplication and division calculations using the inverse operation.
Week commencing 24th June 2024
LI: To retell a story (act out).
Week commencing 17th June 2024
We had a fantastic day at Woburn today. The weather was perfect and the children's behaviour was exemplary. We are all very proud of them.
Here is a slide show of our day. Please ask your child to take you through the slides. Hopefully they'll be able to recall some fab facts from the day.
Thank you to our parent helpers. Without you, these trips wouldn't be possible.
Week commencing 10th June
LI: To identify trees by their leaves.
Week commencing 3rd June
LI: To recognise that 1/2 and 2/4 are equivalent.
LI: To observe nature and experience Forest School.
LI: To investigate texts with morals.
Week Commencing 21st May
LI: To design a poster to show what you have learnt about Living Things and their Habitats
The children were about to show all their knowledge about our latest topic. They create amazing posters packed with facts. Well done to all the children and particularly Owen, Joshua, Bruce and Anaya, whose posters were our favourites.
Purple Mash - Time activities
I have set a few 2Dos on PurpleMash about time. It is not homework and not compulsory, but if your child feels that they need a little more practise (time is really tricky!) there are lots of activities.
Week commencing 14th May
LI: To engage with a text.
Children wrote speech bubbles to explore how the boy in 'How to Catch a Start' by Oliver Jeffers.
Week commencing 7th May 2024
LI: To observe plants over time.
In preparation for a maths/science day next academic year, Year 2 planted some seedling potatoes. We are excited to see how they grow!
Week commencing 29th April 2024
LI: To create a microhabitat.
Today in year 2 the children made their own bug hotels. We hope to see lots of visitors in the coming weeks.
Week commencing 15th April 2024
LI: To recognise equal and unequal parts.
LI: To explore a 'tree' microhabitat.
Week commencing 18th March 2024
LI: To measure in millilitres.
Week commencing 11th March 2024
LI: To compare mass to find lighter and heavier.
Week commencing 4th March
LI: To learn about the importance of Purim for Jewish people.
After learning about the festival of Purim and listening to the story of Esther, the class made their own Hamantashen and decorated their biscuit bags with symbols and names from the story.
Week commencing 26th February
This week the children have completed their learning about the Great Fire of London by burning their own houses. The children all created their own houses which we shared as a class before taking them outside to set alight and starting our own Great Fire!
Week Commencing 12th February
Thank you to all of the parents who attended the maths workshop today. As promised, here are the slides.
Below also is a really useful online rekenrek tool.
Year 2 have been learning a dance during the Spring Term with Mr Sapsed. The dance is based around the poem 'Into The Blue' by Hilda Offen which is about floating along on a balloon through the sky.
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Week commencing 5th February
LI: To understand the difference between seeds and bulbs by dissecting and observing.
Week Commencing 22nd January 2024
Year 2 have commenced their dance learning with Mr Sapsed. They have loved using the parachute and props to bring our English poetry unit to life. We have been reading the poem 'Into the Blue' by Hilda Offen.
Week commencing - 15th January 2024
LI: To label the parts of a plant.
We also went on an observational walk and although it's winter we saw lots of plants with berries and flowers and lots of plants that have died off from last year but still have seeds attached.
Week commencing - 8th January 2024
Today we carried out an investigation about buoyancy as part of the whole school maths/science day. We based it on a picture story book. The children started by testing out a paper boat made with 12 squares. They then predicted how many pennies the 8 square boat would hold, followed by 4 squares. Using this knowledge, they then predicted the 16 and 20 boat. The children filled in their results table. We then wrote a class conclusion. To test our theory, we then made a boat with 84 squares and predicted the mass. (Most predictions were 100 and over). We were surprised that the boat held 184 pennies!
The larger the boat, the more mass it can hold. The smaller the boat, the less mass it can hold. The load also needs to be spread evenly across the boat.
Week commencing 1st January 2024
Year 2 were joined by Kate from Stevenage Museum to start the term with a workshop on the Great Fire of London. The children showed off an impressive knowledge of 17th Century England. She brought many artefacts for them to interact with and explore.
Week commencing 18th December 2023
The adults in Year 2 had a surprise delivery from the children after school today. Thank you very much for our lovely and generous gifts! Have an amazing Christmas full of family fun, fresh air and... chocolate!
Week beginning 11th December 2023 - Year 2's Christmas Showcase
We are so proud of how Year 2 performed and sang in their Christmas showcase. They really are made for the stage. Their singing is beautiful, actions enthusiastic and acting excellent. They sang Stable Under the Star, Sleigh Ride and Jingle Bell Rock. They performed the story Santa's Beard by Matilda Tristram and Tom Duxbury (and Mrs Burr and Caitlin Burr!).
Week beginning - 4th December 2023
Today, we visited St Hugh and St John Church to experience the Christmas story. The story is sequenced into four scenes and acted out by volunteers, dressed in character. The children were really engaged and a credit to the school.
Week beginning - 20th November 2023
LI: To understand the importance of the hannukiah in the celebration of Hannukah.
Year 2 Jewish Worldview Visitor
Today Mrs Paice visited Year 2 to tell them all about Chanukkah and the traditions in her family. She told us the story about the Maccabee brothers and how their miracle led to the Jewish festival of light. Mrs Paice taught us some songs and also read us a lovely story. We then played the traditional Driedel game (although we only won counters, not chocolate gelt!). Thank you so much to Mrs Paice for giving up her time.
Week beginning 30th October 2023
LI: To identify features of non-fiction books.
Year 2 have been looking at non-fiction books and finding their features such as contents, index and glossary pages as well as sub-headings and diagrams.
Week beginning 16th October 2023
Year 2 were really fortunate today to be visited by Mrs Lederman, a member of the Stevenage Jewish Community. Mrs Lederman explained to us where the Jewish faith began and who it began with. She also talked to us about what is important to Jewish people and how they became spread across the world. The children were really interested to see Hebrew script from the Torah and especially as the books open the other way around and the artistic script is written from right to left. We also found looking at a map Judaea fascinating and how some of the cities are still there even thousands of years on. Year 2 asked sensible questions about how long Mrs Lederman spent at her synagogue and what she did there. Stevenage synagogue is only a small community of around 60 members but they meet for a few hours every week to read from the Torah, pray, sing, eat yummy food and receive challah (bread) and wine.
Mrs Lederman explained that being part of the Jewish faith is of course about praying to God but also about being part of a worldwide Jewish community. She has visited synagogues in different parts of the world where they speak different languages but the faith, beliefs and universal Hebrew language is the same.
Year 2 would like to send huge thanks to Mrs Lederman for giving us her time. (Plus she let us try on kippahs (hats) and made us some delicious challah!)
Week Beginning 9th October 2023
Year 2 had a wonderful time making the sandwiches that they designed. Once they had made them all the children and adults sat down to enjoy a very special lunch together. Thank you to Mrs Poole for the addition of biscuits for dessert.